ITT: We post the worst girl from her respective game.
I'll start with an easy one.
ITT: We post the worst girl from her respective game.
I'll start with an easy one.
Yukari is the worst.
I thought you said you would start OP
This triggers the Skullgirlfags
Personafags are insufferable, whether they're arguing about best girl or worst girl
Larry is bad we can all agree on that, but Marie is is even worse. It's almost impossible to describe how terrible the awfulness of Marie just truly is
He prolly didn't play Golden. Who would buy Vita, anyway.
Yukiko wasn't as bad as Chie or Marie.
Man a solid chunk of the P4 cast was genuinely fucking awful.
Kill yourself my man
she had godtier design tho and that's the only thing that matters
Marie is at least hot. Larry has nothing going for her whatsoever.
>best girl pic related hasn't gotten a single mention yet
Good thread. Where my Naotobros at?
why is Yukiko called Larry again?
Yuna is the definition of plain and cannot understand why people like her so much. Worst FF girl by far, including Lightning
Worst p4 girl was the theater club girl, prove me wrong
>why is Yukiko called Larry again?
P4 manga rewrites.
They're too busy setting up the hidden cameras that Naoto forgot about to catch the kidnapper in the act when he comes for her
Igor is an imposter
Goro is the traitor
Just kidding, she's the best. Worst is that retarded leftover bitch pig Manpukumaru.
What a shallow thing to say.
worst gil.
All of the p4 girls are equally as shit.
Reminder that Naoto is the reason the bad ending exists since she's the one that suggested they should kill Namatame.
Aigis is shitty but not actively bad.
Yukari is constantly bad.
fucking nigger
We're talking about P4 characters, user.
Music club girl is worse.
Noone even remembers her being in the game.
Not really, I always go for Ayane when choosing clubs.
Self esteem problems are better than muh daddy issues.
I remember her, because she really fucking annoyed me