Bought a PS4 yesterday. Can you help me make a 10 must own titles?

so far I'm thinking of..
Uncharted 4
Yakuza 0
Knack (or Ratchet and Clank)
Bloodborne (or Dark Souls 3)
Gundam Breaker 3
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

>Bought a PS4 yesterday.

prove it

odin sphere leifthrasir
gravity rush (1 or 2)
hatsune miku future tone
last of us remastered

i havent owned one for long either but apart from the ones ive played out of the ones you listed all of these are a lot of fun

Take all of those other than yakuza off the list.

Yakuza is the only, ONLY game on PS4 that is worth playing.

Not going to take a pic of the receipt for you my friend.

What I can tell you is this: first console I buy since 2011

I would put Until Dawn on that list.

Its a pretty damn good game, especially one that totes itself as the "choices matter" kind of game. It imitates the schlocky horror movie cliches while actually being good in its own right.

so far I'm thinking about ordering: Knack(found good deal), Horizon, Nier and Uncharted 4.
Still want 5 or 6 more games. Perhaps 7 if I find used/hot deal

Gundam Breaker 3 is a bit expensive (50 bucks) but I can't find cheaper anywhere

tales of beseria and world of final fantasy are really good

better than Tales of Zestiria?

Darksiders 2 on ps4 is good if you never played it before since it has all the bonus content. Also ps plus has Tearaway for free this month or LBP 3 if its still showing feb games

infinitely so. It has a great cast and story. Combat and equipment isn't as cancer either

Nier Automata
Uncharted 4
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Gravity Rush Remaster+Sequel
Persona 5


But Sup Forums told me that WOFF is shit. A soulless fan service game that failed even on that part.

>Listening to cynicism instead of reading actual thoughtful comments.
Fuck sakes man, it's not a bad game but there's no reason to ever split up because your split up guys die in like two hits and you're better off just tanking everything. The characters are fine, the story is fine, and there's a bunch of fanservice (The good kind). It's not a $60 game but for $40 or less it's fine, same applies to Dragon Quest Minecraft.

>Tomb Raider
Not even trying.

Any chance for sequel fampai? I do recalled Sup Forums also said this is 15 hour hallway simulator. That is what make me cancel my intention to buy it.

It is basically a hallway simulator desu. The dungeons are pretty much Tales level of bland shit. But I enjoyed my time with it. It's worth whatever sale or lowered price you can presumably get it for now for the monster descriptions alone.

>I do recalled Sup Forums also said this is 15 hour hallway simulator.
You can explore the overworld but it's just Golden Sun tier of exploration (I.E. It's mainly straight lines with a side area here and there), otherwise they're right with the dungeons. If that bothers you then I guess stay away, but if you like Final Fantasy it's fun enough.

i bought a ps4 for disgaea 5 when it came out but it's not for everyone

Op gave me a heart attack with that image.
A man can dream with more ape escape.

>Uncharted 4

>Yakuza 0
get this

>Knack (or Ratchet and Clank)

weebshit, better version on pc


>Bloodborne (or Dark Souls 3)
get this

>Gundam Breaker 3

dudebro shit

>Rise of the Tomb Raider

>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth

You still need 8 more.

Ape Escape was just another franchise with potential for something great that was handled in the wrong way

unironically TLOU. I enjoyed it and you should be able to get it for cheap now.

Whats wrong with ratchet and clank

It's not Ape Escape 4

R&C might be okay, haven't played the newest one. Knack is garbage though.

>hatsune miku future tone
>last of us remastered

end yourself

TLOU was fun but man I don't see where in the world these "It's the most perfect game ever" reviews came from. The actual acting for the characters was great, especially the lip syncing, but I didn't really end up loving the characters that much. Yeah, Joel and Ellie were alright but I never felt like I was super attached to them. Hell, the entire city portion of the game was my most hated segment due to how long it was and how often it took control from you or put you into enormous enemy sections where choking enemies out was quite tough, Ish's sewer city was by far the best part of the game.

The game is also annoyingly stressful item management-wise unless you're playing on the super easy modes because wasting even one bullet could mean hours down the line you get the middle finger during an encounter so you're stuck either choking everyone out when an inevitable hoard battle arrives (The school is the best example because on Survivor and Grounded you have next to no ammo for anything and are expected to take out 20+ infected, and that's if you had been saving ammo the entire game up until that point) or you're savescumming arrow kills hoping you can just reuse a single one to kill everyone from afar. Plus you can't use shivs at all to kill anything on Survivor or Grounded if you want to open up even 60% of the shiv doors without glitching, that drove me nuts.

nah i have too much fun vidya to play to even consider that

Maybe it's the same reason why people think Dark Souls invented difficulty in video games: they don't play enough games or explore them to know which one did which thing first nor to know which did it better.

This is the taste of someone who likes fun video games.

When's Sly 5?
Doesn't Sony know that furries put their money into anything they like?

MediEvil 3 when?

