
DESTINY 2. What's it going to be about? I didn't play the first but I have really high hopes for the second. Is it a continuation of the first destiny?

if its not on PC i dont care

I'm just going to ignore the retardation that is having high hopes for the second without having played the first.

Continuation of the universe and lore and characters, with ideally a completely clean slate for most of its story. Vanilla Destiny was a clusterfuck of a story and didn't really have any cohesive gameplan until Taken King.

Hopefully Destiny 2 is gonna branch more off of things started in Taken King, with Oryx's sisters coming around the galaxy, Cabal Emperor sending an even larger military threat, and more expanded Vex stories.

Hopefully no more Fallen, we've seen fucking enough of them already.

And for god's sakes I hope someone at Bungie is competent enough to code in non-humanoid enemies. I wanna see the Cabal use feral as fuck war beasts

>I'm just going to ignore the retardation that is having high hopes for the second without having played the first.

Did anyone really care for the story in the first though? Wasn't it about multiplayer

If he hadn't played the first how would he know if the multiplayer is any good

The first game was, is, and will likely continue to be a massive disappointment.

I can only assume the second will follow suit.

I've seen a lot of gameplay and came close to getting it. But after hearing it was just a grind and a bit boring I decided not to. And most people only played online with friends

Dropped it before Rise of Iron.

I'd come back for 2 if we can play as Fallen.

I fucking love the aesthetic of this game, it's a shame it's a shallow mess

Queensbreaker Bow was fun as fuck to use online though

Destiny 1 was a clusterfuck of terrible storytelling and bad/repetitive content up until the third expansion. The fourth expansion really brought it home though, Rise of Iron is what the game was always supposed to be.
Destiny 2 is already semi confirmed as having the Cabal as the main enemy force, according to several sets of leaked Megablocks sets that show the Cabal invading the Tower.

there was some really cool backstory to the races, but it was never fleshed out apart from a coulee of sentences in weapon and amor descriptions.

Destiny 2 should have less Hive / Taken, more Cabal and Fallen. They were the only interesting races.

How did bungle fuck this up so bad?

I swear to fuck if they don't turn that stupid fucking grimoire site into a an in-game item

Because activision made them fire joe staten since the story wasnt time gated and dlc based enough.

Then bungie had to rewrite the whole story in under a year.

Apparently it will be

I wonder how much on disc dlc it'll have. Glitching into the dlc areas was hilarious.

I purchased the first game on recommendation from a friend and it was the second biggest gaming regrets I've had.
It was a literal grind through uninteresting levels and uninteresting enemies.
The friend played for over a year and I have no idea how. It offered nothing interesting.
All the grinding of an MMO with none of the community and none of the payoff.
Don't bother with Destiny.

Your character will transfer over so yes, presumably the story will be the continuation of the first one in the sense that the game will probably acknowledge what happened during the first 3 years of the franchise.

That said there weren't really any major plot points other then the events that started off The Taken King.

Personally I'm really glad they're not transferring over any progress and hopefully they can use the knowledge they gained form the first one about what works and what doesn't and were able to adjust accordingly.

The campaign itself did a really poor job of filling you in to what's actually happening in the world. And the presentation of the grimoire is kind of embarassing. I'm still not sure if it's because it was done last minute or because they were aiming for a T rating and maybe something in the grimoire could compromise that but if the thing is not actually in the game it doesn't count.

Anyway the lore is really cool but they way it's presented is not very well done. Although there is a certain appeal to having to dig around for it yourself.

RoI was pretty good. Short but sweet. But it's nowhere near as good or as big as TTK was. Honestly if they manage to capture the best aspects of everything they've done in the last 3 years the game should be great because despite a lot of mistakes and fuckups there's a lot of amazing stuff as well and I think it actually turned out to be a really good game overall.

Yea I really hope they tie it into the game. And not just a book of accomplishments but at the level of the director.

What? Was that a thing? Also I'm not sure that's really gonna be the case. I think they're done with season passes and are gonna do smaller updates for free and then have expansions every year like TTK and RoI.

I wonder if it will be wise to buy it on PC. Can't tell if the game will pick enough active players.

No word has been given as to a PC release, they just said they were open to it but that mean literally nothing.

I think if it release on PC people are definitely gonna play it but I think this might honestly be the only studio that actually makes shooters that are more fun to play with a controller then with a mouse and keyboard. The extra frames would be nice tho.

Here's a wishlist

New fucking aliens
new elements
manual ship controls
better graphics engine

I want to be hyped again. I expect that age of triumph thing coming up is basically "play the whole game again"

It has a huge playerbase on console still, so it would definitely do well on PC.

What could they do with new elements though?
They've pretty much got most of their bases covered without going into stupid shit like earth or water

So did they finish first game? Is the story complete and there are no plotholes left, everything is reasonbale and logical? Or they just fucked up first one and releasing a sequel already so people will buy their game again?

