Just finished college with a degree in cognitive science with a minor in statistics and creative writing at UC Berkeley. I applied to obsidian as a paid game design intern. I literally know no one in the game industry and have no clue what the fuck I'd be doing. Should I pay for the flight and hotel down to Irvine? I don't have a lot of money and it would be a couple hundred. Obviously I'm not basing my entire decision on some Sup Forums fags opninions but I'm curious what you guys think.
Just finished college with a degree in cognitive science with a minor in statistics and creative writing at UC Berkeley...
Yes. Yes you should. Chris Sawyer is a LITERAL SAINT and you should do you best to work at obsidian
memes aside I think Obsi is a really great place to start and if you can afford it you should put in the effort into being apart of the studio. Otherwise hold out for an internship that pays.
Did they respond..?
i hope you're kidding for your own sake
game industry a shit
but if not then pic related
he's flying out so probably they at least invited him for an interview
go for it op
>behavioural scientists designing games
fuck you niggers like you destroyed the industry take your focus-tested bullshit and shove it up your ass
You should not pay out of pocket for internship interview travel
Yeah its paid
What do you mean? I filled out the online application about a month ago and they responded asking for a live interview.
I don't give a flying fuck about behavioral science. I literally did it because it has excellent employment opportunities. 50% of modern brain study is pseudo science bullshit.
Berkeley to Irvine is about a 6 hour drive. Don't waste your money on airfare. Drive down the day before, get a hotel room and a hooker. Go to the interview, spill your spaghetti, drive home
>i willingly studied a field consisting of 50% bullshit
>what is everything not STEM
>what is especially economics
it is stem you retard
Literally every science division in modern colleges has a ton of bullshit in it because of the radical left wing professors and pc culture. Math/Physics/Engineering are the most objective but have a lot of bullshit too.
I just don't adhere to the %50 that's wrong.
I went to an engineering school - PC culture really doesn't rear its head that much and never in class rooms unless it some retarded student whose their to waste their money when you focus on hard science fields.
I honestly would too if it paid.
The kicker will come to OP when he realizes it actually isn't.
I messed up my there again - holy shit. Forgive me.
Do this OP. TSA will fuck you in the ass, but you can fuck an Irvine hooker in the ass for cheap
I go to Berkeley. It literally always rears its head. I had a bio teacher tell the class there is no evidence to suggest that women are physically inferior to men and that in 50 years there will be many women in pro sports.
While I don't recommend picking up escorts you don't know, totally drive down there. You'll save a fuck ton of money.
>I don't recommend picking up escorts you don't know
How else do you get to know escorts in a strange town? Checkmate Atheist
user as a rational person I have think what you said is utter bullshit. I can't believe that a Biology teacher at a engineering school would say that.
You've never been to UC Berkeley have you?
if you have a basic knowledge of programming and can art to some degree, sure go for it
if not then don't bother
nobody making games just does the story or just does the art, programming etc
they also won't want you if you don't have a portfolio of work even basic stuff would do
You don't? I'm 100% fine with prostitution but there are some major risks fucking random women in general.
No. But I truly can't believe that a biology teacher would say that. I'm sure it would get on the news somehow - that sounds utterly preposterous.
>Engineering School
Berkeley isn't an engineering school.
>You've never been to UC Berkeley have you?
Also this. Students have protested gender studies professors and said they were white supremacists who should lose their jobs for not being "intersectional enough".
Go for the experience credits if nothing else. Obsidian themselves are fucking retarded when it comes to hiring. Several god-tier narrative design friends of mine applied and they asked for writing samples.
They would not specify what kind of samples, so they guessed. Out of 3, they picked the weakest candidate because he submitted a WW2 themed sample from a previous work. They were making something along those lines and refused to specify it, then they cancelled the project about 6mos into him being hired anyways.
I'd work there as an intern. As a professional, fuck no. They're as broke as Double Fine, and that's not something you want to be involved in when it comes to a shaky-as-shit industry like games.
