64 critics have reviewed it now (not much left to come in)

>64 critics have reviewed it now (not much left to come in)
>still at 98/100
>highest rated game of the year
>highest rated game of the decade even
>multiple well known publications calling it the best launch game in history and a game that can rival Super Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time
>some even say it might very well be the best video game ever created in the history of mankind so far

Where were you when Nintendo actually did it? When they took the open world genre and gave everyone else a masterclass on how to do it properly?

I don't think any other game in this decade has a chance of topping it. No doubt RDR2 and SM Odyssey will come close, but they won't beat it.

This it.

Your Game of the Decade.

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=skyward sword file select

I don't like stick-and-rock survival games, so this Zelda looks like shit.

I'm loving it so far. Definitely not perfect but i doubt i've had any better gaming experience and i can't wait to do more.

Still not in my top 20, nor do I think it's in the top 5 of Zelda games, huh. It's like people don't have to form their entire opinion around reviews or something.

so you're saying there's not enough guns?

Have you apologized yet?

Is the new Zelda really that boring the fanboys need to remind us how "great" the game is?

>they literally just made a zelda version of all those shitty steam survival games
>console plebs are eating it up

You're fucking right. Your point? You enjoy effeminate elven boys. I want something a little more adrenaline fueled. Got a problem with it, nerd?

>Stamina drain is pure tedium
>Cooking/crafting is pure tedium
>Inventory management is pure tedium
>Weapon degradation is pure tedium
If I was talking about Rust or Arc you wouldn't pretend to be confused.

yes. that's why they're all here instead of playing the game. it's shit

It is an outstanding game, but what a bunch of bullshit. You can't just pretend that the shitty graphics and performance issues aren't there. Still, it's the best game in the series, and it's probably the best-designed open world game I've ever played.

But they didn't. That's the point.

They actually went, took the genre and did it RIGHT. The open world genre is so filled with pitfalls that the other games step in, but not BotW.

critics? arent those the people who write about games after they played roughly 15 minutes of it? Just remember the Rome 2 total war scores and the actual steam achievements for simply completing the demo or tutorial or whatever

>best game in the series
>best designed open world game
Not an accomplishment. Open world is trash.

>Not an accomplishment. Open world is trash.

for you.

Even Gamespot and Dualshockers gave it a 10/10. The most anti-Nintendo sites on the net.

Even Giantbomb wrote things like this:
>"This sense of wonder is something that I haven’t felt so strongly since I played A Link to the Past when I was seven years old. Ocarina of Time was able to capture some of that same magic in my teenage years. Now that I’m in my thirties, I don’t think that I expected it to be possible for a game to make me feel like that again. I’ve been reviewing video games for twelve years now, and I’m used to describing games in a certain way. “This game controls well. This mechanic is innovative. The graphics are stunning. The skill tree feels limited.” That type of language doesn’t adequately convey how Breath of the Wild made me feel. Nintendo may have changed so many long-standing traditions of the Zelda franchise, but the spirit of discovery is as strong as it’s ever been no matter your age. I didn’t think I’d feel the Zelda magic this strongly ever again, but I couldn't be happier to be proven wrong."

You don't write something like this for no reason. And no, they were not all paid off.

The saddest thing is that you actually believe this

Dan Rykert also thought you made "egg whites" by throwing the shells in a pan until they "melted."

Because it's true

Believe what? That they mean what they say?
Do you unironically believe that Nintendo went to every single fucking reviewer in the world and paid them all off so hard they all agree on this being one of the best games in history?

Are you serious?

Please prove him wrong

>that pic
May as well be wearing a trip with how often you post.
>You don't write something like this for no reason.
Sure thing, shill.

>64 critics
Paid Shills and fanboys, BoTW did not deserve that high score with that shitty framerate. It should be around 85-90 at best.

You and all your "Manly".........

wait till ol jim trolls nintendo and gives it a 2/10

So instead of playing this once in a generation masterpiece, you're shitposting on Sup Forums?
What a game.

It's called making dinner and browsing Sup Forums while you're eating it.

I'm actually curious to see what Sterling has to say since he enjoyed Horizon so much, and even if you think BOTW is being over-hyped, it's damn sure better than Horizon. Ol' Cucky needs to be careful here or he could lose what credibility he has left.

Now that Nintendo have opened the flood gates that are buying perfect scores, we're going to be seeing a lot more games getting nothing but 10/10 review scores.

I predict the next Elder Scrolls game will be the first ever game to get a 100 metacritic score.

