Thank god for AMD, this thing just came in time for my new gaming build. I almost spent the money elsewhere

Thank god for AMD, this thing just came in time for my new gaming build. I almost spent the money elsewhere.

>inb4 Intel and Nintendo shills

I'm immune to your bullshit.

Other urls found in this thread:

good blog

so whats the point of this thread


vexing the shills that have infested this board and turned it into complete shit

>For the twice the price you can almost ha CPU as good as intel's

Really makes you think

this is now a shitposting thread

>$0.01 have been deposited to your account

you'll have to do better than that

What the fuck are you talking about
Also Ninty consoles use AMD chip you fuckface

Starting an AMDxIntel war, geez, have you still not get how things work here?

but are you immune to amd's bullshit?

>another housefire has been deposited into your home

Where i live a i7 6700k costs $350 and the 1800X ryzen costs $630.

And the 6700k outperforms the 1800X by a lot.

>housefire on 95W TDP
>And the 6700k outperforms the 1800X by a lot

If you have to lie, maybe you don't have an argument at all.

>where I live

People from real countries are talking here, go back to your Albanistan.

>AMDdrones still in denial

Topkek the benchmarks are out. Its plain and clear that AMD still sucks

>a single benchmark from shit source bought and paid by intel

your life is meaningless at this point, isn't it?

Ryzen is horrible for gaming, literally gets beat by Intel processors half the price


>Buying an 8 core 16 thread processor for gaming

>implying the 4 core 8 threads will do any better

but the number is higher so its better!!!!!!!!

It's an overkill, but I guess you could disable SMT and get higher performance due to simplified process scheduling.

>Nintendo shills

What the fuck does this have to do with AMD? Kill yourself shit poster. Make sure you get the belt nice and tight tonight

>enjoy your subpar gaming performances though

Anyway honestly that's like the worst time to buy a new build... Ryzen hasn't yet had any impact on the market for Intel to seriously drop prices.

Ryzen and AM4 motherboards have quite a few quirks that need ironing out. The R5 series which should be gaming oriented aren't even there yet.

Vega around the corner, so no real competition yet on the graphic card segment for at least three to four months.

Memory especially DDR4 still way over priced...

Why on earth buy a new comp now, it's like you love getting fisted without proper lubrification.

Any promising benchmarks on this? The only article I read up to now was the PC Gamer one, and the guy says it's crap for gaming.

Here's the point of the thread .

I've read a bit here and there and it seems it's the Bulldozer over again, but not as bad as the FX was.

It gives monstrous performance on heavy tasks that can use all the cores such as video/image editing and other algorithm heavy tasks, but for gaming it still falls behind intel's.
Although it does come close on most cases, the main issue is that it falls behind other processors that are actually CHEAPER, like the 1800X being behind the 7700K and still costing about $80 more.

It's not bad at all as the Bulldozer was, you still get decent scores for gaming and better for other tasks, but if you're comparing strictly for gaming (which I'd say is the largest consumers for this type of CPU), it's not as good as intel's.


You should've waited for summer when rest of the mid range ryzen procs get released you stupid fuck. Who the hell buys a fucking high end CPU for god damn video games?

It's a complicated situation right now. Ryzen's not going to beat Intel in a lot of situations since they have comparable IPC and Intel's clocked a lot higher, but it shouldn't be nearly as bad as it is. There's Windows thinking each thread is a physical core with its own cache, game engine problems with SMT, and memory latency issues with motherboards.

But who knows when or if those issues will ever get fixed. Personally I just want to stop buying Intel so I'm okay with this at least being a viable alternative. For vidya gaems, R5 could be promising. Or just go Intel after they drop their prices.

I'm buying Ryzen for my next build too. When R5 comes. Shit's good enough for gaming and I just plain don't want to support Intel with my money when they pull shit like locked processors and shit tier thermal paste under the lids.
They're fucking over consumers and I don't want companies to get away with that shit.

Holy shit Ryzen is soldered, yes. Fuck Intel so hard for that.

The quad core Ryzens will be cheaper than an i5 at least.

Watch Dog 2 is the only game out there that can spread workload on 16 threads and even these benchmarks show the 1800x weaker than a 7700k.

From what I've read it is because of poor L1/L2 cache speeds compared Intel processors and the L3 cache having huge latency issues.

Apparently a simple update to the Windows scheduler and turning off the SMT could improve performances quite a bit in gaming situations.


>buying anything from Asymmetrical Micro Dicks in 2017
The x86 era is over.

Are there any GTA 5 benchmarks? I remember it 100% loading my 8T i7 CPU back when I played it. Should play to Ryzen's advantage in theory, especially with SMT disabled.

yes and ryzen loses badly, just like in watch dogs 2

Come on man... Just type Ryzen benchmark on Google, most of then tested GTAV and it's not performing particularly well.

