Be honest, was this game spectacular but it became incredibly overshadowed by BotW?
Horizon Zero Dawn
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On Sup Forums, yes because this is nintendo town. In real life? No, not one bit. Those who likes zelda plays it while everyone else i know is enjoying zero dawn.
I finished Nioh and now looking at this.
Is it good? Are there a lot of enemy types?
i would play it on the ps4 not the pro, how are the frames running on the ps4 version
>was this game spectacular
>but it became incredibly overshadowed by BotW
Partly maybe, but probably more because there's nothing exceptional about the game we haven't already seen in any other FarCry-tier game.
And before the sonyggers start autistically screeching at me, BOTW isn't spectacular either and overrated by nintendrones.
>user knows people who are playing Zero Dawn
Do they also own Virtual Boys?
Horizon Zero Fucks
There's about 20 robot types and there are human enemies too. I haven't noticed framedrops playing on the regular PS4 but the system gets real loud when there's a lot going on
Lots of fun.
Ps4 is 30 locked, minimal frame drops and when they do its only 1-2 frames(see digitalfoundry)
robot variety is in the mid 20's I think, from small things the size of a great dame to things as big as a building.
Hits are hard and will regularly take off like half your health so make sure you dodge.
Humans are a bit stupid but most of the time you're fighting the robos.
> VS wars aren't allowed
>yet all these horizon vs botw wars are still up
Great Dane rather.
I think it's really damn good and I'm having a lot of fun with it. But once I've finished it I'm going to be getting BOTW and I expect that to be better
It was streamed in its entirety before BotW came out so no, we knew exactly how shit it was well in advance.
Balla on the wings
Critically definitely because Zelda is one of the Nintendo darlings of the gaming press.
But a lot more people will enjoy and play HZD.
Yeah because if you live in america, a great dame is the size of a building so yah...
>overshadowed by BotW
Niggah, it isn't perfect but damn BotW isn't also. After watching some gameplay videos i even feel like playing more HZD rather thatn Zelda tbqh. I don't know how the gameplay would be though.
I think it's pretty good, I mean it's not like a masterpiece but it's a solid 8/10, the graphics really are beautiful, combat feels really good, music is nice, story is interesting.
the cons are that the looting/crafting system get repetitive, the voice acting sucks, and I kinda wish that there was more to do besides fight enemies and do the occasional platforming. I guess that's one of the pitfalls of making the game open-world without actually having enough gameplay to fill an open world.
>overshadowed by BotW
How? It will most likely outsell BOTW. Outside of NintendoGAF, nobody gives that much shit about Zelda.
>digitalfoundry are reliable/professional
the game is incredibly dull, the gameplay is the most generic trash that came out in recent years
the only interesting things in this game are world-design and graphics
It's no more generic than BOTW.
This, most normals don't even know what the switch is
>Critically definitely
Bullshit. Guerilla games have always been about grafiks over gameplay, and critics should be judging gameplay.
This new Zelda knows what game design is about
I didn't have much interest in it at first but I got my hands on it for free.
It's pretty gud. Not perfect but yet honestly surprisingly good.
The combat is it's main draw. It's intricate, the player is given a lot of options and it's up to you how creative you want to be. At first you'll fling arrows at the weak spots and sneak around doing sneak attacks but after you get into the groove and you start experimenting you'll figure out how to set up kill zones (no pun intended) to wipe out entire arrows with just one arrow.
There's sling shots (AoE damage, different elemental types), different elemental types of arrows, ropes to tie down robots for a brief moment, traps and tripwires, ... It's all rather expansive and all weapons are viable depending on your playstyle.
There are also different armor sets with different stats, upgrade slots on both weapons and armor to continue specialize yourself along with a skill tree.
Enemies come in a lot of varieties (20+) and they each have their corrupted counterpart who are slightly more dangerous and have other weaknesses.
They often come in various shaped and sized herds. Since the world has a lot of verticality and is varied you are presented with a different challenge every time. All this keeps the combat fresh and engaging.
