Redpill me on HotS
Redpill me on HotS
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It's a game that you can play if you want to.
It has lots of waifus with nice asses
Secretly the best assfaggots
Would I have to leave my friends behind?
The newest hero is a probe
a probe that cannon rushes you
A cute probe!
better than lol and dota and smite and everything else
still shit if you dont have at least one friend to play with though
Its a MOBA.
That said, its really fun when you have specific champs you want to play, like Arthas or Anub.
Also, greater map diversity
It can be extremely frustrating
>Your team lost because your tank has no idea what he is doing
>Your team lost because your support has no idea what he is doing
>Your team lost to an enemy team with two support
>Your team lost to an enemy team with no support
>Your team lost because nobody is targeting the support or dont know how to deal with certain characters
>Team lost because all of your damage comes from stealth based heros
It's a game that will cause you anger
Has a lot of great heroes but some of the fundamental game-feel is a little off when coming over from dota or LoL
best ASSFAGGOTS, just play it, even though its made by blizzjews.
also play a fuckton of aba/abatur/hammer, those are the most fun chars by a mile.
Talents > items
Better hero diversity than Lol if you ask me
Multiple maps
A MOBA that's so casualized to the point it stands on its own. It's a compliment.
I'm certain they'd make way more money if it was f2p or pay once and get every hero while simultaneously having a hat shop. Everyone loves dressing up dolls and they are willing to pay a lot for the prettier clothes.
horrendous grind at the start made many people stop playing and left bad impressions
then recently they released 5 warcraft assassins in a row and that also made some people stop playing
meanwhile characters are big skillshots and spells have low range so you cant see what the fuck is going on in a team fight
start of the game is solved and will play exactly the same every single time
i play lol and dota, when i get tired of bothering with the game, i just go play hots to have fun and slay without putting my mind to it
It's trash
>b-but fun characters like abathur
You can't trick me he was the first character you fucks shilled to me so I saved 10k gold for him.
I only have it installed so I could get the Genji meme skin.
>and that also made some people stop playing
No need to make shit up user
games are short and generally more action packed than LoL or Dota because objectives force constant teamfighting. Less chance to solo carry, but that also means less reliance on one person doing their job perfectly. Plus no hyper carries means there's many more comebacks possible and there's never a situation where you can't do anything.
Some crazy hero designs, such as Cho'Gall who is two players trapped in one body, Murky who gives 1/4 exp when killed but always respawns in 8 seconds from an egg that he can move, Abathur who doesn't ever fight directly but influences the whole map at the same time, and more.
Generally a little less toxic environment because games are shorter
I don't know, I left irritable playing LoL and Dota pretty frequently whereas that happens less in HotS for me
Abathur is the worst beginner character. You need to understand how the game works excellently or he's trash. Timing, map objectives, split pressure, how to soak multiple lanes at once, he's a detriment if you're not excellent at all of these, plus knowledge of most of the assassins so you know how to be impactful with your clones
Basically simplified dota/lol. Not necessarily a bad thing. I've played lol and dota for a very long time but I've settled with hots. Also the community doesn't seem as toxic.
>less toxic
reddit on brotha
so any moba.
I feel like hots is a little less bad than other mobas on that though, in LoL you have someone insist on playing an AD carry and then not know what the fuck to do and your whole team is fucked
I haven't played LoL a lot, but I feel like that having a support character in that game is not as vital as it is in HOTS
>now toxic is a le reddit meme
healing is significantly more powerful in HotS, definitely true. You can't have a successful competitive team comp without some sort of support
>toxic hasn't been a reddit meme since its inception
haha what did i miss haha
best assfaggots/moba/whatever the fuck kids call games derived from dota
this game is the furthest away from dota in all the best ways, it promotes teamplay and you feel like youre playing a team game instead of racing to gear up before everyone else
the constant content, the overhauling of rarely played/weaker heroes so they are actually fun and viable, and the interesting hero designs remind me of warcraft 3 custom games that i would end up playing when dotas banality got to me
but they somehow manage to balance all of this wacky shit and its pretty great
i dont recommend people play quickmatch, even though I hate draft pick, because youll get some random comps or too many assassins and it wont be as fun
>i dont recommend people play quickmatch
>i dont recommend playing a gamemode that 96% of the playerbase plays
great game
Is there a recent show that's as good as early Scrubs?
You don't get to bring friends
its just the way it is, just because its popular doesnt mean its the best game mode
when i started playing of course i had no clue and didnt care, but then I played team league and saw how amazing it would be when you actually had two balanced compositions matched against each other
this is a basic reality of the genre where some heroes hard-counter others, random sortings will have some imbalanced matches and the most popular heroes -damage dealers- being prevalent, leading to damage heavy compositions nuking each other, rather than two strong compositions that can have stuff like a specialist giving initiation for melee assassins or support heroes helping a powerful damage dealer survive battles and escape
it's the one from LotV cinematic trailer
I wish I was good at SC2.
All probe looks the same, Probius is just an OC made for HOTS as a representation of probes from Starcraft
Kind of like how Hammer and Morales are OC for HOTS but represent the siege tank and medic
>tfw nowhere near intelegent enough to win at RTS even vs ai
>Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.
literally from the description of the Probius trailer
me too man, i play a 1v1 match like once a year and get insane adrenaline rush
Same. I don't know how some players are able to grind out like 30 games a day. Just a few rounds completely rekt me mentally. Watching tourneys is fucking awesome though.
>She has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The thunderous roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.
literally from Sergeant Hammer description
>Lt. Morales joined the United Earth Directorate (UED) to make a difference and protect her family. Over a very long and storied career, she has distinguished herself as a peerless medic, able to keep her patients alive and in the fight long after anyone else would have gone down. Lt. Morales is a veteran of the Brood War, and even the destruction of the UED Expeditionary Fleet didn’t slow her down
From Lt.Morales
But no characters by these names exists in Starcraft
it's a shitty moba like everything else on the market these days
All I need to know is the average game length? Under or over 15-20 minutes?
