Blue pill me on Dragon Age Origins. I've grown an interest in it

Blue pill me on Dragon Age Origins. I've grown an interest in it

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It's merely an acceptable RPG in a completely forgettable setting.

give me a quick rundown on the genlock

The last good Bioware game that was ever made.

OH, wait, you said blue pill you, *AHEM* CRPG's suck dude, buy Dragon Age Inquisition.

>dude what if we made an rpg where nothing respawns

Play the first one don't play the rest

Kinda tedious but if you're a veteran of ARPG-type games you're already used to it.
Decent story and character progression.
Good combat/shit-tons of skills
Forgettable generic epic fantasy soundtrack

Doesn't come close to older Bioware RPGs but still a solid 7/10 game

It was being developed after NWN and was stuck in development hell for a long time. They touted on their website that they wanted to make an RPG that didn't follow convential fantasy tropes and cited A Song of Ice and Fire as the main influence for the game.
What we got was an edgy generic fantasy game with an emphasis on social issues.

Play it. It's unironically a top ten rpg all time

3rd greatest RPG of all time, sets up for an amazing franchise.

Try it, the gameplay is very fun and the game is competently written

there's an interminably long cave sequence and several extended dream sequences.

i can niehter confirm nor deny the existence of a sewer dungeon but i'd give this one a wide berth if i were you

I enjoyed DA2 more than Origins. Origins was the last Bioware title I bought and felt completely ripped off. It was supposed to be the next Baldur's Gate but all the characters and locations where forgettable. The only place I can remember is Redcliff Castle because I live near a place called Redcliffe.

>Blue pill
its an amazing game

go buy it rignt now so you canf und the goij bioworard jl iofuopuasj

Play something like Pillars of Eternity instead lmao

Did you like Baldur's Gate? Well FUCK YOU this is the closest shit you'll get in the last decade. It's not great, hell it's not even good, but FUCK YOU because you don't have any other option. Did you want deep RPG elements that are balanced and unique? FUCK YOU. Did you want a solid story with a heavy amount of world building? FUCK YOU. Did you want interesting characters that fit in their world? FUCK YOU ENCHANTMENT LOL.

This game is ok.

uh user, have you just had a stroke?

Only people that get the joke ITT

OP must feel slightly disappointed

It's the Dark Souls of mediocre ARPGs

A-user are you okay?

I would, but the mountains of text have put me off. Ain't no one got time for that shit. I read enough books in my spare time as it is

Its a pretty good/long story.

Combat is above average better then the follow up games at the very least.

Play on the highest difficulty if you want a challenge,also do yourself a favor and figure things out by your own instead of looking at guides.


please kill me

the blue pill kills, my dude

I loved it as a teen and when I went back and tried to play it recently it was boring as fuck.

I have a feeling I played it on easy in 3rd person as a teen and just went through stomping everything to get to story bits.

When I tried to play it recently I played it more like older RPGs from the isometric view and on a harder difficulty. The combat is boring as shit compared to other party based RPGs.

So I guess it depends what you are looking for.

>Did you like Baldur's Gate? Well FUCK YOU this is the closest shit you'll get in the last decade.

Pillars of Eternity exists. It's not a great game but it's better than Dragon Age.

not a bot

How is PoE? I like BG, especially since I like D&D (3.5 and 5e, really). Only problem with BG is it's based on 2nd edition, which is really fucking terrible when you've experienced much better rpgs.

It's the best thing to come out since Neverwinter Nights
Basically Obsidian tried to make the perfect, modern spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate and did so pretty decently

Combat is sluggish
Story is "le ancien ebil awakens"
Character storylines are boring

I dont get the high praise it gets on Sup Forums as this game is barely below average at best. I fell asleep the two occasions i tried to play this piece of garbage.

What makes it boring, user? That's how I intend to play it. Do you not like that sort of combat in general, or is there something about this game specifically that puts you off?

Every encounter just felt very samey. I was playing as a wizard and the spells you get are very very uncreative and boring.

Enemy design is really boring. It's just various shapes of damage dispensers.

You bought DA Origins and felt ripped off, but not with DA2, which had dumbed down combat, stripped down adventuring, and worse graphics and writing? Really?

Very sexist and problematic game, the Darkspawn are born out of rape, disgusting.

I'm glad bioware cut the darkspawn out of their later games and focused more on party banter, romance, and elves

>first playthrough, end of the game
>accidentally execute my tank
>my only potion maker gets mad and leaves
>forced to switch to casual because I lost most of my party with no healing options and they got replaces with shitty melee characters with shitty stats/skills


Not that user but I found that the combat got a lot more interesting on higher difficulties where it's very easy for people to get incapacitated due to a wrong pull, it makes most encounters feel much better and requires you to use some thought and tactics to overcome them (especially the ambush encounters).

Also nice digits.