>sub 20 fps
>weapon durability that isn't conveyed to the player
>obnoxious stamina bar
>crafting system where you're constantly picking up 50 different ingredients you will never use
>repetitive empty world with little enemy diversity
>climb towers to reveal map

Sounds like every other open world game to me. All they added was Zelda style puzzles and orchestral music.

Maybe you should actually play the game before spouting some things you don't know anything about.

Most open world games are based around collecting pointless collectibles, having vast amounts of nothing in the map, tedious and repeating activities, pretending the world is rich with content when they just fill it with misc. Items and guess what?
The new Zelda is guilty of all of this as well

please cry more, my tear stein runs low.

How many fucking times: paid reviews don't exist, it's the other way around, if you don't give reviewers special treatment they punish you(however Ninty is held to such high esteem that they don't need to do much).
Blatant bribery is too tricky, remember Ubi's tablets?

>10/10 GOTY

But everything he said its true

I mean, he did give Star Fox Zero a 2/10 primarily over the controls which, from what I hear, are shit so the fact that there were any scores over 5 is amazing.

It doesn't matter. I can have tastes that differ. What if the gayboy didn't turn me off it was cel shading?

how about Driv3r's first few reviews?

At this point the only thing Nintendo is doing is keeping one good game hostage.

>720 or 900p
>AWFUL ps3 era graphics
>4 dungeons
>all dungeons look same
>can beat the game in 12 minutes
>bosses are 50% reskins
>even worse combat than twilight princess
>weapon durability
>5 magic spells (all shown at E3)
>terrible voice acting
>walking simulator thanks to big empty world
>menus every 5 seconds
>no enemy diversity
>stamina bar
>literal fucking ubisoft towers

Summary: paid reviews

wait what? How has an adult never in some way cooked an egg or at least seen it happen

Even ProJared gave it a 10/10 and that guy said every Zelda in the past has been reviewed too highly, but that BotW truly deserves it and he can't not give it a perfect rating.

I trust him.

never said, you couldn't have different tastes, it's just the way you reacted.

>You're fucking right. Your point? You enjoy effeminate elven boys. I want something a little more adrenaline fueled. Got a problem with it, nerd?

So in conclusion, my statement still stands. Good day to you.

And look at the backlash it got, incidents don't make the norm, blatant methods are simply less effective than subtler methods, this is modernity.
So to clarify: paid reviews don't exist is the norm

it still has retarded shit that make open world games bad like invisible walls, auto drowning in water (hell even in Ocarina of time you could swim), pathetic garbage AI.

It's only getting 10/10s because it is Zelda. It didn't matter what they shat out it would get 10/10 - see skyward sword, a known piece of shit to people, but the press lapped up Nintendos money and got them paid reviews out.

It's okay, but it has a lot of flaws that shouldn't be flaws in a zelda game.

>Absolute mediocre soundtrack

I get it, you're out in the open a lot and music can get repetitive, but that is fixed by just having a decent variety of overworld songs play once every day, witcher 3 had good overworld music and you're also in the wild a lot of the time, it wasn't a problem.

>Completely shallow presentation

Just compare youtube.com/watch?v=ur5n3ZO6H6s with... wait there's no title screen in botw, it's literally a static image and some text, there isn't even any classic file select music like youtube.com/results?search_query=skyward sword file select

>lack of actual well thought out dungeons

With such an open world, they had the perfect chance of have a good contrast between open world exploring and actual linear well thought out dungeons where you had to slow down and think.

I don't see how it's the game of the century when it isn't even a good zelda game.

If you can prove that Nintendo paid even one reviewer I will eat my shoes

>Even Giantbomb wrote things like this

Dan Rykert did the review for GB

critics rate higly any zelda game (skyward sword the shittiest one as a 93) and also rate highly any fart with an open world (watch dogs 2 has more than 80)

what the fuck people expected the critic reaction to an open world zelda game would be?

i wish Sup Forums would stop pretending to be retarded for easy (you) like this

Jeff played the game on stream and hated it.

No he didn't.

why would nintendo even need to pay reviewer? the last time a reviewer gave a zelda game less than a 9 he got fired, these sites can't just afford to piss off mama nintendo or they ain't gonna get any precious preview copies or ad spaces

These are the kinds of idiotic manchildren who talk about "the sense of wonder" instead of actual criticism.

>P-Paid reviews don't exist

So speaks a newfag or shill.

I seem to remember a few years ago we had this huge thing about ethics and video game journalism... What was it called...? Something gate...? G-Gamer... gate...?

Not that any of you fucks were here to remember it.

the game is pretty fun and all, but way overrated in reviews. the fps issues alone should cap it at 90/100
there's no way this is the best game ever made, which the reviewers are implying
mario 64 is way overrated too


He says pretty clearly he's not into the game.

