Could Junkrat beat demoman in a fight?
Could Junkrat beat demoman in a fight?
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only if demo goes full retard
overwatch is a shit game
and the value of a health point between tf2 and overwatch is different so you can't really compare that well
Yes, junkrat's bombs could destroy mines/stickies while demoman cant so really demoman only has his grenade launcher which has one less grenade than junkrat's launcher and a slower reload.
Also junkrat can't take fall damage or self damage from his mine unlike demo's stickies
>inb4 demo goes full demoknight and chops junks head off
The real question is Torbjorn vs Engineer
>junkrat trap
If it can stop a giant armored charging German crusader in an instant it can probably stop a drunk Scottish cyclops
since we have no idea how health/damage points compare between TF2 and Overwatch, that could range from Demo instantly killing Junkrat merely with the shield bash, to Demo doing literally 1 damage
because TF2 characters are practically superhuman but on the other hand they're using equipment from the 1960s so it could go either way
the only thing we know for sure, stats wise, is that every Overwatch character except lucio and tracer runs at the speed of a walking Soldier from TF2
that's all these discussions will boil down to, so there's no point having it until we know the "exchange rates" between TF2's and Overwatch's damage and health numbers
"Probably" was used there sarcastically, if a junkrat trap can stop a charging Reinhardt it can stop a charging demoknight
And even then the running speed is meaningless since almost every overwatch hero has a mobility ability and the ones that don't can be speed boosted by a lucio whereas in tf2 few classes have drastic mobility changes so plain running speed matters more
>the only thing we know for sure, stats wise, is that every Overwatch character except lucio and tracer runs at the speed of a walking Soldier from TF2
jesus christ i knew overwatch was slow but that's fucking poor
and most of them don't even have advanced movement like rocket jump rollouts or sticky jumping
overwatch is a console fps through and through
Engineer's turret actually does damage
And his shotguns aren't shit.
>'and most of them don't even have advanced movement like rocket jump rollouts or sticky jumping"
>he knows literally nothing about overwatch
Have fun with your dying game while the developers keep squeezing as much money out of you before focusing entirely on Dota 2 and CS:GO.
i said advanced movement not "press x to charge forward"
nice fucking 'abilities' blizzdrone they've been in literally every moba that ever existed
Scout effortlessly stomps. Shit, he could destroy the entirety of the Overwatch cast in a microsecond.
"This full spectrum battle monocle receives signals from a satellite at light speed, which means you may have to slow down a little so they can catch up to you."
Scout moves faster than light, no way Junkrat can keep up.
>since almost every overwatch hero has a mobility ability and the ones that don't can be speed boosted by a lucio
yes but these are all subject to cooldown gating.
a higher base movement speed means more in the long run than a mobility ability on a cooldown
>I know demoknight is exactly as strong in the Overwatch universe as reinhardt is because _______
do you see the problem here
TF Team have superhuman, unexplained abilities (scout's double jump, Heavy punching holes in concrete, Soldier's ability to survive a rocket jump) so they might be stronger than the Overwatch team
But they have antiquated 1960s equipment compared to Overwatch's drastically futuristic technology so they might be weaker
Seeing as we don't know how much damage a shot from an Overwatch gun would do to a TF2 character and vice versa, there's no point making comparisons
/thread my own post
The point is that overwatch battles play out entirely differently than tf2 where running speed only really matters in getting to the fight, the maps are designed differently, the heros and their skills are a completely different playstyle to tf2, and overwatch and tf2 are just fundementally two very different games; but you still go "wow it's so bad because it doesn't have this thing my different game requires!" just to make yourself feel better for either not having $40 or clinging onto the shit fest you know tf2 is now.
To maybe make you understand it more it's like someone that plays titan fall saying "Holy shit in tf2 they can only jump that high? They can't even climb? What kind of shitty game is that how can they even fight each other?"
>than tf2 where running speed only really matters in getting to the fight
I meant in overwatch it only matters in getting to the fight. There's no question that tf2 combat relies heavily on the other classes' movement speeds.
What? You can't make comparisons? Are we forgetting that TF2 also has stupendously advanced technology, such as the energy weapons that will disintegrate entirely in a single shot? Something that takes on the order of 30 megajoules of energy, notably. 5.56 NATO will generally hit with 1800 joules of force total. Figure that the aforementioned energy weapon hits for 30 damage on average- one fourth of the Scout's health, approximately- and he could survive an entire armory being unloaded on him.
