Comfy BotW thread

Comfy BotW thread

Ask your questions here, share screenshots, whatever

>where are you in the game?
>favourite weapon?
>any cool things you found?
>best boss/mini-boss?
>improvements to be made?
>do you like the game?

Other urls found in this thread:


Here's a recipe list.

Thunderblight Ganon is a really, really fun and challenging fight

>Getting attacked by a few Bokoblins
>Drop a bomb and run out to detonate it
>They kick it back

This thread is shit.

Do you ever get used to the game being "futuristic"? I mean he has a tablet for gods sakes. Hoping i can adjust to the lore but I'm annoyed by the voice acting and some of the out of place things. Same with the graphics.

Ok I just finished Zoras Domain, everywhere I need to go is hot.

What do I do? How to I prepare? Do I need clothing or potions or both?


Question for people like this. And I'm not trying to be a dick I'm genuinely curious.

How many open world/sandbox games have you played?

I feel like Zelda might be blowing people's minds who are primarily Nintendo fans because they've never had this kind of experience before.

Idk as someone who grew up loving open world and has slowly been worn down by the gaming industry beating me over the head with sandbox after sandbox and Ubisoft bringing that all to a crescendo with their shitty style that's influenced everything else from that point onward including Breath of the Wild...I'm not impressed by anything here other than the climbing.

This is pretty much the same world you'd have found in any other sandbox game in the last five years. In fact I'd actually argue Nintendo does it a little worse in a lot of areas right now. I was asshurt about Metal Gear Solid V and felt like it was a shitty forced sandbox game but even the outposts there were unique and had creative ways to infiltrate them. There is like NOTHING on these maps in BotW so far it's primarily just been

>Bokoblin camp with ladder to a chest
>Skull head cave with lanterns
>Treehouse platform

Fucking crazy ass flower lady

You do sound like a dick

I played dragons dogma, all the fallouts, Daggerfall, morrowmind and Skyrim, as well as the GTAs

BotW has a great world, definitely in the higher tiers. And if enemy camps are all you can find, search more

Why is the Gerudo region so much better than the other three?

Best quest lines, actual dungeon Yiga Hideout, best boss fight and most importantly, best girls.

If only this much effort went into the other divine beasts.

Yiga hideout was really fun. The boss had a personality, too.

Any chance of PC release?

>There are people on Sup Forums right now who don't use Pro HUD

Tell me what is wrong with you Sup Forums

Is there any way to increase the durability of weapons or shields?

What outfits are tied to what amiibo?

this game is a walking simulator holy shit

>minimap is gone
I don't know how I feel about this

Do we have any confirmation on whether you can register the Lord of the Mountain yet? That infinite stamina is really nice.


The volcano region is the best, fuck you. The dungeon's atmosphere is GOAT

I gotta agree. I feel my enjoyment for the game peaked in gerudo, everything after just didnt feel as good. I did gerudo second out of the 4.

Every post that tries to defend BotW's world says THERE'S TONS TO FIND YOU'RE JUST NOT LOOKING HARD ENOUGH but never has anything of substance to actually say

You'd think if this world is so great there would at least be an example...

It's not even that I'm not enjoying myself because mechanically the game feels great. But it also feels like I'm playing a tech demo because of what little variety there is.

I'm at the memory recall quest, I was really enjoying the game up until this point.

I found like, three zoras telling me to meet a Zora prince on a bridge. And then I somehow ended up in their palace without meeting him.

>Share Screenshots

>only 4 dungeons


Fucking GOOD faggot. That's how you feel. Get lost in the world. Use your eyesight and your Sheikah scope to find what you need. Be a real adventurer. You don't need your ipad beepin and boopin to get you where you need to go.

Yeah, i can relate to this. I did the gerudo first and it set my expectations a little too high for the other divine beasts quests.

I'm too late in the game now user. I wish I had knew about this before. Feels like that metroid prime setting

Can you get a pet dog? Not the wolf amiibo thing, just a regular doggo?

>He's using quick travel
>He's using the mini map
>He's using the Sheikah Slate markers
I hope you're not that guy user.

