Post your toons people!

Post your toons people!

I know exactly why you made this thread.




My... what?

>DaS2 shit
The exact and only reason why DaS3 is shit, God, DaS2 shouldn't exist.




Larry David


yOUR TOOn looks weird o_O


I can't even beat Twin Princes on NG+ so I'm making a new character. What SL should I have to beat the second DLC, anybody knows?

Sorry here's a better one

Is the new DLC good? Haven't bought it yet.

Not exactly original, but that red color isn't from a mod.

It's from the blood of countless invasions my final fantasy 1 party went through in the area. 3v5 is some hilarious shit, especially when you win.

>purple hair, female with different colour eyes
>goes expressively out of the way to call it a Toon
why are you like this? why do you do it?

Not me but this guy was pretty fucking cool

Fucking nice

You could swap to a buffable sword and apply fire resin to cosplay as Steinter

Looks like he smells of cherries.


I was alternating between that sword and the Twin Prince Greatsword which has that one fire slash attack so it worked out.

I can't believe people are actually replying without even saging to this cancer

Talkin bout dang ol linking the flame man gotta gotta stave off the age of darkness man

And here's more or less what my character ended up looking like. Probably not terribly original but it looks good to me.

Dust in the wind/10

Is this king of the hill reference

Now that I think of it, that sword's weapon art was also a fire attack so yeah



Us Canadians sure are loonies eh

>not avatars

pretty good

>avatarfagging thread
>no one from /dbg/ has shown up yet
Come on, I know you people are here!