Switch confirmed flop according to analysts


>The Switch may be slow to start, SuperData said, in part because of its "high starting price and the absence of strong launch titles."

"Asking $300 for a new console without a bundled game is a comparatively higher barrier to entry for consumers, considering that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One are already discounted and come with a free game," the firm explained.

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No shit.

In stock everywhere in Europe. On launch day too and despite willingly undershipping to manufacture hype.

Next time, "analysts" will say that the 3DS is trash because yo can find a PS3 cheaper than it.

>sonybro.s are getting this desparate
please open 50 more threads and cry more, it feels incredible

You seem to have a lot of time to come and argue about "muh switch". What's the matter, got nothing to play on it? :^)

>undershipping to manufacture hype
never go full retard

Wrong, they actually made it so that it will not be out of stock at launch.
Try again.

>He doesn't know how launch periods work
Even Wii U sold out and yet this console is still in stock everywhere.

Obviously is a boring console with no games

Nah it just means nintendo are so fucking jewish it's disgusting, they mist make 150$ in pure profit every time they sell that sub par portable ps1 with 1998 quality screen.

Now go buy a Switch, it has quality plastic screen.

>fucking up this bad

Nintendo, switch with Nintendo!

>300 dollars for a new console is a lot

As opposed to 400 dollars for a new console with no games or 600 dollars for a new console with no games? Aka pee ess triple.

>live in 1M population town
>out of stock literally everywhere

Times like these where it'd be nice to live in "the city"...granted, I have no sales tax here.



PS3 was a fucking beast for its time.

Switch has hardware from 2008 yet is selling for a price that makes it seem like cutting-edge hardware from 2017.

Ok we get it. You're a neet.

It has no games not 1

The PS4 and Xboner didn't have bundled launch games either right?

I remember the PS4 launching with Resogun and Knack and that was about it.

according to the person who went to pick mine up (I was at work), stores in that mall sold out in 15 minutes

Hell, she had to wait an hour in line to get mine, and we're not a popular/populous area

PS4 had actual major AAA multiplats on it and was brand new hardware that allowed games in better resolution and frame rate.

People who own a PS4 would be downgrading if they bought a Switch.

>Was a fucking beast

No, it had a shitty GPU, a stupid CPU that nobody understood, no ram, and it's Xbox huge. Literally every game ran like shit on it and every game ran better on the 360. Plus it's not portable. My ps3 has been sitting in the same spot gathering dust for 10 years now.

They shilled so damn hard and it's still flopping

A beast that ran games like shit?

>Trump has no chance! Hillary has a 96% possibility of winning.

The PS3 was ass famalam. It ran games like shit. RDR's framerate was so low it was even unplayable.

PS4 comes with a camera minigame collection thing called the Playroom and if you had Plus(which you get 3 months of for buying the system) then Resogun and some other indie game was also free.

A Switch in console mode is barely stronger than a PS3. Get that.

A console releasing in 2017 is barely stronger than a 2006 console. Why in the world would anyone dish out $400 for Nintendo's new scam when they can get a much more powerful Xbone or PS4 for half that price?

There's a time of year where consoles actually sell. It's called Christmas

I don't know, I bought a PS4 a few months ago for Miku's game and I already feel more satisfied with my Switch purchase.

You already feel more satisfied for spending $400 on a Wii U port that runs in shittier frame rate?

>Sony copying Nintendo's innovations

>Nintendo copying Sony's business plan

Like fucking clockwork.

Retard. At least take as an example instead of going "MUH SPECS" like the idiot you are. We're takling about bundled games day one..

the games probably

also I like to have more than one console.

So no real games gotcha.

You're pretty on the ball with this, OP.

What did Sony copy?

Maybe he, you know, GOES OUTSIDE sometime?
Yeah I know it's something relaly hard to imagine for you, you cannot understand it.

Who's paying you to post this exact thread, word-for-word, with the same picture, multiple times a day?

I want in on that shill money.

>Brand new hardware
>This is what consolekeks actually believe

>specs don't matter to the general consumer
The mindset of a retarded toddler. Even casuals can call Nintendo's bluff by now.

See you in 2018 when Nintendo inevitably relaunches this trainwreck into an actual handheld.

A ps3 literally is a paper weight, get that. Actually, it's not even a good paper wieght, too big takes up too much space. Portable console is much nicer.

Yes, because I'm enjoying the one game I have on my Switch more than I'm enjoying the one game I have for my PS4. I spent about the same amount of money, and I bought each console specifically to play one game.

I will not buy any more games for PS4. I bought it for one title. I bought the Switch for Zelda, but I am interested in the upcoming titles as well.

>going out to social gathering / activity
>pulls out games console

No need to pretend you're a PC enthusiasist toddler. The truth is that Switch is barely better than a PS3 and even the general consumer is realizing that considering the sales Nintendo's having.

More or less motherfucking everything; The easy answer would be the crappy move but sony copied almost everything Nintendo created for the psx. Hell, look at the fucking gamepad.

So why did you post that picture?

Which shows me that you indeed never go outside.
>what is public transport

Nintendo made a Nintendo brand PS Vita, therefore "sony copied nintendo"

>goes outside
>to play videogames
Holy shit manchild what the fuck are you doing?

The Switch is a handheld console. Nintendo got out of the "MUH GRAFIX" game a decade ago, so arguing over how powerful the Switch is compared to the Pisstation or xbone is pointless.
Expecting similar performance on a handheld is retarded as well.