How come they are free to give a ton of Nintendo games bad reviews without anything ever happening, then?

If there is one thing we know, it is that Nintendo is one of the most "do what you want" companies when it comes to this. They do absoluitely not force anyone into writing positive reviews only nor do they "take away" future review copies from them for shitting on something.

I'm sorry man, I know you don't want to believe all of this, I know you sense some conspiracy and you find it hard to believe, but it really is true, BotW IS that good.

Not him, but Jeff was definitely in "let's figure out why I don't like this game" mode.

I am not going to watch 3 hours and 12 minutes, either pinpoint it or fuck off.

All of the weapons in this game function the same, might as well just be one weapon again

because those aren't their big launch game for their new shiny console?

no no i'm sorry, it can't be that there are any actual interess involved in reviews that actualy influence the final score, because otherwise it would clearly work like this

>Real People score: 7.8

so it's TPP all over again? Big world, big boring after a week of playing.

Until you have even the slightest hint of proof that Nintendo has paid anyone off, you're (un)fortunately going to have to shut the fuck up and sit down.

more like skyward sword

That's even worse m8

I really hope this game to be good.

>real people

yeah user, for sure.

>Real people

Sorry but sony ponies aren't real people. They're some sort of strange, goblin like little creature brainwashed to give 0 review scores to games not sony.

sure as hell

Considering a lot of those reviews are fucking 0/10 and just straight up talking shit about the game with little reason to, no, it's not a "real people" score

>Rich Gallup

Holy shit.

>The multiplayer system is still shit
Well. Don't know what i expected.

So you agree with me that the user scores on metacritic are completely worthless because they literally consist of a sea of blind +10s and blind +0s from fanboys on either side with only very few actual reviews inbetween


>0 review by sony fanboy don't count
>but 10 review made by nintendo fanboy count

really activates your almonds

Not him but I don't think they paid but they did out of fear, one bad review and whoever site who gave said bad review can say goodbye to any further exclusive news or review copies in the future from Nintendo

>one bad review and whoever site who gave said bad review can say goodbye to any further exclusive news or review copies in the future from Nintendo

Has never happened to anyone with Nintendo in the past even after giving some of their top games shit reviews, so no.

It's legitimately one of the most boring games I've played in years. I kind of regret actually buying a Switch just to play this. 45 hours in and I've only enjoyed less than 10 of them

He was just visiting sadly.

So what the fuck do you actually DO in this game? Do you just run around collecting weapons and fighting shit (plus 4 dungeons and shrines?).

Are there any side quests? If yes, are they only fetch quests (go there bring that)? Or do they have any unique content, scripted stuff, boss fights, anything?

Everyone is praising it, but all I see is Link running around in the same environment over and over.

Prove you have BotW on the Switch

>shitty graphics
>shitty frame rate
>nothing but 10/10

And this is why nobody takes game reviews seriously anymore.

First of all Last of Us 2 will top it critically.

Second the game is just as boring as any open world game Ubisoft has shit out in the last 5 years. As usual Nintendo is late to the party.

I honestly don't doubt it. I just stepped outside, and I'm already in love with the game. Thank fucking god the Target near me had a few copies of the Switch today. I was extremely lucky.

You're right, the user score in general is pretty worthless. Instead let's use the critic score.

>muh reviews
You have to be fucking retarded to think this means anything.

Jesus Christ this is as bad as people criticizing bloodborne.
Fuck off faggot I'm not seeking validation from cocksuckers on here.

this score will ultimately destroy nintendo.

prepare yourself for the open worldification of sll your favorite games.

So you can't actually prove you own the game. Yet another Sony shitposter trying to pretend he has played BotW on his Switch.

Truly sad. Easy to expose, though, fortunately.

>I don't think that I expected it to be possible


>but all I see is Link running around in the same environment over and over.
That's literally the game, there's barely any story, the world is big but unlike Witcher 3 the world is also empty. There's nothing but ugly scenery to look at, barely anything to do unless you consider Far Cry-esque outpost garbage good gameplay. Overall it's a 5/10 at best


>One retard represents the entire worldwide press

Still upset? :^)

About a score? No. I'm upset that the game I wanted to be good was not even close to being good.

>Unlike Witcher 3
You mean exactly like Witcher 3 you fanboy faggot.

>I wanted to be good

Sure you did kid :^)

If I'm a fanboy I'm a Nintendo fanboy. And even as a Nintendo fanboy I am fucking disappointed at this game