How will nintendrones with their silky smooth 20fps 900p top this?
How will nintendrones with their silky smooth 20fps 900p top this?
Also general TECHNOLOGY/screenshot thread
But our 240p 20 FPS N64 game already topped it
It's like witcher but actually good looking
Are there any porn of Alloy yet?
Teb getting friendzoned
Last one
Wtf I hate Zelda now
>taking JPG screenshots
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or ironically trolling Sonyfags. Half of these look terrible.
In 4K res, .png shots exceed Sup Forums limit.
They were taken as PNG, but they're 15mb each.
I honestly find Aloy to be pretty cute
I bet you think this looks great. My eyes hurt just looking at this aliased mess.
All of these screenshots look fantastic. I'm skeptical of buying the game because western developers can't make good singleplayer games, but the visuals are some of the best out there.
This is giving me mad uncanny valley. Like I'm looking at robots wearing human skin instead of looking like a video game.
Worst thing about BOTW's presentation for me is the shit texture filtering. If it weren't for the flat-coloured grass you wouldn't realize how pea-soup the ground textures are.
It's basically Far Cry Primal meets Witcher 3 with some tagging through binoculars from MGSV. Much better than I thought it would be, best looking game on the system easily also. The writing looked cringetacular in the early previews, but its pretty alright in practice
Is the combat in this game fun? Or is it as shit as the Witcher 3's?
>tfw modded skyrim looks better than this on PC
I thought the lore was that they ARE robots wearing human skin. I may have just been fed a shitpost though
The only game you listed there that I have any care for is MGSV.
He's trying to shitpost the game by spoiling it. Just report him.
The PS4 is hardly silky smooth either, user. Going from a 144hz gaming PC to my PS4 gives me a headache.
why don't you post it
It's much less terrible than Witcher 3, depends on the individual whether you would consider it 'good' or not. I'm enjoying it. The game doesn't play like absolute ass on consoles either - Witcher 3 menus on consoles chugged atrociously, HZD menus run at 60fps.
>it's all about the graphics now
Zelda looks like shit and Zero looks like shit. Now what fags?
t. PCcuck
Go away toddler you have a billion other Zelda threads to shill in.
>silky smooth 20fps
The funny thing about that is; you're obviously exaggerating and yet that framerate is still higher than what Until Dawn (a PS4 exclusive) runs at in most areas.
Until Dawn is literally a movie, so that's fine.
shitposter are having a blast today, since most people are playing zelda instead of defending it.
BOTW actually runs less than 1 frame per second in numerous areas. That's a new record.
Is that why 90% of the catalog is shilling BOTW madly, touting reviews that toddlers once easily dismissed when it was TLOU and UC4 getting 10's?
Why do people willingly pay to play their videogames on a HDTV with 40ms of delay, low graphical settings at 25fps and then argue about their superiority? You're playing the poor man's option.
her face looks so ugly
its like a man reproduced with a chipmunk
I'm playing in HDR on an OLED. It blows the fuck out of basically any computer monitor. It's a locked 30 too, which is actually pretty playable.
Graphics look great, but I wish that devs focused more on making open world games more dynamic, instead of focusing on a scripted storyline, you progress through the game creating your own story. It would need advanced AI where the world can have a live economy, conflicts between factions for various reasons, and random events.
What is art style?
I bet you think this looks like shit?
Two more, fresh from where I'm up to
>tfw no 4K TV
Forgot picture
Wait for a sale, I got mine more than half off around new years
I understand that you can change her outfits, but can you change her hairstyle?
Can you also make her barefoot again?
what do you think her pits smell like, ha ha
Are you saying the poor draw distance, the aliased Link and the poor lightning is all part of the "art style" and not the hardware being a dated shit device?
I play on a 144hz 27 inch GSYNC monitor with 1ms gtg, it's superior for gaming than just having deep blacks. 30fps is barely playable, I rarely go sub 90
>Horizon: 8.8 Dawn
>> She is so pretty and strong and independent and smart and funny
t. sonigger
Horizon Zero Fun
Hair and sweat
It's a matter of what you're used to. I used to think 30fps was unplayable too, but you really limit yourself to not enjoying plenty of great games with that mindset.
I prefer to play from the couch nowadays also, much comfier than an office chair.
>TLOU and UC4
Oh, those games that didn't even manage to get over 95? Sorry, I forgot such mediocrity even existed.
