Risk of Rain Thread

You finally got it deleted, happy now?

first for mods are fags

no more anime tiddies



why'd it get deleted?

Anime spam pretty much

First time playing in like a year and a half
be gentle

some fag spamming eva girls

still open?

Get in, still open


our server is open currently 6/10


wait for me

10/10 full for now

we can try

worms are just bs


Crashed? anyone else?

back open after overloading vagrants, mass wurms, and gg cremator

just crashed, fair enough. think i'm done for now

Lost my internet, let me know when you guys are open again


back open after major hopoo desynch fucking over the law


Aww, what'd I miss.

Asuka is shit though, I don't even get why people spam her in these threads.
Post mousepads while waiting?

imagine if ror didn't crash

just imagine

action number 1
of Step EventoP
for object oMissileBox:

Creating instance for non-existing object: -1
at gml_Script_collide_use_item
stack frame is
gml_Script_collide_use_item (line 0)


everyone would've gotten tired of the game years ago

What is this cancer guide for?

Imagine if Hopoo was good at coding.

where the hosts are at?

dead thread

Server when


Port: 11100




ror2 never ever


>muh break the spirit of glass

Retarded guide, the main reason people avoided infusion was because it allowed the one who got it essentially live forever and carry

did you guys start?


Open again

What'd I miss? Did someone put "edition" in the OP again and get us baleeted?

hangs on for me next time

why the FUCK is huntress so weak, yet so damn fun

Some guy was spamming Eva art.

Did the server crash?

i still here two guys killing in there, but i also can't check out the other players while dead

For some reason i dcd as the fps goes 6. This is Cipher speaking

how do i play this autistic game

what huntress lacks in dmg, she makes up in survivability.
She has good aoe and can juke crowds. Shes op past 50 minutes.

A guide to get complete newbies to an acceptable performance range as fast as possible by telling them what items will get them the most return early on.

>she makes up in survivability.
She dies to a single funball at the start of the game, and unless you specifically aim for defensive items, it doesn't get much better as time elapses.

and at the same time you gotta get a lot of dps items to make her decent

Not that user, but the E34 guide still has a decent variety of flaws in it, enough so that I can't recommend it as a guide newbies should read. I mean
>suggesting shitters pick any Green before 8 CC
should tip you off that this may not be the best advice.

is game open or what

do you need me to host

not him, i get why getting to 8 cc is important, but my point is still worth bringing up, if you get to 8 cc but nobody is alive to take advantage of it, then not much use is gotten from it
i'm not don't get any at all, but at the 3-4 mark, especially if you've died and fallen behind on the item and exp curve, maybe a heart is a good idea so you have less of a chance of spending the rest of that game shitposting in the thread while dead, and actually playing

game is on 2nd loop, we'll probably go final soon

WIll you host again?

host said he was leaving, turns out we're hostless right now

I will open it when they're done

the game is done, the two carries died to their folly

fuck it it's open now, I got shit on by an Ifrit

Pretty much what says. If your newbies are always dead, they're not having fun. The long term effect is they stop playing RoR because they never feel they can git gud at the game. I don't want RoR threads to die. That's why I promote the "early" green.

>decent variety of flaws in it
Yes, there are "flaws" if you're a *veteran* playing the game, but the guide is aimed at people new to Sup Forums artifact sets. I made the guide with quite a few parameters. If you have a way of satisfying them all while rectifying the "flaws" you spot, go for it.

>Compact dimensions
1000x2000 for easy scrolling.

>General info
Basic info and etiquette that all players need to know.

>Important Items
Items that all characters will always find useful.

>All classes
There needs to be some info for every class, including items and playstyle.

>Hit the ground running
This is the big one. The goal is NOT to get newbies running at 100% capacity. That is ALWAYS going to take dozens of games and lots of experimentation depending on the player, and literally no guide can ever shortcut that. No, the goal instead is to get newbies to 80% within one or two games, instead of them taking 20+ games to get there.

>Target the newbies
Minimax optimisation (which is what we do) is not always helpful for these players, because they don't know how to do things like we do.

Hey E34, I know back then you did runs with only 5 items, what's the furthest you got?

What do you mean by "hit the ground running"?

What the fuck, they actually added more shit after all the bug fixes? And its running a new engine. That explains all posts doing crash reports. Never noticed. Havent played it since 2013, but popped into threads every now and again, never really paying attention.