The story of the first Destiny was such a mess they've really got no where to go except a sequel. There's nothing wrong with plot threads left hanging either when there's a sequel planned and in the works

Kinetic subclasses. We have kinetic weapons so a kinetic brute force focused subclass would br cool.

Or something involving taking technology from the other races to build a new subclass.

Well i hope they do better in a second attempt. Even tho i dont have any console, i still like to watch destiny gameplay once in a while.

Original story is still a mess, but the expansion stories started becoming more cohesive and enjoyable.

>better graphics engine
I don't know man. I honestly think it's one of the most visually appealing games especially when you consider it was made to also run on PS3 and X360. I'd rather have stability then better graphics at the cost of fps here and there. To me the game looks amazing as is, probably more due to the amazing arstyle and visual tricks that make up for any lack of technical proficiency.

I don't think the can really. The elements are types of energy. Kinetic energy, heat, electricity and void which is a type of energy in destiny I guess. I really hope they don't go full retard with something like cold since that's just lack of heat and wouldn't really make sense in the world they've built.
Maybe they could add a new element for whatever something like Thorn would be or just flat out darkness like the Taken are.

The story really doesn't work in a traditional way. Honestly the way you're asking I'm sure you'd hate the vanilla story. The expansions did a better job at a more traditional storytelling but they're obviously smaller in scope, especially the last expansion so you I definitely felt like it was a bit too short.

I guess that's the one upside about how they told the story 1. They can literally go anywhere in the sequel.

>I think they're done with season passes
you're fooling yourself son. They HAVE figured out that the small updates plus yearly expansions work best though. Honestly, I believe Destiny 2 will be closer to Year 3 Destiny than Vanilla Destiny. Vanilla Destiny was Bungie not having anybody left to finish the game after half the company left. Year 1 and 2 was Bungie rebuilding both their team and the structure of Destiny into what it was originally supposed to be berore Activision fucked with it. Year 3 was the final realization of both of these things. Rise of Iron was the first expansion built entirely by the Live Team and not leftovers from the original and hopefully those guys will be moved over to Destiny 2 as well.

Too bad your items won't carry over

A massive disappointment. I bought the first one and i thought it was blunder of the century until i saw The Division

Haven't played RoI, but before that most exotics were incredibly plain. I want more exotic exotics. More interesting and unique effects instead of the majority just refunding ammo in some way. Year one was pretty good in this regard, until they dropped a lot of them or nerfed them to death.

The visuals are noticably crossgen though, but i agree. I imagine if it looked something like killzone it would be amazing, and with 60fps being the standard for shooters and last gen is no longer holding it back, they should strive for that.

Even advanced warfare looked better at 60fps.

I agree. Shit like vex mythoclast, thorn, pocket infinity were terrifying to see in the crucible and actually felt exotic to use. I guess it comes down to balance.

I think they'll probably stick with the cosmetic microtransactions and have a payed expansion each year while rolling out smaller scaled content updates and seasonal events throughout the year much like they've been doing the last 2 years. While Dark Below and House of Wolves added some really cool stuff it definitely didn't feel like something to ask people money for and I think Bungie saw that. I think the microtransaction is probably the compromise they reached with Activision on how to make money outside of the big releases windows and honestly I think it's probably the lesser of the two evil. There might be a better solution but for now I think it's fine.

I am actually happy about that. Having to balance old shit in a new game seems like a waste of resources. And there's no doubt there's gonna be a ton of new stuff to get. Sure it might be cool if we got to wear Vault of Glass armor in Destiny 3 or something but honestly are you really getting anything out of all the shit you have stockpiled in your vault? I think it's a lot smarter and more enjoyable to enjoy the journey and moment to moment gameplay rather then hype yourself up and hope for some sort of payoff that will probably never come.

What pissed me off the most about The Division was that they copied so much from Destiny and still made the same mistakes and a few extra ones as well.

>I want more exotic exotics.
That's a good point. And some of them are significantly better then others. I guess that's fine if some of them have a more specific and singular use but some of the new stuff added a few of them are downright irrelevant and a waste of slot.

I'm not sure they'll be able to do 60fps on consoles. Maybe on Pro and Scorpio if it'll be supported. I'd honestly get a Pro if it meant stable 60fps.

Yea that's the problem when you want the PvP to feel the same as PvE and everything to work everywhere.

Bungie's design philosophy starting with year 2 is that they didn't want there to ever be a "correct" weapon to use, which is why King's Fall didn't reward primaries with elemental damage and why Exotic weapons were lackluster in general. They wanted you to have more options by making it so no option outshined everything else.

...and then they brought back Gjallarhorn.

user we were exploring the areas months before the dlc dropped. It was very much a thing.