The hardest benchmark to find are for older games like Arma 3 or CSGO, the performances on both these games are putrid. I3 do better... Fallout IV runs like shit on Ryzen too.

Nobody bothered testing Unity or Unreal Engine, which is bollocks imo.

Seems to me most reviewers focused on a sample of games that do multi threading well.

Good to know you like to purchase garbage, enjoy it.

The only advantage the Ryzen has are on some applications:

But at least they're back on the market, the next generation might be better and make intel actually improve their shit.

Yeah, the launch was a bit of a bummer for the gayming crowd but there's a lot of promise. At least it's a massive boon for the home workstation crowd, the R7 really lays down a lot of performance for less money in that space. Naples should be interesting too, if it doesn't suck then AMD just tapped into an immensely lucrative market that's currently just Intel swinging its dick around with the odd pressure from Oracle and IBM.

Shame about the overclockability though, I've seen people struggle to go above the advertised clockspeeds at all.

>mfw using dual xeons
>mfw no need to buy $350 cpu's

Most games dont do multi threading well unless its uses a modern api like vulkan.

When are we getting some sweet value for money 4c/8t CPUs Sup Forums ?
I need to upgrade my 8320,I think it's time now.

Look at this sexy ass Ryzen build I wonder whose going to get it

6600k doesn't even make the list. I fell for the Skylake meme.

Even if Ryzen doesn't blow Intel's 2x and 3x cost CPUs out of the water, it's nice to see AMD being competitive again. Competition is good for the consumer. Hopefully this will mean Intel will have to lower their prices a bit, or at least give more than a 6% increase in performance with their next-gen CPUs.

>"For almost twice the price you can have a CPU as good as Intel's"
>Implying the R7 1800x is twice the price of Intel's i7 6900k and not the other way around
Is this bait or pure retardness?

>Thank god for AMD



The R7s are workhorse processors that aren't bad at gaming.

The R5s probably won't push better clock speeds which means they won't be better for gaming, but they'll be a lot cheaper.

Also, AMD's posted pretty good results when it comes to frame times.

Yeah, it's a great start after the shitfest that was the Bulldozer and its subsequent revisions. It's not the be-all, end-all overlord of processors some people made it out to be, Intel still has the single-threaded crown but as an X99 competitor it's goddamn fierce with nearly all of the multithreaded performance at about half the cost. You could make an argument for the memory bandwidth and PCI-E lanes, but how many people actually need those capabilities?

That's something interesting to point out, while Intel's i7s are getting better average frames, the R7 Chips are getting better minimun frames. That's a pretty good trade-off.

but user, Ryzen is that recovery

Dude the 7700k is only $330. The fuck are you on?

don't mind me
Just a $300 4-core kaby lake chip scoring identically in true multithreaded benchmarks to a $500 8-core ryzen chip

End of spring along with Vega.

don't mind me

Just a $300 4-core kaby lake chip beating a $500 8-core ryzen chip in a DX12 video game specifically designed to work with 8-core CPUs and specially optimized for AMD chips

Don't forget that according to that image, the 7700k wins even when underclocked to the same speed as the 1800x. By 20 fps.

>toms shillware



It's still is 430€ in Europe.

That's like only Microcenter and Amazon in the US.

Nobody else followed suit so far, especially not in Europe where Intel chips are just as expensive as ever.

God damn...

I guess that means Rising Storm 2 will run like crap on Ryzen...

It "struggles" on CSGO as well.

And Overwatch. If you have a 240hz monitor, Ryzen is not the way to go.

If he is buying amd I doubt he will have a good monitor

Any intelligent person will wait a few years before giving a solid consensus on ryzen.
Games right now are developed and optimized for intel systems. Now AMD finally has high tier hardware, performance should be better in the long run.

I see the I5 2500K is a living meme still...

>wait a few years
>games are developed and optimized for Intel
>muh vulkan

This is what AMD shills actually believe.

I don't know if you noticed but they even lose on their home brewed gaming benchmark AoS...

>A game notorious for using only a single core and running shit on all hardware as a consequence.

It uses two threads. Like all Source or Unreal Engine 3 games actually.

So yeah, if you wanna upgrade to actually play games like CSGO, DOTA2, Red Orchestra2, Killing Floor2, Chivalry, Arma3, DayZ, Skyrim, FalloutIV ect.. ect..

You sure as hell better off with a 6700k which is cheaper than Ryzen and still offers top notch performances with four cores and eight threads.

For gaming Intel wins handsdown. No question about it. Emulators run like shit on Ryzen btw.