With every new console launch and every new gen i always wished Sega would come back.
Is there even the slightest chance of this happening? What would be a scenario in which Sega can pull off a new console?
With every new console launch and every new gen i always wished Sega would come back.
Is there even the slightest chance of this happening? What would be a scenario in which Sega can pull off a new console?
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It would think it would be really difficult to do in today's market.
SEGA would have to steal a Sony thirs party partnership to get normies to buy into their console.
What's funny is Sega could rely on their exclusives alone and it would still be a great console.
They would have to make something comparable to whatever Sony has on the market at the time power wise to get third parties on board.
This is why i want a sega console. Not because sega is a great company or any shit but they have so many ips i would love to see new games of. I can think of almost 10 i'd buy without question no matter how shitty just to get a taste.
One of the three, or even two, would have to die
Or the entire market crash and reset
As of now there is no room for a fourth console, there is barely room for the three we have
I would rather Sega create their own PC platform like Steam, filled with Sega exclusive titles and new experimental games that don't warrant a full console release
>Is there even the slightest chance of this happening
9/9/19 isn't quite as cool, but I'd take it.
The problem is that so much of the old internal talent at Sega that made that IP is long gone.
>Is there even the slightest chance of this happening?
>What would be a scenario in which Sega can pull off a new console?
They would release an absolute PS4/Xbone killer
Get old buggy games capped at 30 remade, tested and capped at +60 fps
all at the end of 9th gen
>i always wished Sega would come back
We are moving away from consoles, what could Sega bring to the table? Its console would most likely have AMD or Nvidia parts inside.
They still have a lot of talent under them
>As of now there is no room for a fourth console, there is barely room for the three we have
That's not even remotely true. The xbox is selling just as well as the 360 and the ps4 is breaking records. Switch will sell very well too. There's room for Sega.
Muh soulcaliber machine
The Xbox One is selling nowhere near as well as the 360. Also, Nintendo stayed relevant by doing their own thing. I'm not sure there would be enough room for three similarly specced "powerful" consoles on the market.
the return of blast processing would do it
I was born in 1997: the post
You dont actually know what the fuck you are talking about.
They may not have a lot of games in production but the quality is still there for sure.
Except that's completely fucking wrong
>Both consoles launched in November. The Xbox 360 launched in November 2005, while the Xbox One launched in November 2013. The Xbox One has sold 23.12 million units in its first 35 months, while its predecessor the Xbox 360 sold 21.03 million units. "
Maybe but a lot of their IP that people fondly remember them for during the Genesis-Dreamcast years has fallen by the wayside.
The closest you'd be getting is a Sega-branded Steam Machine. Everything else is a non-starter.
Competition is always good for consumers. But for a Dreamcast 2 to take of it would either require a very good line-up of launch titles and follow-up titles or powerful hardware within a reasonable price.
BTFO Sonyiggers like to pretend nobody owns and xbox one while it's actually been a success just not the record breaking success the ps4 has been. They're both good consoles doing well.
All relative though. The PS4 has sold more than double that whereas the 360 generally maintained a lead over the PS3 for years.
I can imagine it go this way:
By the time PS4 is would be released, the PC market is so far developed and AMD hardware is so cheap that nobody turns heads for consoles anymore.
The only way to sell a closed gaming system would be to approach people in a emotional way.
Dreamcast 2 inflames nostalgic feelings in a lot of people and could potentially trigger a big hype. I can see Sony approaching Sega (or whoever owns the name "Dreamcast").
With every new console launch and every new gen i always wished Atari would come back.
Is there even the slightest chance of this happening? What would be a scenario in which Atari can pull off a new console?
Meant PS5 of course.
Sega is committed to PC now. I'd buy a Sega brand PC case, maybe even a HTPC. They did a good job porting their Genesis catalog, with Workshop support for ROM hacks (still doing what Nintendon't.) Obviously they're keeping things lean these days because they're no longer a juggernaut. I'd be happy if they spent time/resources porting Saturn games, which are notoriously difficult to emulate. There's no real reason for them to sell a proprietary game box. That whole concept is becoming outdated.
Sega already has a ton of games ported to Linux, both desktop and mobile. That gives them a lot of flexibility as far as releasing new hardware.
