"wow this character was probably the strongest in the beta"

>"wow this character was probably the strongest in the beta"
>"lets give her a buff for good measure for the final release"

Why the fuck is this allowed? Her light attack chain is unblockable by Shugoki and Raider, its literally faster than they can swap their guard stances

Other urls found in this thread:


>playing this dogshit game in the first place

your own fault

Her guardbreak + 4x stab with bleed debuff is way fucking worse and needs to be nerfed.

It can take a full health Raider down to half health which is fucking retarded.

She is pretty aids, but so are conqueror and warlord.

She turns it into a constant guessing game of "where/when will she spam lights/zone attack next" but warlord and conq are equally as cancerous in their own right.

This game needs serious rebalancing fast before every game turns into PK's VS Warlords/Conqs.

>playing the dark souls knockoff that isn't nioh

The game looks bland as fuck.

>Le everything is dark souls meme

Nice one (You)

>dark souls knockoff

As someone who only knows for honor from a few vids, how is this remotely like souls?

alright you got me there

It was annoying before but god fucking damn is she overpowered right now

Blatantly completely ridiculously overpowered

What strikes me most is how hasn't she hotfixed already in a haste

>buff strongest character
>Leave lawbringer untouched as the worst hero in the game because they don't want to buff him too much in case he end up OP

>against a PK with Lawbringer

Just drop the controller already. There is no single strike that can hit her faster than she can dodge, combo, grab, stack bleed, kick you, and repeat it to your girlfriend and dog before yours land into the empty space where her hologram is already.

>LB's lights are slower than PK's heavies and do less damage than PK's lights


Oh my fuck is that for real? And I thought I had it bad as a Shugoki main fighting one of these fucking whores, sorry brother

If you're talking about the bleed thing it wasn't a buff but more like fixing her grab stabs since the 3rd stab wouldn't do damage.

Her overall bleed damage is less than what it was in the beta.

Lawbringer on paper sounds like he has a tool for every situation that comes up. Shove, mixups, fast top light that starts a nuke combo, range, impale, The Long Arm, a counterstrike in top parry, and a dizzing top heavy blow.

Sadly all of these are replaced by random spamming in any direction with any other character. Or any other character has a string that does everything the LB could do but more importantly, kill people at a whim.

not him, just checked and they are still up

>goes into super omega tard rage mode with all high stats on all gear

Lawbringer main here.

I was having a lot of fun before. Maybe because the game was still young and people wasn't as wise. Maybe the buffs were real and now they're out of control. I mean, Valk seemed "fine" but they still buffed her. Now she's cancerously fast.

But that is true. 3 fast attacks from PK will 50% a lawbringer, and you can't block them because either they're too fast or if you try to counter attack the PK will evade and hit at the same time, guardbreak and stab, kick and rush in again without any stamina drain or cost. PK also evades faster and farther than the poleaxe's reach, so even if you do parry her tops and try to counterstrike with AD MORTEM INIMICUS she's already on Europe sipping a cup of tea.

The gap is so hilariously big it's not even worth trying. Best thing the LB can do is to run away and fight another person or a lucky VERY LUCKY shove into a cliff.

>tfw knocked down by a Valk's sweep
>tfw she gets TWO free hits on me for how fucking fast she is

So if they just continue this trend of buffing people until they're fucking incredible I think Lawbringer could be alright.

Just hope my boy Goki doesn't get nerfed any, he's got the perfect kit for me and the only people I have a problem fighting are Peacekeepers, Nobushi, Valkyries, and occasionally a decent Orochi

Girl power! You go gurl


This desu.
This thread can be closed now

>I was playing as orochi
>get in a match faced against four conquerors

I lost hard

I'm tempted to say that Shugoki is cancer crutch but the fact that I play LB may be why everything seems like it. A Shugoki can just stand there and take with super armor every move the LB tries and counterattack unpunished. Nothing actually fancy, just stand there and wait.

Are conquerors that hard to kill?

I always have the bitch make the first move. Sometimes dash towards them to spook them into dodge attacking so I can parry it. It's rough but you just have to be a wall and only throw out feints. You only need to block once to shove her out of anything.

>I mean, Valk seemed "fine" but they still buffed her.
Her damage was crap. Couldn't get anything done/finish people off. She's viable and really good now, but not OP. What people don't realize is a lot of her setup starters are very unsafe. It's all about the mindgames with her.

>t. LB main in 4v4s, Valk main in 1v1, 2v2s

The thing about Shugoki though is that its only for ONE hit so against slower characters that's all you need

Against quick faggots like Peacekeeper, the superarmor is actually worse for me because they can get two light attacks while I'm still swinging the heavy, and any attacks post super-armor do extra damage.

