Redpill me on what I am in for

Redpill me on what I am in for

a shit game

SJW approved agenda

the table won't matter, don't bother

Either a very eccentric gay British accent or an artificially deep Midwest American accent for your character.

Flowers and rocks. Wha-Ping! Wha-Ping!

Must be stressful living in constant fear of seeing the SJW boogeyman everywhere

It's not very good. If you can deal with the story and characters, the gameplay itself is weak and the game is very ugly. Animations are bad, glitches everywhere and everyone's hair looks like wigs that have been drenched in oil. It's weird.


check nexus for waifus and underwear mods

boring ass game

this is from a fan whos played them all, da:o, 2, and inquisition, thoroughly

sjw shit forced down throat
terrible fetch quests for hours on end
pure fucking tedium
theres no payoff, just drop it as soon as you get bored because there will be no redemption

>Dragon Age 1
>Sten patronizes you that women have no place on the battlefield in Qunari society
>Dragon Age 3
>Iron Bull patronizes you that transsexuals can be whatever they want under the Qun, you shitlord

Oh no!

Seriously? Not some haha refugee shit?

90 hours of fucking nothing.

A boring offline MMO.

The Deep Roads and ending DLCs are great. That other one is as boring as the rest of the game.

A singleplayer MMO with atrocious everything.


install attack speed mod or be ready to fucking kill yourself because the combat is shit tier otherwise.
Also rift mage is broken as fuck, look up infinite mana/crit build and check out great bear sigil.

Favourite variation involves immolate with zero cooldown upgrade.

>muh boogeyman
>o-okay well it's not THAT bad
What's the next step of your masterplan?

Someone post the pic of Dorito Pope giving it GOTY whilst looking like he wants to die.

Arguably the only time Sup Forums is ever right, the first 10 hours are slog and while the environments are pretty everything else about the game makes you want to end yourself.

I know this is bait but did EA actually ever release the sale numbers of Cisquisition?

0.81 M on PS4
0.23 M on PS3
0.27 M on Windows
0.20 M on Xbox 360
0.37 M on xbox one

So overall, it adds up to 1.88 M. However, VGChartz number only count retail copy sold, it doesn't count digital download, which according to Bioware is "significant percentage of sales". So I guess actual number would at least exceed 2.5 M copy, so the sales should be somewhere around 150 million USD ($60 per copy).

one of the objectively worst RPGs to ever grace this earth

By this argument the following games are wonderful

>Gone Home

A single player mmo sequel to Kingdoms of Amalrur with a shittier plot and more singing

>vgchartz as a source

Hope you're not a completionist.

It's alright, I enjoyed the main story and most of the characters, and became fairly attached to my PC. But just about everything about the gameplay itself and the game world is bad, and it has the largest amount of worthless, pointless, filler, collect-a-thon, time-wasting MMO/open world + phone game crap I've ever seen in a game.

Just play the main story and maybe companion quests (though even most of those are garbage) and ignore everything else. It's not worth it.

Mediocre but occasionally fun game.

Imagine feeling the need to force your identity politics obsession into literally every conversation. Whats wrong with you?

How come only beta virgins without careers care about this shit. Ive never been in a bar and heard a chad complain about shit like sjws. Its literally only on here

You're unironically retarded and/or baiting.
Yes, you retard, video games are the domain of beta virgins

tell us something we don't know, it's a site banner for fuck's sake

nobody who goes to bars is going to discuss politics, let alone video game politics

That's less than DA:O then.

Sup Forums's obsession with sjw shit is pretty obnoxious but this was really jarring. Just going by how the Qun works they would not be down for transgenderism at all.

stories and cinematics are what sells games nowadays, didn't you get the memo?

>still thinking SJW is a boogeyman when they're literally brainwashing your children at school
Top cuck.

>leilana isn't romanceable

Gotta settle for Josephine.

It took you 15 minutes to think of a comeback and all you got is call someone on Sup Forums a beta virgin loser?