Whenever I think about this, I try and go for a baseline sort of 'average' when converting health rates.
For example, the lowest health a character can have in TF2 is 125, and there's 4 classes out of the nine who have this as their health, so its safe to assume that this is the average of the 'light' classes.
Whereas in overwatch the lowest possible hp for a character is mechless DVA, and tracer, at 150 hp, in comparison to the lowest hp of the majority of the other classes, which is 200.
So i'd fashion a guess at the 200hp classes in OW being comparable in terms of hp to the 125hp classes in tf2.
If that makes any sense.
i bought overwatch at launch because i thought it was going to be 'the new tf2', the new best multiplayer shooter. instead i got a game that was slow as fuck, had no maps, all the maps were shit, and the game had the most plastic personality i've ever seen in a game. so i decided to pick up tf2 again because it's just way more fun and has more depth, and valve abandoned the console versions early so it doesn't suffer as much from consolitis. but way to project mate. overwatch wasn't entirely a waste of money because now my casual 13 year old sister plays it and has a lot of fun playing a shit game.
>Something that takes on the order of 30 megajoules of energy, notably. 5.56 NATO will generally hit with 1800 joules of force total. Figure that the aforementioned energy weapon hits for 30 damage on average- one fourth of the Scout's health, approximately- and he could survive an entire armory being unloaded on him
>Figure that
See, there we go again. You have to make unfounded assumptions to make comparisons between the two games.
We haven't got any numbers on how much damage a Soldier rocket would actually do to a Soldier 76. We haven't got any numbers on how much damage a Junkrat grenade would do to a Demoman.
So we can't make a comparison.
again this relies on assumptions.
Who says that the lowest health character in TF2 is equivalent to the lowest health character in Overwatch?
Maybe, because of advanced future technology, Heavy is only as tough as Tracer is in Overwatch.
See, I can pull shit out of my ass too.
You can't genuinely, seriously make a comparison because there is so much unknown info.
No, but this guy could beat both of them.
the new hero is even worse
>dude lmao what if we made ANOTHER boring-ass tank that is literally just TF2's Natascha Heavy+Zarya+Bastion and retreads old ground we've done before
>everyone loved the tank meta, right????
>the heros and their skills are a completely different playstyle to tf2,
Nope. Most Overwatch classes are dumbed-down rip-offs of TF2 classes.
So you chose not to demo it by playing the open beta, then you decided to not research how it plays, then you decided to buy it because of some "hurr it'll kill tf2" garbage you heard on reddit? Your sister must love having to care for her retarded brother.
Don't forget valve has abandoned the PC version too. They actually managed to con the dumabass community into making all their content for them in exchange for a couple hundred dollars per update every other year. Don't kid yourself by pretending to believe Valve had any intention in maintaining the console version of tf2 instead of just trying to get another quick buck; and that they're some hero for not updating the console version. Enjoy your next developer-made update that's just a few more community made hats in gambling crates, it took 8 months to make so I'm sure I'll be worth it.
Also if you care about trying to use that argument again you should know that blizzard buffs and nerfs the pc and console versions separately.
What's to assume? We know it hits for thirty damage. We know this means that Scout can soak approximately 120 megajoules of energy- if I did my math right, this'd be rather like a directed detonation of 60 pounds of TNT, right in your face. Unless we can pull out similar numbers for Overwatch, the TF2 cast is gonna be effectively invincible to anything Overwatch is carrying, and Demoman's grenades are gonna hit with force not too dissimilar to an Abrams' 120mm cannon, even if you lose a lot of force from the omnidirectional blast.
>the developers keep squeezing as much money out of you
>knows nothing about overwatch
>doesn't even realize that the tf2 classes aren't original ideas
Oh god it hurts
No, unless he has his ultimate ready. Otherwise Demo is generally much more powerful.
Every "update" or event that tf2 has had in the past few years has just been a pile of cosmetics, that the developers didn't even make, that valve boxes up so you can buy a key and open a crate to maybe have a chance of getting the hat you want.
