Sup Forums has gone full nintendogaf again

>Sup Forums has gone full nintendogaf again

How long untill it's over?

Or are we back at the times when people were getting banned for criticising nintendo?

Other urls found in this thread:


Go away Aquaposter


When Nintendo farts this place goes full nintendogaf. The ride never ends

Don't shitpost with Aqua

The truth is shitposting user?

It was around Smash 4 release if I recall correctly, anyone who spoke against nintendo got warned at the least but usually banned, while 3/4ths of the catalog were smash threads.

>tfw got a Switch and BotW
>Decide to play it, it's a very solid game but it isn't a masterpiece
>One mention of any flaws immediately makes me a cuck, sonybro, Redditor and shitposter

2-4 weeks until everyone beat zelda

>when people were getting banned for criticising nintendo?
That time was never over.

Almost as bad as damegami posting.

But the majority of posts that I'm seeing on BOTW go like this: >10 fps
>2 enemies
>All dungeons are 2 minutes and the exact same

etc etc

I'm not even saying that they're right or wrong (I wouldn't know). Just that from my perspective, you're wrong. If anything it's just like normal neogaf.

Heres what i've seen so far.

>look at all these great reviews theres no way all of them could be wrong or payed
>gamer what? Gate? Never going to reply to that
>ha you just gave actual criticism of the game?? You are just a sonybro!

I really can't tell if its just a bunch of paid shills or people who actually hate nintendo and never played it but i will never figure that out because the nintendo shil/spamming is so distict and goes exactly the same way in wach thread that it's impossible not to notice.

Nintendo a best, except they give you a console to play shitty hand games with your friends.

Nintendofans just went an entire console generation (and a half) without having a single good game to play.

Just let them have this for a while user.

>legitimate criticism about shortcomings or techincal failures of the game are neogaf

Hello nintenbro.

This. T never played nintendont

Make another thread, sonybro. I see the front page isn't completely filled yet with complaints about

>HZD getting overshadowed
>Unearned review scores
>Switch complaints
>Talking about "nintenbros overtaking the board"

Go on, you still have more work to do.

>webm related is the character sonybros choose to represent themselves with
really mulls you over

Monster Hunter

>people got banned so frequently for calling everyone a sonybro that they actually put a word filter on it

I love it. Makes it pretty obvious to see that the shitposter are usually not sony people but rather the other way around.

I think it more than likely has to do with the fact that it's based on a racist term whereas the others aren't. I wonder if PCfag, Nintendofag, and Sonyfag are blocked

HZD looks like hot trash desu.
I don't care about reviews.
Most complaints seem to be based on truth.
And yes, it actually happened once, people were legitimately getting banned for the slightest criticism of nintendo or calling out the mess.

I identify as a PCfat, not a sonnyger, learn my pronouns you shitlord!

I bet Nintoddlers and Microshills aren't blocked either.

>there are 19 episodes and an OVA out and the ONLY episode she where she doesn't cry or panic about something is the one where she's absent for 90% of it
Sounds like sonyfriends alright

>almost every thread is about how much the Switch sucks

Someone should put anyone who participates in console war bullshit in a room so you can all kill each other and everyone on here who isn't a massive autist can actually discuss video games

Xbot and Nintendrone was blocked for a little while.

I want to bully Aqua.

I love my PS4

Only white bois like Nintendo.

>everyone on here who isn't a massive autist can actually discuss video games

But user, that would make Sup Forums the slowestt board on this site.

People have been banned for criticizing Nintendo? That's never happened to me and I've been banned multiple times for criticizing Sony and once or twice for criticizing consoles in general.

Mods got so defensive over Switch they switched (no pun intended) nintёndrones to nintenbros
Try it

And she also fakes it for attention

I think it was around when smash 4 released.
Sup Forums was literally, non-ironically nintendogaf for a good month.

>no horizon

you're fine

Aqua is a goddess.
She wants people to pay attention to her


I'm not really into open world games much anymore

GTA5 and Sleeping dogs were great single player wise though but other than that I'm done.

>her followers have to scam people and insult the other gods to get people to join
It's just too perfect


the same thing happens if your type sony*gger
Calm your tits, it's just mods having a bit of a laugh.


So aqua is Sony for tantrums and shitposting
Darkness is Microsoft because masochism
Megamuin Is Nintendo for being underage and stupidly loyal to one thing
So that makes PC based Kazuma

>try it

OP is just butthurt he got banned for shitposting, happens everytime during big nintendo releases while they claim they can't """"""criticize""""""

sonΥgger becomes sonybro
ninτεndrone becomes nintebro
pccυck becomes pcbro


same as it ever was

Stat-wise Megumin the best of the best among arch wizards, she just limits herself to one spell so she's shit

The overall quality of posts on Sup Forums just improved by several orders of magnitude.

