What is missing from the PS4 line-up so it can become the next PS2?

What is missing from the PS4 line-up so it can become the next PS2?

I'm loving new IPs and Sequels on the PS4, but imho, for it to become the amazing some games are still missing:
>a proper Twisted Metal game
>a game with the same concepts as Graffiti Kingdom, make the graphics shitty, I don't care
>some bizarre niche games like Killer 7, Manhunt and No More Heros
>a good, goofy, extreme sports game, of course THPS5 doesn't count. I miss SSX, NBA Street, Skate and many others
>Silent Hill...

I'm sure I'm missing something, but thats it so far, its not much but I think its very unlikely for any of these games to be released.

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Cheaper and shorter development cycle for AAA games.

We won't get that so there.

value to customers and also games

Squadron 42. I don't want to buy gaming PC just for one game.

It will never happen again. Ps2 was great because it was part of the last console generation before a strong focus on online multiplayer, before stream culture, before media centre convergence and when games were allowed to take risk and try new things.

It need to be easily jailbroken to achieve ps2 level.

The topic was supposed to be just a wishlist and nostalgia talk about how great some old concepts could be in this generation

you faggots are pathetic


Dont get upset because im right.

Bloodborne ii ?

if you think "being right" is the point then you are a bigger faggot than I thought

It's missing all the various second and third party gems.

the point is to list those breh

I'll tell you what the PS4 needed:

A better controller.

Its just crap. The other day I held in my hands a virtually mint PS2 controller and it felt wonderfully responsive and erganomic.

Why change something that was never broken? The changes to the PS3 controller were a mistake and the PS4 controller is an even bigger one.

Still yet to form an argument. Keep trying.

I like the old dome sticks better, too, but everything else (except pressure sensitive buttons) is better on DS4.

I honestly think the controller is too damn light. Feels cheap. Battery life is poor.

Well here's a list for you then. The PS2 had something for everyone. I don't think this will be happening again anytime soon, and if it does it certainly won't be in this generation.


>What is missing from the PS4 line-up so it can become the next PS2?

3rd party games. Unlike Nintendo who can fall back on their 1st party time and again Sony just dosn't have that ability and is completley reliant on 3rd party so they need to enlist as much as possible and allow crazy shit for it to be PS2 tier.

However everyone plays it too safe now so we'll never see the likes of Gregorys House of Horror again.


Weight is the only issue I have with the DS4: 250 g is fucking heavy.
DS2 is only half of that weight.

what about Until Dawn, TLG and Gravity Rush?

No the PS2 didn't have something for everyone it had about 20 somethings for everyone. There were so many good games for it, it is impossible to list them all off in your head

It needs more couch games

Gravity Rush was a vita game first so it was an experiment on a lesser platform, Until Dawn is no more risky than Heavy Rain or Walking Dead. Perhaps if it was the first of it's kind yeah but it's far from it, I have no idea what TLG is.

i dont want any consoles anymore, i sold mines when the pro was released. i just want ps4 games on psnow with some kind of yearly subscription.

nioh for example reminds of ps2 era games like onimusha desu I think sony should stop focusing on western devs and support japanese devs instead and what I'd like to see is

>new tenchu game by from
>new shinobi game by sega
>alundra 3
>legend of dragoon 2
>new xenogears

but there are a couple promising titles coming out in near future tho

>What is missing from the PS4 line-up so it can become the next PS2?

It already is, for each game the PS4 is missing from that list, it has a new one to take its place. Of course it will only get more in the next 4 or so years.

That PS4 slim doesn't deserve the slim name.
That's more like a medium.

>That PS4 slim doesn't deserve the slim name.
It doesn't have the "slim" name.
OPs picture displays the "PS4". There is no "PS4 slim".

A good Bloodborne sequel.

??? There is a ps4 slim and its in OPs picture lol

There is no "ps4 slim". The thing in OP's picture is just called "PS4".
"PS4 Slim" is a made up name by image board fags for what is the current PS4 model.

Good games that do not rely on DLC and online modes. So, like never ever.

It's named "PS4" nothing more, nothing less. It's a pure hardware revision and substitute to the OG PS4.

The only people calling it "slim" are us for convenience. But we could just as well say 2013-PS4 and 2016-PS4.

No Gran Turismo

Great Final Fantasy game

Great Metal Gear Solid game

Great Silent Hill game

It lacks PSN in my country.

Great low-mid budget Japanese games. You know how recently we had Yakuza 0, Gravity Rush 2, and Nioh all at once and it felt awesome? The PS2 was like that all the time.

more good games, not gonna happen so bye bye

It needs more japanese games but japs don't play on consoles anymore so we get scraps. Truth is there will never ever be a console library as good as PS2s.

I wish we could get more games with PS2/3 level visuals
shorter dev times, cheaper retail price, fun gameplay