Not before you close your butt.

Defensive oriented, sturdy, and interrupting the emote repeatedly makes it sound like a tard - something that grows on you to do.

I actually fought a Conq today who was very constructive and gave me a lot of pointers on how to improve my Shugoki game against someone who can block basic attacks and tech about every guardbreak. He was a cool fellow and I learned a lot.

Dear shitters in this thread

This game is not about mechanics it's about mind games. Regardless of your abilities, if you walk up to a peacekeeper cool as a cucumber they get flustered faster then the normal player because it's the opposite reaction then what their used to.

Also, forget dodging or attacking first or even trying to push that bitch off a ledge. Parry her shit in. Everything she throws at you just fucking parry. They're used to having people attempt to dodge and get fucked, so again, do the opposite, plant your fucking feet and party, you'll actually have a chance.

T. Berserker who learned how to stop being a pirouette spamming bitch like that orochi cuck

>I always have the bitch make the first move.
If PK does the first move and you fail to parry it it's half health or game over. If you do block it and try to counter attack she dodges out and attacks and it's game over, or grabs, stabs and leaves you to bleed. if you do parry it AND counter attack successfully she will take it like a big girl, but will start over and do so again which leads me to the second unbalance of the game: Revenge Builds.

And holy fuck are the Revenge Builds popular on PK. I think there's a video or a guide or something because filling the meter with only one opponent shouldn't be that possible, or shouldn't be with injury only.

And it's not even like "Well but the LB deals so much damage that with two or three..." no, not even close.

>LB is all about draining stamina
>no stamina does fucking nothing

>T. Berserker who
Nice post, will take the pointers out when I play the other assassin.


Wasn't there going to be a tourney with spme pro jap fight game players?

Actually she was bugged on release, her first stab in the GB worked fine but the other two didn't apply any bleed or damage and only drained her stamina.
So they fixed the bug and dialed back her bleeds a bit from the beta.
Just learn to to tech, you fucking shitter. Cancelling an open guard break is ridiculously easy now, they let you spam the god damn button.

ITT: Shitters mad cuz they bad

git gud or quit faggots

Grab the Shugoki. Even if he techs the grab his armor will be gone. Use top light as Lawbringer to take the armor off before trying anything else. A shugoki with his super armor on cooldown will play extremely defensively, take advantage of that to see what you can do to open him up.

But if you're complaining about Shugoki's super armor and not his out-of-lock game then you haven't even faced any decent Shugokis yet.

how bad is the "muh honor" mentality still? Are they still demanding a final destination or trying to force people to play by some stupid unwritten code of gamer honor?

>If you do block it and try to counter attack she dodges out and attacks
Feint the counter attack. The only attack you should ever do with LB is the top light cause it's relatively fast. Then parry the dodge attack and do some damage.

Yes it's a uphill battle but that's what happens when you play LB.

> or grabs, stabs and leaves you to bleed
You should be counter GBing everytime unless it's untechable. That's what I mean by being a wall.

>second unbalance of the game: Revenge Builds.
Yeah it sucks. Counter with your own revenge build. Only way right now.

People in 2v2s regularly wait until the other fight is done if they finish theirs first. Not much ganging up.

Anyone that gets pissy about me throwing them off a ledge is a retard though. Don't get parried right next to a ledge.

4v4s all bets are off.

Stop smacking his shield and letting him cancel your combos.
Also don't ever put your back to a wall near him.
If he's charging his flail either back off and wait or get a grab in if you're close, Conqs can't tech a guard break while charging a heavy.

>Kensei gets hyper armor on their zone attack
>Raider doesn't

what the fuck is this shit

>Conqs can't tech a guard break while charging a heavy.
Didn't know that. I'll be sure to apply it. That said I feel that many Conqs don't charge up the flail anymore.

>Conqueror's infinite shield bash
>Can't even side step it

What the fuck do you do against that? Just hope to break the lock on and roll away?

Pretty much only in 2v2 is this shit reasonable, it's a much better experience for everyone to refrain from rezzing and ganking.
In 4v4 just turn off chat and swing away. There is no way one or two spergs can keep 8 people from throwing eachother in to spike pits or refraining from spamming ranged insta-kills.

No matter what character I pick people are always whinging in the chat. If my character isn't OP then I'm hacking or lag-switching or some bullshit.
All my PvP matches end up being vs AI after I kill people one time it's sad.
I hope they start punishing leavers or something so I can actually finish a match for once.

