Switch is expensive as fuck

>Switch is expensive as fuck
>No E-shop
>No rewards and program like Club Nintendo/My Nintendo
>Never ever down prices for old games
>No official nintendo shops for games/things. Only a few shops endorsment.
>Never tried to appeal latin public like promos or commercials. Sony and microsoft wins the cake on this.

It hurts to be a Nintendo fan in South America

they did lost a lot o money here. Brazil is basically the king of piracy.

Except shitholes like Russia are as well but all other publishers are smart to actually sell games cheaper there to make incentive for people to buy.
Nintendo is instead retarded and goes the other way around and tries to make up for the lost money by vastly overpricing their products.

It's beyond retarded.

Just take a line of coke and get over it, Pedro.


It's stupid that Nintendo abandoned Brazil (one of the biggest economies on earth)

>Huemonkey calls any other place a shithole
no one gives a fuck about bootleg america, you suck at the only thing you were good at (soccer)

Lmao at subhumans who live in South America

I forgot

Fire Emblem and Miitomo aren't released officially in South America

>Nintendo fan
Get fucked faggot.


hey cletus you need to watch those edges

>being a Nintendo fan on the land of "la play" and pes/fifa
_we deserve it

>implying he lives in south america

haha I bet your skin is the color of shit too huh? jajaja I mean mierda

There are lots of Nintendo fans in Mexico

No idea about South America

Nintendo purposedly hike price of their games in SA? Really? I thought it's your tax wall and tariff on luxury. All shitholes have that.

It is, Brazil has like a 50% tax on imports

It's actually more

Thanks LA bro for save my wall of text in the previous thread.

>Meanwhile in Mexico
>Switch is overpriced
>Sold out anyway
>E-Shop working
>No rewards outside sabritas rewards
>No part of the world that happens
>We have walmart and amazon mexico
>We have commercials for nintendo profucts

We have my Nintendo rewards in Mexico

Most exceptions or special taxes reductions are discussed direct with the corrupt politicians, just like with Iphone and all that. I wouldn't blame them if they wanted to stay away from this mess that could actually come back and bite them in their asses later.

Big market =/= big economy
Brazil is a shithole.

You don't seem to understand the basics of consumer potential, little monkey.

>new tax policy is gonna make games even more expensive in Huezil
Just nuke us already, goddammit

>Nintendo fan
>in South America
>A company that has always fucked southamericans in the ass since they exist and has never bothered to give them any kind of special service ever

you are the only one to blame


Just google "games taxa cultural"

>seventh biggest economy in the world
And it used to be the fourth before our previous president screwed things big time.

>Taxing videogames because they are "cultural" things

The fuck?

Most brazilians didn't play games as kids, so we can't be nostalgia-bombed into buying overpriced inferior hardware

It's Brazil, dude. Politicians will always find ways to milk more money from the population

>Most brazilians didn't play games as kids

>we have walmart and fucking amazon
>still 500 console, 250 controls
fucking corruption and tax speculation man.

sick pric3es

Actually it is $450 now.

And the prices are nintendo fault, they did a contract with a importer that would charge fucking 30% tax.
Fuck latamel.

Russia is white, whereas south america is full of favela monkeys.

>paying for games

Prices will go down

You can find a Switch for 450$ and controllers prices will go down

Early adopters are being fucked in the ass literally

>"games taxa cultural"

I knew it was coming eventually but their defending arguments are fucking jokes.

>The importance of the gaming industry, as well as other sectors of the audiovisual industry, is not limited to the size of its economy, although this is a strong indicator of its capacity to generate employment and income

So we will tax it because it generates those things.

They don't give any incentives to national devs and fuck up people willing to give money to international ones. WAY TO GO in killing new industries just like they did with the national tech sector.

yup prices are ridiculous tier at this moment in my opinion, besides i'll just consider having it once an animal crossing or some other comfy game is out.

You can't make this shit up. Sure, do it, but remove that stupid gambling tax over games first.

People like to call out to corruption but it's not just that. Just like USA likes to fuck up Russia economy using china, there are a lot of foreigner incentives o fuck our own.

Even the Venezuela crisis has the helping hand of all south america being used by proxy.

>there are a lot of foreigner incentives o fuck our own.
What does that have to do with Brazil taxing games even further?

In Chile, 3DS games cost around $50-58 and Wii U games $59-68. I was never able to find Smash Bros 3DS under $55 and still piss me off everytime I see the prices. That's why I pirate my 3DS and the only two games I bought were DQ7 and DQ8

What's funny is that I can buy PS4 and Xbox One games day one at $50 and after a month or two these games drops to $40 or less. Deus Ex Mankind and Mirror Edge Catalyst are at $20 or less by now, it's pretty much the same price than USA

So yeah, it's Nintendo being jew like always Though hardware is more expensive here due to some tax shit, Switch is cost $600 and 1,2 Switch is $60 meanwhile Xbox One cost $270 with GoW and PS4 bundle with Uncharted 4 cost $320

Meanwhile prices dont drop to $300 USD or less im never buying one.
Hell the console is already overpriced for what it is.

Instead i will invest money in a PC.

It hurts the industry, keeping the country dependent of foreign products and making his overall effect on the market lower, maintaining the current powers the same position.

As seem with the national tech sector and the import taxes made in that time.

So you're saying they guarantee that imported goods stay prevalent over national ones by... making said imported goods more expensive?

Excuse me? Not doubting you here, I just legit don't get it.

>No E-shop
I really fucking hope they fix this bullshit, I mean, you can even pay Steam games with cash in most of latam.

