
I've said this many times but Squad is going to be meaningless unless they remove the fuckign retarded bullshit rally point system. The game is fucking pointless with these spawn mechanics.

Call me when they add a suppression system. Even fucking Battlefield has a suppression system. No suppression means machine guns, and sustained fire in general is totally pointless and makes every gunfight artificial and fake.

they do have a suppression system

It does have a supression system, just one that isn't ridiculous. Also, if a whole squad opens fire on a position the enemy will take cover out of instinct, no game mechanics needed.

No it doesnt. Your screen goes rainbow when you get shot at, that's all. It needs RO2 suppression.

The point of a suppression system isn't to make the enemy take cover because they're going to do that anyway, it's to make them be unable to calmly and accurately return fire from cover while getting hosed down by an M249.

suppression is a shit mechanic that only benefits scrubs that can't aim.

that's actually morale, which works similarly, but can be triggered by factors beyond being within a certain range of enemy shots.

On the contrary its needed because people can aim. It's too easy to land perfect shots in PC FPS compared to real life. If you're getting shot at in real life the last thing you're going to do is peek from cover to try to headshot the guy shooting at you, which is what everyone does in Squad because there's no penalty in doing it. Consequently nobody gives suppressing fire, nobody gives fire support, and nobody plays MG because it just makes you a beacon to get sniped.

>its needed because people can aim
yeah, by people who can't aim.
>corner shots
don't stay in the same exact spot and he won't be able to pre-aim that headshot. you can also shoot him as he rounds that corner.
>machine gunners get sniped easily
snipers doing their job and eliminating high threat targets in exposed positions? how imbalanced!

it sound like twitch shooters just aren't your game, buddy.

What game do you think we're even talking about? A twitch shooter? It's supposed to be realistic.

>twitch shooter

>it's supposed to be realistic
suppression mechanics are not realistic. being shot at in real life doesn't make your gun magically start wobbling around or increase its spread by 30 degrees.

Why should I play this when Arma already exists?

It facilitates realism by preventing players from doing 180 no scopes when getting shot at.

not having shit aim does the same thing.

Man you must be really insecure about your aim seeing as you keep mentioning how supposedly good it is.

you can get into the action a lot faster and the maps aren't unnecessarily large

Pub community is orders of magnitude better, and it has waay better default audio.

never said I had good aim. doesn't change the fact that if you're missing so often that people have time to react and kill you the problem is on your end, not the game's.

Wrong. Stop voicing this retarded opinion

>being shot at in real life doesn't make your gun magically start wobbling around
It sort of does. Adrenaline is a hell of a drug

I'm not talking about semi-auto potshots, I'm talking about sustained fire. Look at RO2, machine guns are god tier in that game because of the suppression mechanic. Machine guns win battles in RO2 and in real life, not riflemen taking potshots like in Squad.

It's whats differes Project Reality from Squad. Have you ever played PR extensively?

I don't play with pubs and I don't use default radio so I guess its pointless to buy this shitty early access game
thanks Sup Forums

>realistic FPS
>r6 siege

tfw I can literally plow through an entire squad if I just run and gun it due to not having the penalties inhibiting me from doing so

to sum it up it's basically hardcore tdm, s&d, etc to you cod kiddos

Better graphics pretty much, because PR is on the BF 2 engine. Squad is shooting to be PR 2.0 and is being made by some of the original devs iirc.

I have. It doesn't need to be PR

Okay, so you've never played Project Reality... Squad will never ever have the deep tactical teamplay as long as it has this Rally Point system. It's as simple as that.

And that's why Squad is dying and PR has had a stable player base for 10 years.

This post is fucking stupid and has no place in reality

The pub community in arma is beyond shit tier, nothing but Wasteland and Altis Life or military roleplay autism against bots. Squad lets you join pretty much any server and be guaranteed there will be random bros playing PvP. I still think arma 3 is a better game and I don't recommend to buy Squad yet though.

Nice bait you fucking faggot. PR shills need to fuck off

that's pretty rad coming from you when you literally could have ignored it. Thanks for the (you), here's one in return!

Its pretty fucking funny you say that since Squad has hands down some of the best firefights and definitely some of the most realistic ones in any vidya.

The only game thats better is EFT.

>machine guns win games in RO2
I've never seen this happen.
>sustained fire
you can suppress a foe with short controlled bursts on their position. the reminder that they're going to get shot as soon as they leave cover is enough of a suppression mechanic on its own.

How the fuck can you shill a free game? On top of that, it's BF2. How can you hate/be against BF2?

>Two of the most promising mods for this game have announced that they're going to be paid standalone games


I just want to play SWAT 5.

>A paid game of a mod of a paid game releasing two paid mods
Ah, bizzaro world, you have returned.

Same here, it'sy oka though we can just repeatedly play all 4 games until the day SWAT 5 comes out

>I've never seen this happen.
Almost everytime.

The gunplay is satisfying, the effects look great, and the guns sound realistic, sure. But I'm talking about the dynamic of gunfights and how they never play out realistically because of lack of suppression. There's never any covering or suppressing fire, squads don't fire and advance, it's just riflemen sniping each other with iron sights. I'm mostly comparing it to RO2 which has quite realistic firefights, MGs are a force to be reckoned with so people actually play them like they're supposed to. They can hold down entire areas single-handedly allowing their teammates a lot of movement, they can't be challenged directly because of the suppression system. This never happens in Squad because the machine guns are ineffectual limp dicks, merely firing a burst is asking to get shot. In RO2 even if you can't directly see who you're shooting at, you effectively cut off their ability to aim just by shooting the air near them.

