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Literally impossible. Absolute Zero is only −273.15°C, and even that can't be maintained if any motion is happening at all.
Fire melts ice. Basic physics.
How do you know that's the lowest temperature if it can't be measured?
Shut up you fucking nerd.
Yeah but ice would turn into water and extinguish the fire.
Dude, it's magic of course it can go below -273,15°C I ain't gotta explain shit.
A knight made of diamonds, the hardest metal known to man, would destroy them both.
They both cancel each other and a knight made of medium temperature is born at 0ºC
But the fire could evaporate the water and turn it into vapor.
I could beat them all with a dozen doggy dogs. It's their world.
>Magic can make molecules move more slowly than when they are not moving at all
Sounds like bullshit to me
0°C is when water turns into ice, it's still cold as fuck
the ice knight because every molecule in the universe he inhabited would be completely unable to move and die
Somehow this pisses me off even more than the OP itself because you clearly have heard of the reason temperatures that low can't exist, yet you are using it in such a flagrantly incorrect way that you come to a conclusion that's just as stupid as the idea of something of that low a temperature existing in the first place.
ujelly mad sciencefag???
He wasn't even the one posting about Absolute Zero in the first place.
Are you literally a nigger? Like are you descended from slaves that were sold for shiny pots and pans to the pilgrims?
>i don't know what magic means
>Knight Made of Fire
Are you in 6th grade?
>magic can make something sitting absolutely still down to the most miniscule sub atomic particle sit even stiller
The knight made of ice would freeze the knight made of fire. Simple.
How hot is the speed of light???
>Fake News
lol libtard
lurk moar faggut
only way to put out fire is a lack of oxygen, fire melts ice, fire wins
This question broke my brain
>hur dur im so dumb ill just spout memes so the other anons wont think im dumb as fuck
well magic can make time go backwards so i'm sure it can go below absolute zero
He's right, if you weren't so new you'd know he was referencing a classic Sup Forums favorite.
>ujelly mad sciencefag???
> I don't have an argument or compelling response
> I must resort to antagonizing my opponent
It what realm of reality do you think this is remotely acceptable when user here is educating on the issues with this scenario?
>to retarded to know its a crystal
ok user what ever you say
Neck yourself.
Something with mass travelling at the speed of light would probably be insanely hot.
Light not having mass still generates heat when absorbed.
>making up a fake post just to cover your stupidity
mate thats just sad
Magic defies logic.
>Damage control
Why haven't you killed yourself?
Here, here's the spoonfed version for a redditor such as yourself to be able to understand. Better yet, just fuck off and never post here again, we're full.
which is still water, checkmate firefags
>Get blown out
>B-baited! I was only pretending to be a retard!
Fuck off retard.
Are you really getting baited this hard?
>creating know your meme pages to do even more damage control
mate why cant you just admit you are wrong?
You won't believe me, but
Not even him. seems like legitimate bait.
posts like
are the early pioneers exploring an exciting new level of irony. it's a dangerous place that hasn't been thoroughly mapped out yet, so missteps are bound to happen