Nintendo seems to care for Mexico

We got Mexican voice acting in Zelda BotW

They keep the government happy with taxes in exchange for them to don't do meaningful incentive tax reduction for the national products, without those incentives our industry can't compete, the costumers will continue to buy foreigner products despite the taxes giving funds the government needs.


Yeah and there are lots lf options to do it without a bank card if you are a child.
You can pay with OXXO, Todito card, etc.
How are steam gift cards not a thing here yet beats me.

Nintendo should have pushed the nintendo cards more.

That is because we are part of north america.

>530 donaldos trumpos

Mexico in a nutshell.

Do we even have an existing national video game industry? No, that Brazilian Ouya before Ouya doesn't count.

But you can literally find lots of Nintendo prepaid cards in OXXO, Circle K, 7-eleven in Mexico

But you have gorgeous latinas with big arses and nice big boobs and nice warm beaches

Don't waste your time on manchild consoles

>Buying onsoles in south america

My rig can run anything I care for at max settings and perfectly stable framerate. Hell, Doom gets to even 200 fps when I put it in Very High.

Best part : Rig costed less than a PS4 and three games on PSN.

This, plus steam games don't play taxes, unlike cucksole games

videogames have brainwashed me into liking white women exclusively

or dark-skinned caucasian-looking women

Really? Not here in South Sonora, Literally in any city in the south.

Walmart, Sams and OXXO removed them about 2 years ago.

Instead we have world of tanks, Amazon, Netflix, Google store, spotify, Office, playstation, and others.
But no Nintendo cards.

No. For a country to develop a new industry a lot of resources are needed. even more if they are behind the schedule.

>entire region is just bunch of monkeys who love communism
>in 2017 and so forth

Switch costs about 850-1k dollars right now in Brazil.

Why god, why.

yeah we need a bunch of broke ass commie spick HUE HUE HUEs buying and infesting our games

no thanks

Great Sales they said.
Best value for the money they said.


You can find them too at Office Depot

Dilma is not the Brazilian president anymore my dude

They had a coup some time ago

Dilma got impeached m8.

>Nintendo doesn't know about another shithole where I live
>my country is slavturk shithole
Dare I say that?

That's cute
>almost 1000 dollars in a zelda bundle

Because your government taxes the fuck outta videogames and consoles.

Isn't it cheaper to go to the US, buy it there, come back and try to slip it under custom/bribe someone there OP?

>these prices
Holy fuck. They must be screaming "oy very" non stop.

Pretty much this, mate Altough there have been rumours of a tax decrease on videogames in Brazil. The market is big but it simply won't grow anymore unless there is change.


When oldfags stop being like "hurt, video gaymez are the devil"?

But why does this shit cost literally triple? We're poorer than America, too.

You faggots dare complain about the 300 dollar price too, makes me wanna KMS.

Yes. My neighbor got rich by doing that in the 90's.
He became a delivery boy on USA and started bringing back some shit and re-investing. Bought all sort of shit, then he got arrested but never really lost all that shit he had.

We need to build a wall to keep these Mexicans off my fuckin board

What? That's not the reason at all.

>be me a few years ago
>get a PS3 via amazon while a cousin is traveling
>customs confiscate because he didnt declare it and it was over the spending limit or some shit (fucking Kirchner)


>travel for work a few months ago to USA
>pick a PSVITA to play some weebshit and Hotline Miami on the go
>Got stolen in customs when inspected by the police

As an Argie, it's not worth it user. Even if you are a richfag there are too many complications.

>populist on power
>jewiest jew to ever jew becomes president

I wonder (((who))) could've been behind this?


Pale niggers, perhaps.

It's because switch was released recently, when ps4 was released, it was costing about 1300 dollars now we can find it for ~400

I don't know, the people who elected the jew along the absolute retard? Don't pretend for a second she didn't set us back 20 years and that the impeachment was merely political.

I drove to chula vista and bought mine there. Didn't even go through the border, I rented a boat then took a bus. I'm not even mexican but it's great living so close to America now.

Wait, do they straight up confiscate it there in argentina? Here in Brazil you just have to pay a tax based on the price of the product (this only counts after the $500 limit). Even if you don't declare it and they find it on a random inspection you still get to keep it, but you pay a bigger tax as a fine.

I'm an Argie as well. Me mum went to Miami about 5 months ago. Came back with clothing, kindle, iPhones and shit and the dude on custom barely gave a shit. She even told him that she had a ton of stuff and he made her pay taxes for like 1/4 of it.
I don't think my mother provided sexual favours that allowed her to pass so much stuff without tax either.

DON'T TALK ABOUT LEFTISM HERE YOU (insert cursing here), THE (insert right politician here) IS THE BEST (insert current not expelled job here) THIS COUNTRY EVER SAW.

Where are you from?

They either confiscate it or they steal it.

Or they break it on purpose for the memes. What are you going to do? Sue customs? Lmao

>Brazil has right wing politicians
Vintage meme.

Lmao @ sub (((human))) white trash who live in Burgerland

IIRC, sometimes they did. You could pay a tax maybe, but it was almost a bribe and it was a pain in the ass

>ps3 was 2000 trumps on brasil on its launch month



>Except shitholes like Russia
It's funny when some monkey calls Russia a shithole. It might not be as good as western European countries in terms of life quality, but it's certainly miles ahead of your fucking nigger continent.

She didn't set anything back. At most she just didn't do shit worth mentioning. The reality is that she just wasn't prepared for the position. But at the end of the day it was better to have her do nothing than have a jewy jew like the one we have now, and yes, Aecio would have been the exact same as Temer.