Sony loses yet another exclusive

Sony loses yet another exclusive.

Good, exclusives are industry-wrecking, anti-consumer products.

first post best post


well its not bloodborne so who gives a fuck

Surely this was expected? The first two games are on PC so no PS player is gonna be crying their eyes out over this...


No, it's still on PS4.


especially considering most exclusives are only exclusive because sony literally pays them to not port to other systems, pretty cancerous for the industry

Huh, I could've sworn this was already coming to PC, with the first two released too and all.

Great news then, now if only Gundam games came to PC ...


>visual novel
>no Nioh, Yakuza, Persona, Bloodborne

Build PC they said, jap love PC they said.

Thank fucking christ
I thought they were gonna wait a couple years like they did with the first two
Great news. Too bad I already ate like 3 major spoilers

It's a piece of shit, I don't want it even free. The series was over with the 2 games and anime.


Looks like trash

Can someone explain to me why anyone would give ANY FUCKS about exclusives?

If you're only going to buy one platform, shouldn't you buy one with the best library overall, regardless of whether those games are exclusive to the platform?

And if instead you're going to buy multiple platforms anyway, exclusives are again completely irrelevant.

Are exclusives the worst red-herring advertising of all time?

Exclusives are the only reason to own a console so the consolefags on Sup Forums shitpost about them endlessly.

can you give me a quick rundown on this

UDG is gonna be on steam sometime in june also

honestly the game is a slog and i only recommend it if you're a touko fag like me or if you just like the story of danganronpa

Many PS4 players cant fully enjoy games unless its a Special game only they can play.

So losing an exclusive doesn't men they lost a game just lose the privilege of barging how its the best game ever because only they can play it.

PC fags pretend that exclusives are the only reason to own a console so when some game stops being console exclusive they shitpost like if they won the WW2 that moment.

Nobody cares. Where is Bloodborne?

>Weeb shit
They can keep it

have another fpbp


Show me a 250$ PC that can play Danganronpa V3.

You can't PCuck. What's next? You going to brag about how many frames you get on a visual novel filled with mini games?

it's funny you say that when almost everytime it's a console fag that brings up there exclusive and "Never Ever"'s first

>until it is about PC exclusives - that is perfectly fine
>b-b-but muh dumbing down
>result is the same - you are aginst the idea of console gamers playing your precious exclusives - something you cry about when it is done by console gamers

>playing VNs on PC nstead of handheld

I seriously hope you aren't doing that.

Nobody gives a shit about weeb games with flash tier design bro

It's nice to see Sup Forums not dickwaving about exclusives and instead talking about how exclusives are an abominable practice.

the only reason games are dumbed down for consoles is because they still don't support m/kb natively, if they'd just do that, everything would be fine

(((""Playing""))) VNs who doesn't have porn.

For what purpose?

You fags were saying the literal same about dragons dogma during ps3 era. And once that came to PC I saw that it was actually pretty average. Maybe slightly above.
You can keep your bloodborn.

(((""Playing""))) videogames who doesn't have porn.

What makes it a slog?


>reading Sup Forums threads that don't have porn
For what purpose?

the most part is that for like 80 percent of the game enemies just stand about and wait for you to kill them and all of the boss battles are pretty boring(it's even worse when you figure out that you can cheese taking any kind of damage by switching to touko before you get hit) the most interesting thing is the puzzle rooms but the 4th chapter makes you hate them since it makes you do one every 5 minutes

The concept of exclusives has existed way before Sony entered the console business.

Well thats shit, is the story any good?

>>result is the same - you are aginst the idea of console gamers playing your precious exclusives - something you cry about when it is done by console gamers
Point out where in the post he said that it was ok for PC to do any of that, I can't quite seem to see it.

you might enjoy it if you like danganronpa but even some fans of the series find it kind of eh so it's kind of a play and see thing

>web shit


All the other games are on PC, how was this an exclusive?

Also danganronpa is trash like legit who the fuck cares about the franchise after the anime?

you apparently

Its not about the internet or spiders.

This is unironic btw

>visual novel
What exactly is the standard for something to be a game on Sup Forums? Shit like Telltale and Uncharted clearly isn't but VN's are? Someone educate me.

DR has minigames and a health bar
It's literally a game

He didn't say it, I am talking about those PCfags that are "muh exclusives are anticonsumer" and "muh playing on my platform of choice" (and this is the absolute majority of the people that is spewing this), but then defend games to be kept only on PC.

