VR is too expen-

>VR is too expen-

Reminder that they promised us a $300 price point for the final consumer version.

plus the pc that can handle that shit. not everyone can afford building a high end pc.


They going to make a cheaper vive?

50-150 dollaritos or GTFO with that gimmick

>600 bucks for the head set
>.8-1k for a good computer
>5 bucks for a game
>all the games are shit

Youre fucking right it's expensive. I'd rather buy the pre-release xbone that needed a mandatory internet connection and Kinect.

I have a $50 limit on novelty gimmicks.

>VR meme

Unless it's $199 it's not worth it

$598 thats more expensive than a GTX 1080 $499 now since price cut

with the controller and bundled free games that's about where it's at.

The whole thing costs as much as a cheap TV

You mean it only cost $600 to play some tech demos? Do you also sell magic beans? Because I'll buy that too.

>Can strap my samsung galaxy s5 to my face and get the same thing

Everybody who sells this as "VR" should get sued for false advertising. It's not a virtual reality unless I can fool more than one of my senses (which it only poorly does)

You do realize that it says that Rift alone is $499 in the picture?
If you are trying to claim that few shitty tech demos are worth $200 then you are a fucking idiot.

>ZOGulous Rift
>Paying $600 for Mark Zuckerberg to study your eye movements for the purpose of targeted sponsored content

If you don't care about the quality.

>buying gen 1 VR
lol you guys are fucking suckers. See you in a couple years.


i rather buy a switch or pspro
occulus is worse than the earlly alpha builds, just how the gearVR2 is worse than the first gearVR
hope lies on jewgen with the vive

>600$ for the bundle
>300$ to upgrade my CPU and motherboard
>60$ to buy VR games

>nobody buys gen 1 VR
>it dies

>people buy gen 1 VR
>it dies anyway

I don't want the controller.

Any game that uses them is going to be a gimmick, besides I live like an Asian so I have no fucking room to use them anyways.

I just want the headset so I can feel like a WWII pilot.

VR is just like 3D televisions. Everyone is hyped as hell at first, but then they realize that wearing a shitty thing on your head is cumbersome and annoying as fuck. So they will stop giving a shit about it and then the whole concept dies.

That's gutter trash nigger tier VR.

I'll probably pick up a headset in the summer along with the switch

I don't think there are any VR games that are $60

the phone headsets will stay around though if only for vr porn

The only good VR game is Elite Dangerous

So unless you like 30 hours of space trucking (I did) VR is useless.

This, stuff like Job Simulator etc are just gimmicks to make "funny" youtube videos. Where VR is really going to shine and where it's main market is going to be in is stuff like Elite Dangerous and racing sims etc.

VR controls are good for games where you interact with things that you don't have a real controller for.
Playing a VR racing game with a wheel would be much better than playing with VR controllers.

Anybody play Robo Recall?

>$600 for a headset

Kek, I'm glad this gimmick failed even before it started

elite dangerous vr is comfy but yeah there isn't anything but tech demos and mods discounting that game.

>Sup Forums this salty they STILL can't afford VR headsets

sive, expensive.

There I finished that for you.

>they don't play Pavlov vr

Elite Dangerous VR is actually fucking stunning.
The game is perfect for it, absolutely perfect, especially with head-tracking.

Your targeting icon follows where you look, menus pop up on your dashboard when you turn your head to look at them, you can lean to look out your windshield to see better and keep tabs on what's around you. It's 10/10 immersion.

However, it's 90% space-trucking.

I might get back into it though because aliens. The game is unbelievably dense.

Isn't the Vive the best one atm?

kill yourself facebook meme cunt

Resident Evil 7?

>Occulus Rift
People still care about that FB garbage?


VR will always be too expensive because it's literal garbage that's useless as well as has a high chance of making you sick. Even if it was only 1 dollar it would be too expensive.

oculus is more ergonomic by far but the vive has the addition of having the roomscale gimmick.

yeah but that's more like game with vr support rather than vr game, you know what I mean?

They are both equally useless.

Does this shit work with normal games? Can I just buy the headset and use it for immersion in like first person games.

you can get third party programs to force normal games to work with it. most popular ones are vireio, vorpx, and tridef

There's software to make it work for a lot of normal games. It's similar to how 3d was introduced. Another screen with slightly different angle is presented and the images become superimposed into one giving apparence of depth

It's a good gimmick. I like that it's also compatible with dolphin and ps2 emulator. Hopefully a better workaround will be available for project 64.