>get lagged out because lol connection
>get penalized for "leaving" the match

Is that what you want?

If you're too far away when he starts the charge I'd be careful, a good Conq can tell when you're trying to close the gap for a grab and will release in time to brain you. But up close you should be golden.

If you have room behind you, dodge backwards. Dodging backwards while exiting guard mode will also help you go further, at the expense of stamina. This is also pretty useful against a Warden vortex.
If you're up against a wall, pray for the sweet release of death.

It's a "fighting" game at its core.
Of course there will be salt.


Anyone else play Kensei? I haven't played in over two weeks and honestly, I'm not feeling the humongous urge to rush back in.
Buffs? (God forbid) Nerfs?

Depends on who you're against. If you run out of stamina against my berserker your life has fucking ended because I can take away stamina while throwing you to the ground

you have swords and you can dodge and block

Out of stamina is a death sentence with certain heroes.

LB if anything, does little stamina damage, that is.

They did actually nerf the kensei both directly (by removing his right dodge heavy upper combo attack) and indirectly by making counter guard breaking brain dead easy.

He isnt absolute gutter trash like LB or Raider but he definitely isnt competitive.

At least Valk is super fun and decent now.

NO SUPERSTES does reasonable stamage.

This. Raider main, and I just stroll up to Peacekeepers and make them my bitch. I just walk up, let them swing, parry them and kill them in 3 hits.

bad peackeepers you mean. its very hard to parry to hard good pk that cancel properly

Well strike me down, what in the goddamn hell were they thinking?
Is Berserker any good now?

This. Any competent PK will feint the shit out of you after the first or second parry, if not feinting as soon as they begin the fight.

Their ability to zone cancel feint is downright insane for mixups. Not to mention it just rapes any class with slow guard shift.

The worst part about lawbringer has to be that his voice is different to an opponent. Like why is this even a thing and only for LB?


yeah,i met a few who could guard cancel properly.even if you are a good player its very very difficult to beat them.

classes that give me most issues are warlord, pk, and nobushi, in that order.

bad shugoki players are fucking hilarious to fight against
>those slow attacks that are never feinted
>free paries
>that retarded charge, without any mixup
>bonus dmg after super armor

im doing my best

>hear some very nice latin on your end
>enemy hears autistic sex cries

Thanks ubisoft.

>Why the fuck is this allowed?

Why the fuck did you buy a Ubisoft game you fucking retard?

They make great looking games, running in a pretty good engine, with nice visuals, quality animations, fitting and iconic music, decent writing of lore and secondary quests. That alone is quite the achievement.







hang in there user

respecting the fat man

are there any tears sweeter, than peackeeper and orochi tears?

orochi is my favorite by far

>block him
>guard him


Honestly I don't blame you for thinking that. I was playing Nioh before I got for honor and thought the game looked slow and boring as fuck, honestly it's one of the best games I've played in a long time just from a pure gameplay standpoint. Ubicucked bullshit aside this game is actually fun. Honestly the game could use some more customization in but as it is now it's pretty good and has a shit ton of depth.



i play warden

This a thousand times.

Ubisoft games always have the exact same problems, every single time. Stop being surprised, their games are always buggy, unbalanced, with bad gameplay, and generally retarded AI too.

Either don't buy their games or don't complain, you've been warned about the quality of their releases enough times already.

To a Ubisoft exec it is. Don't underestimate those retards. You can be sure they looked at the success of the Souls series and just decided to copy it.

Mordhau will blow this game out of the god damn water.

le lock on combat xd

Zerker can out dodge and out feint pk tho

Being a PK main I find it funny when people can't seem to see how easy is to counter her.

>predictable as fuck gap closers
>shortest range
>mid to heavy stamina usage / most combos take all of her stam for 10-35% damage
>no heavy combo

She is the best assassin in other modes but if you have a good team comp she won't kill anyone / fuel their revenge meter / can't protect or take objectives

In duels she counters some characters hard, just like she is countered hard as others.


game has MAD problems in pretty much every field but still

>hello this is for honor complaints department
>i see, have you tried to parry?

I don't even have this game I just want it to succeed for the armored/masked girls porn

>predictable as fuck gap closers
this, easiest parry of my life
>shortest range
unless its guardbreaks which got more range then a sniper rifle
>mid to heavy stamina usage / most combos
take all of her stam for 10-35% damage
stamina has no meaning in this game, so easy to just be safe with no stam
>no heavy combo
yeah, even if she had one the awnser is allways parry

People don't understand that parries are for those trademarked moves that every character have.