It's pathetic that you don't even realize how you're being extorted by a company that doesn't even care about your game anymore. Valve has stopped caring long ago about game development or even what games they sell, as long as they make a shit load of money they're happy.
ok lets say these characters are played by players with the same skill level and they kept their health and damage values from their games, 9/10 times the demoman would win. why? because the demo has higher mobility, higher dps, has no cooldowns to hold him back and even with no cooldowns on junkrat the demo can place more traps than junkrat on top of the demo's gun having longer range and faster speed there's just no way junkrat could even compare to the demoman. what about junkrats ult? its a one time use and could easily be taken down by the demo either just by jumping away or just hitting it with one pipe.
>complains that i didn't buy the game even though i bought the game
thing is if i said i had played the game in beta and didn't buy it you still would've found something to complain about. typical blizzdrone circular logic.
>valve has abandoned the PC version too
no they haven't. there's an update on the way, comics still get made. the game has survived for 10 years which is fucking insane for a multiplayer shooter. not to mention valve basically pioneering the kind of post-launch support, free updates, and comics that overwatch is happy to copy and feign originality.
>they actually managed to con the dumbass community into making all their content for them
cosmetics aren't 'content'. and most of that money they make goes to the community cosmetic creators. valve are actively encouraging the community to have a big part in the maintaining of the game's longevity because when a multiplayer game's community dies then so does the game.
meanwhile blizzard are inherently anti-community. blizzard claim ownership of anything their community makes using their tools whereas valve keep things open. blizzard will never release a map maker for overwatch. so yes while the updates have slowed down, there aren't really any games that you can compare to tf2.
also i can literally buy or trade for any cosmetic i want in tf2 whereas in overwatch you have to rely on rngjesus. now THAT'S how you make a quick buck, but getting kids to buy 100 crates with no guarentee that they will get the skin they want. nice game blizzdrones.
>Could not-must-pick beat must-pick from other game?
Gee iunno senpai. It's not like Demoman is the best class when Soldier and Scout exist (the latter being a direct counter).
Now if Junkrat was designed better with fun and competitive in mind, so his conc jumps are REAL conc jumps and he can place multiple bear traps you might be onto something.
>We know this means that Scout can soak approximately 120 megajoules of energy
Nigger where are you getting the information that Scout takes X megajoules of energy to kill from?
Look at what you are basing your info from:
>Something that takes on the order of 30 megajoules of energy, notably. 5.56 NATO will generally hit with 1800 joules of force total
You are basing your info on Real Life. You cannot do this because TF2 is not real life. Where do you get your information that Scout takes the same amount of megajoules of energy to disintegrate his body as that of a regular human being when he is clearly not a regular human being, can double jump, and TF2 physics are completely and canonically alien?
>What is the Spy?
All Blizzard could come up with was a lame beanete that no one really plays.
do some fucking research next time you decide to post please.
>It's pathetic that you don't even realize how you're being extorted by a company that doesn't even care about your game anymore.
extorted? the game is free. the game has been out for 10 years and has been receiving updates for 9 of those years. the only reason blizzard still updates overwatch is because of lootbox money because people want the new hot skin for their virtual waifu. and also because the game had such a pitiful amount of content at launch that they HAD to do something to stop people from getting bored of their shitty game after 2 weeks.
>online fps
>no custom map community
bravo blizzard
I'd say Demo. Junkrat's only weapon is his nade launcher, and a weak ass punch. Demo has lots of tools for the job, and a collection of swords, and one deadly Golf Club.
>It's not like Demoman is the best class when Soldier and Scout exist
While this is true, Soldier only has a small edge over Demo due to his OP melees, and Scout barely has a tiny edge over Soldier (people get confused and think Scout>Soldier based on the actions of competitive Soldiers wearing Gunboats, which makes him worse against Scout; but in MGE tournaments, Soldiers beat Scouts the majority of the time).
>(the latter being a direct counter).
TF2 doesn't have counters to the degree of Overwatch. Scout has 125HP and Grenades do 100 damage per direct hit; throw in some great pipe aim and Scout is easily defeated.
Really? I haven't seen much to suggest that TF2 runs on a different model of physics. They're still subject to gravity, however close they come to defying it, they still have the chemical processes that create explosions and allow for life to exist... simply put, if there's no direct contradiction to TF2's physics being the same as ours, we assume they are. At best, what we see in TF2 is just assloads of Sufficiently Advanced Technology. High-tech robotics are physically possible, as are directed energy weapons, etc. It only starts getting somewhat fantastical when we introduce teleporters and the like (and, well, strictly fantasy elements such as magic and the explicit existence of both Heaven and Hell with their respective deities).
But nobody says Star Trek is running a vastly different model of physics than TF2, do they?