>Easy to read
Info must be grokkable at a glance. This means a pure text dump is out of the question.


You'll note for example that most of the characters are paired off for items, rather than each one individually getting their own item set. This is because of the 1000x2000 constraint - the image needs to be small and easy to navigate. I grant that a little bit of item optimisation for each class is lost in the process, but because their item needs are so similar, it's not really that much of an issue.

When I first made the guide, my benchmark was rushing Providence in 20-25mins with only the listed items. In the process I got good enough to solo to the end of the second loop (9 or 10 levels) with Sniper and Miner, and everyone else to 7 or 8 levels.

Haven't played as much lately though, these days I'm lucky to get to level 7 with Sniper. metrid and I have also duo'd to level 7 or 8 I think on orange-only runs. (Try them, they're fun.)

Newbies start a character by experimenting, trying to figure out the playstyle. Instead of ~20 games, I wanted to accelerate that process to 2 games.

It's an idiom. Usually when you start a job, you'll take a week to learn the ins and outs before actually working. To "hit the ground running" means to learn that stuff beforehand so that as soon as you start, you go straight to work and don't need that week of "getting up to speed."

>my benchmark was rushing Providence in 20-25mins with only the listed items.
I should point out that the process was:
1. Rush Prov, all items allowed, to get a general feel for playstyle. One [successful] run.
2. Rush Prov, zero items, to get an idea of weaknesses. Two runs each for at least two playstyles.
3. Rush Prov, five whites, with two or three runs per line of itemisation per playstyle. Two runs per line per playstyle.

From that I picked the playstyles and itemisation that seemed to fit best with how I felt a newbie would probably try to play the character, then experimented a bit more to optimise for newbies.

So, no games running?

we just open
open for about 3 minutes

I guess it's a philosophy difference then. Back when I started playing multiplayer, I was fine with being bathed in the fires of Sup Forums rules, as being forcibly challenged to learn and adapt to the chaos was what allowed me to understand the game better, and eventually git gud, or at the very least get better enough to survive somewhat consistently. As such, encouraging newbies to basically rely on what usually amounts to a crutch in exchange for game mastery doesn't really sit well with me. As for the whole "everyone is dead except for a few carrying assholes" thing, I normally stop my games when there's only 2-3 people consistently left alive at the end of the level, usually after about 2 levels of it happening.
What modes/rulesets did you use? Sup Forums or vanilla?

looks like im to late

>missed it

nigger me down a flight of stairs

Why can't you cunts make a Sup Forums group just like the 100% OJ? It'll be easier to get into rather than make a thread that comes once in a blue moon?

>a thread that comes once in a blue moon
For the past few weeks these threads have been daily, though a steam group does seem like a reasonable option.

go fucking make it

The people in 100% OJ group makes announcements whenever a lobby is set up (with all the same password), it's a lot easier to be notified about it and easier to join.

I got my own group to work with

The groups have a nasty habit of dying off.



Sup Forums juice is pretty active as far as i know

because the last group was full of shitters who complained about glass

it's better off staying disjointed like this




>grab infusion by accident
>4 magma worms end the run
never get infusion kids



Open again when?

>keep saying open, not saying which IP



sleep tight ror

I opened it if anyone wants to play

Default port

Tell me if it doesnt work and i will try to fix it

Anyone open right now?

It worked

Ah, yes, there's a step 0 which is to play in vanilla before using Sup Forums artifacts. If you check the top-left of the guide, you'll see the artifact set I used.

Spite + Glass + Sacrifice is the baseline standard that you can expect in all Sup Forums games. Glass to speed up the game, Spite for FUN, and Sacrifice for enough items.

Command+Honour added onto those three is pretty common. Command is pretty much a given for any guide involving items; Honour normally goes in hand with Command to offset the ability to rush key items and power spike within the first loop, and also makes wurms more FUN. Origin is also often added in for a little bit of spice, although it doesn't significantly change the game for the most part.

Kin is usually not used because bossfights are FUN. Distortion is normally not used, I suspect because it lacks any signalling rather than the actual locking. Enigma isn't used because even good players need some measure of consistency with their button inputs. Spirit is a bad idea online, because it leads to desyncs very quickly - and you'll note how I've added this note to the Goat Hoof in my guide too.

I opened the server again
Default port

server is open, Sup Forums rules except no spite, for now

3/10 get in fellow buddies