Game ratings are all goo-

game ratings are all goo-

should've use GTA IV as an example inst-


why is nobody finishing their sente-

>pacman championship edition DX
but that's correct

pacman is literally the game of the decade, omg

It seems like people think reviews are some ordained score handed down by the gods of mount Olympus.

In reality they're the same opinions you see on Sup Forums, it's just one dude's opinion. Sure it has the weight of the publication behind it, but it's still an opinion.

They're getting killed by ninja...


>game of the decade is a 360 game

that's the pettiest thing i've ever seen

>pac-man 10/10

I get that Pac-Man is good and a classic and all of that, but a 10? It's just fucking Pac-Man ffs. What more is there to it?

OpenCritic is better than MetaCritic.


>flower, undertale, journey rated higher than witcher 3

absolute shit

Pac-Man CE is not your regular Pac-Man, you philistine.

>overwatch same score as bloodborne

I hope that reviewer gets cancer

>that reviewer

it's an average of reviews


the industry should get cancer then

>not a single mention of any sort of gameplay
I fucking fed up with this "interactive stories" that call themselves games that touch "deep" and "socially relevant" themes.

Gone Home, Firewatch, HerStory, Life is Strange, any Telltale crap, This War of Mine, That Dragon Cancer and a million more that are getting a lot of praise nowadays for their "story" or "voice acting".
Fuck me, I just wanna have some fun, not grow a fucking conscience.
If I want a good story, I'll watch a movie or read a book.

I'm mad.

Fuck off nintendrone. Bloodborne is fine. Maybe not exactly as good as Overwatch but still close enough where an equal score is fair.

You idiotic faggot

whenever I want fun and stories I load up various wargames and make my own

like pulling off Operational Unthinkable, or pulling off German victory after DDay in 1944

>shitting on this war of mine

Yeah fuck Nintendrones! Zelda isn't a good game or a well designed character, he doesn't even talk FFS! How can people say his games have good story? If they ever played Uncharted it would blow there minds.

What social themes does Firewatch have?

>If I want a good story, I'll watch a movie or read a book.

Playing video games, even walking sims, is very different to reading a book.

Pac-Man, SMG, and Majora are all arguably worthy of a 10.

TLoU is a solid 9, but automatically loses a point for it's release gameplay being notably less deep than what was advertised. As good as the storytelling and acting was, a game's first concern is gameplay. Here's hoping TLoU2 is better.

Uncharted 3? Not even close.

Half-Life is overrated hipster shit, a 6 would be generous.

your wish is granted, the industry is cancerous