Stealth kills are a little be to easy to score in my opinion but it's only a minor gripe in the grand scheme of things.
Other great points I feel I have to mention is the that you can customize the HUD and the amount of handholding to your own liking. There's also a 'very hard' mode that doesn't just buff enemy hp and damage but it actually tweaks how aggressive enemy robots are going to be.
As for flaws, it has some of those modern open world tropes like tower climbing (but this time the towers move around), collectathons, typical crafting of your pouches to expand inventory and so forth. It's not on ubishits' level of checklisting though.
Explain to me how botw gameplay is better than Horizon gameplay. Show me you've played both.
you're objectively wrong there because BOTW gameplay is deeper than that of Horizon
How does this run on the PS4 Pro versus the slim? Any advantages if you don't own a 4K television?
confirmed for not playing BotW
confirmed for not playing Horizon.
>arrows with just one arrow.
Entire herds with just one arrow*
Also played it on a regular ps4. Didn't see any framedrops whatsoever so far.
You'd know why if you played it.
You won't believe what that user says anyway, you'll just shoot down the reasons why BotW is leagues better than Horizon.
Horizon is decent, but it's not on the level of Zelda.
>This continually drawing comparisons between HZD and BOTW
Why? They have very little in common aside from release date and the fact that they both have an open world.
They are completely different games otherwise.
Nice dodge there. Give me proof you've played Horizon past Twitch streams.
>clearly hasn't played BotW
>Cool robot design
>Art direction, especially the skeletons of old cities is top notch
>gameplay against said robots is fun, learning each individual weakness and applying it to different situations is rewarding
>Sound direction is top notch
>Story is interesting (I'm about 15 hours in), definitely a unique combination that hasn't really been done before
>Each faction looks very unique
>Each environment is incredibly unique, from the grasslands to deserts and frozen tundras.
>Boss robots (thunderjaw, stormbirds) are fun as fuck to fight
>Crafting is what the fuck were they thinking, this is awful tier
>Loot is pretty average
>Gameplay design outside of combat is average, but serviceable. Just Ubisoft collectibles/map reveals etc.
>Item management is a pain in the ass
>I don't use a mount a lot of the time because I have to constantly collect health herbs scattered around the map
>It seems 90% of the cast is female. I don't care normally, but every questgiver/character of note is some tough, no nonsense female. All the men are complete useless assholes who fuck things up, or run away. The only decent one is Rost.
>definitely a unique combination that hasn't really been done before
You can't be serious.
I'm not exactly what you'd call cultured, but I can't really think of much media that contains a post-post apocalyptic setting with robot animals and tribal human societies.
Because Sony fan boys were hyping this game up until it was released claiming it was was yet another Zelda-killer, that's why. It was hyped up for years, only for it to be painfully mediocre.
I'll just do what you do and shit on a game that I haven't played.
I own a ps4, but from what I've seen of Horizon, not just the shitposting webms, but actual gameplay, I can tell it's mechanics aren't as fine tuned as BotW.
That being said, I'll be picking up Horizon once it drops in price.
Friendly reminder that the devs at CDPR are playing this and not Zelda
He's right though.
The setting is fairly unique in it's own right. It's got some typical elements in it (such as letting teens doing dangerous shit as a coming of age ritual) but the whole robot-corruption-religious zealotry brings out nuances that haven't been done before.
So I was right. You have never even touched this game. Kill yourself.
Outside of Sup Forums parroting I never saw or heard anyone call HZD a 'zelda killer'.
How fucking pathetic these toddlers are. Stay in your million Botw shilling threads. Stop talking about games you've never played you disgusting piece of shit.
>was this game spectacular
No, but it is an enjoyable thing, if you like open world games and want to fight robot animals with a bow and arrow and a spear.
I'm sure they're playing Zelda as well.
I don't need to in order to tell if it is better than BotW, which I know it won't be for me.
I'm sure I'll enjoy Horizon, but no where near as much as I've been enjoying Zelda for the past 12 hours.
Go ahead and keep being salty that you don't have all three current gen systems, though.