Playing 3d n64 was pretty cool but I bet these headsets make it 100x better

You can force it to work for some normal games but it's pointless for various reasons, e.g. you can't read text, you get motion sickness, there's no immersion because floating arms, etc.

The biggest barrier to VR was never the technology, it's the motion sickness. There's a reason all the VR games in existence today are about either sitting in a cockpit or standing in one place and only spinning around the same as they were 20 years ago when this shit first came out.

It's a flopped gimmick like the motion controllers and has no future, anyone that got it wasted their money.

Elite Dangerous is great for VR. The recently released Robo-recall did a fantastic job as well, as did Arizona Sunshine.

I would hesitantly buy it if it was 399$, it's great that it did get a price cut since it will allow new blood to seep into the market, but for the resolution the current headsets have I would not yet buy it at that price.

it has a future as a niche peripheral like a wheel I think

To this day RE7 is the only full legit video game to play on VR.

VR isn't a gaming alternative. It's a gimmick for parties.

Maybe. It takes a lot more effort to support VR than it does to support a wheel though.

Elite Dangerous, dude.

yeah it does, but if the market solidifies itself some companies will try to support it though won't they?

>Illusion's VR Kanojo already out
>It only support VR


Entrance fee only down $1
>yfw the extra shipping weight more than makes up for it

Not really no. The Vive is a bitch to set up, takes up space in shitty places in your room and the games it has are not worth the hassle especially since the Rift provides a similar experience with just its cameras. The latter has better games, it's more ergonomic and it's now even cheaper.

>better games

Such as?

>supporting facebook

Yeah, but Vive got more hentai games support and mods for old ero games

Do these things have exclusives too now?

Fuck that, another goddam walled garden.

I was speaking relatively when I said 'better', I was referencing the games Oculus shilled out cash to make them exclusive to its platform, forgot their names.

you can get cheap TVs for $150, probably less if you don't go Vizio.

VR a shit, HoloLens is where you should invest.

There's a way to make them work on the Vive too so it's exclusive in name only.

Because it's not a game.

If you want non-VR VR Kanojo then play their previously released Real Kanojo.

>spending $600 fun bucks an a failed platform

>spending 600 bucks on a shitty gimmick
Call me when I can get that bundle for no more than 250-300 and I might think about it.

That'd be a solid price if it had shit to use it for. I am also waiting two years before buying into this shit.

This. Not specifically hololens but the technology. AR + VR in a form factor that will be the same size as Geordi La Forge's visor.

Sorry user, that is still too expensive.

Make another thread when they have that exact same bundle for 300 dollars maximum.

600 dollars is not cheap, hell it's more expensive than a console and requires you to already own a decently powerful gaming PC to run it's extremely small amount of games at a decent framerate.

Seriously, 300 is the absolute highest any non-retarded person would be willing to pay for VR.

>inb4 'lol ur just poor'

Maybe I just like not wasting my money. Poor people are generally the blind consumers who waste all their income on over-priced gimmicks and crap.

Spending lots of money isn't a sign of wealth (just that you have a credit card and poor judgement). Having lots of money is.

It's still like $1000 in Australia because they hit us for $200USD to ship it from the US. Are they deliberately trying to sink their product or something?

The problem with VR from a consumer standpoint is basically they're being marketed the same way as gaming PCs. As in you have a lot more freedom than consoles, but at the same they, you don't really have a sense of identity to market. I mean a lot of normies will get hyped when a new Nintendo or Sony console comes out. How many would actually get hyped for the latest high end graphic card? With the exception of Alienware, gaming PC doesn't really have an identity. It's the same thing with these headsets. They don't have exclusive games. They don't have deals to make peripherals like that Omni treadmill exclusive to one headset brand. I know these ideas are basically anti-consumer, but without that sense of identity, that sense of competition, there's really no way these companies can really thrive.

Jesus, are people still trying to keep this meme hardware alive?

PC gaymin is already just multiplats with a few exlusives. VR is a fucking joke there is NOTHING to play. $600 fucking dollars to play nothing but stupid little gimmick games that belong on a cell phone.

I would buy a nintendo switch to play 1 game before I would buy VR because at least switch has 1 game to play.

Even if this was a 1/3 of the price it wouldn't sell

Porn games with those electronic onahole things.

>b-but if I wanted to have sex I'd just fuck a real girl. nobody wants that autistic shit!


I would just buy a nice onahole before I bought vr
They are only around like 40 bucks