They could take that game library, port a few more games (or simply bundle emulators), and release a little system built around a cheap SOC and have a game system without much effort. Put it in a little plastic shell that looks like a Dreamcast, give it wireless controllers, expandable storage by way of a micro sd card slot, and an online store and you'd have something that would print money at its first holiday season and then after the holiday developers would wake up and think 'holy shit, there's millions of sega consoles out there, we should make games for them'.
You are incredibly delusional if you think mainstream consumers will ever go back to gaming on desktops en masse. People largely switched over to laptops for home use long ago.
I would love official ports of Saturn games, but I heard they lost all the code and would have to rebuild all of them, from scratch
How the fuck did Skies of Arcadia never get a XBL/PSN release? I wonder if it's a similar situation.
Here me out guys.
>Sega started out as an American company that built coin operated machines for entertainment for the us military hence the name "Service games"
>Donald Trump is the first president that has ever endorsed a video game console. He attended to Sega Genesis launch seen here.
Is Sega about to rise from the ashes again because of a Trump presidency? So many good things are happening to companies that have endorsed or have been affiliated with him in the past.
Playing PC on living room TV with controller has been a things for the past few years.
If they made a new console and modernised their arcade classics. I'd buy it. Imagine an unreal 4 outrun. Hnnng. [Spoilee]Not going to happen though[/spoiler]
Somebody get Sega's twitter shitposter and Ryphecha of Mednafen talking, and maybe there'll be a Saturn revival in our lifetime.
Knowing modern Sega you would need to buy the console in parts.
Physical DLC.
"PC market" includes laptops, Steam Machines and the like. Why bother getting a closed system like a console when you can get a prebuilt gaming PC with built-in controller support for playing on your couch? The only issue is library.
I'm aware of that but mainstream consumers do not buy desktops anymore. Given the huge success of the PS4, I don't see why you'd think things will change.
>it's real
What fucking timeline are we in bros?
Not surprised that was military contractor one bit,I mean they got their 3D tech from Lockheed division.
>With every new console launch and every new gen i always wished Sega would come back.
Why? All those quirky experimental titles and arcade games SEGA made back in the day sold like shit and were part of the reason they ultimately had to abandon the console market. They have no system sellers, Sonic is their biggest IP and even it is way too unreliable and not impressive enough to carry a system, you're delusional if you believe enough people even know about JSR, Crazy Taxi or such to buy a console for them. And third parties wouldn't exactly be head over heels at the chance of having to port to yet another platform so 3rd party support would be weak to nonexistent unless SEGA can get the console to fly off the shelves on 1st party titles.
Not to mention the reason most people seem to want a new SEGA console is the flawed reasoning of "they made quirky titles back when they were making consoles, therefore the two things must be related", in reality not having to appeal to the lowest common denominator to get hardware units moving frees them to take more risks, they don't because they don't want to and launching a console wouldn't change that.
Because "normies" if you will have no idea what a steam machine is. The established console brands are too firmly entrenched to go anywhere anytime soon.
>I don't see why you'd think things will change.
Companies adapt to market demand. New devices will come out. Technology norms will change.
What makes you think that people will keep buying consoles for their living room when everybody recommends them there are better offers?
It could work if they where like easier pcs with mouse and keyboard or a controller if the user preffers so.
>I don't think pcs are hard to work with but the general public does.
How do we get trump to endorse Sega again? We might get a new console out of it.
See . I'm not saying steam boxes don't have potential, but as of right now you can't just walk into a Walmart or Target and find them readily available alongside all the Xbox and PlayStation stuff.
Bruh, do you even Dreamcast?
Steam machines really were a failure. Mostly due to Valve being the worst at advertising.
>Sega invented Kinect
Thats why it's litterely a dreamcast 2.
>You dont actually know what the fuck you are talking about
I'm not sure you do, either,
>casual webgames
what did they mean by this
They gotta name it the shenmueCast™. And re-release HD remasters of 1&2 along with 3. They also will make a shenmue drama miniseries as a prequel to the games. And covering some side characters backgrounds more fleshed out. All of this culminating in a shenmue Movie series where the 1st movie is great, the second one is EPIC. and the 3rd will be the cinematic blunder of the century.
Sega had an online service where you could download games and demos in 19 fucking 94
>launches with an exclusive total war title
I'd buy it.
Im full of surprises bud.
Just ask your mother.
