Why is PC so superior to consoles Sup Forums? What's their secret?

Why is PC so superior to consoles Sup Forums? What's their secret?

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Value and larger game selection

More expensive hardware is better.


Worth every cent for what it delivers.

pc literally has no native games. all the fun times i had on my pc was from emulating nintendo and playstation games

Open platform = better.

Therefore, Linux > Windows >>>>>> closed ecosystems like playstation and nintendo

How much can you actually achieve with wine and VMs?

Because what's keeping me away from linux is nogames, and dual-booting seems line unnecessary hassle.

The mouse.

Emulators run without wine.

you can have full gpu passthrough if you are a computer scientist

>spend 1k+ on hardware
>the best games to play are old console games through emulation
Really makes you think

The games.

Both M+KB and controller support opens up a wide variety of genres, so not only do you have your run of the mill third person shooter console games, you also have the entire strategy genre, classic RPGs, the largest indie dev support, and not to mention two decades worth of a games library to choose from.

I need a PC for work anyway, so the cost of making it a game machine is exclusively the GPU.

>Why is PC so superior to consoles Sup Forums?
A desktop PC is a device, where you plug in a console.









the exclusives


>playing pc for exclusives

found the peasant


>playing shitty AAA multiplats
Congratulations, you've gone full reddit

>multplats from every platfrom nier, crack down 3 etc...


Better performance, better quality, better services (Steam), better playerbases, mouse and keyboard, the list goes on.

>someone unironically made this picture
they really don't play games do they

yea if you don't count any of the games that a billion people play like WoW, LoL, CSGO, DOTA



Because they have small dicks and are compensating for it.


[laughing emoji]hilarious and original[/laughing emoji]

>Why is PC so superior
because it's for people who think objectively.

console-onlys are like women
>go off feelings
>want to live in glory of their brand
>wastes money
>get pissy when facts are brought to the table

>What's their secret?
Better and more expensive hardware, that makes any multiplat on the PC better by definition. It's as easy as that.

Components are cheap, most games already optimized since they're pc exclusives, and it's also a desktop computer.

this is actually pretty good bait. i'm not talking about the image

Way more games. Also easy pirating actually makes it less expensive than consoles overall if you want to play a lot of games.

they were good when i was growing up they're shit now - full of f2p mobas and dying themepark mmos

More like
>PC-pirates make petitions to port console games on their PC
>Cries when they cant pirate a game
>says they have a whole lot of other games to play
>mostly point & click, Old games and indie, early, access games w/c most are just casgrabs & will never be completed.
Bunch of cucks I tell you what.

Ok PCucks here's a the hardest challenge of your life.

Name a single PC exclusive to come out in the last year that is actually good. Hard mode: no indieshit or alphatrash

Civ VI. easy.

He said good.

i told you -- goin' off feelings

first two points differ from person to person, and the latter two are just really bad arguments. we're trying to think objectively here

It is.

Microsoft Office
way too many, don't really care to name.
Also 500000+ games from the worst 1999 flash shit to 120$ AAA requiring $2000 hardware.

no exclusives

it is an objectively good game, woman (man)

>playing pc for games
yea what a nerd


I think the word you're looking for is subjectively

No it's not

Patrician case.

of course this is coming from a console woman (man)

That image is not far from the truth. EVGA is dogshit nowadays.

I think he means, MOVIE GAMES. 1 where even a retard can play.

Alligator simulator

>spend 1000+ of momma's money for le gaymer pc meme
>play nothing but emulation and shitty ports of awful AAA Ps4 games
>shitpost "pc epic win epic win again" when a weeb PS4 game gets a PC port
>said port looks like ass, runs just fine even on ancient PCs (see Berseria)

rly makes u think huh

Truth is I like PC for the piracy and porn games and emulators. Don't really care about the extra power or fps or whatever.

Why do people get those transparent cases?

Why not?

Secret compartments for fried chicken and mountain dew. PC gamers can eat without leavin the seat!

Used to be a sonygger but now I own a 1070/6600k pc

>Console sales are PATHETIC , all games I buy are less than 10$
>Games on consoles that are Sub 30 are for some reason acceptable
>No Emulation like Pcsx2/Cemu
>No mods (F4 dont count)
>Cant watch VR porn on console

So they can see the inside of them

>going off feelings makes a person post like this
kek i'm glad i'm not like this

LOL you just wasted your money

>it's not a game if it's not exclusive


shut up, nigger. i know you have a PC, too ;)

>1440p 144hz glorious gaming
>Cheaper games
>More options/customization for games
>Better controls with M/KB as well as numerous controllers of your choosing
>Easy to put together multiple monitor setups for various activities while gaming
>More skilled players/challenging opponents in online games
>Access to tons of emulation
>Tons of exclusives

I could list more but this is enough to justify why PC gaming is all around better. I don't even know why I waste my time trying to defend PC gaming. People who play clearly know it's better, everyone else just lives in ignorance and chooses not to learn how to build computers.


