Why is this board so anti-Microsoft?

Is pic related good?

because Microsoft is the most anti-consumer

There isn't even demand for shitposting the xbone anymore let alone hate it.

Gears of War 4 is easily 2016 GOTY.

It's a solid Gears game.

You realise that Sony and Nintendo exist right?

>Actual backwards compatibility
>Not forcing people to buy their shitty console to play their 1st party games
>Offering people who wanna stay console fags better hardware and pushing their games to a scalable platform so when the system comes out, it can get shit like better textures
>Offering one of the cheapest 4k Blu-Ray players on the market
>Rolling out a game subscription service that's pretty fucking great for the price
>Making sure all the games available with their online sub run on their newest system
>Offering modded controller alternatives
>Actually listening to consumers and undoing their anti-consumer practices for their new system

>Actually listening to consumers and undoing their anti-consumer practices for their new system

Let us be fair here though. It was more like their hand was forced. Had they kept insisting on keeping those things for the console the backlash would have been so great that they would have been destroyed forever as far as consoles go. The Xbox One would be deader than Wii U.

So they deserve no credit here.

I give them credit because of how bullheaded Microsoft can be. Plenty of other companies will blatantly ignore fans when you tell them they aren't doing right by the consumers.

GoW 3 was so great and GoW Judgement was so shit I lost interest to the series completely. Also xbones launch was such a disaster I also lost interest on xbox, I have both original xbox and xbox 360 mind you.
Now I have a PC and xbox era is over for me.

Like I'm upset with how Sony is handling PS Now. Instead of trying to offer a better service, they're just cutting out support for a lot of devices.

Well for one no other company would have tried to pull what Microsoft was trying to pull. Secondly any other company would have done the sane thing and backed out of those plans.

So again Microsoft gets zero credit for that. That is like giving a bully credit because he didn't punch a kid as hard as the day before. Yeah fuck off with that. Microsoft were being massive pricks.

Its really short and the characters are bland as hell
It looks plays well, looks nice and the multiplayer is decent but don't but it full price just for the campaign

pic related hasn't been good since the first installment slow poke

I bought the PC version. You can play with those on Xbone.

I beat the story mode on Hardcore and put 300 hours or so into Horde Mode so far.

The story mode is good except for the parts where they integrated Horde mode into single player. Felt lazy.

Horde mode has five classes that have levels and skills. If you get a good team or a group of friends, Horde is fun. Playing Horde with noobs that can't get past Wave 10 isn't fun.

Cuz some user once said :

"A game by Microsoft for microsoft" - Shiggy user.

They tried to charge 50 dollars to play online on pc. Fuck those cunts.

Gears 4 was my GOTY last year. but then again not many great games came out last year.


I don't hate Microsoft itself but I hate the xbone for the crazy consumer unfriendly shit they initially tried to push with it.

For the most part I've just been indifferent to Microsoft consoles. They barely have an exclusives and Japanese devs refuse to touch them for the most part. If you're not interested in Halo or Gears it seems like there is no reason to buy them.

It's amazing how much HISPANDERING goes on in GoW4
>Dia De Los Muertos characters
>and weapon skins
>Luchador themed skins for the fat spic, not just one but MULTIPLE luchador skins
>two terrible Hispan-ish characters, one sounds like a Sup Forums caricature
>Kait is cute though, CUTE
>held their big tourney in MEHEECO SHITTY
>actually have an achievement called I'm Drumpf which involves earning a million in-game cash playing MP

I guess it's worked though, every second player is some illiterate beaner who mumbles moonspeak into the mic while going 0-5

Puerto Rican born in NY here.

Actually a lot of hispanic people seem to love this franchise. I also noticed it with Killzone. A lot of Brazilian's seem to love Killzone to.

I really can't even comprehend why this is man. Please no bully.

80% of Mexico's population owns a copy of Gears of War

If someone is using a mic in the game lobby it's almost a 100% garuentee it's some Beaner using a kinect with eight other people in the room, bonus points if they are playing music

Hispanic people fucking love Gears of War. Also I want to FUCK Kait

I actually wouldn't mind it if they weren't almost uniformly bad:
-shitters who couldn't find their asshole with a map and search radar
-really aggro guys that think a regular kill deserves teabagging/jiggling CONGRATULATIONS YOU KNOW HOW TO USE A GUN YOU ARE THE REAL MVP HERE

There has never been a strong fanart following for this franchise but goddamn is it ever weak with Gears4, there's almost no porn of Kait except what I've drawn

>no Jap support
>no games until fall
>cancels games
>only focus on fps/tps/racers
>no games in 90s like the x360
Gee I wonder why

Honestly Microsoft just needs to work on the Japanese support. However, they've been listening to us. Sony's first party is terrible this generation and only looks decent because of all the Japanese games it gets for free.

Also, my personal goty for 2016.

>gravity rush 2
>horizon zero dawn

E3 when they announced teh Xbone. Microsoft probably had the least loyal user base and they tried to pull some shit that lost the little faith they had built up over two console generations.

They disregarded the importance of their reputation for greed and now it's biting them in the ass, as it should. It doesn't matter if they reversed all their horrible ideas for the Xbone, they showed their hand. We all now know they'll do it if they think they can get away with it. This, combined with any interesting exclusives getting canceled (scalebound, the new phantom dust game) turned anyone who had any affection for them against them.