>I would rather Sega create their own PC platform like Steam, filled with Sega exclusive titles and new experimental games that don't warrant a full console release
ah yes clog up the pc digital distribution market even more
Why would you want another Japanese console?
Sega doesn't seem to even make enough games nowadays. It's like they're a Yakuza and Miku factory nowadays.
Which I'm alright with.
What is wrong with you? He didn't mention Sony at all
Sega Channel was pretty damn impressive. I still don't fully understand how it worked.
They basically released the alpha console that we never normally see.
They're apparently hard at work on the second gen which if their hiring pattern and open source development is any sign will be AMD SOC based using the open source graphics drivers.
Which should mean lower prices (one of the problems with the first wave of systems), and a single or more uniform spec (the other big problem).
Why though? If they make a new console, series like Yakuza or Persona will be stock on it, and we will have to buy yet another console to play them.
Read it properly. Never specifically referred to him as one.
Sega doesn't have anything to do with Persona do they?
No its an Atlus game.
Sega bought Atlus.
Well then ignore thatGood move sega.
They own Atlus
Meant to reference you first.
Didn't hear about that. Definitely a good move on their part.
So they own SMT too? If they had those Yakuza, persona, and everything else like the arcade games plus dreamcast games like Jet set radio I'd definable buy their console
Steam machines reminded me a lot of the 3DO. I don't think I've ever actually seen one in a physical retail store.
Fuck that, it would be a disaster. Their most important IPs right now in the west are Sonic, Total War and Football Manager with Total War being their best selling franchise right now. They know their target audience is really divided across all platforms and regions. Pretty sure the console crowd doesn't give a fuck about the SEGA strategy games (CoH, TW) and the PC crowd wouldn't buy a console just for those games and a bunch of multiplats they can already play on PC.
Sega is one of the most important publishers and they are okay with that.
The Atlus brand is still around but Sega will be publishing all of their games from now on.
Fantastic buy. Just hope they keep the quality and back them with money. Could be some great games in the future especially if p5 sells as well as it should in the west.
If they made Total War a console exclusive with mouse and keyboard support I'd have to buy their console. I'm a junkie for that shit.
Catherine x Sonic spoof when.
What if they made something similar to a steam machine, except with some kind of incentive to use it? Beyond just "not giving Gabe jewbucks," I mean, although I'm sure that's plenty for some people.
Never ever.
how sega fanboys will be called these days? seniggers? sefaggots? segadrones? sonicfuckers? hopeless?
Sonicfuckers I forgot sonics cancerous furry fanbase.
How about Sega just starts to make more games again?
Why make games when you can sell $20 DLCs and people still buy them?
user, please. Sega's financial position is too poor nowadays for them to put out a new line of hardware.
Makes more sense than making a console. No one needs Nintendo either for hardware. Everyone wants Nintendo for the software.
They counderstand probably have awesome exclusives. But it's not going to sell unless it's just a cod/madden box.
but user don't you see making a sequel to the console that almost bankrupted them will fix everything?
The dreamcast didn't almost bankrupt them, they were already in that position prior to that. The DC sold decently and could have been in a success for them if they were in a more stable financial situation. They were doomed either way.
Dreamcast sold decently, but software did not. It was not the best of ideas to release a console that played home-burned CDs out of the box.
the dead end of moore's law show the GPUs swift development in this age will be sopped or stagnant In the not so distant future
or the cloud gaming will be enough developed to replace the all gaming system including PCs with it
after all, the problem will be not hardware ----- but platform itself.
I don't think we need to worry about cloud gaming becoming remotely relevant with the current infrastructure.
I can always spray paint the Dreamcast logo on my Steam gaming rig.
The dream might be dead, but that is not death in which the eternal lie.
Except for Naka and some people from Sonic Team, what other talent left SEGA?
Guys who made Skies of Arcadia, Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, Street of Rage, F-Zero GX, Monely Ball or Daytona USA still works in SEGA
I'd pick Sega over Microsoft any day of the week.
Also, I'd rather have a Giga Drive than a Dreamcast 2.
>Is there even the slightest chance of this happening?
> What would be a scenario in which Sega can pull off a new console?
If one of three current manufacturers get out of the console race. Still, I'd bet on Apple or Google entering the market before Sega return.
That wasn't a huge issue at the time. Not here in the US at least. CD burners were way too slow in 1999/2000 for it to be a widespread problem.