well Sup Forums?
Well Sup Forums?
>caring what other people think
sounds like you still need to grow up my dude.
why do they want to ask people what men should do like they have any stake in what we're going to do?
man or woman, society has a direction for you and if you don't follow it people write articles about you.
Should a grown ass man be blogging for a living?
adults care about what other people think
>Handheld games are childish
>Sending memes on your phone is mature
God quintin is such a fag.
>this is the writer of the article
no, im not shitposting, google the article
But you should pretend that you don't.
I'd rather bring a sketch book and draw.
>this is what 16 year olds think
>dude white people lmao
Thats what children and man children do.
i'm pretty sure GQ is a satire mag. last time i picked one up there was a really deadpan, serious article about how to roll up your shirt sleeves properly to be fashionable and not scruffy. it was absolutely hysterical stuff.
If the fear of being judged by other people keeps you from doing what you enjoy, you don't have the right to call yourself a "grown-ass man".
hahaha yeah right im an adult because i play video games on a non mobile gaming platform r-right guise
Try to be different user.
Fight the system.
If the article was ''Shouls a Grown-Ass Man Become Transsexual?'' the internet would be on fire
You should do what you want. You should also not be annoying about it.
It's simple stuff. I do a ton of nerdy shit, I just don't broadcast it to everyone.
Quentin now writes for GQ?
I'm attractive, so nobody bats an eye.
You are literally on one level with fedora wearers with your lack of social awareness.
>Geek Quarterly asks if adult men should stop looking like fruity bastards in public
We need to go deeper.
>this is what obese neckbeard manchildren think
>I like playing games.
>Uh, no
Writing an article is becoming the equivalent of an ms paint comic in pic related. They are so irrelevant its funny.
>Caring about GQ
This is the same company that hired Keith Olbermann after he was fired from pretty much every news network and ESPN.
best post. you "im mature for my ageXD" 20 year old anxiety attack faggots will kill yourselves when you hit the 30s and now you supposed to be serious and see all the young adults around you not giving a fuck
LITERALLY a 22 year old grown ass man playing videogames in public.
Transsexualism is socially accepted, BING BING WAHOO is not.
A grown ass man does whatever the fuck he wants because he's a grown ass man.
Nice toehoes my man!
>should a grown-ass man play phone games
>should a grown-ass spend all day watching TV
>should a grown-ass man...
>should a grown-ass man...
We're all gonna end the same way might as well have fun before it happens
Faggots wear fedoras because they think it makes them look 'cool' or 'unique' to people around them. Being an adult means you stop caring about the opinions of people you're never going to see again.
Basically Sup Forums, this is how real life conversations go:
'What's that?'
'[Insert game console]'
'What game are you playing?'
'[Insert name of game]'
'Oh, ok cool.'
People in general don't really care what other people do, unless it directly affects them.
Top babbies ITT
Only niggers and their wannabe trash say "ass" as an adjective. Why even pay attention to this article?
hey is that the guy from the shitty Alien prequel
What does he have to do with video games
>tfw the only reason you work so hard at the gym is because you want to be hotter than the people who might judge you
It feels nice on its own being fit/healthy, don't get me wrong, but I am going to admit I started because I got embarrassed of being a stereotype.
i miss quintine where is he bet he's working for nasa or cia doing some kool shit bet he's a millinare by now no a billionare bet all the naggers that use to beat him up and fuck his girl are crying now lol
>reading magazines that are for "le successful playboy men that fuck a lot of women and are like, really manly"
top kek
>Should a Grown-Ass Man Play Handheld Games.
Not outside, no. Handhelds came into being as something for children to play in the car on long road-trips with their parents.
But if you are a Japanese businessman commuting to work on an uncrowded train knock yourself out.
I like how Quintins anti pot comics made the mods ass mad for a year and they used to ban on sight any Quintin comic
The hero Sup Forums needs
In case anyone doesn't want to read it. The article is of zero value, it just says don't play handheld games because some people might not like it.
>Transsexualism is socially accepted
op you dun goofd
desu being a "professional" blogger is even more embarassing than playing switch could ever be. At least thats just a hobby. I always wonder if such people tell their grandparents they work for real newspapers
Being adult means you have an understanding of what is and what is not considered socially acceptable and don't excuse your fedora wearing by talking about how mature you are for not caring about what people think about the 40s hat on your head.
>i dont give a fuck about what others think
>stats being uncomfortable out innthe real world
>spewing memes and buzzwords
we get it, youre a young adult. youre insecure
i will help a bit: every single fucking young adult is insecure to some point. literally everyone. difference is, if you isolate yourself from society and spend your day on a mongolian anime imageboard, you will become even more insecure than the average. you will get over it, just stop shitting up the board until.
>Transsexualism is socially accepted
t. californian
didn't quentin literally die or something
It is now actually illegal to misgender someone
What the fuck does it mater if you're playing a handheld game, a console/PC game, or a phone game? Anyone who thinks of them as "Grown-Ass Men" are probably wage slaves that spend the weekend drinking with friends at a bar and watching Football or something who don't have the time to play video games.
Only in Cuckmerica.
This is subjective.
If I'm in public, I'm there for a reason. I'm not sitting there doing jack shit and wasting my time - there is a task at hand. There is a relationship I'm working on, something specifically happening at this location, etc. If I wanted to play vidya I'd just go home.