For example, I have written on the internet that I would love to play Torment: Tides of Numenere on consoles before the announcenment and that I have also written to devs about that. A few people were okay with that, but the majority was just doing the same thing that PCfags hate about console gamers - they want the game to be kept only on PC, but for some reason this is not anticonsumer.

Danganronpa is barely a VN.

I'm just saying in general, why are VN's considered games on here while stuff like Uncharted and Telltale games aren't.

That ain't no nioh tho


Yeah and they originally existed because systems were so radically different that some of them didn't even have the ability to play fucking sounds you underage trog
What do the XB1 or PS4 do that any other platform can't considering they're literally off the shelf AMD APUs

>What exactly is the standard for something to be a game on Sup Forums?
If it's on PC and mustards can use it for shitposting purposes then it's a game.
If it's not, it's VN, movie etc. not a game.
>replying to own shitposts


The only good exclusive that the PS4 was going to get was Silent Hill PT and they fucking cancelled it.

Literally the only reason that would have made me buy a PS4 because the demo was a masterpiece of horror.

>Danganronpa UDG and the first 2 Zeo Escape games coming soon
>Danganronpa 3 just announced after the first two had decent sales numbers
>Capcom still too dumb to tap into the "VN" market on Steam by re-releasing the Ace Attorney games

no you fucking idiot. it helps consoles sell more and makes me actually want to get an xbox and ps and nintendo console due to all the exclusives.

>playing VNs on PC nstead of handheld
>I seriously hope you aren't doing that.
Fuck off you tertiary shitter. VNs are PC games, first and foremost. Not surprising that someone as cancerous as you is also consistently fucking stupid.

You mean "which", and there are plenty of great VNs without sex. VN doesn't necessarily equate to エロゲ and VNs have more genres than 抜きゲー。Ever17、うみねこのなく頃に、Rewrite、Steins;Gate、シンフォニック=レイン、魔法使いの夜、Clannad? Come on man.

that's great and all, but if there was no exclusives, you xbox or ps4 would probably be a lot more powerful and cheaper due to actual competition, and you'd get to play all the games, why would you not want that

No you fucking idiot; that helps the company get rich at your inconvenience because you are forced to buy their DRM box instead of being able to play it on a computer with far, far greater freedom.
Where are all of you shit eating drones crawling out of?

>reading books on a PC

Do you hear how bad it sounds? You are doing the same with VNs.

I pity everybody that is doing that.

>visual novel shit

Wow, it's fucking nothing.


Why should there even be consoles in the first place? Just make a gaming-oriented OS on PC and make everything for it.

I love how people still thinks that exclusives actually matters when the main selling games are multiplats

>I pity everybody who has fun doing thinks I dislike
okay fag

Monobeno ENG when??

This, less joy for Sonyfags is pleasure for me.

I hope then that you arent cunt to people who play on consoles instead on PC.

>people actually feel superior playing VNs on a hand handheld
Don't try to crane your neck out too much boys it'll be harder to put a noose on it once you get neck problems

>reading books on handheld


I don't care about how other people prefer to read VNs like that other guy, but pitying people who simply prefer reading VNs on PC is very dumb
Do you also pity people who read PC-only VNs?

>is on visual databank
>aslo on the japanese one
>more text than game
>japanese calls it a VN too
why are westcucks so dumb

What would be the point of a console market if they all play the same games?
Hardware? So the machine with slightly better hardware just destroys everything else?
Seems fucking retarded.

I'm pretty sure my shitty 75$ netbook could probably run this game

I can understand first party exclusives, but paying devs to not port games to other platforms is the work of Satan.

but these do have porn

And a chin chong nip nong to you, young lady.

You play as a normal girl who feels she's inferior to talented people. She makes friends with Toko from the first game, and it's all about them becoming closer and teaming up to take down the bad guys.

>anti consumer

I feel like all the 19 year olds just learned this word since Withcer 3 came out and now they repeat it all the damn time without know shit about it

If there was a proper way to deal with piracy you can bet everything would be on PC


>i can't spoil pcbros with absolutely retarded twists that end up being true

The entire game is a reality tv show's 53rd season (get it? V3 53)
Everyone has fake identities implanted before the game started

We're talking about today's user. When ever ppl discuss exclusive locks it's usually about vidya being cucked by the jews at sony.

>inb4 bayo 2 was coming out for ps4/pc/xbone but nintendo bought it up and shipped it to piiU

>Implying there aren't windows tablets with x86 chips
>Implying windows phone with intel chip doesn't exist

The beauty of PC is the power of free to choose.

David C Hall's really let himself go.

>said the pcbro with none