I fear it will have the opposite effect once more people get wind of it.

Also, it's easy to get around.

>sonΥgger becomes sonybro
It should be sonybrony desu senpai.


what's the point

>Nintendo does [big thing]
>every corner of the internet goes paintchip eating retarded


Aqua is exactly like all 3DPD women
- useless
- thinks she's smart, but is dumb as a bag of hammers
- not helpful to anything but needs to be taken care of all the time
- cause of most problems
- has high expectations and complains constantly
- tries to be in charge and cries when it doesn't work
- wastes others' money

Because the internet is filled with manchildren and alot of these manchildren really love nintendo.

>really love nintendo
It's not just the people who love nintendo going paintchip eating retarded. It also includes posts like OP

Stop bullying Aqua, she is trying her best.

So that would make Megumin Nintendo because she only has one powerful trick?

She behaves more like a real person than a rigid archetype, I find her pretty appealing

>Powerful Trick

Choose one.


I dunno, I've never wanted to bend a Nintendo over the table and pound it

two more weeks at least, then it will go full bioware shilling mode

Stop bullying this cute girl!

t. Axis Cultist

wtf i love garbage fotm moetrash now

Konosuba is absolute trash, why did they make a second one?

>will never take advantage of Aqua and her stupidity to fuck her
>will never get to punish and degrade Darkness during sex
>will never treat Megumin like an adult just like she wants

It prints money.

So does Aqua wear underwear or what?

Because it's fun trash full of loveable idiots

>>One mention of any flaws immediately makes me a cuck, sonybro, Redditor and shitposter

It's not what you say, it's how you say it. What are your criticisms?

>have to
They are just having fun. Half of the shit they do is irrelevant to Aqua's teachings other than "Enjoy yourselves", but she finds it entertaining, and encourages it because it still adds followers.

The Axis cult are so crazy that the demon king's army tends to avoid going anywhere near them. The only other society that exists that carries that pedigree is the village where Megumin came from.

t. LN reader.

We don't know.

>imfuckingplying there isn't exponentially more people shitting on Nintendo than praising it on Sup Forums right now

What kind of fucked up reality are you in? Sup Forums is "its not ok when Nintendo does it" :the board.


Because it's fun trash on a budget of three crates of Maruchan and a 50% off coupon for their local seedy bar.

>How long untill it's over?
whenever Persona 5 is out

well yeah she might behave like a real cunt would, but that doesnt make her more likeable

>She behaves more like a real person than a rigid archetype, I find her pretty appealing

This. The other main girls are fairly normal except they each have a specific glaring fault. Aqua's personality is what defines her character and that's what makes her so versatile and fun to watch. With the other characters, you have to tailor situations and the environment to make their faults apparent, Meanwhile, you could throw Aqua and Kazuma into any situation and their chemistry would carry the scene till the credits.

Kono Suba has a really good cast, but I'd wager Kaz and Aqua's dynamics are damned good, industry wise.

Shame you can't say this about the other girls in the series.

Funny I was thinking the same thing but didn't actually post it

is there a place to find the LN in english? Sup Forums always makes fun of me when i laugh



Sup Forums likes to play hipster so they'll suck Nintendo's cock dry.

This is what's been happening for years son. They pushed the Sonybro boogeyman and it actually worked. Everybody knows Nintenbros are inarguably snakes who like to play victim and are in fact the worst fanbase, but nobody wants to admit it because we get false-flag Sonybro threads daily.

>user plays the victim while accusing the other side of playing the victom

Bayonetta 2
Wonderful 101
Pikmin 3
Smash 4
Mario Kart

I don't know how you're supposed to find it without spoonfeeding desu

>trying to use my words against me
Nah son. This is just the simple truth. You can go on and on and make it seem like it's another case of playing the victim, but that won't change the truth.

wow thanks user

I'm not picking sides, I'm pointing out what I'm seeing. Both sides play the victim, but they only notice when the other side does it.

Better than what we have now.

>reading fanfics

It's the best we have

real question I have always bought the nintendo consoles since the ngc which was my first one, but I could never imagine having only a nintendo console.
So for those who have a switch/wii u is that the only console you have or do you have a ps4/xbone/pc to go with it?

literally every thread

I don't enjoy seeing 20 threads on any one subject, nintendo or otherwise.

I don't know how people can post in consolewar threads day in day out and not be bored to tears.

I also got both the Switch and Zelda, an both have fair criticisms. Zelda has obvious frame rate issues as well as a cumbersome inventory system. Also, I don't know how I feel about the weapon durability system as well, one the one hand it adds a level of difficulty and urgency, on the other both aspects may be unneeded.