It's out. Are you playing it?
Ghost Recon: Wildlands
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its only out for netherlands or bulgaria or some shit
why did they wait to reveal microtransactions?
Can someone tl;dr me on it?
It just looks like a ARMA remake
If only it was.
It's a third person Far Cry, but worse.
its pretty typical ubisoft fare. its definitely not anything like ARMA. realism isn't a big priority
i thought the beta was decent fun for about 1-2 hours at a time, but its not genre defining or paradigm shifting by any means
>implying this is anything like ARMA
>so we're gonna let you play as a tough gal operator type who can take care of business and don't need no man
>sweet, so considering she's a warrior type that engages in physical combat on a regular basis, we'll give her some muscle definition, right? to showcase that she's physically capable beyond the average female?
>nah, we'll make her the skinniest bitch imaginable and give her dogshit tattoos all over her toothpick arms, that'll be great
>sounds great, also I love to suck dicks
Looks like phantom pain sorta
Women are incapable of building substantial muscle without roids. The whole idea of warrior women is pretty retarded really.
Sure but that degree of skinniness is ludicrous. Athletic women are still able to build muscle to a substantial degree (albeit lesser than men, duh)
what did you expect from Sup Forums talking about female anatomy?
Pls kys
>arma clone
i already own arma; whats the point?
>posts woman actively flexing
whoa got em d00d
It's fucking Ubisoft. Did you honestly expect no microtransactions?
Except its literally just a braindead mechanically hollow piece of shit. Nothing like arma
You jiminy faggot fag muffins will whine about anything
Wouldn't play it even if they paid me.
I am just tickled that they waited until 72 hours before launch to announce them
Shit game. Gunplay, vehicles, movement - it all feels like shit.
holy fuck, do want
stop comparing it to arma. it's nothing like ARMA. it's tacticool just cause 2. but with less fun and even more reptitve gameplay. and yikes those performance issues. Ubisoft does it again. an overhyped piece of trash to be forgotten in a month. at least siege and for honor are decent. they should stick to making competitive MP games, real hard to fuck those up.
Disgusting AF
What's that tumor growing out of her upper lip?
>download beta
>somehow manage to make it to first guys lair with ubishits driving mechanics
>squad shoots from the car windows annihalting the sentry with silencers
>literally walk on the side of the mountain avoiding all the guards
>squad alerts guards somehow
>boss walks right into me while running down stairs
>punch him in the face
>earn 641984 ubipoints
>get to second place to rescue some bean for some reason
>squad shoots from window, murdering all the opposition in the camp in 1.2 seconds flat, no fucking joke
>get the hostage
>no point in taking my time so far
>no point in being stealthy so far
>no point in leaving my car so far
>inb4 y-y-y-you shouldve played for 2 more hours when it gets REALLY hard and you can't press F to let the AI do the work
This game is shit
Good taste user
Awful taste user
DLC cigar
No. I played both the closed and open beta and there has been zero word on fixing the games issues.
There are also a whole bunch of issues they will never be able to fix, like the fact the entire world is empty as fuck. Its literally a blank page with random bases placed on it and nothing inbetween.
Honestly it may just be the worst Ubisoft game to come out in recent memory, it is so utterly shit at everything. Even Division is better.
>game with character creator and he chooses this face and hair
What is wrong with you?
its okay, you're a virgin
hey retard, considering the people in the game are military/ex military the females are probably gonna be within female regs, which is not that big. Keep your shit fetish to yourself.
90% percent of people disagree
time to face the fact and stop being a fanboy
Wow, so making a PvE game also P2W
Outfuckingstanding Ubisoft well done
>Awful taste user
More like functional eyes
classic ubishit game. Everything you have come to expect from them.
Not him but hes talking about widllands being shit not arma
Hes taking offense in even suggestion wildlands is anything like arma, its like comparing mario kart and tetris.
re-read his post buddy
Then they'd still be bigger than the hungry skeleton in the OP. Just stop arguing, retard.
It's more like comparing mario cart to dirt rallye in sim mode
Holy shit this is disgusting as fuck.
*shoots you in the face for being a homosexual*
Remember the Mercenaries games for XBox?
It's like the second one but without the jokes, but with the shitty controls, boring gameplay, and just as many bugs. Gear system is great though
>I will never get a /k/ autism simulator that is actually fun to play
I can cherry pick images too.
Oh and that broad you posted is still bigger.
>>I will never get a /k/ autism simulator that is actually fun to play
Escape from Tarkov
Its almost too /k/, you cant even use a suppressor without the correct threading on the barrel
>I can cherry pick images too.
I know, you've been doing it this whole thread
How does the gun customization compare to, say, MGSV?
Thats the first time I posted at (you).
You're a fucking moron who doesn't know shit about actual vaginas in the military, but you're trying to spew your trash fetish at people. Simply put, real fucking women in the Corp and Army are 90% OF THE TIME GOING TO BE LANKLETS. Fuck off already, you got called out, kys d00d.
please tell me this game is going to be good
really bakes your zitti
other than the customization this game has nothing for it
>females are probably gonna be within female regs, which as we can see in OP's pic is auschwitz-tier pencil arms
that bitch couldn't lift more than 50 pounds and you're calling that guy a retard for laughing at the assertion that that bitch is supposed to fight more than anorexia? No they won't be body-builder tier but look at that bitch in OP's pic.