You must not play a lot of RO2, or you don't understand the massive effect machine guns have in that game.

Project Reality will never hit Squads numbers, so there is that.

The Rally system is fine as it sets games to a time limit, and the focus concentration of random people can be tested only to a certain point.

The type of game you are talking about, would play over 5 fucking hours.

So is the gunplay actually good? One thing I hate about Arma 3 is the bad gunplay and AI physics.

>We will never be able to have Squad threads without PRfags shitposting it up

Just ignore and report them. You have a free game to play. Go and play it and stop shitposting here. Not every game has to be the same. There's no law saying a game has to be has hardcore as the other. Some people would prefer a more streamlined experience.

>But I'm talking about the dynamic of gunfights and how they never play out realistically because of lack of suppression
I know exactly what you're talking about, and Squad is literally the most realistic game when it comes to simulating combat. You spend an enormous amount of time and ammunition firing in the general direction of enemies because of the inaccuracies of the weapons and range that it takes place, as well as difficulty in actually seeing enemies.

You ask any vet what combat is like and they will describe something more similar to Squad gameplay than any other shooter.

fuck off shill

The gunplay is better than Arma, definitely.

The general feel of the game is also better because no one has 100x scopes shooting you from 1km+ with perfect accuracy all the time.

Next question; does it have the modding capabilities of Arma? Meaning that you can make your own ops and shit?

I just always go around MG and/or take them out when they're not directly firing at me. never really see them as an issue unless my team is retarded and just keeps feeding them targets.

No, its more about the fact this game actually has cooperation in its pubs.

>no one has 100x scopes shooting you from 1km+ with perfect accuracy all the time

posted from my hull down CROWS humvee

>The games realistic!
>Oh no, don't criticize X feature, they just streamlined it for casual play!

>doesn't have the mod community that's behind Arma
>runs like shit, just like Arma
any reason to play this and not arma?

>inaccuracies of the weapons
The guns in Squad are laser accurate. That coupled with how easy it is to aim with a mouse means the whole game is just laser tag. Sure you can shoot aimlessly in the direction of the enemy and pretend it's having some kind of effect, I do it too just because it looks and sounds cool. But it has no real purpose in the game, and you're just giving away your position. I know we all want to roleplay that we're in an immersive realistic military shooter but you have to step back and look at how players actually play the game.

>The type of game you are talking about, would play over 5 fucking hours.

What the fuck are you talking about? A PR match is rougly 40 minutes.

>Realism has to follow my definition. If a game advertises realism, it must have all these features or its shit. It's not possible to have realistic elements while also streamlining certain elements for fun play.

I suspect you dont even play it because
>whole game is just laser tag.
Is entirely false

You might as well be saying there is no driving in a mario kart game. No more replies for you.

>Sure you can shoot aimlessly in the direction of the enemy and pretend it's having some kind of effect
It is having massive effects, please fucking stop playing I dont want you in my squad refusing to shoot on enemy positions because 'you dont get it'

>I just always go around MG
It's pretty hard on most popular maps.
>or take them out when they're not directly firing at me
If MG-guy smart, you wouldn't see him if you wasn't in his firezone.

>getting shot for giving away your position
>not realistic

>Realism has to follow my definition of not being real
Holy shit, neck yourself

How do you function on Sup Forums without reading comprehension?

>We need a feature thats unrealistic to make it realistic!
No. Fuck off to RO2 or BF or whatever shitty games use crappy unrealistic suppression mechanics to instill a sense of self value.

If you get shot at in squad you get down because dying is a serious cost to the team and your own time. Thats all the game needs.

Is there really any point in getting this if you already own Arma 3? It costs like fucking $40. What in the world are they smoking?

I'd ask you same question.

Since you obviously lack reading skills and have a low IQ, I will dumb this down for your tiny brain.

Oooga booga, not all realistic games must be same.

booga ooga there are degrees of realism ooga booga

duuuuuurrrrrr like Arma vs Insurgency hurrrrrr Insurgency has realistic elements durrrrrr but sacrifices some for fun hurrrrrrr while Arma is a sim durrrrrrrrrrr

Does ooga booga understand?

>PVP without rubberbanding
>out of the box ACRE like voice system
>don't need 40gb of mods and autism communities to have fun in Squad
>better sound
>better particle effects
>more fluid movement and gunplay
>actually fun
>takes less than 5 minutes to get into the action

you're retarded
squad is for PR players
you can fuck off to your shitty cowwapoopy

Fuck them for trying to leech of the already small community by announcing being paid for games so late.

They need to fix the retarded claim system and let us lock squads
I shouldn't need more than one person to claim, bikes/trans/logie

>500 hours in Arma 3
>bit of a learning curve
>get Squad
>in the 3 hours I played I died over and over again, but literally never saw anyone
In games lime Arma or Insurgency I can spot guys easy, but it's almost as if enemies are invisible to me in Squad.

>Chimping out because you got exposed as bein' a fucking casual
Gotta be older than 18 to post here dood

on most maps the americans have really good camo.

If you think this, the game is not for you.

Go back to Overwatch.


dunno man, I haven't notice any drop in PR population since squad came out (meaning the population is still pretty fucking small). most pr players I speak with are not really attracted to squad in it's current form and it's retarded spawn system is only one of the reasons