Based Nintendo finally heard my prayers for a new waverace

Based Nintendo finally heard my prayers for a new waverace.

>Nintendo is potentially bringing back one of its most underrated franchises to the Nintendo Switch. Eagle-eyed fans have spotted a brand new trademark for a new Wave Race game over in Europe.


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Splashdown was better



If this is true, then I'm so happy I made this day 1 purchase

Wave Race 64 is the best game of all time. Fight me, faggots.

no it was too arcadey

Companies like to sit on things they own like some hoarder. There are laws which state you have to actually use that property for something or you lose it.

Generally this means cameos and re-registering trademarks as a loophole so your enemies can't acquire IP's you're too lazy to do anything with.

please let this be true.

pilot wings and wave race were undeservedly forgotten.

>Not giving a shit about winning the race, just doing as many backflips as you think you could off every ramp possible.

Pilot wings was fucking terrible. A filler remake for desperate fanboys who wanted something to play when they were sick to death of Mario 64 and Mario kart.

>getting the dolphin
>reach nirvana

holy fuck get out

Mario Kart didn't come out until a few months later. It wasn't really a launch window game.

Fuck, that game was fun.

Needs to be released close to launch like Waverace 64 was. Waverace is the hypest shit but they're usually short on content.

Humans can't fly. Or at least this bitch, apparently.

This post disgusts me so much I just feel sorrow.

God I hope they do. The Switch is already looking like the N64 2.0 (which is a good thing for me since I liked that console). Maybe with more JRPGs this time.


>STILL not fzero
>not even hydro thunder

what the fuck is nintendo's problem?

You did it!

>Wave Race Switch
>With the fucking HD rumble




>missing a buoy

Get this pleb shit outta my face.

>TFW 2 stroke stand up jet skis from the 90s are dead and gone
>TFW a new wave race would most likely have pig fat sit-down jet skis

Fucking disgusting if you ask me


this stage always made me want orange juice

Wheres the source on this? I need to know.
Everything I've seen on it is from November last year.

Next to a new F-Zero, this is the only other game that would make me rush to get a Switch.

The gamecube one was such a letdown in comparison to the first one.

I liked Blue Storm a lot, but I can definitely see where people are coming from in terms of it just not feeling quite the same gameplay wise, or being as iconic as 64 was.

It's a shame too, since the weather/forecast mechanic made the championship a lot more fun to play through for me, and was a solid addition to the overall mechanics of Wave Race.

The tone of 64 was just too perfect, adding some 'tude' to it just doesn't work even though I did like the expanded roster in Blue Storm. It helps that the music wasn't shit either.

Was it? I found it just as fun.

Blown away that an n64 game was able to pull off bouncy.

Is this shit confirmed? Never played a Waverace but I've always wanted to. I have Blue Storm on my shelf waiting to be played. I just bought it a couple of years ago iirc.

Is WR64 worth playing? Those water effects look incredible for the N64.

>Next to a new F-Zero, this is the only other game that would make me rush to get a Switch.
God, we'd better get a new F-Zero on the Switch. Metroid too.

WR64 is definitely worth playing, as is Blue Storm imo.
They nailed the wave racing feel down in 64, plus the track design and music are top notch. And comfy

I think Nintendo's overdue for a lot of series by this point, I don't know how long they can continue making excuses. While personally I'd prefer F-Zero getting a new, in house game, people like Miyamoto keep dragging their feet on the subject (don't know why he matters past the first game) so the best I can hope for is some new blood taking on the series.

But this is a Wave Race topic so, I desperately hope this trademark renewal leads to something.

>sunset bay theme comes on

Just curious but haven't they had place holders for Wave Race since Wii Sports Resort? I mean back then the game started as a Wave Race tech demo, but I remember that being hyped and I think there was hype in the Wii U era.

I hope it ends up being true but we've been down this road before.

Shit, I joked about this and a new Rogue Squadron in a thread the other day.

Stand ups are still around. Kawasaki just released one with a 4 stroke