Is it any good?

Is it any good?

Is this the new GTA?

Wrong board, buckaroo, and no, it's not.

I'd yell at you for posting this in Sup Forums and not Sup Forums but your lack of the racism of that board has me confused.



I don't watch movies, what's this one about?

It's GTA: The Ballad of Gay Tyrone.


it isn't capekino so it isn't worth watching desu

Something about black homos

Video games

cucking la la land

gay black man oscar bait.

was lala land any good?

Only if you're gay

Didn't watch, but i saw the oscar with 3 friends, the first one thought it was okay and had really great visuals, the second one didn't like it very much, the third one was rooting with all his might for it to crash and burn, he immediatly left my house in furious anger when it "won" best picture

So basically it's a lose-lose between the two?

It couldn't be any more progressive if it tried

Meh if you like musicals i guess

It did win its Oscar only because the higher ups feared that La La Lands blonde-blue-eyed-wife-speech incited chimpouts. So they changed the winner in the last possible second.

This movie is gay nigger trash.


Yes, pretty kino drama, top 5 of dramas I see in my life.

is this videogames

Did Black and Kev fuck at the end

missed Sup Forums by a mile newfag

It's confirmed kino, sorry Sup Forums.

How would Moonlight play if it was adapted into a video game?


Kev went on to have a kid with a woman. The final confrontation/conversation ends with a tender embrace before the cut to credits. My interpenetration is no--they don't fully fuck.

This wasn't even the best negro oscar bait movie let alone the best film. Fences was better and Manchester by the sea should have won best film.

It was actually good, yes.

Still, not videogames.

Pence was right.

GNAA: The Movie