Persona 4

First time playing through this game.


I've been going through a bit of an existential crisis for the last few years, and the game is actually helping a LOT. The game isn't exactly breaking any new philosophical ground--all the concepts in it have been written about for ages. But Atlus did an amazing job of putting it together and making incredibly serious questions of life, death, and existence digestible.


Anyways, on a lighter note, should I date Rise or Yukiko?

>I've been going through a bit of an existential crisis for the last few years, and the game is actually helping a LOT. The game isn't exactly breaking any new philosophical ground--all the concepts in it have been written about for ages. But Atlus did an amazing job of putting it together and making incredibly serious questions of life, death, and existence digestible.
You sure you weren't playing Persona 3?

The first persona experience is usually like that. You grab it out of nowhere without knowing anything and it just blows your mind and you feel really comfortable with what the game offers

Persona 3 offers a different feeling, They might play the same and have the same formula, but the setting, characters and overall background of most stuff will make you feel different

Good games

the game makes you question none of those things. You just described P3

Yukiko. Rise is a whore. But all the girls are bad.

Persona 3 is more about death then life. Feels like a drama to me after playing through it, actually. Persona 4 is actually asking questions of who we are and how we should live, in P3 I feel like this matter was barely scratched.

>serious questions of life, death, and existence
None of that happened in Persona 4.

>You sure you weren't playing Persona 3?

The most powerful part for me (so far) was before fighting shadow Teddie, when Teddie is asking where he came from, why he exists, why he's empty, and then being forced to confront his shadow--which is the exact existential fear of emptiness and nonexistence that can eat away at you. And the answer makes a lot of sense--don't give up, keep fighting to figure out the truth, and don't lose hope that there's more than this reality.

>The first persona experience is usually like that
The only other Atlus game I played was TMS:FE, so I was familiar with the basic mechanics, but that story was aggressively forgettable. Tsubasa was hot though.

Are you 12 or something?

Hello Plebbit.

>being impressed with P4's story
>actually using "powerful part"
You know, in a way I envy you OP, since you manage to have so much fun with a mediocre game and being impressed with mediocre writing.

>Complains about Persona 4's mediocrity
>Proceeds to post Persona 3

All in all, Junpei was cool.

>Reading this deeply in to P4
>Only other game it TMSFE
>This posting style
Outta here. Persona 3 unarguably looks deeper at these "life" problems than 4 does, the atmosphere and tone of the game is infinitely more seriously than the fluffed up Scooby Doo of P4.

Despite P3's shortcoming and flaws, it's a lot better than P4. I mean, P4 is shitty as fuck in general. It's just simply not the worst MegaTen game because Ronde exists.



>Anyways, on a lighter note, should I date Rise or Yukiko?

If those are the only two you're asking about, you have shit taste.

Anyways, on a lighter note, should I date Rise or Yukiko?

Do the moon

>unironically liking the Persona 3 and 4 games
>not liking Digital devil Saga Megami Tensei

I feel so sorry for you, play this you sack of shit

>Not Nocturne

>be Yu Nurakami in Inaba
>not going for every single reachable hoe out there
What's wrong with you

My nigga.

>not liking all PS2 MegaTens except for P4

persona 3 and 4 are the same beast

you can't pretend to have too high standards for P4 and then accept P3

Persona 3 for any fault at least had characters with flaws and arcs. People had real motivations and justifications for being who and why they are. They might be shitty people but they're at least generally interested and somewhat complicated.

P4 is a shitty slice of life anime where nothing happens, no one grows and everyone only exists to be your friend. It's boring, it's saccharine and it's just downright unengaging

Its shit

P3 at least had characters with some, even if minor, depth, writing that was in the very least better than P4's and the story arcs in P3 were interesting. Pacing and gameplay in general just sucks in both but P3 had a semblance of difficulty. So yeah, I can accept P3 for what it is.

I'm sorry, but you're not allowed to like Persona on here

Yeah I noticed.

Whatever, fuck the haters.

Valentine's Day is too fuckin brutal man

Yeah that's what I asked. I don't know if I even want to watch the Youtube of all the rejections (fully voiced apparently).


Atleast he can get one sidepussy via Marie in addition to whoever he picks

it's the total opposite for me.
P4 was the first Persona game i played and i'd get my 35€ back if i could,

the dungeons are horrifingly made of empty corridors and rooms and the combats really doesn't use the Persona system much, i prolly fused less than 10% of the totality of existing persona and went with them for the whole game till the end boss.
I saw nothing about what you did, there were mysterious dissapearance that made you question about it sure, but anything you say is just made-up "enlightement", this game's dialogue hardly felt philosophical because it was told through the voice of fucking highschoolers,
it went from mysterious local town dissapearance to "i'll devour the world with mist only thanks to the darkening of a few people from a single town".
not to mention the real bad guy was the biggest dissapointment i ever seen, his real personality reminded of school shooters, it's fucking cringe tier, i don't see what people see in him.
Only redeeming factor was the OST, it was nice but some tracks just hammer your head sometime, i'd punch whoever came up with the Sauna theme, i even grew tired of the combat theme at some point.

I went and played this game with an open mind because everyone say it's one of the best JRPG out there, it ended up being a mediocre/alright game that had a friendship system to save its face, who would even play it without the waifu romance?
I'd say it's the baby's first JRPG because i awfully get that feeling everytime P4 is told to be the greatest of the great, in no way it's a fucking 9/10 or close to that.

>everyone say it's one of the best JRPG out there
you made the mistake of listening to Sup Forumsaboos

>this sad picture of four morons sitting around table at mall on Valentine's Day
It's just like my life!