>hey there gamers
>rockcock64 here
Hey there gamers
Other urls found in this thread:
rip 1999-2016
fez video is goat
Night in the Woods review when
>its okay we do becuz its ironical :)
I'm sorry you aren't very good at making people laugh but there's no reason to shitpost here about it.
Wish they just stuck to shitpost reviews instead of reviews where they ironically complain like crybabies.
Oh no
>TBG haven't made a video since E3
play it loud
bogrock69 has his own channel. He posts videos more frequently there.
It's sad that some people need to watch a video like this to realize how shit indie games are. Not saying you're one of these people, just commenting on the whole affair.
I remember reading that DingDong didn't like this video because Rockcock took a lot of things out of context and it just comes off as pointless whining
Did darkgamer6669 ever get over that NBA Jam match? I mean he won, but rockcok called him the nigger word.
doctor connors' class
Ding Dong's the only person from the group with a sense of humor. Look at any Best Gamer's without him, it's a cringefest.
His editing really saves their videos, I can't stand Rockcock's videos (beyond the Dr. Connor's Class Cronicles) but he's a whiny cunt by himself.
the dream
I think anyone who's a true gamer can relate
You all know how it starts
play it loud gamers
>Loud House was a gigantic disaster
Yeah, spelunky, factorio and cave story are dog shit
Isn't rockcock64 a gook?
shoulda stuck to the formula
I unironically liked it
the graphics are a flash game
this is a top-down toucher
the point of the game is bejeweled
this is a ripoff of world of minecraft
this game doesnt have very many graphics
DingDong was part of TBG?
He was their editor, though he was Cousinskeeter then
their saints row review but instead it was GunZ was pretty funny.
now everytime on twitter he says some dumb shit and i think people got tired of it to the point they stopped mass liking his tweets
Wasn't their editor some furfag with a diaper fetish?
I miss the streams.
Ive watched most if not all of their videos ~4 years ago and have never heaed of ding dong until all these threads startes popping up recently.
Just the editor? Or is this all some shill shit, which im expecting it is
I remember the exact moment I unsubscribed from this guy
It was a video where he said something akin to "if you don't give a fuck about gamurgate then unsubscribe from me"
so I did
what a loser
You're thinking of Shmorky, and no.
He was the editor and hosted most of the streams. Went by CousinSkeeter.
it's so weird to me that people know ding dong from anything but tbg
That was just satire! Haha! Now we got that settled, dont forget to resub and consider donating to my patreon :D
Well he's been a big part of OneyPlays as of recently
I have liked him on Oneyplays but I wish he would do some more stuff with TBG.
ding dong wrote the fucking review, rockcock just performed it
Who's left of TBG though? I thought the group disbanded a while ago and everyone went to do their own things.
His loudhouse.vg reviews where he dropped the charade and actually reviewed shit were some of the best reviews I've ever seen. Why did it have to end?
Dingdong, Krissy, Rockcock and Karnivore. Darkgamer and Gamzerguy hate Dingdong
I don't think they disbanded, everyone has just been busy.
They really are.
will there be another bubbafest gamers?
I hope so...