How much butthurt will the inevitable Breath of the Wild video cause?
How much butthurt will the inevitable Breath of the Wild video cause?
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A lot, Sup Forums is extremely butthurt since the switch has been getting a lot of bad reviews as a console, which is too bad since BotW actually looks like a decent game.
>le contrarian man
I wish he'd stop blatantly shilling every new video he puts out.
I want him to make a video about the entire Nintendo Switch; everything bad about it.
Crowbcat videos cause an insane amount of Sup Forums butthurt all of a sudden so it'll be extra funny
expect a lot of shill shouting from nintendlers
exhibit A
Not really interested in zelda but is there really enough bad stuff about the new one to make a video? A switch video would be better instead.
I'm already edging
There is barely anything on it to even criticize yet. He could make a desync video but not everyone gets those so it's not really fair. But then again Crob is a master of propaganda.
>really enough bad stuff about the new one to make a video
He'll probably just cut up a bunch of disappointing statements from Giant Bomb's Switch stream like he did with their VR stuff.
Such as? Like i said, i haven't even watched the trailers so i know nothing about this game.
I'm glad you asked!
>No separate save slots(Similar to Skyrim save system, but actually worse because no character select option)
>Dungeons have no puzzles outside of basic "There's water here, so I have to use cryonisis" tier shit
>Enemies, especially bosses, are super easy to cheese because they have dogshit A.I.
>Some bosses don't even need to be cheesed because they basically just fucking stand there
>Item durability and inventory management makes up the majority of the "difficulty"
>World is empty
>Ubisoft towers
>Temperature control is nothing more than a nuisance that forces more menu interaction and item management
>Shrines are all mediocre and there's no change in design or aesthetic across the supposed hundred or so shrines
>Incredibly small number of enemies
>Music is minimalist experimental trash
>Voice acting
>Poor voice acting
>Framerate drops
>Textures look like Skyrim at low settings
>Combat is the stalest it's ever been
>Objective markers
>No heart pieces or other collectables means even less reason to explore
>Dungeon and story locked behind DLC paywall
>Rolling unnecessarily replaced by jumping
>Wii U version (the original version) was purposely gimped to sell the Switch
>Master Sword, AKA Blade of Evil's Bane gets tired after a handful of enemies and requires a real-time cooldown to recharge
Inb4 "b-but Sonypony!", Sony is dogshit too and the PS4 has zero worthwhile games
I'll watch the video because I like a different perspective that looks at a game's flaws but it won't change my views on the game in the slightest. I've seen probably 20+ hours of gameplay and I still very much like the game. I'm waiting to buy it because the switch has some issues though
NOOOOOO! Crobat is /our guy/ he would never do this!!!
...Really?...the dlc thing is a good point but some of these are false and a lot of them are complaining about game features.
What happened to Sup Forums?
>another shill thread
Crowb pls leave, no one here likes you anymore
ideology/agenda over gameplay
of course you fucks love him and will shill his videos for free
>It's a game feature so it automatically has to be good and you aren't allowed to criticize it
This would definitely do the trick (that GB stream was super negative), but I think he wouldn't after how giant bomb responded to previous ones.
It's fine to criticize the game but many other open world games have implemented some of those features. If you hate all of those features, you pretty much hate open world games
But that's true. It's not my fault so many open world games are empty and resort to ubisoft towers for mapping the surrounding area.
You know you don't have to use the towers if you don't want to, right?
Name a better method of mapping an area. Wandering around until you find Tingle to shoot down and buy shit from? You aren't forced to use the towers.
Yeah but then you don't get a map. It's too integrated to just ignore it.
Automatic mapping. Quests, challenge or money to get map...
>Map gets revealed as you walk around
>Buying maps from vendors in towns
>Each shrine reveals a portion of the map
>Find map pieces in non-hidden chests
Pick one
>No heart pieces or other collectibles means even less reason to explore
Oh so you never played the game and parrot the opinions of retards on Sup Forums? Good to know.
Please, tell me what the fuck to look for, because I've played for hours and have found nothing worth searching for
But you do get the map, it just shows the areas you've explored.
The point is you aren't told what to look for. You have to find things yourself. There are items, weapons, armor, ingredients,encounters, etc to find
No it doesn't. Have you played it?
This fucking guy.
Might as well make up imaginary items so you can play the game forever searching them, right ?
>Literally can't name anything worth exploring for
>Implying they'll make Nintendo video
This cunt is probably jacking over their day one Switch right now.
>KANG gaming
>is a nigger
I like him :)
I'm fucking sick of all these BotW threads.
If you don't like exploring you won't like the game. Simple
>If you don't like wandering around this empty world looking for nothing in particular, you won't like this game
Wow thanks for establishing some common sense, user. Truly, you are the most enlightened among us all.
Have they gone under yet? Quantum Break was a disaster.
Stop basing it off a video you watched, you fucking retard.
Shilling what exactly?
And at least he shits on everything
I played the game the second day it was available to pirate, senpai
Shrines and Korok Seeds, both of which contribute to making your character better, unlike fucking Skulltulas of the previous games.
Unless you're saying you like shooting pigeons or collecting scraps of paper in the GTA games?
That sounds so terrible that it's making me sad.
I don't like wandering around an empty world searching for nothing like an autist, i don't know about you, but i sure as hell don't.
His own channel so he can get those sweet youtube bux