Serious question: Will sonyfags ever recover? They thought that they were so close to victory...

Serious question: Will sonyfags ever recover? They thought that they were so close to victory, but BotW turned out to be a genre-defining masterpiece, and HZD turned out to be the game that Ubisoft has already made a hundred times.

Other urls found in this thread:

Literally no one cares about BotW except people who routinely suck nintendo's dick.


>BotW has towers
>HZD has towers
>one gets called out as Ubisoft game

heres the proof, OP is legit retarded and gets fucked in the ass by small Ming Lee dong every night




False flag same fag


Shouldn't you be 6 feet under with the Dreamcast? Sony BTFO you forever.

One game for the 2nd worst selling Nintendo console of all time. And the Switch? Good god, have you seen the build quality problems--they're endless.

Funny thing, everyone is sucking Nintendo's dick now.

Niohs 87 + HZDs 88 = 175 vs Zeldas 98

175 > 98

Sony always wins, baby!

>says the sega shitter
remember, WHAT NINTENDON'T right?
Sega NINTENDON'T much of anything nowadays!

If the Switch is anything like the past several nintendo consoles, it will get a few great games over its lifetime, and you can buy the revised version of the console years from now for cheap in order to play them all in a week. PS4 will continue getting great games every few months.

Why Nintenfags the worst fanbase? The moment they get a slight "upperhand" they become insufferable

>inb4 n-nice edit

>using anything sonic related makes me a sega autist
Alrighty then.

You seem pretty defensive about it now don't you? Just face it Sony always wins and Sega was an easy win for them.

>The moment they get a slight "upperhand" they become insufferable


>tfw I can't get into Zelda or Horizon because they're too cinematic

Dear game devs; stop shoving cutscenes in my face and capping games at 30 FPS. That "cinematic feel" you claim to want does nothing but hurt games.

Are you OK user

Two hotly anticipated games coming out this year. Two! Haters gonna hate. And you know what? You can play both on any system you like. That's right, all of them. You're welcome.


30fps isn't a stylistic choice, it's a hardware restriction.

Watch review score suddenly not matter when Oddessy tanks

Nintentodddlers always pulling the same shit

Doing fine user, Nioh is fun and Nier will be too.

Serious question: Will Nintendo fans ever recover? They didn't get another game on Wii-U for months. And then its most anticipated game gets ported to console that has no games. Even worse, it bricks and its screen is trash.

Quality over quantity, right Nintendo fans?

>mfw too intelligent to misspell Odyssey
>mfw Mario Odyssey gets a 99 metascore

It's because Sup Forums is so full of Sonyggers that you're used to them.

Shut the fuck up, ACfag. Don't you already have a thread of your own to stink up?

Nah, its just that Sony dominates you fuck niggers so hard that even people that hate them feel inclined to buy their console.

>even people that hate them feel inclined to buy their console.
well sorta, I do hate them and I did buy their console but Bloodborne is currently the only game worth owning.
So it's more than Fromsoft dominates than Sony.

The very fact that you posted this thread shows that deep down you know - nobody but devoted Nintendrones like you and maybe some nostalgiafags gives a fuck about BotW. I have every or almost every previous Zelda game at my fingertips for fucking free, and never was I even slightly tempted to actually play them.

Sony fags are really butthurt the last days. BOTW is like what garlic is for Vampires.

>turned out to be a genre-defining masterpiece


Before you call me a fag, kindly do point out what you find offensive about my post. I'm most certain that alot of people share my distastes here.

>Why Nintenfags the worst fanbase?

Because they don't actually play games. Granted, this goes for a large part of Sup Forums in general, but Nintendrones are particularly notable for not caring about getting games. They only care about others not getting them.

>he actually thinks nintendoshitters are behind these threads
how naive are you?

A graceful leave is preferred over dragging your rotting carcass through an industry you can no longer compete.

Nintendo is so desperate to repeat the Wii that they've turned into a parody of themselves.

I like both, I like new worlds and lore, I like familiar stuff too. GG has made a valiant first attempt and should be commended tbqh family HZD gameplay is pretty solid, no damage mods and very hard mode make it incredible.

horizon came close, it's amazing a noname franchise even came this close to toppling the mighty zelda

either way looking forwards to switch lifetime sales not even passing 30 mil

meanwhile ps4 is about to outsell even 3ds, the war is long over and nintendo will fade into obscurity

>surprised shitty zelda got overrated all over the place even when it has glaring technical and gameplay issues

Sonyggers truly are the worst.

we'll see those sales soon enough.

We already won toddler. Nintendo on the other hand is on their last breath. Metascores alone don't sell consoles, much less when it's only 1 (ONE) game and nothing more until the holidays.

Ps4 had no games till 2015 tho.....

Switch will have 3 this year......

>metascores don't mean anything unless it's Sony
>good graphics don't mean anything unless it's Sony
>exclusives don't matter unless it's Sony
>hardware faults don't matter if it's Sony


Nice edit shit poster

Reminds me of this shit.

>implying people only cares about h:zd
>implying you are not just a shitty american 90s kid who worships yakuzatendo because it washed your brain when you were a child

Sony didn't rip off the SNES CD they just took their shit for themselves.

Is that why the Wii U has the best selling exclusives and attach rate?
>b-but they have no choice but to buy those games
Sonyponies could have bought Bloodborne but they didn't. Really fires the neurons

this video destroys those shit images


Goddamn I had the idea last night to make something along the lines of this