>what if you are sitting on a train or public transportation or waiting
I drive myself and honestly any wait period playing vidya sounds awful because then you might have to stop mid-way through something important or exciting.
Idk why public vidya is even a thing lmoa
>Embarassed of being a stereotype
Huh. Thats a good way to put it user. I should start hitting the gym...
didn't you here quintins comics were so bad some guy back tracked him got his trip code made bomb threats and other shit and got him in a lot of trouble
quintin was just a skinny nerd so god know what the f would have happened to him had he ended up in jail his ass hole would probably be like a lose something
I've read and applied this advice before. It's not satire.
no it isn't
Plus, it's a slippery slope
>should a grown man spend money on himself
>should a grown man delay marriage
>should a grown man care that the child has other man's genes
there needs to be a switch version
>Anyone who thinks of them as "Grown-Ass Men" are probably wage slaves that spend the weekend drinking with friends at a bar and watching Football or something who don't have the time to play video games.
This is the kind of person defending playing his Nintendos as an adult in public.
In Canada it is
What's hysterical about fashion advice?
>Ass-man this, ass-man that
no love for the grown-leg men, huh.
that's fine internet. more for me
only in Canada perhaps
You're just as much of a stereotype regardless of appearance by using feels.
>why aren't they playing football like the cool jocks whom dicks I love to suck so much.
I hate Staceys.
GQ genuinely only exists to try and sell you an overpriced middle class pretending to be upper class lifestyle. It's one of the most shameless magazines where the articles are indistinguushable from the advertisements. I respect the opinions of Polygon articles more than GQ articles.
It exists
Someone must have it
Pictures are a post-scarcity good, you gain nothing.
As long as you have a job, make money and pay taxes then you can do whatever the hell you want with your time.
If your an adult and care what others think about you, Its your own damn fault you stupid wannabs
>how could I possibly upload a picture of myself so I can get some positive social reinforcement without seeming desperate for attention
>look around to see something mildly interesting
note that they are not being obnoxious in any way, just friends having a good time
>found my excuse for a picture, better make sure I can cram at least half of my face in the frame and make a cute facial expression
>yay jamayrone liked my picture
I thank god every day I'm not a woman
If you need reassurance from others that you're a mature adult then that's a problem.
anyone who uses the term "grown-ass man" for an article headline is in fact not a "grown-ass man" either so...
My degree of not caring how I look to other people is so extreme that I wear a fanny pack whenever I go out (not to school, though)
fedora wearers are also trying to be cool but they have no awareness so they fail. actual cool people truly dont care what others think at least for thte most part
Try to keep your katanas sheathed.
>all of these sad normie cunts that won't play vidya outside
Enjoy being boring cunts sitting and browsing normiebook. Literally worse than some fat neckbeard playing on his 3ds.
FPBP as usual.
Pics or it didn't happen
The manchild one reminds me of a customer I had when I was working at taco bell, replace the shirt with a pink pony and its spot on.
At least I get my dick sucked, you fucking manchild
You can do it. Take baby steps so you don't burn yourself out before you even get going and understand that, while it takes time, walking the path to your destination WILL get you there.
lol yeah probably
No, women in their teens genuinely look down on boys who seem like they aren't on their way to being or becoming men. It's why they generally prefer old guys too.
Women want men, not boys.
>get a job
>dont care about what other people think
>get fired for treating customers like shit
>"I dont care about what my clients or boss thinks!"
>get a gf
>dont care about what other people think
>s(he) leaves you because you play with your switch all day
>"I dont care about what s(he) thinks of me! WA-HOO"
This. Only manchildren go with the 'I'm an adult so I don't care what other people think' meme. Anyone who spends more than an hour outside their moms basement each day (Sup Forums need not apply) knows appearances are everything in the real world, especially in regards to social mobility and in the workplace (unless you work some shitty retail job).
There some norms to what constitutes being adult and if you think you can just be whatever manchild you want to be but also an adult just by "not caring what others think" you have some growing up to do.
i will help a bit, because it seems like most people on this board did not realise.
being a weirdo, an interesting person is cool. and being confident is a key. if they see you as a honest person who isnt hiding his hobbies and insecure about everything, they will open up quicker and this makes socialising a lot more easier. im talking about general, not about a gaming console. if people see that you arent hiding yourself, they will feel more confortable around you. thats why the redpill hits the spergometer, a bunch of dweebs who are hiding their boring personality try to learn how to get laid from a text-book. i never hide the fact i watch anime or play vidya, and i can pretty easily pick up girls from tinder. good luck anons
Actually cool people are also attractive, so that rules out pretty much everyone here.
>lol I am so interesting, I spend all my time on #snapchat and #instagram and #facebook and #twitter it's much more productive literally spending all my time caring about what other people are doing haha
The human race needs to be erased. We were a mistake.
pics of what?
I can snap a pic of my fanny pack if you want (it's a disney world one).
I wish it was socially acceptable for man purses, I bring a bag to work everyday and its so nice not having to stuff every thing in pockets.
People are judgemental of what others do. If you see someone wearing an ugly outfit or doing something autistic, you would judge them for it. Same goes for video games. There's nothing wrong with playing it, but expect others to judge you. Personally, I would never do it, but that's because I don't play games very often.