I found a katana

I've played lots of these games, and have become incredibly sick of them over the years as the Ubisoft open world syndrome formula became so dominant. After we first learned about the towers I was certain BotW was going to be falling into the same hole to die in, but it really didn't. They took the concepts in play in modern open world sandbox games, thought them out far better, and the implantation they managed is a huge step up from anything I've played in a very long time.

They towers work because they only give you the topographical map, you still have to find everything for yourself instead of tons of map markers flooding onto the screen. The enemy outposts remain engaging because every single thing that drops in those chests can be useful because the game's economy is balanced well. The side distractions are all worthwhile to chase down because the rewards are substantial enough.

You haven't even played it have you?

Maybe actually try playing the game. There are tons of interesting landmarks, hidden shrines, Korok puzzles and NPCs hidden around

What do you guys think of the difficulty of the game? I've died a fuck ton so far but every death feels like it was my fault.

I love Calisa!!!

Jesus fuck, I wish animals would spawn more.

I wish this game had a dodge roll.

post links

Guys... what do you do about the heat in the desert?


Holy shit I just played yesterday for the first time.

I skipped Skyward Sword and the WiiU but my gf is a huge fan so she got the switch and I could play for half an hour yesterday.
I only played on the handheld screen but I was surprised how big it was and how good everything looked. It's really pleasant to hold and really light compared to the WiiU brick.
The buttons could be a little larger but she got a pro controller too and that feels even better.
I only played for a little bit but I didn't want to stop. Climbing and exploring is fun, combat is fun, the first NPC I met (That hermit guy) was cool and I just feel like Zelda grew up a little bit.

>where are you on the game
at the very start
>favourite weapon
>any cool things you found
I felt like a master explorer climbing on that roof of the citadel of time to get the bow because I chose a very complicated path through the interior until my gf told me there's a ladder right outside
>best boss
>improvements to be made
Can we change the control layout?
>do you like the game

Sup Forums had my expectations very low but that just means that my experience is even better now

Oh God, I fell for the empty world meme and I realised I've only done 2% of the content in like 10 hours. Please help there is too much to do.

Also where to find walkthrough for some sanctuaries?

I'm still early in but it feels like the difficulty curve is going to be completely ass backwards, and will become super easy once you gear up and have a lot of useful recipes at your disposal.

There's a shrine quest near Lurelin called A fragmented Monument and you have to find three pieces of a sign or something.

Is it just me or are these impossible to find. I can't find them anywhere.

the strength sanctuaries are dante must die mode tbqh, as well as the giant trolls with a sphere necklace

Eat those fruits you find in the snow

Is the Wii U version good? Not like I have any choice.

Weapons in the early game are annoying as shit. They keep breaking and I find myself completely out of useful weapons

How many of them are there, do we know?

There are specific, tough enemies, but past a point, you don't really die to anything but them anymore.

I was at Zora's domain and one of the walls mentioned something about a helmet being hidden at the North end of a lake. Anyone find it?

>Told to go to Kakariko
>Waltz all the way to Zora's Domain
>Desperate struggle all the way to up the mountain because I've got three hearts, limited weapon slots, and I didn't bring a lot of cooked food
>Get to a high peak
>See I have some ways to go still
>Jump off peak and glide all the way down to the last bridge before the Domain
This shit is great. How much did I jump ahead by setting Kakariko aside? I can't imagine it was that much.

link your twitter to your switch and tweet your screenshots and save the pics

or transfer them to an SD card

They're basically the same game.

Both versions have some really bad framerate problems.

I just got my first spirit orb and I'm trying to figure out how to get the others. I wandered for over an hour.

Worth buying a Wii U just for this game?

Switch version only has issues in the docked mode

It's the same as the switch version except for sound quality and resolution.

There's no anti-aliasing so it looks very jaggy, but your eyes will adjust to it after a while and the game itself still looks pretty. Framerate is fine 90% of the time, but in towns it usually runs around 20fps. Maybe they will patch it. Switch version has bad framerate here too

Where do I get that sickle?

Thallus might have a retarded AI but he's fun to find
>land safely in rock
>it starts moving

I just obtained the missing sheika runes
How far in the story am I?


I have to do the entire desert segment with 2 minute buffs?

>the strength sanctuaries are dante must die mode tbqh

They really aren't... they would be a breeze if weapons didn't break. The monsters are just huge health sponges with stupid zone attacks that make the fights take forever.

