Fighter, Mage, or thief?
Fighter, Mage, or thief?
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Anything besides dickass thief is objectively wrong
Agreed, me and my wife's son love stealth options too!
>memeass thief
My nig.
Stealth Archer
draginbork xDDD
Are those the only 3 options? Are hybrid builds (paladin, spellsword, etc) allowed.
What are the cliche flaws each class have?
Thief seems pretty derogatory for agility based classes as a start point. What other class would one use that isn't associated with criminal activity/dubiousness? Also wouldn't archer belong as a starter class as well?
Necromancy tickles my fedora just right.
And when not necromancy, it's summoning.
Regardless of method, it's about strong, customizable creatures that you want to keep for the whole fight, buff and generally care about, but can afford to lose between fights and can re-customize often.
Even better if they have good AI and don't just listen to commands.
Better a interesting discussion than LOL Thread #354375076798!^9999
Bard when it's not just an archer with music notes floating around it.
Rift did them right.
Magic is always a fun time
Only game I can think of where Mage wasn't nearly as fun as warrior/thief is Dragons Dogma
Whatever the fuck you'd classify this magnificent guy as.
Wizard, the mage of mages.
100% into magical specialization. If there's a way to become even more magic-focused than the class is by default, I take it. If I can learn more than one type of magic, I will.
Thief but it honestly depends on the game. Bethesda games are always best played as sneaky archers and anything else is a giant waste of time.
weird novelty class>Mage=thief>Fighter
It's a bit of a false choice you've got there.
LOL threads won't die due to offtopic, while, for example, Vampire threads could.
I semi-often derail LOL threads and they handle that just fine.
Monk or whatever has the largest Sword.
>No (You)'s for a well thought derail
How about no.
Depends on the game.
If implemented right, Mage.
You can post a big female ass on any thread and it will derail the thread
It's the new Sup Forums maxim
The special snowflake mage, so something like Shaman, Alchemist or
>having to write down all your spells in a spell book and if you lose the book you're fucked
sorcerers will always be better
>t. Never actually played D&D and instead just read about it on 1d4chan xD
Never post in my presence ever again
Make a spare with vital spells.
Keep few scrolls on self to reach the spare.
Wizards are about being batman prepared. And when both wizard and sorcerer are prepared, wizard wins.
i don't know when you last played but please stop being retarded
Paladin who traded his mount for a jetpack and his melee weapons for guns.
>like necromancers as a concept
>hate playing classes where minions or pets do the fighting for you
>LOL threads won't die due to offtopic, while, for example, Vampire threads could.
Why would i care for fucking Twilight of all things?
Depends on the class choices afterwards but I usually prefer fighter. The bigger the sword the better
Magefag detected.
Sorceror>Warlock>Your waifu>Mage
Halfling Monk. Kneecap shattering is fun.
This thread really only makes me want to play DnD again. I wish I had as many friends as I had 8 years ago.
roll20 is a good site if you want to find a group of randoms to play with
though most of them play 5e
But you do
5e is all good with me. I'm a gigantic faggot and have the books although I've never played it. I just like to write adventures and pretend. Maybe its time to try roll20 out.
You might be right my friend.
All of them + a bard in a party
I like the idea of magic but games usually do it wrong so I go sword and shield or claymore guy
Have you tried Magicmaker?
I know that feel.
Also, BG2 Big World Project is pretty spiffy if you play as a mage, especially a Wild Mage
I prefer to start on easy mode.
>all this fags who pick thief and assasins
Fighter or better barbarian are best options
Pun Pun.
After seeing 7(+1) editions of dnd, i rate 5e as the worst of them all.
>Rocks fall, you die.
t. DM
You know what kinds of men need to compensate for lack of masculinity all the time?
So, do you prefer men or just feel small down there?
Mage for being OP in the end-game
Fighter for being consistently decent the whole game
Rogue for being a memeing fucking faggot who likes to play on EZ mode
Fighter first to get the common man's experience.
Then mage, using the insight from the fighter run to simulate higher intelligence.
Thief never. Fuck thief. Other types of rogue are sometimes acceptable.
magic is OP and can usually fulfill both fighter and thief roles
I like staying in the action. Mage doesn't, and thief is just kind of a bitch about things.
Any of them beat bard. Social skills in roleplaying are cancer imo.
>Here guys, actual roleplaying
>Nevermind just roll for skill.
Too bad he has already given himself an "immunity from the DM" power.
And immunity to not actually existing in the real world.
He is the most powerful being in the universe. Existing is a power. If there was a more powerful being, he wouldn't be the most powerful and yet he is, by definition of the power he has given himself.
Therefore the fact that you can think of him implies he exists.
PoE's Necromancer ascendancy has a few skills that benefit non-minion builds
Pun Pun can only give himself anything that is in the monster manual or player handbook.
Nothing in the monster manual or player handbook has "immunity from DM" as a ability.
>he never heard of Spontaneous Astral Plane Rocks before
>Not knowing that it's canon in DnD that the DM is the ultimate existence above all
Just learn meteor storm and play AoE Necro
>Therefore the fact that you can think of him implies he exists
Should have stopped before this. This line is nonsense. The previous line is valid, but unsound. Lrn2logix
The ability used doesn't say "any ability in book x", it says "any ability".