We should go with Spy, then. He has no exceptional physical abilities, nothing to suggest he's really superhuman. The only esoteric things he has are disguising and invisibility, both products of Sufficiently Advanced Tech.
The Directed Energy Weapons of the game can still distintegrate him, a seemingly ordinary human, in a handful of shots. That's an assload of energy we're dealing with, and that they can survive it at all is an enormous boon.
Also, you know, Scout moves at FTL speeds. Which means Demoman is probably moving slightly lower than c.
>o-o-o-oh SHIT AN ARGUMENT I CAN'T LOGICALLY DISPUTE! B-better just call him a blizzdrone and p-pretend he would have complained either way! Y-yeah that'll sound smart!
Good one champ.
Overwatch hasn't tried to claim originality of support past launch, free updates, or lore comics and they sure as hell aren't the only ones to do those things since tf2. Don't just make up arguments, stick to actual pitfalls of blizzard and overwatch to have people actually respect your argument.
If we're talking about copying it's funny how now tf2's official valve-server browser has been replaced by a matchmaker, experience point and level mechanic, and "waiting for players" skirmish before the game starts system that is remarkably similar to overwatch. Looks like they were worried about losing that playerbase after all.
I'll agree blizzard hasn't released stuff for the community to make their own maps and such but who cares, I've never once thought "man I wish I was on CTF_orange" while playing overwatch.
Oh yeah no you're totally right, an e-econmy run by teenagers that fluctuates wildly and applies ridiculous fake value to items is soooo much better than carefree cosmetics. Nobody buys crates in overwatch to get some item they want, hell the only people that buy crates are adults with disposable income and not enough time to play Overwatch or moron kids. If you just play the game you'll be swimming in crates and coins to just unlock whatever specific item you want.
>he thinks sombra is supposed to be Spy-like just because she can go invisible
>Really? I haven't seen much to suggest that TF2 runs on a different model of physics
are you kidding
falling from the top of hightower doing like 40 damage
>Also, you know, Scout moves at FTL speeds
as I've already said it's reasonable to compare TF2's and Overwatch's movespeeds because we have some concrete data there.
but you cannot in any way conclusively say "weapon will do X damage to Scout when fired by Lucio"
thus there is no point doing combat comparisons
anyone who says so is a tf2cuck retard trying to salvage their ded game
Well with 4 out of the 20 something heroes being basically TF2 classes (Engineer, Sniper with charge shots, Medic, and Demo), it's only fairly obvious that Sombra going invisible and doing shit behind enemy lines will ring alot of bells for Spy players.
she's a bit like skye from paladins on a superficial level
>purple thin tanned chick
>automatic submachine gun
>goes invisible
>ult is a big aoe thing (though sky'e ult is a DoT bomb so that's not quite the same)
>If we're talking about copying it's funny how now tf2's official valve-server browser has been replaced by a matchmaker, experience point and level mechanic, and "waiting for players" skirmish before the game starts system that is remarkably similar to overwatch. Looks like they were worried about losing that playerbase after all.
cs:go was doing it before overwatch. also the server browser hasn't been replaced, it's still there. another reason why overwatch is shit is because it has no dedicated servers. the custom servers are a pale imitation of what actual custom servers are. overwatch would never permit custom server plugins for instance. because you wouldn't be able to do that on console, and blizzard doesn't want to upset their console fanbase. see also: consolitis.
>who cares [about custom maps]
anyone who isn't a consolefag and has experience playing online shooters that aren't cod
>Nobody buys crates in overwatch to get some item they want, hell the only people that buy crates are adults with disposable income and not enough time to play Overwatch or moron kids
lmao how fucking clueless are you.
Junkrat has
>25 more hp
>1 more grenade/reload
>faster reload
>unlimited ammo
>no fall damage
>can destroy enemy deployables
>2 eyes
Demoman has
>Better personality
It's not even fair. Junkrat wins without even getting out of his sitting emote.
also i should add overwatch literally took of the design for their competitive/esports/casual infrastructure from what valve came up with in cs:go. blizzard does not have an original bone in its entire decrepit body.
No shit those archetypes of engineer, sniper, medic, demoman and even spy are going to seem similar, they're fucking everywhere across gaming. Tf2 wasn't the first to think of all of those, maybe they were the first to smash them all together into one game but everything about those classes is inspired from other games and media.
