Who here DIDN'T buy a Switch? Why?
Who here DIDN'T buy a Switch? Why?
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>Who here DIDN'T buy a Switch?
No money plus still hesitant with how many people are having issues with it
Why would I?
Why the FUCK would you own a Capcom console without a MH game on it.
i already have a wii u
only morons will buy a tablet
Too poor to, besides the only replies you'll get is me a few anons and that prick who won't stop laughing, it's like he's retarded or something
I don't care about Nintendo games.
A system needs to come out with at least 3 games for me to think about buying it
I'm tired of the preorder race. I'll buy it on my own time.
Zelda will still be good a month, 2 months, a year from now. When I can order online without clicking refresh for hours. When I can walk into a place and pick up the stuff I want without being treated like a child or a convict.
I'm in no rush.
no interest in the games
No games that I'm interested yet. I'm waiting for a Monster Hunter that isn't a 3ds port to come out on that thing before I buy it.
The only games I care about are most likely going to be out during Holidays, and with the current shit storm the Switch is kicking up, I'll wait for improvements.
Same for me. Plus I think they will release a more powerful home only version
I didn't buy it.
I'll buy it later when it has more title, and it isn't hard to get ahold of. I want to play Zelda, but I can wait.
No gaems
why pay $400 for one game that will run best on cemu in a few months?
me because I'm poor and I still have a wii U backlog which will probably never get finished
I still want to 100% hyrule warriors but there's just so much mang
>capcom console
it's not too late to delete this post
I figured it would be smarter to wait for it's Library to build up and not deal with any launch headaches
Because Latin America got fucked hard by Latamel and they gave $500 price for a fucking switch with $100 per game.
Also Splatoon 2 and Arms havent come yet
yeah because cemu has all those games that run perfectly on it
Cute cat, OP.
I haven't bought a Nintendo console since the n64. Last actual console I bought was a ps3. Just can't justify spending 250-300 USD for a system I'll play one or two games on. AND I don't have to pay a subscription just to be able to use my own internet to do online stuff.
im broke nigga
I was hoping for Gamecube 2 but even then I probably wouldn't get one as Nintendo are going to do exactly the same thing they did with the Wii U
I'm paying mine off slowly so I save money and actually get it when it has games
>i already have a wii u
>only morons will buy a tablet
Because of this
If it doesn't then who cares. Still not going to pay $400 for a game.
No because I'm not American
>One fucking game
>being a casual zelda fan
>being a nintendo cuck
I don't buy games or consoles until I know it'll be worth the money, and considering the lack of games right now, it most certainly is to me. It's not a matter of being poor, it's a matter of not being a retarded consumer.
Don't have the money, but I can mooch off of my friend's until I can get my own
Me, because it will flop like the WiiU.
>implying its not a device dedicated to the only good games ever on them, Capcom games
Take your shitty casual ass back to PS4 where you play some shitty version of MH
Because I'm tired of Nintendo's fucking gimmicks and I can pirate Breath of the Wild on my hacked Wii U. There's literally no other reason to get a Switch right now, maybe ever.
Waiting for a Splatoon bundle.
If no Splatoon bundle, then I'll wait for the revision.
>all these poorfags
Borderline homeless if you are so poor you can't even afford to save up for the console of the century.
the wii u is a home console whether you like it or not. the switch is a tablet
Because you don't buy a system on release. Every company has screwed over customers buy re-releasing the same console with better specs or better game bundles. I'm going to wait about 2 years.
I'm saving money for Steam VR, not some shitty tablet that can't even store a memory of one game and that ran out of batteries after few hours.
Me because I'm 25 and also all the Switch threads on Sup Forums give me a headache, I'm starting to hate this thing without really knowing what it exactly is.
I don't have that kind of disposable income, and I dont care about being on the bandwagon.
I had my ps2 for 10 years, then bought a 360 3 years after they launched and they do me fine.
Ill just wait for the switch to become cheap when the next gen consoles launch and it has a decent library built up.
I bought a PS4 pro instead so I could play Yakuza 0, Bloodborne, Nioh, Final Fantasy XV, Persona 5, whatever the fuck that new Kingdom Hearts is called, etc.
Poor. No gaems out yet.
Overpriced for what it is, not enough games.
I want one, I just don't want it bad enough to spend $360+ for most of a year filled with nothing of note but Zelda. Will consider again if December sees a price reduction and/or bundle and possibly an announcement for upcoming MH5 (assuming Capcom don't continue to fuck up the series the same way Cross and especially Doublecross have).
Saving money to upgrade my One S to Scorpio, I'll get a Switch after that.
Waiting for the inevitable XL or upgraded version of the console after the glaring hardware flaws are exposed.
No games + shitty build quality
I'll buy the revision in a year and a half
It's nothing. Most of the board here is either trolling by buying this crap or they're just underage and really think that bragging about it makes their peepee look bigger.
Very cute kitter
I didn't.
I haven't bought a console since the Wii, and it has no games that interest me.
I got botw on Wii U, 1-2 switch is bad, I don't give a shit about splatoon, arms or Mario odyssey.
Only thing that would really influence me to buy a switch is smash, animal crossing, or a retro developed metroid.
No games.