I don't care.
Thousands of games come out every year. You can choose to avoid certain games, and if enough crybabies like you don't buy them they will stop being made.
Stop infesting this board, derailing every thread to political shitflinging and preaching to the choir you degenerate poltards.

Is there a sale going on? This is the 3rd Bioware game thread I've seen pop up outside of Andromeda.

There better have been some profound expansion on the 3rd bullet point, because that logic is beyond retarded

Somehow even worse combat than DA2.

>going for the hooknosed uggo
Might as well go full retard and RIDE THE BULL.

Has some moments but mostly just sadness at what happened to bioware.

Your GPU to max out the entire time the game is running because its optimized like ass

Retarded AI that you can outrange

Aside from the aspie /v-pol/ tards in the thread bashing on MUH SJW.
The game is pretty garbage as a whole. Gameplay is pretty shallow and there is really no use trying tactical mode. Also because the game has some really shitty scaling thing going on, it just ends up feeling like the bandit you hammered down 6 hours ago can still take several spells to the face without really budging.

Can't really say that much about the main story consider that I dropped the game after 110 hours of forcing myself to actually find something I find enjoyable about the game. It's essentially "AN ANCIANT EVIL" and the side missions are mostly collect X herb and Y leather.

Animations are all over the place and same goes for writing, there really isn't any cool moraly grey choices and the options in the dialogue are what you can expect from a Bioware game. Changes to the Qunari are pretty laughable and you have Disney song number sprinkled everywhere.

The companions are probably the dullest they have every been in any dragon age and I feel like you are kinda screwing yourself for not playing Mage because you will miss out on stuff, something that has been a thing for quite a while in Dragon age.

The only time I actually enjoyed this game was the DLC The Descent, but everything else was just an mediocre ride of nothing exciting at all.

I honestly wouldn't bother with this game, I really don't why this game got so much praise. From certain people

a poorly written singleplayer MMO

>Paying for a piece of trash

OP confirmed for being a fagget yet again. I'm a looting-exploring maniac and that's the only reason why i'm downloading this piece of shit without expecting much.

Try making friends with people who don't have multi-colored hair and father issues.

>Press A to revive fallen allies without penalty
>Bland open world zones without any actual design
>Fetch quests lacking even as much as standard mmo flavour text
You are the reason gamers are dead.

Honestly, and I won't defend other stuff, but this isn't unreasonable and it works with the Qun. Of course, it was revealed in a terrible, hamfisted way, and has the veneer of pandering to progressives, but they're dumb; this isn't progressive by any means.

The Qun is defined by being highly efficient and ordered, with no care for free will. Everyone has a fundamental nature they should follow. If you're good at farming, you will be a farmer. If you don't want to be a farmer, too bad. The tamassrans, who raised you, determine what you'll be, like those aptitude tests do. Now, maybe if you're good at both farming and fighting, the tamassrans will make you a soldier since you're probably going to be better at it, since you want to do it. Or they might brainwash you instead.

So if a woman were to be a soldier, she'd be considered a man, and be forced to uphold the role of a man. Sten's problem was the woman soldiers he saw were having their cake and eating it too; they were both men and women, and that's not right. Its totally not progressive, since gender roles aren't acceptable. So the SJWs who uphold this as great are dumb.

And, as a real world example, look up Iran and how they deal with transgenderism. They do the second most operations of any country, and its officially recognized, and they provide financial assistance. This is in a theocratic nation that kills faggots.

In fact, there've been stories of gay Iranians who were compelled to undergo the surgery. Its basically a way of reconciling their existence.

So yeah, Inquisition is totally pandering, but in this case, I don't think its a terrible retcon that contradicts the qun.

This thread is full of actual bioware fans. I miss tortanic threads.

It's listed as 56GB on PSN. While I'm hopeful they were able to compress the game, it's doubtful.

My connection + Sony's slow servers = disaster.

It's been pretty cheap a number of times, it's no big deal if you're actually making some money.