Take a free wand in there and shit just all over them.

At least 3 so far. There's one near hyrule castle, and the other 2 are in the bottom right corner of the map. The first one is on the top of a cliff, can't miss it, and the hardest one so far is on that little island.

It's only hard because you run out of weapons.

Wii U's cost so much that you might as well just buy a Switch, unless the rest of the Wii U library interests you at all. It really does have a solid game lineup, thing just never really got cheap.

I thought the Wii U version has a different color palette

I found two of them far south of the laboratory village, one of which (hard difficulty) in a small island close to the solitaris island or whatever that a dindu npc wants to go to in the south east

the lake you pass on the way to the lynel. magnet a chest in the water.

If you get Bayonetta 2 and Tropical Freeze too then yes.

Three very different types of games that all fun as fuck.

Off of those assassin fucks that talk to you and then try to kill you. Just talk to random NPCs.

Is everyone else's Wolf as super effective as mine? I think he may qualify as a war crime, with the trail of instant death in his wake. I'm starting to think I should hand him the slate and wait while he saves Hyrule himself. My involvement can only slow him down. Such a good dog, I wish I knew a way to give him a reward.

Nope, comparisons show them to be exactly the same

>Take a free wand
freeze wand

So when does this game take place?

Does the Triforce have no implication in the game at all?

Lynel? I must have missed something because I don't know where that is

How to tame dogs?

Ya link is courage zeldy is wisdom and gannon is power you dummy

i don't know what that is, thunder arrows seem to work tho

Not sure. It feels like the dead end of time. Probably in the Child line.

Like you just finished the tutorial

If you're debating whether or not you should go with Switch or the $50 cheaper Wii U just for Zelda you may as well go Switch. That being said, the Wii U's library may offer enough for you to want to get it for shit like Tropical Freeze, Bayo 2, Pikmin 3, Wonderful 101, Smash 4, and maybe a few others. Whooly World is on 3DS, Splatoon and Mario Kart are gonna be on Switch.

Why is every qt on links dick in this game, it reminds me of my shitty life

How to get the sphere from Impa

>oh there's an island over there
>disembodied voice takes all my items

That was unexpected.


Far, FAR in the future (there is a bigger gap between this game and Zelda 2 than Zelda 2 and Skyward Sword) in the downfall timeline.

I really wish this game had a story
I was looking forward to a whole bunch of fleshed out sheikah information with awesome ninjas and shit like the sheikahs in every other zelda game. this random scifi technology twist seems like an entirely alternate universe and doesnt fit the sheikahs in every other zelda game

how the fuck do you dive?

buy a 15 dollar mcdonalds toy

A reference to OOT.


No but honestly the Wii U is one of my favorite Nintendo consoles. Ignoring how comfy it is playing on the tablet wherever you want just game wise it really impressed me. It's a bummer it got such a bad wrap.

Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Mario 3D World
Captain Toad
Mario Kart 8
Tropical Dong (GOAT Platformer)
Hyrule Warriors

And those were just my favorites there's a lot I've still yet to play in FExSMT, Pikmin 3, Splatoon being at the top of that list and still others that I won't personally play but make up to be a pretty solid library Star Fox, Twilight Princess & Wind Waker HD, Xenoblade Chronicles, NSMB Wii U (Heard it's the best one), Yoshi's Wooly World, Mario Maker.

There's definitely enough software to justify its existence imo. It just suffered the 3rd party curse that all Nintendo consoles do. And the Switch will likely suffer from as well.

Right now the Wii U is a better buy than the Switch which ONLY has Zelda with Splatoon on the horizon and NOTHING else with a release date. Even Mario is likely to get delayed and has no concrete date.

Are you talking about Wolf link? Did you play Twilight Princess HD?

The amiibo gets better if you completed the amiibo content for HD

>start ignoring obvious fake npcs
>yiga clan just start spawning randomly

textbook bullshit

The prince sends you to fight one to get shock arrows to get into the divine beast.

21 and a half hours in and I''ve mapped a quarter of the map and explored half of that quarter.

Fuck my body for needing to stop.

Its painfully obvious you haven't even played the game.