I could have, the Best Buy I went to still had them in stock. I'm not buying a system just for one game though. I'll reconsider it once there are more games for it I'm interested in.
No metroid
I didn't.
It has one game and that one game leaked on Wii U CFW days ago.
It also screams hardware revision with the shitty plastic screen, awful battery life, and dodgy controller connection. Makes zero sense, buying this thing at launch.
The only game I wanted was BotW.
Ganna wait a few months and buy the upgraded/fixed/bundled versions of the consoles in a few months maybe with MK8Dx or Spla2n
Great, another screen lottery just like the 3DS.
The only games that interest me are the ones that don't have a release date or barely exist at all.
None of Nintendo's announced first party games excite me.
Gonna play the "wait and see" game. Only really interested in Zelda and I can play that on my Wii U.
No rush. Let the early adopters get all the defected shit. I'll get a newer revision model down the road, with a pack-in game.
because I'm in my 30's
3rd world poorfag who only buys consoles when they die and are wide open for piracy
Got it fo' free on the Wii U, and it has the same frame rate lol.
You have to be a pretty much virgin weebo to buy Nintendo instead Xbox or PS4. Get a fucking life for one.
WiiU didn't get a re-release, did it?
What's the matter, user? You don't like the screens matching the controller colors?
yeah, early Wii Us were white and only had like 4GB storage
later ones were black with like 100GB storage
You fucking serious?
I guess you can have a life since you have no games to play on the consoles you do have, huh?
When will they restock?
no games
You're a cat you don't have thumbs! You can't even play Sup Forumsidya!
The Deluxe set had 32 gb and was released at launch.
Idk. I'm hopeful for 2 weeks maybe
me. cuz nintindo is gonna fail just like hillary clinton. it is gonna fail like the state of mexico. it is gunna fail like the career of shia lebouf. nintendo is a softare company with proprietary hardware. it is already dead and it doesnt know it.
Because it's a shitty gimmick system
It only has 2 games total that I want to play, Zelda and Mario Odyssey, one of which is available on the Wii U which I already have and the other doesn't come out until a year from now.
Zelda BotW looks really fucking boring so I'm not really hyped to play it. Looks like generic boring open-world crafting shit. I could go play ARK or any fucking other game on Steam and get the same experience and with better graphics.
I haven't been interested in Nintendo hardware for 10 years. Only thing I've played is Luigis Mansion and the sequel for the 3ds. Aside from that, PC and ps4 suit my needs.
Pic related: me and my favorite game
Weeaboos buy Sony consoles.
>Interest in games waning
>Nintendo going for a Hail Mary with such a small library of games that matter to me and no clear intention of improving it
>Have PC game backlog I'll probably never get to, so adding more to that list seems pointless
I don't know, user. Maybe I value things better in life than something that has no real value right now.
>tons of new and unique games vs the same remade Zelda, Mario and Pokemon games made by weeboos
wew, lad. You have the same problem as Apple cucks, buy new shit nno matter what as long as it has the higher number than the previous model.
>you don't have thumbs!
Nigga please
Waiting for Mario and/or Animal Crossing
>Who here DIDN'T buy a Switch?
Because it FUCKIN SUCKS!!!!!
Its a god damn tablet with shitty controllers on the side that has NO games. they spend too much money on gimmicks again and failed to give people a powerful platform for nintendo AND 3rd party games AGAIN!
I'm not buying this shity toy. no way.
they are going to fuck up hard again and bring fucked up games like the new star fox that are all about weird new controlls but don't have a decent game behind it
they are even having dlc and paid online service now. wiiU and 3ds owners are also fucked and wont get any more games.
Its over! Nintendo is DEAD!
fuck this shit! fuck nintendo and fuck their stupid miscarriage downsyndrom lame console.
...and fuck everybody that still buys their shit!
nintendo gets fuck all for good weeb games, retard.
The ones around me were preorder already and I lack funds
But if I don't get one now they'll just site a lack of sales as a reason not to give it one
>Nintendo just copy the idea of Nvidia Shield
>make 2 games for that "console" and a lot of casual crap
I didn't.
I lost all hope in Nintendo after the Wii happened.
They don't want my money anymore honestly, so they don't get it.
I've moved on.
Already got a 3ds, seems kinda pointless.
Why would I buy either of those when I could just get a PC and a Nintendo console and have access to most of the worthwhile games?
>Who here DIDN'T buy a Switch?
I didn't.
No metroid, no monster hunter, shoddy hardware and buying the first generation of a console is just retarded no matter how you look at it.
Haven't bought one yet because I'm waiting for the lineup to flesh out and inevitable hardware revision.
I have a Wii U (which I got when I learned the Switch was not going to be backwards compatible, and I have like 20 wii games and my Wii was dying) so.. I can play Zelda on that for the time being.
ATM only worthwhile games are Zelda and Bomberman. Not enough to warrant the console purchase.
>A party game and a Wii U port
chill out autismo you´re peeing yourself
Waiting on it to have more games. The new SMT in particular.
>because xboxs never had issues
These issues are always cleared up in hardware revisions and i'm sure the "Switch XL" will be worth the wait for you guys.
But the issues are pretty uncommon, and nintendo do have a full warranty on the console and everything it ships with.
Waiting for Monster Hunter is a great reason.
Hopefully they release one soon.