My motto on this is "if it's not good enough to pay for, it's not good enough to waste your time on either".

Shale, a rock person, is the only gay character beside an elf twink that everyone hates
Everyone is gay and ugly except for Morrigan and Leiliana because continuity

im 20 hours in and having fun

It's not as sjw as everyone says but that doesn't mean it's not a fucking awful game

Basically it sucks, don't play it

Shale is gay ? What ? Pretty sure it's just a female.

Can i fuck the Jewess?

yes, unfortunately

oh shit it is...
Oh well, only one gay character then.

You can have romance with her, but not playing fem inq is missing on the best husbando in series.

Dragon Age 2 Cassandra A qt3.14...

Dragon Age Inqui- OH MY GOD

>Animations are all over the place and same goes for writing, there really isn't any cool moraly grey choices and the options in the dialogue are what you can expect from a Bioware game
because of their SJW hiring policies, hiring based on whether the person is a minority or female rather than whether they do a good job

see: hamburger helper

there's very good reasons why many on Sup Forums want SJWs out of games, but I guess you can just trivialize our viewpoint by saying "muh"

>decide to look up some Iranian trannies
>wish I hadn't

Eh, she's a beaut compared to the rest. Cassandra is the only viable romance option tbf

Empty, pointless huge maps.
Shitty writing.
Shitty companions.
God-awful combat.

Her in-game model is okay to be honest. She's quite cute when she's not scowling. Morrigan also looked like complete shit in the trailers and is by far the hottest woman in the actual game.

Redpill me on this guy

He looks like he's probably the best character in the game

He may as well be.

here's my redpill; skip the game
don't take the pill if you want to waste money and have a shit experience

Josephine is best girl though. The only pure female LI.

Not only did you give money to EA and Bioware, you bought a shitty game.
Get the fuck out.

bought it for £5

Solas is the best. Blackwall is close second, third at worst. His personal quest is basically Tali's loyalty mission done right.

That isn't an excuse, you still bought an EA product.

She's cute and god tier accent. I'm fine with this.

Why didn't you ask before buying?

Don't tell me what to do with my money you commie shit

What about Naughty dog? aren't the considering themselves to be this super progressive company ? last of us was a decent game, not a master piece as some like to claim but it definitely was a great game.
What about CDPR and the whole witcher series ?
What about Blizzard and their succeful IP overwatch?

The current /nu-v/ is fucking laughable to be around, I honestly don't understand how constantly going for the low hanging fruit and go "LOOK AT THE SJW TAKING OVER THE INDUSTRY!" and not realize that it's fucking autistic as hell.


EA should pay for their many, many sins

I completely missed him in my playthrough. Only found out he was a party member once I'd finished and was reading the Wiki.

I did, yesterday. Thread died with no replies.

>hating EA in 2017

Battlefield 1 was good.

>Ever giving a money to a company that does not deserve neither your money nor your trust
You're a fucking idiot.
>Battlefield 1 was good.
Something tells me that you don't play it anymore.

Was is the correct word as the status of it is mostly determined around release, so if released as a good game, it WAS a good game.

>This shit won GOTY
That was the year they dropped all pretense that those awards were anything but rigged

>want to finish a mission
>go back to keep
>have to wit 45 minutes for mission to finish on a fucking table

Artificial HLTBing

fun BG2 throwback, with some pretty good acting

>he didn't install the mod that removes wait times


So what made it good? The fact that it isn't a WW1 game at all? The shitty maps, terrible weapon balance, tanks still having regeneration, or that people didn't get affected by the weather at the same time?

>not installing mod that makes all the timed shit instant

It is pretty much required to not drop the game.

modded that shit out asap, no way am I going to let that mobile tier time waster stay in my game

a singe player MMO

10 hours of OK main story content + infinite hours of garbage single player MMO

>if you are a faggot you must get sex change operation payed by the state

Holy shit this is the best fucking idea ever, imagine if that would be norm in the whole world, we would solve the faggot problem once and for all.