Lmao, that can actually happen? That just makes me want to play it more

I think you can kill everyone who's supposed to be your party member in Dragon Age Origins.

It crashes frequently and inexplicably, but if it didn't it could probably be enjoyable. So about the same as all the older bioware titles.

You can pretty much kill/get betrayed by all your companions if you piss them off too much (which of course is pretty cool but somewhat negated when they show up in the sequels).

Like if you corrupt the ashes of a saint and you have a religious companion then she will try to kill you and you have to put her down.


That is so fucking cool. Why don't modern RPGs do this anymore?

But that's what I did. I went right up to the one before the hardest and it was just dull damage sponges everywhere and you end up doing the same shit every encounter because it's the most efficient way to not die.


I don't know about other RPGs, but Bioware stopped doing it because, get this, the retards who played their games and ended up killing their companions complained that they killed their companions.

They literally couldn't comprehend the concept of choices and consequences, and Bioware pandered to them by promptly removing it from their games henceforth.

They even did it for that Star Wars MMO. One of your companions betrays you and in the beta version of the game you had the option to Force Choke him to death and the option clearly stated it would kill him. So the beta players chose that and then acted astonished you actually killed him, and they complained, so Bioware removed it, so now you're permanently stuck with an NPC that betrayed you.

>Not recruiting Wynne

shiggy diggy

Industry playtesters frustrate me

Where are they finding these glue huffing morons

Because fuck meaningful choices and player agency, shit takes too much effort on the devs part and hurts the feefees of retards that obsess over characters.

It takes less effort to just add the illusion and stuffing the rest of the game with fucking sexual pandering.

A lot of companies, notably Valve, Bethesda and the like, takes people who never played games in their life and then build their games around ways to get them to play their games.

That's why you had that short maze part in Half Life 2 cut out, idiots kept getting lost, and why the retards in Dishonored playtesting had to be literally told by an objective to get upstairs, since the guard told them no one was allowed upstairs and they actually listened to them and never went there.

I think it's more that we live in the era of the sequel and they can't be fucked carrying over player choice, so they give you as little as possible.

Otherwise you end up with shit like "Just because YOU killed her, doesn't mean she's dead :^)"

Don't overblow your expectations and you'll enjoy it.
The story is only ok, i liked the combat most.

It's a Bioware game with some mechanical complexity beyond memorizing spell lists. A red letter day in the history of WRPGs basically.

Ok, new question: Should I get DA:O or PoE? My only experience with anything like this in the past is KOTOR, and I absolutely loved it. I'm not too hyped about all the mountains of text you get in PoE, but I love how interesting the areas look. Wat do?

You'd probably enjoy the first mass effect more than either of those. Get that.

>-Sort of alright but pretty meh combat.
>-Not much of interesting items, meaning dem gloves gib u +6 attack and +2 cunning and this is a tier 7 weapon
I am fully aware of the hyperbole here but top gier feels mediocre at best. things get better further on tho.
>-Generic looking gear
>+play trough and use your saves from prev game to set the world state
>+A decent plot that thickens, a lot of foreshadowing in every game.
Cant wait to see where the fuck does the corruption come from.
>+Okay replayablitiy
I am playing trough whole three games 6th time already.

I get the fecal urgency when I have to romance Morigan for canon plot

If you liked KOTOR you will like Origins. PoE is diablo.

I think he means pillars of eternity

Its good for most of it I never get past the Dwarf section though because its a FUCKING SLOG.

Good game not the best of the series like DAI.

>The Fade

there you go. I literally cannot play it with how dull that is. I HATE it

if you like arpgs you can have some fun with it


Skip it. Or don't be autistic about stat boost, 4 more points in magic is not going going to make a difference.

luckily theres plenty of 'Skip the Fade' mods that award you with all the stats that you would otherwise leave behind

PoE = Pillars of Eternity

Funny, for me it's the best part of the game. Grim, foreboding, scarce but well-crafted fluff, long enough to drain your resources, and filled to the brim with difficult fights.

It's a CRPG with proper modern production values and not just some shite kickstarter and 1 year unity engine project with stretchgoals that added nothing to the game whatsoever

Dragon age origins and the expansion pack awakening are really good if you can get them both for say 15$ to 10$ (should be really easy nowadays with how much the Dragon Age IP has flopped after DA2 and inquisition)

Or just pirate it. It's a good game if you like CRPGs, it's got a bogstandard plot but it's competently executed, the combat system is a lot more interesting than the sequels.

Really what they tried to do with dragon age origins I feel is that they tried to make a spiritual successor to Neverwinter Nights (they were shooting ideas around for the dragon age project by the time the 2nd NWN expansion pack released)

Dragon Age Origins
>good characters
>best PC
>many rpg-elements
>boring exploration
>slow boring combat
>generic fetch quests
>ok story

>best combat
>ok characters
>bad story
>worst exploration

>ok side quests
>best main quests
>best characters
>good exploration
>ok combat
>bad filler fetch quests
>ok story

Got the ultimate edition for DA:O here (GoG edition)

Anybody want it uploaded to a MEGA folder? There have been 'limits' imposed of like 5GB per 6 hours for certain regions lately, but supposedly there's a few bypasses fixes for this that can be found via google.

