Help me out Sup Forums

Help me out Sup Forums.
Not a poorfag but I genuinely only have time for one of these. I am interested in all 3 for obviously different reasons.
Please help me decide.

Other urls found in this thread:

none of them.

For honor if you have friends that like multiplayer games and will play with you. Torment if not. Hzd is a joke unless you hate white people and are a social fag spewer.

Story aside is the gameplay of HZD decent? I really like the idea of the game and in games like that I generally care little about the story. (MGS5 comes to mind)

I think the gameplay is a solid 7/10. Too flashy for the amount of actual substance and there's definitely more to be desired but it should be fun for awhile if you ignore the retarded story.

Thank you for the reply user. I guess its between HZD and Tides at this point as I don't have any friends who I play with on a regular basis.

I like Horizon but I don't care about cultural wars so I don't see the big deal about story. I kinda like it.

The combat is also nice, especially against bigger robots and hordes, if you don't plan ahead the enemies will push your shit in because they are so fast.

For Honor is really bland and while I haven't played Tides it seems like a wasted opportunity devoid of originality and all the companions are Bioware tier.

The combat is really what peaked my interest in Horizon. Not enough of my usual reviewers have put out videos for me to make a decision I felt good enough about yet.
Everything you said sounds right up my alley though.

As for Tides I admittedly haven't played any of the games that inspired its creation but Patrick Rothfuss wrote for the game and I respect the hell out of him as a writer.

i have for honor after 10h it gets boring

looking out for hzd too


Horizon easily. It will take any time you give it without requiring you to put in extra time for stupid shit.

Horizon is surprisingly good. It has some typical open world busy work but the combat is top notch and due to enemy and weapon variety it keeps on giving.

The sjw bullshit is completely based on nothing aside from the game having people of different color and gender in different roles. It's not anti anything and it all makes sense in the world. If your panties don't get twisted in a bunch because there is a female in power next to male tribal leaders then you'll be fine. Everything else is just Sup Forums parroting as usual without even owning or having played the game.
Story is okay overall. It's got some unexpected turns and nuances but some other bits are predictable and there are a few fetch side quests.


they're all trash OP just spend your money on groceries

Do you have friends to play For Honor?
Get it then.
The other two are barely based on if you want to have direct fun or immersion.

>that one log
Can you also post the one where the right winged radio hosts goes completely bonkers? There are jabs being thrown left and right. It just shows the amount of extremism as the old world spiraled out of control. Sup Forumstards trying to be clever take it or of context and you fell for it.

horizon is a really bad game and no replay value. do not buy it. for honor has potential, will be updated, and has huge replayability with online battles and stuff. for honor is probably your best bet. i would suggest you look at nioh or nier instead of these though.

Never seen so many triggered snowflakes over nothing. I mean, is the main character not white? What in the fuck are you so butthurt over?

The weirdest one I found was the metalhead doing drugs after a concert and going berserk.

I find the SJW-tag to have very little impact on most things that it is thrown on. Its of very little concern to me. I only care about the gameplay and I appreciate your thought out response.
No friends.
Have you played Horizon? I'm hoping to get real reviews here is all. Also I have played through Nioh and am looking for the next thing to tackle. I played the demo of Nier and found the combat to be God of War PS2 levels of uncomplicated so I think I will give it a pass. I appreciate your reply all the same user.

For honor has great combat but the peer 2 peer completely ruins the game. Also, every game mode outside of 1v1 is fucked. You just get gang raped but several people at once.

I find P2P generally has less impact on consoles.
My friend has been playing For Honor on PC and he lost connection from every game over the course of 2 hours no exaggeration.
I doubt anyone has played both console and PC but does anyone have any insight?

>user says it's just parroting
>this one replies with parroting
>gets BTFO

White males are priviledged, but not white women for whatever reason.

>hehe lol le evil white CISarchy on Sup Forums btfo once again

leave legbeard

>I am interested in all 3 for obviously different reasons
Aside from shit taste, what are the other 2 reasons?

Is this bait?
Is just don't know anymore.

It's amusing how you anti tards become everything you despise.

a winner?

i was never a leftist so i've never hated winners lol
They always become the thing they hate most.

rly mak mi tink

>I am silly.

P2P just isn't good enough for an action game where individual frames can make a difference, and this will be an issue if you play For Honor.

I like HZD so far. If you can tolerate the average open world game, you'll like HZD as it's above the average in a pretty over full genre.

Dunno about the other

Hey OP can't say much about Nier or Tides of Numeria, but HZD is legitimately pretty great. Especially if you're focusing on the gameplay alone. I was originally super against the game from all those shitty animations, but after actually playing for a few hours I can say my mind has been changed. The engine is pretty impressive too

>Im with her.

What a great strawman.
Good job user.
I was about to type out a long response but I don't care enough anymore and based on your image you don't care either.


Sup Forums and tumblr are so similar it's unreal. Both want safe spaces, both don't want any of their thoughts challenged at all, both focus on emotion over reason.

Can't believe they can't see it.


>pol wants a safe space

why are there communism threads there? they're not banned like right wing threads are on pinko safe spaces like reddit and neogaf

I'm not American though.

Our conservatives options are pretty terrible. Christian hillbillies, neet skinheads, Labor Union mafia and some fat guy who just wants power.