The extreme LACK of fall damage would suggest that they're durable, nothing else. Surfing can be explained by sufficient speed, as can double/triple jumping- Scout is moving his legs to quickly the air doesn't have to time to move around his feet, serving as a hard surface in the few microseconds it takes him to jump again. A second platform. Double jump.
And, I can't say it'll do x damage to Scout. I never said it would. What I said is that Scout is so mind-bogglingly durable going off that Directed Energy Weapon feat that any damage an Overwatch character could do would be piddly.
Pathetic, at least own up that your side had the same shitty youtubers that were around long before overwatch.
>Targe has Explosive resistance
>Junkrat's mine is recharging
>Off goes the Aussie's head.
>The Dominatining begins...
Point is your argument doesn't hold water. Just because other games wind up with the same doesn't absolve Blizzard.
CS:GO didn't invent that, it was scrapped together from moba and RTS mechanics and they wanted to see if they could use it in an FPS
My leadup point wasn't about similar classes, just that Valve's only original class was the Spy, and that Sombra was a cheap knockoff of him.
>No shit those archetypes of engineer, sniper, medic, demoman and even spy are going to seem similar, they're fucking everywhere across gaming
Oh come the fuck on
I suppose a Sentry Gun that you upgrade by hitting it with your melee, with 3 levels, with an additional minigun per level and a rocket launcher at level 3, built by a short round person who wields a shotgun is "fucking everywhere across gaming"?
I suppose a short-range lock-on healing gun with a glowing stream connecting patient and healer that makes little crosses fly out of the patient, wielded by an angelic European medic dressed in white, is "fucking everywhere across gaming"?
I suppose a person with grenades lined up in rows on suspenders on their chest, and a grenade launcher and stickybombs they use to rocket jump, are "fucking everywhere across gaming"?
All these things are JUST SO FUCKING COMMON huh?
Don't fucking delude yourself.
tf2 and cs:go unboxing is less popular because most people can just buy or trade for the items they want.
overwatch unboxing is 'compelling' for kids and other retards because there getting coins takes fucking forever, the holiday skins cost like double what the non-seasonal ones cost. so unless you have saved up a shit ton of coins, then your only recourse to get the skin you want is to fork over money for lootboxes. and there's no guarentee you will get the item you want. bash the steam marketplace all you want but the options it gives players puts blizzard to shame.
You guys are both fucking idiots.
Are you kidding me? Spy is arguably one of the least original. He's literally just the FPS version of the "Rogue" that RPGs and literature/movies have been using for decades.
Look up how sombra plays and you'll realize that she plays entirely different than the spy other than "she go shiny see through sometimes" and "she can make machines electrocuted"
>Are you kidding me? Spy is arguably one of the least original. He's literally just the FPS version of the "Rogue" that RPGs and literature/movies have been using for decades.
what the fuck am i reading
overwatch players continue to try and spin TF2's market as some sort of abomination on the face of video games and >imply it every time it comes up, despite it literally having no downsides
don't like it? don't use it
wanna get rid of a cosmetic you don't like or specifically buy one you do? want to sell off all your cosmetics and weapons, and cash out of the game? want to make money to buy games with (if you're not stupid)? TF2 lets you do all of these things
>He's literally just the FPS version of the "Rogue" that RPGs and literature/movies have been using for decades.
That's a weak ass argument mate.
Also found the rare Sombra Waifu guy.
This is fucking painful. Go do something else with your time. Again and again it's the same shit. Holy fuck it is absurd the lengths you people will go to just so you can argue with one another over shit that literally does not matter. I don't even get what either side is trying to argue or accomplish. Are you trying to convince the other side they're wrong and their game is shit? Why? And what do you gain from it? Is this a good use of your time?
Some guy having a weak excuse for Spy not being one of the most unique things to gaming as a whole at the time of TF2's release.
I literally don't hold it against noobs to play as him because they find him such a unique class compared to your typical classes/other shooter vidya where you're just a dude with guns.
Plus he's difficult to play, and hard as hell to master effectively. Which for some is a challenge.
not him but the point hes making is that its a video game built on code that uses numbers
your the one making the assumption anyone here wants to consider for even a moment that this fight is somehow affected by how fucking "old" their gear is
Because TF2 has fucking laser rocket launchers and junkrat shoots grenades out of a chunk of scrap metal there is no reason to base it off shit that holds no value in game whatsoever
No, even without changing DPS numbers whatsoever Demoman has a higher DPS, fire-rate, and survivability.