As a Cal Alum I can attest to this shit happening everyday in every class room. I graduated 4 years ago, so I can only imagine shit has gotten worse. I got my BS in Health and Human services, then a double MS in HHS, and PA at Stanford. Bay area schools are the epitome of the SJW meme. You don't see it on the news because it's so common place students do not think twice about it. Just look at the riots that broke out over that Milo dude, and the death threats the Berkeley chapter of Young Republicans get, and yo see the tip of the iceberg. Both of these are reported stories
Cal teachers are legitimately like a creepy liberal cult. I've heard professors say that the United States is more evil than ISIS and we shouldn't fight them because we have no moral superiority.
Ok that makes me feel better - still ridiculous but as long its not a Engineering school so I can believe it I guess. The most extreme leftist thing I was ever really exposed to was a professor being openly marxist.
I can only say what I experienced 4 years ago. And at that time Bio science faculty was focused on proving to students that being Trans is completely natural
You can be kicked out of class of questioning transgenderism in any way.
That's new. They would just fail people who didn't toe the line when I was there
That sounds ridiculous to me. I graduated four years ago as well and the only time transgenderism was even really mentioned was when I took a gender studies humanities course to get an easy A. HOW THE FUCK ARE PEOPLE MAJORING IN THAT NOW? YOU CAN'T FUCKING GET A JOB WITH THAT!
very serious question here
what are your actual skills
art, programming, design? finishing a college just means your ass is stiff enough to sit through it all.
Are you guys memeing or is this real?
32 guy here and my kid goes to school, should I be worried already?
I'm not even taking about gender studies, those courses were a cesspool. These were fully tenured, and published PHDs in Biological Science, and A&P courses. We're talking about the most liberal school in the most liberal city in CA. And these people are pushing their agenda to eastern schools as well. This is what happens when one line of though, with no dissenting opinions tolerated stays in power for 30 plus years.
No memes at all. Only be worried if he is going to a UC in the bay area. I don't think it's gotten out of that system yet. is me
>Just finished college with a degree in cognitive science with a minor in statistics and creative writing at UC Berkeley.
Is this above or below Gender Studies, Feminist Basket Weaving and Afrian Raindance Studies?
I've been coding since I was 13 so I'm pretty advanced. I also worked for a KublaCon (bay area tabletop convention) since I was 16 and have been payed to GM games for a while. So i have hundreds of game outlines as well as short stories from being a creative writing major. I also have moderate art skills.
I think schools in california might have it the worse. Do you live in Cali?
>Is this above or below Gender Studies
Slightly above, you can actually do something with his degree, like social work, or move forward in psychology
It's STEM faggot
I had that in an English class. He was asking the whites in the class to "own up" to their privilege as a result of slaughtering aboriginals.
I think it's racist to assume that someone's ancestors played a role just because of white skin. What a fucker. As if the aboriginals themselves wouldn't experience the privileges of modern technology if they would just stop drinking and leave the reservation ffs
>behavioral/cognitive science
It's basically a BS in psychology, not great, but not useless
behavioural sciences are a nice extension to biology, ironically the best psychologists are often M.D.'s
>behavioural sciences are a nice extension to biology, ironically the best psychologists are often M.D.'s
True, but we are talking a BS. A good starting off point, but nearly useless unless you got for PHD,MD, or MFT
>coding since I was 13
C or C++?
Either way it seems like you have a good head on your shoulders, see you here in Irvin
I never experienced the white privilege bullshit then. The most we did in that class was talk about gender and sex and examples of transgenderism in the world like that stuff that goes on in India (I really can't recall all that much).
Why do you even want to work for a bankrupt company in a market with no job security. Get a real job, and make your game on the side.
Even better. What position did you apply to?
But I'm sure we'll talk soon either way.
But have you ever coded. No one is looking for idea guys and I'm getting a "Creative Director" funk.
I suppose what I should be asking is have you coded a project to completion before. A game, or a program or whatever.
Yes I've coded text based rpgs before. I've been coding for 8 years.
Very good job pick up line by the way.
It implies you have familiarity with writing if-then-else statements and general computer skills but doesn't overblow expectations like if you said "I have knowledge of OpenGL" or some such.
t. used something like this when applying to my current job and I'm not even a programmer.
Bumping while I read this
If you are OK with grueling work and shit pay, go for it. I am planning on being a game designer myself
Give Sawyer a kiss from me OP