Gjallerhorn fell out of favor a while ago. Raze Lighter, Dark Drinker, and Sleeper Simulant are the preferred exotic heavies for raids now, Truth for PVP

Although it's still better than Y1 Destiny of "Don't have Icebreaker or Gjallerhorn? Booted from raid"

>...and then they brought back Gjallarhorn.
But does anyone even use it in Y3 anymore? We got swords now and Sleeper Simulant. Gjallarhorn is definitely cool but if you're going for minmaxing I don't think it's ever the best choice now.

Arenas? What do you mean? PvP maps?

I can understand taking away elemental damage from non exotics. Having more exotic primaries with elemental damage would be great. But they didn't even give us that. Bungie's whole balance approach is just weird to me.

No you dumb shit, you can find footage from Y1 before HoW dropped of dudes glitching into the House of Kings zone

As much as i loved Icebreaker, the community did ruin it with shit like that. I'm hoping for some sort of dedicated n game LFG that prevents stuff like that. But ultimately it's mostly on the community.

>But does anyone even use it in Y3 anymore?
In Wrath of the Machine, yeah. Everyone uses it in PUGs until Aksis. Sleeper is better for Vosik if everyone in your group is using it, but if even one person is using rockets instead then it can make him face away from you so you can't get headshots, at which point you'd might as well be using Gjallarhorn anyway. Vosik is so easy that the extra damage from six Sleepers isn't needed, so it's easiest and most consistent to just all be using Gjallarhorn and snipers.

Not to mention wiping out mobs during Siege Engine.

It's gonna be about a giant cube that saved humanity and a guy who likes the cube is gonna be played by Hugh Jackman and get three lines. But of course, not all species like the cube and the cosplayers (see: not humans) decide to kill stuff because and you need to [STEP FORTH AS LEGEND] to stop them. One particular group of cosplayers is going to get multiple DLC to themselves despite being very boring.
I studied Destiny lore extensively as this is my prediction.

I think the main problem is that balance patches are way too infrequent so often when they fix something they also break something else because they try to do everything together.

Ah ok. Wouldn't be surprised they already built that ahead of time. It's not really a big area and it's a part of an existing map.
I'm sure the same is true for the Reef social space or the Lighthouse. They probably had some version of that built but they didn't really have a way to use it at the time so it just wasn't part of the game.

I started playing the game fairly late in Y1 and honestly that never happened to me despite me never getting either of those in Y1. I guess I was just lucky with LFG.

DLC I II and Taken King areas were on the disk.

Game needs actual RPG elements. More variety with weapons, enemies and levels. Also more content.

>pre patch Pocket infinity when it was a fucking Neutrino wand
>pre patch Vex

At least Bow didn't get a nerf

I hope the sequel is more like pso and less like halo.

>Your items won't transfer over to Destiny 2

Good. It would be retarded if I got to start the game with 1,000+ of every currency and material and the fact that old gear won't carry over likely means that we'll be getting a new pool of perks and attributes, or even a complete overhaul of how benefits from gear work.

It would be neat of my shaders and emblems carried over, though.

is this game even worth picking up on xbone with all the exclusive ps content?

I'm sure there will be plenty of new cosmetic things to get.

>what's it going to be about?

Removing large amounts of finished content to sell to you later as an unlock code.

Loved this game for what it was but it had too many flaws for an MMO-lite without even taking into consideration the nickel and diming.

From supposed bungie studio the one thing they were supposed to do great on were the enemy designs and creativity. Instead wet got cookie cutter races, none of which had any effort put into differing behaviors or abilities. This ties directly into bullet sponge enemies as a substitute for difficulty.

Most of the Sony stuff is irrelevant, the game is so huge now you won't notice anything missing or obviously absent. At one point there was a weapon or two unique to the Sony DLC that some people griped about, much in the grand scheme it was minor stuff.

Yeah my vault is fucking full right now, i dont wanna carry that burden with me to the next game. Im a digital hoarder.

is it too late to get into the game now?

One thing I know for sure about Destiny 2 is that all the DLC for it will cost more than the actual game itself.

No, there are a lot of people online who like taking new players through all of the raids so you can experience them all at least once. It might be too late to experience the PvE endgame of running raids repeatedly to master each role and gear up because most of us have everything we want and are just waiting for Destiny 2.

welp guess I'll just save the dosh and wait then

I feel you. Im hoping they'll flesh it out more. I want cabal to heard together like spartans. I want fallen to flank you like the pirates and bandits they are. I want hive to rush you like zombies. Vex work fine.

To be frank, Hive works just fine as well. Acolytes and Wizards are really the only one's that hang back. Sword knights and thrall swarm the fuck out of you.

Fallen prey more into finding a hiding place and throwing potshots at you

I would be happy if they would just cool it with the Hive shit for a while

Does anyone else feel like bungie didn't learn anything from this game destiny 2's release will be barebones with no content at release just like this game

Oh they learned plenty. They learned that their fanbase will gladly pay Bungie to shit in their mouths 3 times a year.