Can we all agree that this game will never be topped?
Can we all agree that this game will never be topped?
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You mean this?
Symphony of the Night beat it at its own game
Mah nigga
>a game beat another game at its own game
what did he mean by this?
It could be topped, but it probably never will be.
10/10, my favourite game.
It didn't even top the first two games.
You really are reaching to be a contrarian
already topped in it's own series senpai
SM is the second best game ever made though
>He doesn't know about Hollow Knight
>Inconsistent difficulty curve
>Worst force backtracking in the series
>Environment designs range from the best in the series to the most drab and plain
It's good. Maybe if it was finished, it could be the best. As it stands, it's an incomplete 3D Fusion
>Inconsistent difficulty curve
this is a good thing, having a consistant difficulty curve makes a game predictable and more boring
>Worst force backtracking in the series
SM and prime 1 are worse (unless you sequence break but that applies to prime 2 as well)
>Environment designs range from the best in the series to the most drab and plain
agreed with this, agon wastes at least fits the lore/world
I hope you are not implying this place is bad
>incomplete 3D Fusion
other M?
There's no arguing with you, you already made up your mind. You believe this like this.
>SM and prime 1 are worse (unless you sequence break but that applies to prime 2 as well)
I play the prime trilogy + SM/fusion yearly, I backtrack more in my prime/SM plalythroughs than prime 2. E.G I go through the pirate base in prime 1 at least 3 times each playthrough, there is no area I do that for prime 2 (of course not counting hub areas like talon overworld)
>E.G I go through the pirate base in prime 1 at least 3 times each playthrough
You enter the pirate base and get the Thermal Visor. The power goes out, the entire level changes completely and then you leave.
You don't return there until the endgame keyhunt (which was far worse in Prime 2).
You could at least complain about an actually annoying level, like Phazon Mines.
Even that doesn't near the absolute tedium that is the Seeker Missiles or Power Bombs in Prime 2.
>I backtrack more in my prime/SM plalythroughs than prime 2.
You're not forced to do it nearly as much, and if you were actually any good at the games you would sequence break and wouldn't end up doing it even half as much.
hmm, im sorry OP
i don't think so, Fusion is just too linear compared to SM and the fact that you are told what to do and where to go in a specific order doesn't help much...
awesome game tho.
And as for Prime Games... i get it, it was your first metroid game and you love it, but it's just not as good as SM, it's different and it's great, but it's not as good.
Fusion was my first Metroid game and I still think Prime 1 is second only to Super.
What now, faggot?
Yes, Prime is one of the best. I can also say that it's only second to SM, what's your point?
That's fine then.
I just thought you were one of those 2D purists.
If Prime had a better designed world and faster/player-skilled mechanics, it would be the best, but that's hard to accomplish given the nature of the 3D/FPS gameplay. still, they really did a great job
I disagree. Prime and Super both feel slow and clumsy at first, but once you play long enough and get a feel for the inputs it can actually be pretty speedy.
In its genre? Yeah, nothing beats it there. It's literally a perfect game.
once again, i just think that Prime is just a notch below SM, as you get more skilled in each game you can do more things but i feel that Prime has a lower Skill Cap than that of SM (though, I have to admit that maybe i'm bias here because of the SM Speedruns, holy shit, just... holy shit)
You're right, but you type like a faggot.
i was hooked on sm from the beginning, i played sotn for 5 mins and got bored
Zero Mission was better.
I tried to play SM and it's too slow, floaty and clunky for my tastes.
Looks like we have a case of extreme nostalgia here.
no nostalgia, i played it recently for the first time. it was an amazing experience
ZM is the casualised version of Super
I'm in the same boat here. I'm playing through both of these games and SotN is just inferior in every way. I have no idea how it gets so much praise.
OP here, sotn is fucking up there son.
There's a reason it's in most top 10 games ever lists.
SotN has its strengths.
Its steeped in atmosphere for one thing. Probably looks and sounds better than Super Metroid.
I'm afraid you developed autism.
Guacamelee is ok but it's no 10/10.
How did Samus manage to become a sex icon when she barely gets shown?
>SoTN better atmosphere than SM
This is not true at all. SM had an amazing alien atmosphere. You wouldn't expect something like this from Nintendo in a million years.
Only shitposters would even argue that SM is not top notch in both graphics and music.
that depends on what aspect of the game we're talking about.
that's because i am, but that's another topic and not of your concern
SN defined atmosphere in videogames you moron
>landing on an alien planet, everything's seemingly dead
>somber ambient music
>get the elevator down, get scanned
>planet springs back to life with pirates and brooding music
SM is the literal GOAT when it comes to atmosphere
I agree, I'm just saying there's an argument to be made there.
The atmosphere and level design is great, but the controls/way Samus handles ruins it for me every time. Jumping is too finicky and aiming with snes controls is a nightmare.
I would be all over a port/remake with updated controls though
Just download the Control Freak patch senpai.
>aiming with snes controls is a nightmare.
Not when it first came out.
Game had insane precision even with the Snes 8-directional aim controls
You can do this for example
Agreed, nothing will ever replace meme the animals so super metroid will be at every gdq to kick cancer's butt.
long ago
SotN was still gr8 though
redpill me on Hollow Knight
>you can do this for example
>shows tool assisted speedrun
git gud you scrub
>A shitty platformer with an even more shittier level design
Gee guys, I wonder will this masterpiece ever be topped?!
Show a video of you doing this, retard.
it cannot be topped. people that dont consider it their favorite must have played it with certain expectations in mind. i will never, for the rest of my life, forget what it was like to play super metroid for the first time. the intro, the weird feeling i was playing a woman but that it was so subtle somehow made me feel attached to the character, the ambient, atmospheric music, the weird alarm that goes off, the red monster dying in the lava, marandia's greatness and of course, the superb ending that left me speechless.
i was exploring for 10 hours back then, being confused, lost, helpless, not sure where to go.
then, replaying it under 2 hours, rushing through everything, finding the hidden secret pathways, trying to master the controls, the intense action...
this game has no flaws. it's almost too good to be true, to well designed, too perfect.
I'll show you a video of me banging your mom
Do it, bitch.
Zero Mission already topped it, so no.
Go away, GBAbby.
but you didn't know you were playing a woman until you finished the game
you knew it if you died
ah yeah good point, forgot about that