Sorry user, do you want your safe space? Sup Forums is just around the corner if you're getting triggered by people disagreeing with you.

Thanks for proving my point I guess.

>Implying I am that person and think that way
What another great argument.
I think both sides are incredibly misguided and incapable of rational discussion. Enjoy your last (YOU) from me.

They're not banned but they're flamed and derailed constantly. If you don't agree with Sup Forums you won't get a word in edgeways, and I reckon you probably know that.

It's alright if you need a safe-space user. Emotions are hard and opinions are scary. No one like getting triggered, especially snowflakes.

go back to

>WAAAAH why can't I have my safe space!


What a snowflake. Just go back to Sup Forums if you want an echo chamber, no one is expecting you to stay here if you're getting upset. It's okay to be triggered user, you're among friends here.

Go back to your echo-chamber and calm down, we can talk about vidya games later.

bernie can still win guys

match me on reddit


Easiest way to spot a faggot is them using "snowflake" wrong in their efforts to turn the word back on its original users.

Spoken like a true Sup Forumstard. Everything is black and white, you're for or against us, there's no room for a middle ground.

The triggering is strong with this one. Stay special you snowflake, and head back to Sup Forums if you're getting upset. No point being salty right?


yeah and I bet he's being paid by hillary to bring about the end of the white race

>tfw nov 8 2016 is the eternal source of liberal butthurt tears

watch out for the poz tho

Why? So you can have your safe space or something?
Nothing wrong with some other ideas next to yours user

Oh no I'm feeling really scared now! I never thought about how decrepit I am, unlike the average Sup Forumstard who is no doubt swole as fuck

Torment isn't very good imo

It's a tossup between Horizon and For Honor. For Honor you can't really play for long periods due to the pick up and drop playstyle. Horizon you can likely play for a fair amount of time.

So OP what kind of time do you have for the one game? Whole days off to play the game = Horizon. Hour or two before you have to do something else = For Honor.

Get horizon it's the meatiest of them all, you'll get more out of it in the long run.

>tfw left wing marxist pomo opinions are becoming more rejected than so called "racist" opinions in the mind of normies

you dont have enough time to be here arguing with me comrade

post boipussi

all that HRT must be doing a good job, no?

>Refugees never existed until current year, it must be politics!
>This Nigel guy isn't the hero, it must be sexist against men!
>I cant believe that scientist was a mudslim, this is anti white to me!

Why is Sup Forums so easily manipulated by Sup Forums

it's 2017

How did this thread devolve into an exercise in raising some Sup Forumstard's heartbeat?

>As for Tides I admittedly haven't played any of the games that inspired its creation

Don't play it then. I like Rothfuss but you're going to get anywhere near the same experience as reading name of the wind.

>muh poltards

is there any more obvious giveaway for a tumblr legbeard than this

>anybody on the right decrying the technique of blindly turning accusations back on the original accusers
When will this giant retarded snake finish eating itself?

God knows he can use the exercise. Based on his reply to (YOU) its like water to him. Pay him no mind.

holy fuck talk about vidya you nignogs

I'd say between For Honor and Horizon. The combat system in For Honor is fun, but that game really has no longevity unless you're really into that combat system. Most of the gamemodes are trash and the meta-progression is stupid, but the core gameplay could make up for that.

Horizon is essentially a polished up Ubisoft open-world game. The gameplay is fun, the setting is cool and there's always stuff to do, but the story's pretty bland and you won't find anything particularly new or inventive here. It's somewhat fun, but very safe.

Tides is... niche. Even by CRPG standards it's not great. If you're really into Planescape it might be worth a look, but I'd recommend the other games above it.

when all commies are dead


youre doing it wrong shareblue

jesus christ, this

That's like wanting to get one of three terrible diseases, but if you if you insist, I would say Horizon is the least awful of these choices.

That's fair criticism. Thank you user.
The overall consensus seems to be similar to as you've put it.
I think I am looking for something enjoyable and even a polished up Ubisoft open world game would help fill the void for a little while at this point. As I said earlier the game's combat and ideas seem appealing enough for my standard distractions.
Also in regard to Tides.. I am a big fan of Dnd but I have yet to play a single game based on it so perhaps I'll give it a pass for now.

Why don't you buy a Switch? I did and it's worth it.

Because you can emulate BOTW on the PC

Time is a factor at the moment. Just busy with life in general.
Zelda is really the only game I'm interested in that's announced at all so it hardly seems worth the trouble if I'm being honest.

No sane man buys first edition console, especially if it is Nintendo. They have themselves to blame for that.

I hope they've reached the second production run and fixed all the issues before Splatoon 2 comes.

Get Horizon Zero Dawn

For Honor just gets boring after a while and Torment might be harder to get into than Horizon

Also I dont get the hate for Horizon story, yeah, it has SWJ elements, but if you dont mind them is enjoyable, i find it sad that some people just hates some videogames because it has SWJ elements on it


Social warrior justice? Well it certainly describes HZD better than social justice warriors.

Triggered snowflake detected

Snowflake snowflaking

I wasn't interested in Horizon, i really wasn't and all my interest in it was restricted to the news about Kojima using the same engine. That has changed, im willing to buy the game as a fuck you to polfagots at this point.