Usually ~20 minutes, unlike LoL this is because the game has actually ended, and not because a team has prematurely given up
Or just wait 10 seconds longer in the queue for a draft match.
most people are like that, and most people are bad, in the lower leagues, dont worry about it
I too find it tiring and kinda frustrating when i fail to keep up and end up massing too many fucking minerals past a certain point, but so does my opponent usually so i just tech up to late game units and dump my resources there
i suck at rts but sc2 scratches my rts itch and gives a good sense of achievement when you win vs another person, like chess -which i suck even more at-
15-20 minutes would be the average time for hots games, because each map has objectives that are focused on pushing towards the destruction of the enemy core
undisputedly the best in the genre when it comes to that, instead of warcraft 3 dota where people play with their food when they're ahead and dont even try to end the games because they want to grind
people who grind vs AI finish games as fast as 4 minutes
better than lol and dota
Sgt. Hammer is in a coop mission
and it doesn't matter that morales isn't a real character
blizz decided that the probe from trailer is called Probius and it doesn't contradict anything so i don't see a problem with it
>Generally a little less toxic environment because games are shorter
I've been in over 400 matches by now, I only see salt onhero league, and rarely on quick match.
Fun fact: I see more salt against bots than quick match
I hate when people in hero league try to copy streamers or pro comps and quit because they die once or twice on the first 3 minutes
Unranked Draft is excellent. And QM is bad if you're looking for a balanced team comp, but can lead to a lot of amusement. Plus queueing with friends means that you can guarantee a decent amount of coordination and balanced team
Are coop mission canon?
>blizz decided that the probe from trailer is called Probius
I believe it when I see it
It's the most braindead MOBA on the market designed for retards that like to mash buttons and watch things die. It requires little to no team coordination or build planning and it's boring as fuck to play.
>it's a MOBA lore episode
>>but can lead to a lot of amusement
It's hilarious to see nova and illidan players ragequitting in quick match, then their bots perform a lot better than them. Last time I played with a friend we had a super shitty nova and left the match, then nova bot got a double kill on her own, I have no fucking clue how it happened, I was distracted with the objective.
blizzard loves shitting on starcraft players, nothing new to see here.
>do you really want chat channels?
but heroes of the storm lore is actually fun, it reminds me of that episode of spiderman where he's taken outside of space and time and put in a battle between good and evil, you know, with the fantastic 4 and a shit ton of super villains and heroes
the trailers for various heroes and the actual ingame sound clips that have them interacting actually add to the lore
like muradin talking to arthas about arthas leaving him to die in a cave in warcraft 3 -my favorite childhood game-
yeah that's always great. And it's cancer, but it's also amusing to have two stealthies on each team
I once read an article that compared SC2 player performance. And the result was that only the top ~2% of players even come close to playing the game in a proper way. Everybody else has too little income, doesn't spend it properly and supply blocks themselves for so long that any kind of strategic timing after it loses its meaning. In other words 95+% of SC2 players suck and aren't even playing the game right. Just the amount of how hard you suck differs.
it's not
Less rewarding but less of a time investment (can be a plus) and worse fidelity/ champion design than league.
- someone who's played over a thousand hours of each.
More of a play with your friends game, it's your average moba streamlined or with advanced settings turned off, whichever way you want to look at it.
It's so simple and easy that it's damn good.
>little to no team coordination
it literally needs the most team coordination cuz u cant 1v5 like in lol/dota trash games
If you're going to play a MOBA at least admit you're playing an RTS for babbies
Right around 15-20 minutes. Longer than 20 is an exception
>it's a Chromie is your only assassin episode
>dota made me rage a bit too much so I quit it in 2015
>dawngate had most fun characters but never left beta and got axed
>don't really like lol, so stay away from it, even though friends said I'm prety good at it when I played with them
>hots is the only one left
Eh. It's fun at times. Less rage inducing than dota and matches are usually shorter. Works to scratch my itch for a game or two with friends.
Anub is most fun hero. Have highest w/r with him (80%) and have no fucking idea why no one picks him at all in ranked plays.
Can someone explain when i should do what? Lets say im playing stiches...when should i sit in lane and push it. When should i go do jungle creeps and when should i go for the map themed objectives??
Same question for ghost and butcher plz or just a general explanation base2d on champion type.
I'd be fine with HotS if I could zoom out the camera a little more
until then I'll only play it for maybe an hour a week at most
>im a turbo hardcore gamer!!
>look at all those game systems i know!!
Why bother learning complex game systems and builds when i can get the same end result in HotS without all the no life autistic gamer bullshit?
DoTA styles MOBAs are early 2000s fiddling and should stay there.
Lane phase lasts only until first objective. After that you should generally be helping your team unless you are playing a dedicated push hero (most specialists).
Chogal is the most fun/op hero in the game
Out of 40 matches I have only lost 4
>But it's a master skin
Honestly my best advice is to group with your team as often as possible if you're new. Pre level 10 soaking lanes is incredibly important, but objectives you should almost always be grouping with your team. Mercs are best taken right before an objective, but you should balance that with soaking as well.
Butcher and Nova are a bit tricky because they're extremely comp dependent and Nova in particular is very counterable. Butcher you need to be patient on diving in or else you'll be instant murdered, and Nova you have to have great positioning to know you can get away. Most good people will still see you when you're cloaked so don't count on that for much. As for Stitches sitting in lane, he doesn't push very well so it's better for you to be with someone who does. And pushing is great but losing a 4v5 teamfight will generally undo any amount of good pushing you did as a specialist for instance