Now the dust has finally settled

Now the dust has finally settled
Is it shit?

yeah it sucks dick, i already packed it back up in its box and I'm going to return it tomorrow

it's alright

>sonyggers are getting this desperate
best thing ever

It's going to need a hardware revision by this time next year.

So, yeah.

yes its shit but its doesnt matter with nintoddlers they will throw money at it anyway

nintendo is lucky to have them as their customers

Ready for the New Switch

Yes. It's shit. Literally 1 game that you can pirate instead. On top of a myriad of technical problems and the fact that they've overpriced the system. The design choices on the Switch really make me question Nintendo's current integrity. It seems as if they don't know what they're doing anymore.

you know when the xbone hardware and company decisions were crap people boycotted it and MS had to pull a 180 on their bullshit and revise the whole thing

nintendo fans lack the balls and are now supporting a sub par tablet that will charge them for the 3 games it might have online mode

why bother when there will be a revision in 6 months


They system is garbage but Zelda is good.

Nintendo is gambling big here and I think they have lost the first crucial battle. If they had released this at an earlier time instead of the WiiU, they may have stood a chance by now with a perfected Switch. The criticizing publicity is already pouring.

not gonna happen until next year

if anything they will try to move as many units as possible before christmas

its shit if you never go anywhere, its great as a handheld.

Basically its a normie console.



Truth hurts huh

Like every day one console---It is rough in some spots. The plastic screen is particular was a major letdown. While the launch line-up received a good shot in the arm with downloadable titles like Snipperclips, it's still weak and not worth a purchase of the casual gamer at this moment. The console price is fine considering the sharpness of the screen (ppi) but the accessories are highway robbery at best. Shame no social media/multimedia options on the tablet---I already have a decent tablet but that would sow up a nice dual functionality bullet point for poorfags/parents of children.

But I've been surprised but the lack of desync on the joy-cons (patch fixed or was that some malicious myths?) and the general performance of BotW has been great for a console game. The UI is simple and snappy. And there is undeniable magic to how quickly and without interruption the system switches between tablet to TV mode.

6.5-7/10 for now. Likely will be bumped to a solid 8/10 if Mario is as awesome as the pedigree suggests and we get a decent E3 announcements.

I don't own one. Just felt the need to point out the autism.

i own one and i don't plan on returning it, but aside from BoTW the switch is shit right now.though my only issue is software, not hardware.


zelda is ok
but switch is FKING SHIT

>Is it shit?

Depends on what you mean by shit. Is it worth paying $300 for one game? No.

idk, ill tell you once I get one for half the price off craigslist from a nigger that stole one