>still uses buses


>Trump confirmed loser according to analysts

Absolutely no idea, it wasn't me, I'm not getting it either. Maybe he thinks the switch looks like a Vita or some shit like that?

>it's ok when Nintendo does it
The Switch IS a console. That's explicitly how Nintendo is marketing it. But we all know Nintendo will backtrack next year when they realize that competing with Xbone and PS4 is an impossible battle and return to their shrinking 3DS userbase to rip off.

But Switch is the muh grafix of handhelds. They even had to put a fan to achieve that muh grafix


First, it doesn't. But that's not the problem and I don't really care about this, the point is that, motherfucking answer the question instead of going full blown MUH SPECS like the autist you are..

>"The ps4 had no bundled game at start too, right?"

People like you are the reason specs whore are cancer, you're unable to think about anything else while probably not even understanding anything about itn so it's litteraly the ONLY word coming out of your mouth.

Why didn't you just save the image? What is this meta bait?

It's in stock everywhere but America because Nintendo fucking loves to shit on other countries.

I'd probably buy one, even for $300. But they made it fucking $400. I heard some countries are selling it by $500. These prices are not because taxes even. They are set by Nintendo being greedy.



He's a desperate Sony pony trying to claim one of the worst consoles from 2007 is good.


Stay too much of a faggot to take out anything morth more than 200$ while going somewhere, dude. No, portable consoles don't only exist to play them on your bed.

It's a popular misconception that the new Vita patent looks like the side controllers are detachable as if Sony is copying the Switch. They're not. The patent is from 2015 only made public last month.


Not that dude, but Nintendo has been pushing the portability as the strongest point since day 1.


>muh grafix of handhelds
Exactly, not of consoles.

3ds is trash. Worst nintendo handheld library

>Still invest in the worse investment ever, a car.


Nintendo's marketing was all about the motherfucking mobility like bringing it at work or whatever, you idiot. It's been this way since the day it was announced and in the trailer. If you see it marketed as a console, gets your eyes checked.

>changing the narrative
It's about you being autistic enough to play fucking VIDEO GAMES in public like that

I take my video games outside when I'm sitting on my patio.
Or to a friend's house or his store so that we can play games together.

The hardware is cutting edge you moron, its just purposefully cheap and underpowered

You couldnt manufacture the Switch for as cheap as Nintendo are until now

Not an argument

Thats a lie. Ibm broke the petraflops barrier with ps3. Something you cant do with windows and x86

Shouldn't be much of a surprise, NVIDIA chips can run pretty damn hot.
I think every device that has a Tegra chip has some sort of active cooling.

>It's out of stock
>"Nintendo undershipping to manufacture hype, why is it ok when they do this?"
>It's in stock

>Please tell me more about how you're ruining the planet
I avoid using cars as much as I can. Not that you probably care..

Piss off foster

>It's a handheld

This is the shit I hate right here. You nintenbros will defend ANYTHING by just claiming it's "supposed" to be either mainly a home console or a handheld device, depending on the argument and whatever is the most convenient

Criticize it's lack of processing power? IT'S A HANDHELD, BRO
Criticize by saying it's too expensive for a handheld? IT'S MAINLY A HOME CONSOLE, BRO
Criticize how the joycons easily lose connection when separate from the console? YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MAINLY PLAY IT IN HANDHELD MODE, BRO
Criticize the inability to connect to any wifi hotspots that require web authentication? YOU'RE REALLY ONLY SUPPOSED TO PLAY AT HOME, BRO
Criticize the shitty battery life? IT'S MAINLY A HOME CONSOLE ANYWAY, BRO

I could go on, and on, and on. You faggots will always argue from whatever perspective just to dismiss criticisms.

Because they're not making a new one this generation. They didn't make a muh grafix handheld last generation also.

which is a problem because?
Stay insecure while still saying normies are sheeps, faggot.

Just like how you are trying to claim the piece of shit Switch is somehow actually good?

>muh green living
The only way you could be more pathetic is if you say you're a vegan


Are you okay user?
Let's take a break from Sup Forums together.
I'm going to get a glass of water, go for a short walk with my dog, then go outside to play video games.
Why don't you join me? You might feel better afterwards!

>In stock everywhere in Yurop
>Sold out In Hamburgerland

Amerilards confirmed obese manchildren.

Did you even read that post? He's saying it's still in stock DESPITE the fact that Nintendo deliberately underships in an attempt to increase hype/demand.

Hes in so much denile that hes defending the sequel to the wiiu

Enjoy your perma-virginity, nerd

>Switch releases alongside its first big game
>it barely performs better than the WiiU while not even looking that much better
How can people defend this?
I owned every Nintendo console from the NES up to the WiiU but I don't see how people still eat this shit up.
I already felt robbed after I bought the WiiU, now they do the same shit again and people fall for it again pretending it's fine.

>Too expensive

It costs fucking $600 to $800 depending on where you are in Asia because our corrupt governments fucking love their electronics tax.

The PS4 was actually worth the $400 which is why a bundled game wasn't needed you thick toddler. Nobody expected more from what they paid since $400 was reasonable for its hardware. Unlike Nintendo charging $300 for a 2008 console.

I feel them feels. Im done with them as well

you just posted this yesterday.

this isn't reddit, you sony shill. people actually remember threads.

A lot of good that did the sub 30 fps machine.