>that side slash from orochi / pk
>unblockable from raider / kensei
>that upward attack while dodging from nobushi
>jumps from warlord / bezerker

duels are the best way to experience this game desu.

4v4 is so fucking chaotic, and 2v2 you are handicapped by your teammate,or he by you.

im not a fand of these kind of games, but For Honor does offer what it advertised it would.

hard counters is bad design

not all people are as bad as you user

>how to feint as PK

those are easy as fuck to parry, i got hit a thousand times but now i can parry alot of attack, its such a problem solver

>stamina has no meaning in this game, so easy to just be safe with no stam
This is one of the worst problem I have with this game. You should be able do dodge that quickly when out of breath, this makes everyone push for those 100% attack blades.

>Play Shugoki
>Life is suffering against top tier
>Life is mediocre against everyone else
>Raider/Lawbringer are probably the only okay fights for him and maybe conqueror

What a trash character but i love giant mace/club weapons. Orochi PK Berserker can all on reaction rip through his armor with two lights. And because of a slow as fuck guard change shit like OP said is a definite.

Ubisoft sucks ass this game is bland as hell at any level of play in fact looks gayer at top level play and im a no fun tryhard tier faggot.

>hard counters is bad design
Is it though? It assures that even low tiers characters can kill characters in upwards tiers and no characters is used as an answer to every question (except warden).

Feint's don't change the points I made, faggot. They are used to hide the weak spots but they are still there.

Conqueror players are often nice people in general, just don't except them not to go for environmental kills if it's an option

Warden is the best in top-tier.

Mixup + netcode = 50/50

>play conq
>dodge bash to infinite chain
>gb soft feint with the spin get them in the benis
>omni block pk fucking shits

>play raider
>have to play intense mind games and drain your stam in 3 moves
>slow as shit, have to be overly aggressive to avoid light spam you can't block

Fucking christ, I just want to kill people with a giant axe.

Hard counters are bad and should never be a intentional design atleast if you want a game to be competitive. Some MUs turn out bad in fighting games not because they're designed to at the beginning but because of the tool set MU.

That being said its impossible to tell with how shitty Ubisoft is randomly if it was intentional or not for half the shit they did wrong with balance.

sure they don't

learning how to feint is all you need to do.

git gud

>play Lawbringer
>you get the best of both of those classes

>The game isn't about mechanical skill its about XD MIND GAMES

Mind games should always be secondary and is in most real fighters to making good plays and having your reactions on point. Its still a big thing but not the biggest thing. If that is your argument it just goes to show the game isn't competitive.

If your answer is HEY JUST SIT BACK AND PARRY PARRY PARRY it shows the meta and pace of the game. Which anyone with a brain already knew since day 3 or so the game is just turtling parry fishing for true punishes and nothing else.

Also its cute using a top 5 character and telling people just to do this like its so easy for Lawbringer Shugoki Raider etc slowest block changes and mediocre or worse movement characters to do this when you have movement and parrying like everyone else.

The game is like 3s with 1/100th the depth. In the regard that everyones shitty answer to problems is "parry" rather then actual tech and fun shit to find in the game because everything is reactable with a parry or side dodge.

Peacekeepers and Shugokis by far the most cheapest characters in the game.

>dominate a shugoki for the entire round
>mess up once
>whooops he gets an instakill
bravo ubisoft!

I agree with you about how it will hurt duels if one class has an big advantage over others. But what will be the competitive setting of this game?

If they stick with conquest modes being the competitive focus, we can have hard counters since much of them will be purely situational and other classes will have other advantages (some protect the point better, others capture faster, kill more troops, heal/revive more teammates maybe destroy buildings easier in the future, assassinate key targets and all that shit.

If they focus n duels being the main competitive mode they need to balance so much shit.

>play goki
>have to tech pretty much all throws because movement is so bad they track you even if you dodge 5 feet back on reaction
>everything is risky and has to overlap
>fast characters can rip through R2s on reaction in two lights
>Only real tech is a glitch and demon throw after a wall splat.
>have to deal with accepting in 1v1s if you fight something like PK and they start running away and ring around the rosey you cannot catch them and have to wait as long as they want to before the fight begins again.

So many people run from me when im crushing them even in 1 v 1s its fucking boring as hell in a already insanely shallow game. Half the reason ill probably drop this game or atleast shelve it and only play with friends is the community seems more intent on running away once they realize they're half brained retards and can't play then learning the shallow as fuck mechanics that can be mastered a week in.

Like fuck i know people who literally have dropped every traditional fighter they touched because it was too hard for them and can parry consistently in this game.