I don't know if you have a capable PC or not, but i will say games i only played

1. BloodBorne
2. Gravity Rush 2
3. Dark Souls 3
4. NiOh
5. Yakuza 0
6. Ratchet & Clank
7. Alien Isolation
8. Alienation
9. Horizon Zero Dawn
10. Uncharted 4

If you like cinematic games like Uncharted 4 maybe you should check Until Dawn and Rise of the Tomb Raider too.

>The Last Guardian
>Yakuza 0
>Gravity Rush 2
>Ratchet & Clank
those are the must play exclusives imo

then there's others that depend on you personally; Let it Die, Horizon, Uncharted, etc.

Take those weeb trashes off and we got a deal

My nigga

Also, it's not exclusive, but definitely order the physical version of Heart and Slash (uou can import the UK version if you're US). 20 bucks and you get a physical soundtrack for free and an actual manual in this day and age

Get Nioh
Gravity Rush 1 and 2
Infamous Second Son and First Light
Get the Uncharted and The Last of Us hd ports
Tales of Berseria
The Last Guardian if you find it cheap
The new Berserk Game
Senran Kagura Estival Versus is quite fun
Attack on Titans
Street Fighter V
And the PS4 port of Valkyria Chronicles

Tearaway is going to be on ps+ this month so no reason to buy it if he has the service.

DQ builders.

For now:
Killzone Shadow Fall
Infamous Second Son
Infamous First Light
Final Fantasy Type-0
Until Dawn
Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection
Digimon Cyber Sleuth
Gravity Rush Remastered
Ratchet and Clank
Uncharted 4 A Thief's End
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Eyes of Heaven
World of Final Fantasy
Final Fantasy XV
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush 2
Kingdom Hearts 2.8
Horizon Zero Dawn

Berserk and the Band of the Hawk
Nier Automata
Yakuza Zero
Persona 5
Yakuza 6
Shenmue III
Sonic the Hedgehog 2017
Tekken 7
Ni no Kuni II The Revenant Kingdom
Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age
Digimon World Next Order
Yakuza Kiwami
Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy
Kingdom Hearts III
Hideo Kojima's Death Stranding
Spider-Man by Insomniac
Gran Turismo Sport
Final Fantasy VII Remake

Games I have:
Uncharted 4
Yakuza 0
Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
World of Final Fantasy
Gravity Rush 2
Infamous Second Son
Wolfenstein New Order
Borderlands Collection
Last of Us Remastered
Hotline Miami
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Stick it to the man

Games pre-ordered:
Danganronpa 1-2 Reloaded
Persona 5

Pick and choose what you want, op

Where the fuck is Gravity Rush?

Inside Kat's vagoo, you're going to have to get it with your hands

I wasn't planning on using my hands if you know what I mean

>using your dick to push the game further, until it comes out of her mouth

Uncharted 4
Yakuza 0
Infamous: Second Son
Gravity Rush 2
Ratchet and Clank (2016)
Gravity Rush Remastered (the best version of the game no argument)
Uncharted Collection (60fps is best)
The Last of Us Remastered (60fps is best)

There are a couple more niche titles I could recommend like The Last Guardian and Samurai Warriors 4 Empires, but they're not exactly for everyone.

I don't think that's how the human body works user

I didn't say she could survive though

>Not getting her pregnant first, so when she gives birth to MY son, her game will also come out

this game is really great but autists will claim it doesn't exist because there's a worse version on the vita

>not cutting GR's disc into tiny pieces and feed it to her, so she gives birth to another Kat

Uncharted 4
Ratchet and Clank
Tearaway Unfolded
Infamous Second Son
Killzone Shadow Fall
The Last Guardian
Gravity Rush
Gravity Rush 2

If you didn't own a PS3
The Last of Us
God of War 3
Uncharted Nathan Drake Collection

The new Berserk game is terrible.

>Uncharted 4
Only if you already played the first three and want more.
No, it's a 2 hour mediocre beat em up stretched 4x as long
>Ratchet and Clank
Worse than the game it's a remake of, it's missing multiple levels
Only if you've played the first
Only if robot dinosaurs make up for a completely standard western action game to you
>Gundam Breaker 3
You wouldn't mention it if you weren't a Gundam nerf, go ahead.
Get it cheap.
>Rise of the Tomb Raider
Almost a retexture of the reboot game. If you played that, you played this.
>Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth
This is a meme, it's a substandard RPG coasting on nostalgia.

Odin Sphere, Persona 5, DQ Builders and Nioh are good replacements for Knack, RoTR, Horizon and Digimon.

wow your shitty taste is showing

It's a game that WOULD be worth $20 if it was original. It's mechanically sound and slightly novel, but it's piss easy, handholdy on every level, and thoroughly unengaging as all the effort went into bland fanservice and cutesy but vapid dialogue.

It would best be appreciated by young girls vaguely familiar with FF and looking for a brief timesink (that's not a diss, I'm serious) or people in desperate need for cute aesthetics and some pandering.

>Odin Sphere is better than Knack, Nioh is better than Horizon, Persona 5 is better than fucking Digimon, and you may as well get a novel rehash over a rehash in the same series.

I'm sorry, what's the issue here?

Not seeing Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. May I know why?


A man can dream