Well its official boys. Its perfect in every way

Well its official boys. Its perfect in every way

Other urls found in this thread:


it's good. not perfect.

Well when you only got one game it better be a good one

It's perfect. Not good

>equipment durability

Game is trash.

>equipment degradation
>10/10 game

Pick one.

Don't take what I say for granted cos I haven't actually played the game just watched live streams but looking at the bows, once you get a good one it could just carry you through the entire game 1-2 shotting every enemy with headshots.

>"its not perfect"
IGN rated it 10/10, Its like you want to look stupid

>it's the perfect game
>but we won't explain why it's perfect
there's no such thing as a perfect videogame

Perfect only if you take shills word for true and do not try it yourself. Then you'lll see it's good, not perfect.

Anyone got a pdf guide for this? My amazon order is delayed and I want to 100% this shit.

Too bad it runs like shit. But I guess that is more the hardware's fault and not the game. Also by having watched Lirik's stream yesterday those tens must be nostalgia goggles. This so called revolutionairy open world quotes are pure nonsense.

Didn't they also rank the system as a 6.2

But IGN is a nintendo shill

>Sup Forums now trust's IGN

Wow, it's like review scores only matter when you agree with them, huh?

>let's make our franchise open world
>but make that open world completely empty for no reason
it's okay when nintendo does it

But when other people use IGN to justify another games quality they get smashed to shit.

>nintendo does it again
and when was the last time they "did it"

everything is okay when Nintendo does it.

It's obvious how wrong the reviews are when you start comparing them to games rated well below that people have been playing for years.

Red Dead Redemption 95
Halo 2 95
Skyrim 96
GTA V 97
Doom (original) 8.8
Super Metroid 9.4
Super Mario 3 9.4
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike 8.4
Marvel v. Capcom 2 8.5
Super Street Fighter 2 8.4
Super Mario 64 94
Final Fantasy VII 92
Chrono Trigger 92
Oblivion 94
Starcraft 88
World of Warcraft 93
Tetris 85

That's not even the tip of the iceberg. That's how ridiculous that rating is. It's better than SF2 which is the formula for nearly EVERY fighting game? It's better than WoW, which invented a whole new genre of paid MMO and made ungodly amounts of money? Much better than arguably two of the best JRPGS of all time in FF7 and Chrono Trigger?


thats why review is 100% paid pure bullshit

it's pokemon SM all over again

a good to mediocre game gets a 10/10 because it's zelda/pokemon

does it work on cemu yet?

>Does it again

When was the last time that they "did it"?

Fuck no, It's good but there are flaws.
When you die you keep your inventory, so if you use all your food and arrows, you respawn without any.

but its ok for literally every Sony exclusive?

So it's as good as Undertale?

Zelda games get high scores just because of their name.

same level

Or maybe they're just good games that happen to have the Zelda name user.

yes, it is.
deal with it.


Giving a game with an unstable 20fps a "perfect" score is the perfect demonstration of just how ridiculous modern gaming journalism is.

ah so we finally get that the game is mediocre, based on fair, unbiased revie-

True intergenerational Nintendo titles:
>Super Mario Bros
>Super Metroid
>Link to the Past
>Donkey Kong Country
>Mario 64
>Ocarina of Time
>Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2
>Breath of the Wild

See, now they gave Skyward Sword a 10/10 and called it a masterpiece. I like Skyward Sword, but that game has flaws, like recycling game bosses multiple times, the small and restrictive over world, and having to constantly re calibrate the wii-mote among other things. you cannot deny this. They HAD to have been paid by someone to shell out that review. I never read it because of how pissed off I was, but if they had any complaints whatsoever, and they voiced them in the review, that's grounds for knocking it down a point, no arguments allowed.

I'll be playing this today, my sister bought it, and I'm sure I'm gonna love it, and if you're a Zelda fan, you'll love it too, but just from looking at the pictures I already see something I don't like, and that's how smoggy the background looks. It's like fucking Los Angeles. This is not a 10/10 game, they were paid, I call shenanigans.

the 20 FPS is just a TRIBUTE to the N64 games.

>It's better than SF2 which is the formula for nearly EVERY fighting game? It's better than WoW, which invented a whole new genre of paid MMO and made ungodly amounts of money? Much better than arguably two of the best JRPGS of all time in FF7 and Chrono Trigger?
Yeah, it's pretty easily better than all those awful, awful titles.

And this is why opinions hold no real weight in a conversation.

>muh Skyward Sword argument
TLOU is considered a GOTG title. Yet it has the most braindead puzzles ever, a QTE melee system, held your hand throughout the whole game, and the worst AI in modern gaming. You cannot deny this, but here we are with Sony fans praising it's sequel as the second coming.

TLOU was praised for its story and cinematography. SS was the most involved Zelda had been in a 3D Zelda game and had the most story yet. Maybe it's for that reason? The high scores for stories in games isn't limited to Sony exclusives you know.

As if nobody spammed TW3 with negative reviews.

It's still 9.3

Remind me why anyone listens to IGN again?

Why can't you fucking autists just stop shit posting and play the game?

God Hand is overrated shit, IGN was 100% right here

Sonyggers don't play games. They just buy their FIFA and shitpost on Sup Forums

Did Ocarina of time ever have to run faster than 20? I see the point of playing a game at a full 60 frames a second when it's something fast like a racing game, but in OoT you kill enemies one at a time, you practically jog at a brisk pace. Wanting something to run at 60 frames a second just because it can doesn't mean it should. That would look weird as hell in a game like OoT.

This is the pinnacle of games

>It needs to be original to be good!1!