It has more categories to edit, but less things to actually add. If that makes sense.
>the assertion that that bitch is supposed to fight more than anorexia
my sides are gone. holy fuck. 10/10 user
Get your eyes checked.
Don't forget whores. Most are easy AF. Although I'm attractive so its as easy as "wanna fuck sometime?"
>Trusting Russian devs to not take the easy p2w money and abandon nearly all of their promised features
Don't get me wrong if Tarkov delivers on what it's promising it'll be great but I've been burned enough times by ambitious Ratnik projects promising the moon that I won't even let myself get excited about it.
Well the gunplay is without a doubt the single most realistic iv ever played. The sound design is fucking terrifying, as is the weapons handling, exactly how they work in real life. I got a hundred hours of it just customizing and fucking around with weapons and feeling how good they were, made every other game seem like utter shit in comparison when it comes to guns.
But the core gameplay is
>Equip your gear
>Spawn into a map
>Loot boxes and/or people in PvE or PvP
>Get to the exit or lose everything you entered with
They plan to release a 'dungeon' mode where you spawn in with your friends and take down the AI (again with a all/nothing gameplay so you have to win or lose everything), which would be a lot of fun but its not in at the moment, all we have is a PvE mode and a PvP mode in 3 maps.
They have been making improvements though, a new AI patch came out a few weeks ago which made the firefights against AI pretty fun.
size =/= ability to reach military fitness standards.
Literally all she has to do is carry gear, hold gun, pass fitness test, WALK FOR A LONG AS FUCK TIME (which doesn't require being stronk) She doesn't have to deadlift 500 lbs.
>Ubisoft in charge of facial animation
Dont worry user, I dropped $150 on this game
There is absolutely no way I will regret this
No way at all, nope, no way, no regrets.
Still can't admit that the girl in OP's pic is unrealistically skinny
>hold gun
yeah it looks like that gun is starting to take a toll on that small boy's arms
she isn't. QED all over this thread
call me if you need more examples
Are you retarded
stop being a fanboy and admit the truth
i can reenact the trailer in arma 3 most likely without mods
Im asking seriously, are you retarded? Did you get put into the slow class at school?
>the assertion that that bitch is supposed to fight more than anorexia
For what it's worth, brother, I really hope it turns out to be everything it's promising and if it is I'm'a buy the shit out of it.
But you simply cannot trust Ivan to not take the money and run given the opportunity. It's just the reality of living in an uncertain-ass place like Russia.
Its arma with good gameplay but shittier AI and better framerate.
get to your point
My point is I think you honestly have mental issues, and really should see someone about it.
Im being serious, you have mental issues.
Damn you user for making me want to purchase this. The first thing I see when I go to check out the purchasing information is raffled alpha access, and pay to win "packages".
Operators are not body builders you fucking idiot. If anything the men and women would be athletic.
they're the only ones hyping it up. I have seen zero interest in this game here or anywhere else.
My little brother is 5'5 and 120 pounds and he has similar arms and shoulder width profile.
fucking kek.
I'm not falling for it again.
been watching the only english bearable stream all night
otherwise theres some fat screaming dyke on twitch
What are you talking about user, having access to a two hit kill hatchet is totally not P2W, just because it doesnt break ever and you dont even lose it when you die doesnt make it broken! And that free 3x3 space in your inventory that no one can loot and you keep forever only for the highest level payers is totally not P2W in a game where you drop everything on death.
Nope. Not P2W at all.
Please send its so P2W but I love it so much its so fun to play
so your admitting i'm right because you can't do anything but patronise and not get to your point.
i believe your the one that's retarded because you cant have a debate without screaming and shouting.
>bad for a fighting game
I probably should have put in a inb4 you call me retarded because I knew before I posted you would post that.
But seriously user, no jokes or hidden agenda here, you have serious issues and should seek help, it would be better for you and Sup Forums if you left and sort it out.
I wont reply anymore, I know you will reply back because you have issues and have no self control.
Hey look, we remade The Division with some less interesting environments. It also looks worse and has less content. Buy it now, max hype!
have you played for honor?
Is it worth it? I kinda still want to buy it.. The game play looks great, I just can't justify it's absurd price. I would only pay for the most expensive package though
You're not wrong, the best part of the game are these side missions which are breach and clearing tight, multi story buildings
There is only 1 per map which is a real fucking shame.
I dont know user, I really dont. Dont buy it for a week and then come back and see if you want it.
There are quite a few videos of its gameplay so you can see pretty much everything the game offers right now, although you wont get the feeling of the guns or the firefight thrill you would from playing obviously.
I would be hesitant just because its unknown developers. They have been updating it pretty regularly, and the alpha is fairly playable, some networking issues and general bugs, and what they have put into the game like its guns and controls show a lot of passion, but you know how these projects often just implode on themselves.
if i don't reply it means you win and you can stroke your giant ego.
ghost recon is arma 3 but with ubisoft.
This video is recent, think it has the new AI in it, and its exactly how the game plays in a normal PvP match.
Ill just warn you if you want to play for PvE, while you can join maps and fight the AI you cant loot anything or lose anything, its just for testing at the moment. So you have to play PvP to progress.
Operators are bodybuilders. The whole point of mental toughness is to carry on the eqvuivalent of a marathon without being as weak as a marathon runner. ST6 has a 400Ib bench pre-req. not 400 max, but a consistent set of 400 with 5 reps.