Hairy pits would have made her a 10/10
Horizon Zero Interest
>poor draw distance
Dude the draw distance in BoTW is better than HZ:D this has already been discussed to death with comparisons.
>the aliased Link
Your one valid complaint yes there's one or two places where Link has poor anti-aliasing.
> poor lightning
...Have you played either of these games?
The lighting in BoTW is far better than HZ:D. This is a basic fundamental in the cartoony art style of zelda games like WW.
I'm a guy that typically prefers cartoony cel-shaded style over photorealism. But Horizon's art design (monsters, world) is top-notch. And it's amazing what they've accomplished on a PS4. I don't know why you're mad about Horizon's visuals while defending an objectively inferior piece. The cel-shaded graphics hide
Horizon Zero Original Ideas
*The cel shaded graphics do a good job hiding some of the limitations of Switch but doesn't go all the way in making it truly visually beautiful.
this is "art style"
your zelda shit is just embarrassing and coincidentally enough also designed for 6 year olds and tumblrinas
>massive bloom everywhere
>good lighting
Is this some kind of meme
>make a shitty game
>someone spends 4 years working on nothing but textures to slap on top
I hope retards dont actually use mods as arguments against anything
>But Horizon's art design (monsters, world) is top-notch.
I hope this post is a joke. Whoever designed the monsters doesn't deserve a job in any industry. All of them look like complete garbage. Westerners shouldn't be allowed to design robots.
It looks like they use DoF to hide a lot of shit. It goes outside cinematic intent. Everything is just blurry rather than it being used to direct focus.
How is the game on a regular PS4?
I don't wanna buy it if it's gonna run at 20fps
Art design > Tech any day of the week
Go back and play a mid-gen PSX title and compare it to Super Mario World. History will hold Nintendo's arm in victory and Sony's name will be cast into obscurity.
I just bought this game but haven't got the time to play it yet.
Is it any good?
DoF is only used in the conversation scenes. They definitely use the Assassin's Creed/Mass Effect trick of higher quality models in conversations than in gameplay though.
>Wii U version
Switch is considerably sharper. Even in tablet mode.
>t. Fatlus
Post any monster in BOTW that looks as great as this.
I'll wait. Also don't bother replying "i-it's shit". You'll only embarrass yourself further.
Sounds about right.
Apparently its pretty solid 30fps regardless of which PS4 you have. There are drops on both, but it isn't a case of regular PS4 being thrown under the bus.
Horizon Zero Fucks Given
We're talking about a modern 3D Zelda here, the gameplay is nothing to write home about. This ain't Tropical Dong.
>Post any monster in BOTW that looks as great as this.
Why would I do that? I know nothing about BotW. I just see you posting car accidents with legs and trying to pass it off as well-designed.
>But Horizon's art design (monsters, world) is top-notch
It's good on a technical level, but both the monsters and the world are extremely bland, tasteless and overdesigned at the same time
Haven't noticed any drops whatsoever so far in about 5hrs of gameplay, PS4 Pro version
Holy shit, that's a 10/10 dodge right there.
>I haven't played the game
Theres a reason this game has a 98.
>both the monsters and the world are extremely bland, tasteless and overdesigned at the same time
That's just like, your opinion man.
The world reminds me a lot of Toussaint from W3, except with a Destiny/Last of Us vibe - wrecked buildings, blown out cars, etc.
I'm able to run everything 144fps at 1440p, and you still bicker like children as if the PS4 represents graphics? The PS4 is a weak PC for those who lack the attention span to game properly. At least the Nintendo experience can't be replicated on PC.
>only thing horizon has going for it is looks
>the gameplay is nothing to write home about.
But Ubisoft staple gameplay and Uncharted ledge climbing is? Unlimited dodge rolling is supposed to be gameplay?
>transformers-tier overdesigned /clang/ with spikes and flashy lightbulbs out the ass
>top tier
>I'm able to run everything 144fps at 1440p
No, you're able to run everything on PC at 1440fps at 1440p. But at least half the games worth playing aren't on PC.
The 4K/30 on the pro is plenty great for the price, especially for people who don't want to plunge thousands of dollars into PC hardware.
>inb4 I sent away for coupon refunds on all my components, waited for sales and got my 1080ti for $100 and my monitor from a korean vendor on ebay with no warranty
What, do you want me to spend 10 minutes scouring the Zelda wiki so I can find some enemy from a game I'll never play?
>Great graphic
>Shit world design
Every fucking time.
More. The game looks pretty alright at night too
So now you concede the point of visuals?