ecks dee
9/11 was an inside job
>get some nintendorks
who actively looks for pictures of kids
Well he's right
This thread is so shit, nobody will read that I'm gay.
Fat fucks like Boogie got emotional and said he cried at the Zelda trailers.
Shows what the real core fanbase is comprised of.
This fucking dude:
Come to think of it, every time I've seen anybody play a Pokemon or anything on a 3DS was someone at least my age or older. Kids are always playing Clash of Clans or whatever or their phones or tablets.
I am gonna call child protective services
>nintendo system is bought by a lot of kids
>lmao I haven't seen any adults buying this console all I see is little kids
>nintendo system is bought by a lot of adults
>lmao I haven't seen any little kids buying this console all I see is adults
stamper > zack > oney > jeff/pirate > corey
Does this guy qualify as a kid?
Kids don't have income you jackass. They are basically worse than wo
Isn't this one of the people who runs Newgrounds?
Judging by their marketing, that was expected no?
I agree
>He wants children to post pictures of themselves with their switches
Suck my dick faggot.
I got my nephew a Switch, he's only 8.
RIP joycons.
>dudes with beards
>grown men whose interests/hobbies deviate from a very select group of things are openly ridiculed
>women receive constant encouragement, no matter what they pursue
>yet it's women who are oppressed
Huh. Anyway, who fucking cares. Breath of the Wild is beyond good, zero regrets. Also this fucking peasant wouldn't say shit if it was the yearly CoD release which I also enjoy.
we already knew, user
bitch, I see you
Well of course children only care about phone games nowadays
>implying jeff isn't above chris
>literally finds and posts a picture of a boy
Nintendo fans are the most insecure people on earth lol
Zach+Jeff>Jeff>Zach>Oney>Stamper>Regular Cory>Mick>>>>>>>>Spastic Cory
>buying a console day 1
>spending that much money on something they don't know will work or not.
I mean is Zelda really that much of a draw that people would risk day one bullshit for one game?
should we call the fbi on him for searching pictures of small children?
Why would children care about BotW and the Switch if there hasn't been a good Zelda game in their lifetime?
Jeff is right.
Not gonna get a Switch now.
Kids generally don't have disposable income and rely on birthday/Christmas presents for gaming systems.
Zach > Stamper > Jeff > Chris >>>> Mick = Corey
The only true opinion. Stamper and Zach can be interchanged depending on the person because they both appeal more to certain senses of humor. At worst they can only be second place though because they're still so great.
>not liking corey
Why user? He is so unique
A unique piece of trash.
Fuck you! He is a treasure and I wanna protect him from bullies like you.
>Nintendrone will literally scour the web for a picture of a little boy with a switch
>I only look at twitter, a website children tend not to use
>Why can't I see any children!?!!
You must be 21 years old to post on this forum
nice shop
Not to mention it's just good parenting to teach your kid to not just snap constant pictures of themselves and put them online.
Why the fuck would a kid even do that? They're busy playing switch and eating gummy worms.
Oh, serious question, who the actual fuck is this.
Like, I understand eceleb twitter threads, understand them, not like them, because at least they feature people with at least SOME worth or value behind them, but who the fuck is this? Did you literally just look for the random backwater hick on twitter to shitpost on Sup Forums?
didnt the switch literally get advertised to teens/young adults in general?
A guy who actually makes and made games.
I guess you are right. He is no Brianna Wu.
This reddit post... I just fucking. Can't. I can't take that website.
Remember when Sleepycabin had a patreon for at least a year because they promised new shows and sketches and then they didn't do any of that
Then they did only podcasts and complained even about that even though podcasts are the easiest shit to make
Then they called everyone who called them lazy and dishonest autistic and in the end they took all the money ?
Good times
Why would anyone even buy a Switch right now there's literally only one exclusive and Zelda is overrated as hell. Then nintendo shills fall over themselves to defend this bullshit like
Spot-on, except Zach moves down a couple of notches when Stamper's not around to tell Zach to shut the fuck up and keep him from running with jokes for way too long.
check your facys boyo
Serious question though, how popular is Nintendo with actual children these days anyway?
I never see kids out in public with 3DSs, they all have phones.
Is the market serious just adults now? If that's the case then that's depressing
Majority of kids don't even play games anymore
>only adults play the new nintendo
>meanwhile the "big boy consoles" are mostly played by teenagers
Only fucking rich or spoiled kids get consoles at launch. The rest wait until birthdays or Christmas or something.
At least they aren't hypocrites like a certain fan base.
Care to explain for someone who doesnt fucking use reddit?
Okay so why the fuck is an adult disappointed he can't find pictures of kids. And then us the dude like following a shit ton of children with active social media accounts and is dissapointed he hasn't seen new picture of them or something?
Cause whatever his intentions of disparaging whom or whatever, he just comes off like a fucking pedophile look for some kid pics to perv on of thinks critically about it for even a second since he just comes off as dissapointed he can't see pics of kids and shit. Like who the fuck is that guy some sort of well known pedophile or something?
>Okay kid take this Switch and pose for a photo
>Don't you dare play it, it mine.
Isn't this good?
how is anyone this stupid
Do tell, user.
johnny utah is a flash animator. Known for his work on Newgrounds
lol Nintendo's console business has literally been kept afloat by neckbeards since 2012 this isn't surprising
this dude shaved his beard
I guess it would be, but they seem to have replaced playing games with watching people play games.
>putting pictures of your kids on the internet
>letting your kids have access to the tools to put pictures of themselves on the internet
Is that a porn star? I think I've seen her before
Why are they such pedophiles?
There is literally nothing wrong with literally photographing other people's literal kids in literally public places.
Not surprising...
Hey can you hold daddies switch for a second.. no not the other daddys switch. I mean mine
Kids don't give a fuck about Nintendo anymore, you'd have to be kinda clueless not to realize that. There's a reason why they sell toys and childrens books about Minecraft and Angry Birds, that's what the audience cares about
>Angry Birds
Shitty mobile game
Surprisingly decent movie
literally fucking who?
I could parade around and claim I was "known for my work on Newgrounds" because I made fucking stickdeath videos when I was 12
she's in the band Boris
Tankmen. Now go whine somewhere else.
teenager not a kid.
This kid is literally beavis from beavis and butthead.
>nu-father to nu-son
Kids are too busy with minecraft and survival games
Seems like average americans
>Post Kids
you're not wrong
who bitch this is?
What's more pathetic in your opinion?
The retards who take pictures of their consoles or the people who care about and look for pictures of retards with their consoles?