Now that the dust has settled, is this the second greatest game ever made?

Now that the dust has settled, is this the second greatest game ever made?

It's great but not on the same league as OoT or MM.

>muh nostalgia

remove OoT and maybe i'll take you seriously. MM was god tier tho

It's like Zelda flavored Skyrim. No doubt critics give it great fucking score. I also fucking love it

tier 1: OoT, MM

tier 2: WW, BotW

tier 3: handhelds pre-DS

tier 4: everything else

tier 5: shit

tier 6: Wii and WiiU games

No, it's trash like Horizon.

Where is LTTP

I'm like 10 hours in and only about 4-5% done (no dungeons yet, no bosses beaten, only about 7 shrines, a few towers and a couple sidequests) and I love it so much

You're right, it's way better.

that falls under everything else

"The dust" hasn't "settled" not even two days after release

>you will never be this new

I love it op, it was hard for me to put down and when I do I feel like playing still. Great experience so far exploring is a blast and the combat is fun.

How long until we see it on 3x3 threads?

>Barren and empty.
>Too big, unecessary big.
>To fill the world they spread a lot of collectables, breaking weapons, small clusters of enemies.
>Fetch quest, like finding Shrines to progress the story.
>Padding, like fiding Koroks seeds, to make the inventory manageble, gathering resources and cook to deal with enemies that take half of your HP and to make Link walks faster, taking 380 pictures to complete the compendium for no reason.
>Too many mountains, you have to hike a lot.
>Hiking takes forever and is tiresome.

>Shrine are easy and small.
>Dungeons are much smaller than previous games and have some dumb puzzles, non-intuitive puzzle into it.
>Bosses are uninspired and clone to one another.

Enemies and combat:
>Lots of reskin with few enemies variation.
>Bad AI.
>Damage Sponge.
>The camera doesn't follow you around behind your back.
>The lockon doesn't lock easily.
>The lockon doesn't cycle through the enemies.
>Your shield an sword breaks too easily, really, it breaks a lot, specially on mini-bosses.
>Quick Time event if you dodge.
>Feels like a dumbed down version from Twilight Princess battle.
>Knockback is strange, you can't really knockback the enemies, unless you are using a heavy weapon, it is strange, can't pinpoint exactly.

>Pretty confy, good characters.
>Bad dub.
>Nice villages and cities.
>Only four small villages.

>Too much inventory management. The stuff is intense. Water temple is nothing compared to it.
>Minimal physic based rune abilities that got switched for traditional items.
>Master sword needs to charge, like a smartphone.

>The way you cook is kind of dumb, you should open a menu after interact with the pot instead.
>Framerate deeps to the point of micro stutter.
>Generally runs at 25 FPS.
>Too much assets pop up.
>Too much fog, baraly having any depth of field.
>Low level of detail.


this is an english speaking board

BotW is a 6/10 game.

It also loses another 3 points for the animal hunting mechanics.

BotW is a 3/10 game.

As a Zelda fan, this actually upsets me. Thanks for nothing Nintendo.

Its a good zelda game but man is the combat lacking even compared to even the older titles and the fucking framerate doesn't help

>mfw in that forest with the lighting
>frames go to shit
>lighting strikes

the tech is there and its amazing too following adventuring NPCs and seeing how they react to the world is great

Can't you read, user?

but botw is a wii u game...

Even OoT is like a incomplete prototype comared to it.

I've been playing zelda since I was a kid and I'd go as far as to say it even surpases lttp for me, even though I have huge nostalgia for link to the past.

I went in there preparing to be let down by nintendo once again and I'm impressed by how good botw actually is.


Comparing a game made 20 years ago to one now.

And OoT was an incomplete game.