Stickies by themselves would be considered overpowered in Overwatch.
Spy would be considered overpowered in Overwatch just for his backstab even if he couldn't cloak or disguise. It's a casual game.
From a "realistic" standpoint, assuming the two have equal health:
>Demo is wearing armor, is precise with his weapon (despite an apparent lack of depth perception), skilled with melee fighting as well
>Junkrat is unkempt and constantly singed, as well as vaguely mentally unstable, hinting at sloppy aim; very little, if any hand-to-hand combat skill.
My money would be on the Demo.
This shit always happens. I see a thread with an interesting topic, then two or more asshats have to ruin it all with Sup Forums's falvor. If it isn't two loyalist defending their games, it's the asshat coming in going "[X] GAME IS DEAD HAHAHAHA" with the haha's in there in all caps for good measure and for that extra pinch of doucheiness.
>The sneaky rogue that stealthily hides in shadows, cloaks themselves, desguises, uses a knife to backstab an unsuspecting enemy, sabotages enemy machinery, and keeps a trusty ranged bow, crossbow, or slingshot for when things go wrong; most famously found in games such as Dungeons and Dragons
So sorry your "praise lord gabe xd" wasn't the original visionary you thought of. Basically every tf2 class is a "rip-off" of a DnD mechanic or class.
>>he knows literally nothing about overwatch
>while proving he knows literally nothing about TF2
>the ability to destroy stickies negates their existance
have you ever even played TF2
>Because TF2 has fucking laser rocket launchers
we have fucking laser rocket launchers today, look up PHASR dumb tf2 fag. And overwatch is set in the future, so the equipment is much better than modern
so there's no point to this thread it's just dumb Team Cuckies trying to shill their game
>doesn't know anything about TF2
>doesn't know anything about D&D
You don't know anything at all, do you?
>Made up a description to sort of fit it
>/tg/ - First Person Shooters
>Charges right into steel trap
>pop pop pop car alarm
Don't forget that while the Demo has some sort of body build for combat, Junkrat is basically a stick. A shirtless stick who already has to hobble with a peg-leg in SHORTS.
And he hails from a land which, lore wise, is irradiated from a robot power plant exploding. So I doubt the small bit of Radiation poisoning would do him good.
Demo drinks alot sure, but later liver problems can't shine a light against being physically weak from radiation.
>one concussion mine
>So sorry your "praise lord gabe xd" wasn't the original visionary you thought of. Basically every tf2 class is a "rip-off" of a DnD mechanic or class.
Sniper no Sniping.
>made up a description to sort of fit it
Holy shit how young are the kids on Sup Forums these days? You're going to honestly tell me you have no idea what the rogue archetype is? Whoever your English teacher was did a shit job of teaching you.
But from a game mechanics perspective my money would be on Junkrat. His explosive balls are way easier to connect with and he has the mobility advantage with jumps.
That said Deathbattle can go fuck itself cause Scout mechanically had it over on Tracer by alot. Alot alot.
D&D stole is from Conan.
Ergo, Valve stole the Spy from Conan the Barbarian.
Eh, a pan to the face will do the trick then.
I'm sorry, but technologically advanced? Maybe. They seem to have regressed severely in application of that technology. No combined arms strategy, no air support, no armored support, the most advanced shit they have is a bunch of fancy infantry gear, and the pinnacle of warfare is throwing a mob of hooligans at one another with nothing but their weapons and gear. Overwatch isn't terribly advanced at all, they just have shiny pew pew guns, which might not even confer a damage benefit- maybe they're used because you don't have to carry assloads of ammo.
Junkrat's grenades, or even his mine, could take out all the stickies in an area with one AOE blast though, that's something demo can't do without the Scottish resistance
>melee weapons have infinite range
>rolling at light speed
>step in a trap
Even so, the Demo's body is far too used to all the alcohol to be effected negatively by it, at least within the forseeable future.
Either that or he's tricked himself into not being effected by it; either way, Demo being a drunkard is nothing compared to being a twiggy, radiated maniac.
But yeah, game-Junkrat is definitely way stronger than game-Demoman; doesn't take any damage from sticky-jumping, has that tire thing, and his grenade launcher is faster with a bigger clip.
>not being 50 miles up in the air only swooping down to meatshot you from the back and then ascending at rocket pace