Feels good having so many options.
You missed the Switch on launch, bucko?
It's okay, try again in a week. :^)
Go fuck off you fat virgin fuck and play on your manchild device
how come you like games with kiddy graphics and 0 challenge and BOP BEEEP WAHOO sounds?
pic related
afaik it downsamples to 1080 and has higher resolution textures on the pro
Nice shot user. That's a fun skill to use but hard to master. I once had a few watchers chasing me as I sprinted away from a rock, managed to turn around and shoot one in the lens before landing out of the others' field of view in tall grass so I could quickly flank them.
Satisfying as fuck.
I'm glad you ousted yourself. HZD shitposters = insecure toddlers.
>playing leftist propaganda
So much salt from these jobless sonybros.
Why don't you be like me and work for what you want, boy.
Zelda actually has really good graphics. Picture and videos definitely don't do the game justice.
Also, you must have missed the ps4 under my Switch.
Honestly my favorite parts of the game are taking out Stormbirds. I don't often have a reason to break out the rope caster, but I always enjoy it when I do.
I dont care about hte ps, I was asking you about hte kiddy graphics , 0 challenge and the BOP BEEP WAHOO sounds. Especially the latter made me cringe when I tried playing a wii for the first (and last) time.
But I'm not shitposting about Horizon, user. Maybe use that one brain cell you have left and think.
I'm just giving my opinions, it isn't my fault it makes you mad.
So sensitive, these kids.
I like this game.
I just wished playing in 4k doesn't make my PS4 sound like a fucking jet plane.
You've got me interested now user, will pick it up. Cheers
>This again
>not knowing the matriarchy tribe is basically considered as backwards, xenophobic and needlessly cruel by the other more successful tribes tribes (which are led by men)
>Not knowing you as the player slowly feel the same way as you learn more about the world
>not knowing there are people of all colours in all sorts of roles (both good and bad)
>Not knowing the old world logs being posted are just ripped out of context
>Not knowing there are batshit leftie crazies spewing nonsense as much as there are batshit rightie crazies in said logs. It just wants to show the amount of extremism as the old world spiraled out of control
>Getting your panties in a bunch because there is a muslim scientist lady
No, PS4Pro & Slim (fat) have HDR, no need 4KTV for that.
I've seen Switch ads on buses, all over entertainment stores and on boards throughout malls here in fucking Australia, normals will definitely know all about it.
Maybe because I like the art styles that Nintendo pumps out? It's certainly a hell of a lot better than the drab graphics we have on the ps4 and Xbox One, which I both own. Again my OPINION, kids, it's not law.
They might have the photorealistic graphics, but that's not what I'm all about.
Bitching about the sounds in games is just stupid, especially when Nintendo does them well.
Meant for
> liking the same non-offensive sound library from when you were a kid 2,5 decades ago which was specifically designed to not scare kids too much.
Imprinted, Mcdonalds style. Oh well, as long as it is acceptable by you I guess.
Then I hope you'll enjoy it as much as I am. Just remember to experiment with all the tools, weapons and combinations and you'll have a blast.
Yeah, they are immensely satisfying to take down.
>oh NO!! Some has likes!!!!!
I like a lot of things, user.
It's okay user, I just have difficulty processing that you enjoy the same sounds for over 2,5 decades. It was just highly ingratiating to me and I have difficulty imagining a normally functioning adult playing nintendo.
As someone who owns a ps4 since launch, got a second one fro my bedroom and plans to get a Switch in the next few weeks and has watched loads of general Zelda gameplay but not played it myself, I will say this.
Horizon, is totally tight, the gameplay feels good, the enemies are varied and interesting to look at, seeing each one for the first time is its own mini adventure and because they are robots and not animals, they don't always react how you think they would depending on their looks, the giant crocodile I thought would be slow will straight up do a flying lunge at you from so far away and this isn't even taking into account all their robo attacks(lasers, missiles, ice bombs).
It runs completely smooth and is fucking BEAUTIFUL, like people were amazed at U4's graphics but in my opinion Horizon straight up shits on it.