The only exception is little kids like you whose first console was a 360 and NEED to get the latest Halo game.

I don't hate Xbox or Microsoft.
Xbox/Xbox360 were both an extremely big part of my life
That being said...
I grew up. Stopped smoking weed after 3+ years of doing so daily. The console exclusives of Xbox are generally competitive multiplayer titles and those interested me less and less as I stopped being a NEET/drug addict.
I now enjoy PS4 and PC single player games with a side of nostalgia via emulator for all other consoles.
Microsoft is the Nick Jr. of gaming, more so than Nintendo.
It's fine that it exists but eventually everyone has to graduate from baby's first big boy console.

I kinda like some Xbox games (Ori and the Blind Forest, QB, Alan Wake, GoW etc.) but most of them are on PC so really no point getting Xbone.

jesus christ some people have low standards these days

Don't forget
>Allows you to hop regions with just your account
This allows you to take advantage of cheaper prices and promotions and is completely legal.
On the PS4 you have to make multiple accounts

Xbone is great OP but the exclusives are very multiplayer focused.

Its a nice "cozy up and waste the day" system.

I was off yesterday so I just lounged around flipping between multiplayer matches of Gears 4, Halo Wars 2, and Forza Horizon 3.

>stop using drugs get less competitive

Isn't this usually the opposite?

The first two started development cycle on lesser consoles and aren't that great. Might as well mention TLG too.

Horizon isn't Japanese.

I don't think anyone is "anti-MS", no one just cares about it

Where were you when you realized Microsoft was the good guys of this generation?

>Is pic related good?
no -- all but an online-only MMO, complete with in-app purchases
>can't play versus or horde offline

get 3 and abandon the series like cliffy Sup Forums did

but it was 4 years ago user, whats Sony's excuse now? Regardless of how or why MS changed, the fact remains they did and are offering a better service because of it.

the campaign is pretty eh,the multiplayer is pretty damn good though

Obviously not in my experience. It took LSD and weed for me to enjoy competitive gaming. I find much more enjoyment out of the immersion and gameplay nowadays. Most competitive games are so basic that I suppose drugs are what kept me engaged.

gears team in KoF when

Because PCfats refuse to acknowledge that some people prefer playing on console, so they go on a "also on PC" shitposting spree whenever someone owns a Bone to play Microsoft games. As long as consoles keep getting physical releases, which are cheaper on release than anything that releases on the Microsoft store, then I'll stick with consoles

>A mostly boring campaign that has a couple fun set pieces
>You spend more time shitting robots than anything else
>The robots are a cheap way to sweep the conflict between JD and the Cog under the rug next game
>New characters have zero chemistry, no banter going on
>New character suck so much shit they have to bring back the original characters
>Robot weapons are mostly boring
>Casual and ranked in Multiplayer have different weapon balancing
>In casual everything has ridiculous range
>Ranked feels less random, but barely anyone plays it
>Shitty loot crate system that took forever to grind out during launch
>Devs removed DLC character's line "Fuck Boy" because a minority complained

The Coalition should just fucking die. I don't know who is worse, TC or 343.

That makes a lot of sense to be honest.

I've always wondered how these people pour hundreds of hours into doing the exact same thing, when there is a vast library of games out there to explore.

Good PC port and multiplayer, awful drm for it. I enjoyed the campaign too, but it was pretty short.

>removed a line because of a minority group opinion


It was a ton of fun while it lasted of course but eventually I had to move on. None of the things scratched the itch; not the drug nor the games.
They were useful distractions while going through depression but I hoisted myself out of it all.

Xbox is just very uninteresting & unappealing
The three biggest IPs are:
>Gears of War
Gears & Halo aren't even made by their original studios anymore, the magic touch just isn't there.
Add the fact that Xbox is supposed to be a online multiplayer haven like it used to be, but PS4 took that spot since Xbox massively fucked up in sales.

>the magic of bungie and epic isnt there
They seem to be more magical now as there is crossplay and better forge.

Campaign is hit and miss. Multiplayer is fun. Controls are tight.

It's a Gears game, what more do you want?
Not as great as 3 but a whole lot better than Judgment.

>because Nintendo is the most anti-consumer


Nah, Sony is really.

Pic related is shit until they release the next patch. But it'll most likely still be shit since the aim of the game was to appeal to a new audience.
Microshaft and siblings are going to ruin franchises left and right.

Basically: People jumped into the ps4 bandwagon, now the same people that idolized gears and halo are shit talking the new games without having played them.
Hilariously both gears 4 and halo 5 are great games unfairly treated by people who never played them.

>except what I've drawn

Are you retarded? When I can sponge direct boomshots then is gow4 really that good? When the coding is so half assed that your shots spew the blood of your enemies causing them to cry in pain, but the game tells you that no damage was dealt.

When you have two types of game tuning to compensate for these errors..
Yeah. Gears 4 is amazing. Truly weapons grade shovel ware.

>I have your usual network errors that were ever present in the previous iterations of a game known for its shitty netcode.
You dont say.

Because a lot of weebs are attracted to Nintendo and Playstation consoles, and a lot of weebs are also NEETs.

NEETs are usually poor, and sexually frustrated, and not very educated. They're prone to hating games featuring chads that are also popular among chads and are prone to childish fanboyism.

>yakuza 0
>not that great
Well what game this generation would you class as great?