>frame rate drops
>clunky controls which you can't customise
>subpar soundtrack
>embarrassing voice acting
These are fact, now here are some that are opinion based
>terrible horse controls
>lack of variety in enemies
>unskippable cutscenes when dying in some cases
>weapon durability sucks
>enemy designs suit cartoon world
>inconsistency with Zelda universe
>link has a tablet
>can't name yourself
>mech/steampunk tech which ruins immersion of a simpler time, a la fantasy Robin Hood
>links tablet has wifi and location services
>wiiu version doesn't utilise tablet screen for map or weapon select
>blatant switch port
>jump button opposite of run button
>zoras are red, gorans are obese
>wacky character design which makes me feel like I'm watching a cartoon
What else?

IGN is a based and trusted review site only when they give a good score to a game I like.

CEMU release when?

That is not the point. You should not be reviewing a game is you are openly admitting to having a bias against the genre it falls into. It's like a democrat reading and reviewing Donald Trump's book. Is it good? Probably not, but do you expect the person reading it to give a fair and honest review?


Godhand was shit
IGN was right on this one

>two of the best JRPGS of all time in FF7 and Chrono Trigger?
chrono trigger is fucking boring

>Red Dead Redemption
>Halo 2
>Marvel v. Capcom 2
>Final Fantasy VII
>World of Warcraft

Those ones are garbage games.

>Well its official boys. Gaming "journalism" is extremely biased in favor of Zelda fanchise.

>>clunky controls which you can't customise
>>subpar soundtrack
These are opinion based as well. It's not Nintendo's fault the control scheme is different from every other open world game out there when it's always been the Zelda control scheme.

And music is subjective. Personally I think it fits the game. Debating on whether game music should be bombastic or atmospheric is opinionated.

TB please go die of cancer already.

What video games do you like?

Silent hill hd collection got a 9 from ign a fucking 9 let that shit sink in nintendrone A FUCKING 9

>another GTA game scores high without any significant changes in story, gameplay, setting, music, etc.
gaming "journalism" is extremely biased for GTA franchise?

ay fuck you we like dark souls 1 around here


The game recycled a temple boss into a regular enemy later in the game, and The Imprisoned was needlessly recycled and tedious. Not difficult by any means, by easily my least favorite part of the game, and a lot of people were not happy with either of these things. You can't score a game on story alone, and shit like this needs to be taken into account when writing their review.

What an amazing story it has! Two survivors have to find a safe zone where people try to survive and rebuild the society. Absolutely new idea barely existing in other zombie movies. Featuring Gruff McGruffin and strong independent girl, strong independent woman that needs no man, token black family, token gay character, evil government and an evil white pedophile.

See their adventure as main characters travel US while killing more people then some WW2 soldiers while staying psychologically stable and nice.

>implying anyone here is old enough to have played SH game.

>Who cares about reviews! IGN is for fags!

The hd collection was shit the ps2 version was amazing thats the difference and the hd collection came out like what 5 years ago u faggot

Notice how I didn't included some of the games in the list.

>Two survivors have to find a safe zone where people try to survive and rebuild the society
Not the story

No Super Mario World?

>You can't score a game on story alone
>tomb raider reboot
>witcher fucking 3 with its braindead combat
>dragon age inquisition
>shadow of mordor
>beyond two souls
>until dawn
>the upcoming death stranding, persona 5, and god of war

I guess we know which fan bases are doing most of the shitposting then

Tetris and pong.

Skyward Sword

The Last of Us had really good gameplay.

If I only wanted a good story, I'd watch a fuckin' movie. This is a video game, you PLAY video games, not watch them.

m-movie game

Ocarina kept to its framerate, where-as BOTW will just sttuter and drop on a whim, sometimes out of nowhere. It's distracting.

I liked the last of us aswell bunch of spoiled bitches the lot of u

i'm just being a jokester. It's definitely not the citizen kane of gaming but it is a solid 8.5 outta me

No it didn't.

>weapon durability
>PS2 tier graphics
>barren open world
>4 enemies, not counting reskins
>4 bosses, not counting reskins
>boring repetitive shrines
>constant 10-15 fps


lmao, it's decent but not even close to perfect. 6/10 at best, but 5/10 if I'm being honest. Horizon Zero Dawn is by far the better purchase.

while those are all very good games in their own right, innovation is not a metric of quality

I'd rather have a great game that invents nothing than a shit game that's completely out of left field

>Horizon Zero Dawn is by far the better purchase
They're not even similar.Why are people comparing them?

AI was nothing special and the sneaking got old fast. other than that it was just lowering ladders.

would've been better with more climbing/exploring.

What game are you talking about?

>>PS2 tier graphics
It looks like a good Wii U game.
>>Barren open world
There is shit to do all over this fucking world.
>4 enemies
Did you play it? There's a lot of reskins but also a ton of variety in the enimies you'll see. There are far more than 4 enemies in this game, this argument is just factually incorrect.
>constant 10-15 fps
It drops durring certain intense battles and it towns, it's far from constant. I ask again, did you play it?

Two sides of the same coin, user.


what if you had a one-sided coin like harvey dent?

That's what l told some of my friends today.
"But, dude, Zelda got perfect scores."
"So did TPP. Your point?"

I want to start playing the first Zelda (it would be my first one), but from what i heard, it has some bullshit spots where i will need a walkthrough. Is this true?

What if you throw the coin enough times it lands on it's edge?

Please kill yourself if you think igns opinion on anything means jack shit

In that case you're a centralist and everyone from either side calls you a faggot.



This posts should be banned. They're tiresome.