Whats your favorite class?
I really like how shield + sword looks in this game, but equipping a shield basically forces you to be a tank and deal shit damage.
I wish i could just use just to look cool but still make my character a damage dealer.

I think you're probably the only person on the planet that hasn't played it yet.

Warrior with twin swords = fun fun

>really bogstandard plot
>pointless combat mechanics
>teleporting enemies
>realtime with pause but without any form of AI automation to speak off, your dudes will stop attacking the enemy if he runs out of range of them and they will not chase, they'll just sit there until you give them orders constantly
>A terribly underwhelming plot, hurr durr gods aren't real hurr durr
>only 2 interesting party member characters out of the whole cast
>pointless personalized fort and 'infinite' dungeon underneath it were added as stretchgoals, in the end they added fuck all to the game
>Anywhere close to Dragon age origins or Baldurs gate

I like Obsidian, but Pillars of Eternity was not a good game. Why the fuck do you force me through countless combat scenarios if you're not gonna give me anything interesting for doing them, no exp, no interesting loot, just pointless obstacles that you're forced to kill (there's no real other way around a lot of these fights).

The lore to Pillars is fucked from the get go with cyphers basically being the main character only repackaged and reworded.


heh, no not really. If you're gonna compare it to Baldurs Gate then pillars looks even worse than if you compare it to dragon age origins.

>ok characters
I had to google this because I couldn't remember all of them and the ones I did remember like the pirate chick and the fag were ass. The only good one was the dwarf now that my memory was jogged, the dyke guard captain was mediocre at best and everyone else was beyond garbage.

Also is DAI worth a playthrough? Wasn't in the mood when it came out (plus Bioware had burned all good will it had in my by that point) so I haven't touched it or heard much about it except Sup Forums going full REEEEEEEEEE when it came out.

It is good. Sup Forums is delusional bout any modern Bioware game. Just look at the amount of shitposting the new mass effect game is getting on Sup Forums.

Two-hander tank.

Nothing can stun me. Nothing can move me. Nothing can touch me. Nothing will get past.

Path of Exile?

>Sup Forums is delusional bout any modern Bioware game
I don't know about Sup Forums or about being delusional but I personally wouldn't rank Bioware's latest games as anything above mediocre (excluding DAI that I haven't played). They have set a precedent of low quality with their past titles in my eyes at least.

I think he took the "bluepill me" part a little too seriously.

What is it with the broken character creator that always makes my character's face look like he's starving?
There's a hole between his face and his beard now and he looks like he can poke someone's eye out with his cheek bone.

>[Insert "witty" dialogue here]


He was actually funny at times though

It aged fucking terribly.

This, with each playthrough I'm looking forward to Orzammar. I love both city with politics and going deeper and deeper into the Deep Roads.
But I just love dorfs and play as them everytime i can, so i'm a little biased,

>best combat

Combat in all 3 games is shit and the waves in DA2 are horrible. Never finished it, didn't even get far in Inquisition either. DA:O and Awakening are the only good parts of those series.

You can't kill Morrigan, and I've never heard anything about killing Oghren.

How so?

You can kill Oghren, he will still show up in Awakening, tho
He will say, that was only knocked down.

Is Awakening to DA:O what Artorias of the Abyss was to Dark Souls? In other words, is it essential?

Where can you kill him?

I've been replaying DA:O recently, and for some reason Fade and Orzammar don't feel like a slog this time. I've actually had fun there.

'Funny at times' describes Bioware better than anything I've ever heard.

Dunno about Dark Souls, i never played it. I like it. It continues story of your warden (or other warden that comes from Orlais, if your character died in Origins)
It adds new abilities, specializations etc. Shame that it is only expansion, because it feel too short.
If you like your character and world it's pretty much essential, because sequels are abominations.
Story was more interesting than in origins imo.

It's fun but only 7/10 and the sequels are feminist horse shit. You can see the seeds of that in this one though.

It's decent. You may have a good time if you want a regular medieval RPG with party based combat and plenty of dialogue with your party members, while the main story is literally ANCIENT EVIL HAS AWOKEN and you're the only hero who can put an end to it.

Shit maps.
Shit quests.
Shit dialogue.
Shit tertiary inventory and crafting mechanics.
Shit characters, well like 90% of them anyway.
Shit pacing.
Shit art direction.
Okay core combat but not really that special.

Worth playing through if you've played through most of the Infinity Engine games and want something that's not quite as good but still playable. The biggest selling point was that it'll remind you of Baldur's Gate every now and again.

>not quite as good but still playable
DA games are an insult to everything Bioware made before