No Zelda, I think zelda looks great.
Its not a pretty and doesn't seem to run as smooth as Horizon, but it looks like its just complete freedom, climbing shit, riding around, just enjoying the world.
The combat also looks different from Horizon, but just as tight.
I will say combat doesn't look as hard as horizon, but thats fine, it also makes up for it by having a lot of weapon variety, greatswords, axes, boomerangs swords, bombs, spears and a shield you really get to tailor your play.
I'm having loads of fun with Horizon, can't wait to have loads of fun with Zelda, there is no need to compare them, we can all see the similarities and the differences, I think if someone enjoys one then MOST could probably enjoy the other.
What kind of magic does she use to slide uphill?
Aside from the ocasionals Sjw garbage is not that bad, If you like Far Cry games you will like this probably.
Just your average AAA game these days.
Sliding is actually faster than sprinting. It looks weird when I traverse the map.
How deluded can you be, jesus. It's Zelda vs some random no-name game. The worst selling recent Zelda game (Skyward Sword) sold 4 million copies, the only PS4 exclusive that's sold more than that is Uncharted 4.
Also she is sliding along a hill, not up it.
>muh same sounds
not that user but the sounds and music from western games are all ridiculously bland it's mindblowing you haven't demanded better music yet.
>I will say combat doesn't look as hard as horizon
people mention that they die on zelda more than horizon though
plus that no stamina bar means unlimited rolling
I think this could sell better then U4, I think its got a wider appeal.
WElcome to Sup Forums, I hope you're enjoying your first day here
And Zelda has unlimited dodging doesn't it? Just in the for of back/side jumps, or does that take stamina?
Also while watching I have seen people die yes, but unless its from something BIG like one of those spider robot things laser attacks its always been to something stupid like running into a group of moblins.
I will say it does look like you take more damage then previous games, and I'm trying to to spoil it for myself so the 1 boss I have seen was pretty cool.
Look, someone who actually has an interest in videogames past petty wars. Learn the lesson toddlers.
wouldn't call it spectacular, but it was pretty good. I'm having a lot of fun blowing up dinos, and it looks quite pretty
fucking loving it playing it right now
fuck me, look at the state of your carpet.
It's meh-tier but gets shit on harder because of a simliar and better game being released too close to it. Otherwise known as Battleborn Syndrome..
Nintendo shills really tried hard shitposting this game. Makes it all the better seeing them squirm like worms now.
You don't believe in the paid reviews do you
16 enemies and constantly breaking weapons don't warrant a 98
Also it looks like 2005 game.
I also really enjoyed taking control of the robots and having them fight each other. I made sure that the Carja War Bow was my first purchase when I finally got to a trader that had it. Now I can enjoy the carnage from the safety of my shitting bush, just as the All-Mother intended.
This thread reminds me of that one guy who streamed the game before launch. He came to Sup Forums and said he really enjoyed the game and it was fun but the entire threads were being derailed by the Nintendo shilling army attempting to force a Tortanic.
I guess the only real Tortanic of the month was the Switch.
>was this game spectacular
doesn't take stamina, but the dodge timing is stricter than Bayo's witch time and depends on how the enemy hits you
I love this thread. Shitposters come in, say it's bad. They get called out, turns out they haven't even bought the game and are in fact just bitter Switch owners. Holy shit I hope someone screencaps this thread.
the game was dog shit with fake reviews. being overshadowed by zelda had nothing to do with it. people arent persuaded by fake gaming review sites as much as they used to be.
Only on Sup Forums. Everywhere else Horizon completely stomps on Zelda in terms of popularity.
>m-muh nintendo
how much you gonna bet it's the pcbros who shit on the game? nintendogs don't care about sony games
Also is outselling BOTW despite BoTW being the only Switch game available.
Toddlers already ousted themselves in this very thread. Sorry toddler I know you love to hide behind the PC platform but everyone's calling your bluff.
i just see one guy shilling horizon the best he can
like it'll make horizon much more popular than zelda