ITT: god-tier mods
ITT: god-tier mods
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Blackwake threads make me miss Battlefield Pirates 1 and 2 during their prime. I still remember the day BFP2 launched and the first map I played on.
First Strike mod for 2142. There is absolutely no reason to play that shitty abortion from EA and DICE called "Battlefront" and the unofficial successor to Battlefront 2 already exists.
how well does this run on shit computers
pretty good
Battlefield 2 Sandbox
It was like a poor-man's gmod but god damn was it fun. Guy who made it got hired by DICE and the same guys who helped make it even made the Wake Island map for 2142.
this is what Arma 3 should have been, shame modders had to fix it
p-please dont die
oh shit i didnt know they made it for BF2 too
i only ever played the 1942 version, but it was top fucking fun
I still cant believe they're updating it after 10 years of development
Most of the mods for Freelancer. That game was so damn moddable it was unreal.
>The Void
Those are the big 3 that I remember. Damn I miss that game.
The texture mod to end all texture mods.
Is it finished?
It's in the final stretch now, will be released before the year is out.
does it work side by side with the base game, or does it overwrite stuff? ill probably get around to getting through the vanilla singleplayer, but that looks pretty cool
it's on steam workshop now so it's piss easy to install, the launcher mod manager is very decent. just make sure you keep it all on one drive tho
chapter 2 never ever
The sequel their finally doing is dog shit too.
Zombie Master was my jam. A big peeve of mine is that most zombie games have a hard time getting it right with how tough zombies should be vs. how strong the players are, but ZM nailed it, and it was 15 player co-op too.
Anyone played this mod?
did you ever play Galactic Conquest?
star wars mod for BF1942. fantastic mod, fantastic community, miss those days
CS:S zombie mod
wish we had threads again
us vs. the brazilians
Using real life photographs as textures in HD looks like crap.
Desert Crisis. My favorite HL mod.
Cube Experimental was amazing.
Depends on the source game. A lot of RE4's textures are just highly compressed real world walls and sculptures anyway.
Vampire Slayer was the tits. .45 and stake combo was the best.
>nothing like this was ever made for new vegas
Never forget Robro.
I'll be hanging onto that Fist of a Friend buddy ;___;7
>it was a long 2 year wait but don't worry, now that we have the engine overhauled part 2 should be out quick
DUST: Survival Simulator
Zone of Alienation
I don't think anyone's managed to turn Doom into a platformer as well as this thing did.
Everything SureAI makes is amazing
Nehrim is like a thousand times better than Oblivion in every possible way
They were working on a new game but it was canned 10 years ago :(
Call of Chernobyl for Stalker
Pretty much what stalker 2 was supposed to be
Jesus. I remember finding out about this mod in the back of a PC Gamer mag. Endless fun.
that's not gunslinger mod
Also, I think all lack of a main plot and quests is pretty detrimental honestly
Forgotten Hope and Forgotten Hope Secret Weapon for BF1942. I spent hours playing FH when it was in its prime. I literally never went back to vanilla BF1942.
Any good HL1 or HL2 mods that have come out in the last 5 or so years worth giving a shot? Everything prior to that worth playing I've already blew threw.
Agreed. Everything being connected and having free roam is great but it got pretty old a couple hours in moving around aimlessly or doing the loosely laid out quests.
Neotokyo but it's probably dead.
Really? I was hoping it would be fun; I loved playing BrainBread back in the day.
Make way for The Specialists, king of HL mods.
Counter Strike
Hell yeah brother. This was the shit. Would love to see a remake.
They are?
Get out of my way bitch.
FAF for supreme commander forged alliance
Expanding Fronts for SWGB
>Every HL/HL2 multiplayer mod is dead
please tell me its active still
I put in so many hours into this mod during high school
>got hired by DICE
this kills the aspiring programmer
How was the sequel?
>No Specialists
>No Double Action Boogaloo
I'm disappointed Sup Forums
Mecklenberg RP was one of my first introductions to Vidya RP.
DayHard was such an insane mod for HL2.
I didn't needed those feels user
I still wholeheartedly believe that Underhell is the most terrifying Source Mod I have ever played.
I don't want to spoil anything for those who haven't played it yet but be sure to solve all the mysteries surrounding the House.
You'll see what I mean.
Hell yeah I did. I still remember riding in the Millennium Falcon and the pilot spinning like crazy. If you weren't sitting in an actual seat you got thrown all over the place.
If you were very unlucky, you fell out. Probe Droids were also a bitch to fly around.
>source mods are dead
>valve no longer makes games
>steam is full of shovelware and weebshit
say it with me
"gaming is better than ever"
I have an original physical copy of SWGB but my screen always has these red and green dots all over the terrain.
Any way to fix that? Recommended fix thus far haven't worked.
Very good but has a extremely high skill ceiling which alienated alot of players.
ZPS along with The Hidden are still alive last time I checked.
>tfw the days of total conversions and amazing sp mods are gone
Not to mention it was a very unoptimized game.
>requires ridiculous hardware compared to NS1's toaster reqs
>requires actual teamwork
>requires the chucklefuck in the Commander position to know anything about RTS
Then they made a standlone modded version that took out all the interesting parts.
>that one part in the beginning where the main guy breaks into his brother's apartment, so his brother sprints in and magdumps his SMG into the wall behind him while ride of the valkyries plays
If you get a group of friends you can still play it. The game is still getting updated. I haven't played it back in the day but we still played a bunch of hours of it. It's like Morrowind with multiplayer.
Revolt for the original Call of Duty
This game really was an abonimation. Half Life was never made for MMOs.
I was just going through boxes of old notebooks and found notes detailing the jobs on an RP server I used to run. Quite the coincidence.
Brazillians won ):
The TemplarGFX Overhaul for Colonial Marines is pretty amazing considering the circumstances.
Post picture.
>no mention of Desert Combat
I am dissapoint.
You know what it is
Wash your mouth out.
Jokes aside, Source got way more hate than it ever deserved. I never understood why.
Half Life 3 will revive the modding scene.
>mfw it always came down to those 3-4 people in the container with the MG holding down fire
It gets worse. No game will ever allow custom maps and modes with any real variety ever again because no one wants to be in the situation Blizzard was in with Dota where a whole new genre takes the world by storm before they could monetize it.
DC was fucking magical, and very well done.
also dat music
Early Access is the new modding scene.
Shit sucks. Valve releasing their Hammer editor is what got me into level design / environment art.
there is always one zombie who purposefully blocks
>fucking implying
Look at the door frame, contrarian.