Showing off your sweet gaymer gear when you meet up with your aspie gamer friends, or in the unlikely scenario a female visits your mancave she is surely to be impressed by the sweet cable management and leds.

Alternatively, taking pics for your favourite aspie gamer forum "sikkest gaymer rig" threads.

well only in terms hardware but it's also more expensive like a rx470 alone costs as much as a ps4 slim
too bad the pc didn't have a good game since diablo 2

you can emulate on consoles too tho

After the grandiose claims to fame, the prestigious PC gamers claims to fame are a bunch of city builders and simulator games.

L M A O !

I have the same case, but in full matte black, windowless version.

Definitely one of the best on the market all around, but it's a bit on the fuckhueg side.

can someone give me a quick rundown on Jimmy Numale?

>that image
fucking kek -- but it's true that a good number of people who are into video games have utter shit taste

oh the irony

>bunch of city builders

Free online

>actual framerate
>actual graphics
>actual whatever the fuck you want since PC isn't a console and you can do what you want with it
>actual games
>actual modding
>actual peripherals

Not an argument

Console gamers don't really think PC ports are trash, do they? Tell me it's just a meme. Once in a while a game is ported and ends up with a fuck ton of issues (Arkham Knight), but that's a pretty rare experience, and usually there are quick patches to deal with issues (once again, Arkham Knight being an example of a shit port with very delayed patches.)

You have enough time to use one.
As with anything else, everything has a specific purpose, and PC fit on several purposes, as does consoles.

So it is superior for you, but not for a salaryman looking for something he can have setup and running in less than 5 minutes for his kids.


>install game
>game crashes on launch
>no fix works
>install remaster of game
>get not even an hour in and game crashes
>try again, game crashes in same area


It's not 1998 anymore, update your... oh wait you can't.

I've actually been downloading PS2 games because I don't have a toaster and I missed out on quite a lot of games. Figured I can make use of that power at least.

i'm not arguing with you. i'm just asking a question

>he thinks i would argue with a console woman (male) who goes off their feelings

>top facing dust-collector USB ports.
It's literal chink garbage

Pirate detected.

Absurdly priced, high quality hardware.

If you don't have much money, stick to consoles.

If you have money, stick to PC.

If you have lots of money, you can buy both.

In the end, I honestly think you should just lean towards wherever you have friends you can have fun with. That's all that matters in the end. Friends.

fun fact it was Bioshock and Bioshock Remaster. not going to waste my time with those garbage games.

Gaming PCs are sold to underage children, like 10-12 yearolds. No grown up adult buys that shit.
At that age, when I was done building my LEGO set, it look pretty much like your picture.

you're right about most of the stuff you say, but consoles are really a 1st world luxury. PCs can be a lot cheaper in total spending -- and you wouldn't even have to get an expensive rig

nah I got the Bioshock games on Steam through a sale and when Bioshock crashed on launch I noticed I had the remasters in my library.

>Gaming PCs are sold to underage children, like 10-12 yearolds
i see this argument a lot from console women (men). it's almost as if these people don't know they can build a PC from parts. i'm seeing more and more, too

Flawless or locked performance. Never in between.


>just lean towards wherever you have friends you can have fun with.

So I shouldn't buy anything?

>PCs can be a lot cheaper in total spending
In third world PCs are shared among entire families even tribes ("village toaster"), that's how they afford them and why they suck at online games.
Third world also has the DIY meme going.

i get what you mean, but look at all the 3rd world shitholes who are mostly PC-only due to price and longevity

That's right. Your first goal should be to make friends!

>fall for the idort meme
>buy a PS3 somewhat late into its lifespan
>play 10-12 games
>collecting dust for years ever since
I guess I'll turn it on one last time for Persona 5, but I'm not even sure if I want to.

But I hate people.

>it's almost as if these people don't know they can build a PC from parts
That is what LEGO is about: building toys from parts.
Guess what? Kids are interested in that for reasons, grown up adults are not.

>3rd world shitholes