This stopped being the case when Pun-Pun gave himself an ability that says otherwise.
This is one of the most funny things I've ever saw, thank you OP.
And thief, always agi/dex.
Wizard so i can chill in the back while fighters do all the work and when we reach the super big bad i realize i only have sleep memorized and die.
whether or not this works depends on semantics over what is and isn't an ability. Arguably only the "abilities" listed in the manual are actual abilities.
>'Thief' role actually entails sneaking/persuasion/trickery and other general thief stuff
Play as thief.
>'Thief' role just entails being a fast piece of shit who stabs people and can turn invisible, at which point they may as well just be a mage who also happens to be a serial killer
Play as a wizard.
>Special Abilities
>According to the Monster Manual, all Special Attacks and Qualities are either Extraordinary, Spell-like, or Supernatural abilities. Manipulate Form can grant any of these. As such, Pun-Pun is assumed to have any ability that is beneficial to him or makes him more threatening as an opponent. Here is a list of abilities that he has (the list is nowhere near exhaustive):
Here is the interesting part
>If you can think of any combination of abilities possible within the rules, Pun-Pun can do it.
Nowhere within the rules exists a "protection from DM fiat" ability, power or spell
Mage is always funnier for maining because they usually have more mechanics for them than melee classes.
I'm just memeing about the ontological proof of omnipotent god.
It's a common argument used by historical theologians (and some new ones, before they learn logic).
Because if ontological proof of god is sound, then so is ontological proof of Pun-Pun.
>The DM still has the ability to kick the player from his table and order the players that their chars forget that thing ever existed.
I think the only time I ever enjoyed thief/rogue gameplay was on Neverwinter Nights 1. The kit is really neat and stuff like Shadowdancer only made it more fun. Starting at level one is painful, but most good modules start at higher levels at least.
There is also KOTOR 2, if you consider Sentinel the "thief" class, but I mostly played as a DEX Guardian with tons of skill points.
I usually pick warrior if there is no fancy hybrid around.
That's just an interpretation.
I would be a healer and heal all my senpias
Coolest healers are creeps and mutants who use weird powers to fix their allies.
Healsluts are overrated.
I never understood why "Thief" is so often a character class in games involving combat. Stealing things is rarely a useful skill; the relevant skills are whatever combat skills the character has, and those are not at all described by the class name.
Necromancer. I like skeletons.
It would be great if you could do Carmen Sandiego tier shit to the enemy.
>enemy barbarian wondering where his axe went even though he was wielding it a moment ago
>wizard panicking because somebody just stole his memorized spell
>shady cult chanting the spell that ends the world going "WHERE THE FUCK IS THE RITUAL? IT WAS HERE A MOMENT AGO!"
Pretty much a reverse Ursakar Creed
>Coolest healers are creeps and mutants who use weird powers to fix their allies.
What classes do this?
Games where undead heal with "harm" type spells have necromancers do that.
Stone soup dungeon crawl had regeneration spell (lmao had) though it was self-cast only.
Anything that moves is detected by all the plants living there. You wander for days, hallucinating from all the toxic fumes released by local flora and when you start screaming in madness the druid taps onto the root system and regrows himself back to your position. Enjoy being strangled by toxic thorny branches and slowly transformed into one of the trees. You'll stay here forever.
I'm trying to find something to play with a Necromancer class. If you have any suggestions please don't say Diablo II or Path of Exile. I'll play them if I have to though.
>implying i don't fireball the area with extreme prejudice, followed by multiple casts of dispel magic, cloudkill, summon elemental, various wards and protection spells and enough contingencies to make a Tarrasque steer clear of me before setting foot anywhere
Stupid luddite hippies magelings, when will they learn?
>a 60 year old virgin dude barges in, locates you with a scrying spell, teleports behind you, fingers you with quickened-twinned-finger-of-death and teleports away
Where did I put my spellbook? Endurazhik!
fighter - the player who understands efficiency
mage - the player who wants to have fun
thief - the player who spew memes in chinese cartoon message boards
You'll burn only a fraction of my kingdom lost sage. The burnt wood and ash supplies my land with fertile ground for new plants to rise as the dust settles. The new flora will release dimethyltryptamine upon combustion, luring you to drink from my veils. You'll either leave the forest after gazing into the endless geometries of love or die alone and confused.
Be wise sage.
>the player who spew memes in chinese cartoon message boards
But user, I'm having fun.
Monks a best.
I want to cast fist and just beat the shit out of everything.
>wizard panicking because somebody just stole his memorized spell
D&D 5e lets you do that as an arcane trickster. It's limited, but as long as you have the slots for it, you can steal their memorized spell to cast yourself and they can't cast it for 8 hours.
Before or after a swarm of Project Image copies nukes your ass back to the elemental plane of suck?
More like
Fighter - duuuude I brought my gf over I hope that's fine what you saying nerds yeah
Mage - the autist who crunches numbers and argues with dm
Thief - the annoying cunt who steals from party
Pity that most monks are pure shit and can only cast fist on their own anus.
I honestly cant think of a single videogame where monks are actually good.
In fact, i cant think of a single game featuring monks period.
Melee ranger
Because bows are overrated
>not playing FFT as a Monk
>not adding Ninja's Dual wield ability for even more brokennes
Project Image doesn't work on those who observe the world through senses beyond your understanding my dear phantom.