>Here you go bro
Here you go bro
thanks bro
Hey its an eXistenZ controller. Neat.
>it's the only other controller i have
try pressing the chinese button
I think I might have damaged your controller, but it should still work bro
nah im good slice.
got some pizza im hungry.
>tfw when you're just happily arguing with stop signs until a Tzimisce flesh crafts you into a xbox controller
sick reference bro
Heres your console bro
>Long live the new flesh
>tfw controller mimic
is this bullshit? even as a kid, i always thought this was bullshit. it just looks like a shell put on top of a gameboy. and the LCD was clearly replaced. (so no, it DIDN'T fucking work)
Yeah it's bullshit, the screen would have melted.
>hope you like it bruh
You just made Jude Law both very happy and very sad.
The screen was replaced, but the actual console still worked before it was replaced
Technically if the console can be turned on it's still working. I guess it just looks cool to say that a gameboy can survive a war,
T-thanks doc?
here's your new console, son
>hey bro can i borrow your game boy
>yeah sure
six months later
>you're not gonna BELIEVE what happened bro
>sorry bro, the left stick is kinda broken
pass the controller?
>Hey can I use YOUR controller? This one is garbage!
>here's your controller bro
It still works!
>have to replaced damaged parts to get it to work
I guess they didn't have room to say that on the plaque
I've gone through 3 ps3 controllers and its always because the left stick gets worn out and gets unresponsive. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
how did you want your console?
>gaming in India
>spends money to customize xbox like shit
>barely plays it
What a fag.
Hey, retard. Even had yours or seen someone elses phone screen broken/cracked? Probably right. The phone still works with a fucked screen. Same shit
nice shoes, fag
well, there is a sprite bottlecap for a stick, so
jesus christ
delete this shit RIGHT NOW
pass the controller bro
thanks doc
th-thanks d-doc..
I thought this gameboy was damaged in hiroshima
that poor, poor playstation
>yfw you commission Fael to make Human Flesh +5 armor but after waiting 4 days he instead give you Human Flesh +5 controller...
>living in Central FL
yes thanks for pointing out the obvious joke, captain fagbag
Sorry I'm an hour late but this is a great post
i'm using this thing called search tempest that lets me search them all
So do people commission these things and then realize that it was a shit idea and THEN try to resell it for a ridiculous price, or are people just painting them themselves and trying to hawk it?
You computer works even if your monitor's screen is broken, same thing.
>the super game girl
is this nigga serious
>b-movie horror kitsch
Wait a minute, something's not right here...where are the thumbsticks?
that one is fuckin hot
this poor, poor dreamcast
i thought this was egyptian themed at first
Jesus fucking Christ, that image alone hurts my eyes, cant even imagine using that controller.
1st model PS1 controller, didn't have dualshock yet
i can almost feel that shitty paint flaking off
The fuck
I had the frankenstein one and another one, zombie I think. Paren'ts bought my brother and I the controllers with the intentions of us having our own and not mixing them up - and because they looked cool.
What an unusable piece of shit. Also hurts your hands after a while.
Buttons stuck like motherfuckers and the start - select buttons barely registered.
Thats kinda neat. Stupid from a practical standpoint, but still kinda neat.
holy shit
Makes me kind of sad that the dad got his son an expensive custom controller and then he hated it.
I would have just pretended to like it.
the screen is like a tshirt
think about it
you may still look like a ugly sack of shit but you have a tshirt on
The local Eckerds sold these before it became a CVS.
We went through these like a wildfire through a dry plain. Such huge pieces of shit, but they were only 15 bucks.
buy and pick up the guitar faggot
plantation 4 has noslaves
my night... instantly ruined. I will never forget this sadness. Thanks user.
I like it but I don't 200 bucks like it.
>I would have just pretended to like it.
I would too until I thought about it, if it was just a shitty paintjob fine but those supernovas reflecting off the screen every time you play would probably suck balls
This picture made me assume it was taken in Russia. Why?
I would 100% get robbed right
>Old Astros logo
>On a PS4
Get with the times.
I kinda want to try doing a custom controller considering I got like 8 PS3 controllers because my sisters ruin them. Should I do that or break apart the controllers are try to make some kind of mecha figure.
Ok, that one is just fucking scribbled with a sharpie, an attempt was not even made.
I bought a brand fucking new one for 40 with a controller AND expansion pak included on Amazon 3 years ago.
only a 6 year old would even conceive of something like this in his head, let alone go out of his way to fucking make it
sick deal tbhfamalam
so this is mildly cool I guess
a weapon to surpass metal gear
yeah but would you put it in your house
only after framing it of course
>McDonald's Cup and soda can jammed on drawer
I can smell the mold on those game cases from here.
Don't forget the jerk-off lotion.
how will the nintentoddlers ever recover
is this normal?
>the rubber on the thumbsticks