Hey, at least they can't be as bad as ME2 cast!
Hey, at least they can't be as bad as ME2 cast!
They better fucking let me get dicked by Drack
ME2 had the best cast though. Mordin alone is the best character in the franchise.
ME2 had the best cast of the series......and by a large margin.
Of course not
>lets go an explore an entirely new galaxy
>make the main cast feature the same races from the previous series.
ME2 had the best cast of the franchise.
Are you stupid?
Mordin alone makes ME2s cast the best by a long shot.
>Lol we don't even have a proper base of operation
>I know, let's invite this strange species we know nothing about into our ships! Nothing can go wrong
Samara was better than Liara in every way.
I'll give you that. But she was basically just super edgy Samara.
Typical human in the series. They were all fucking forgettable.
Also wasn't a bad character.
Nothing wrong with Samara and Thane. Morinth was lazily done and Jacob is very much gutter trash though, so I agree with you there.
>mfw convincing Mordin the Krogan were beyond saving so he lived out the rest of his life (2-3 years) collecting seashells
Jaal is so fucking stupid looking jesus christ where are the cool aliens
Then why not throw some Hanar, Elcor, or Volus into the mix?
Fuck, I'd even take a Batarian if it meant not having ANOTHER game with Turian, Asari, and Krogan party members.
Legion was probably my favourite companion in the series (and the only reason that's in doubt is because he came so late), so I'd be very pleased if the companions this time were anywhere near that. Not that I expect them to-none seem too interesting so far.
In the original drafts of ME2 the geth were supposed to rebuild Shepard, not Cerberus. Legion was supposed to be available from the beginning and even has dialogue for recruiting all the party members, Mordin included
This is why I love Sup Forums
I've heard, and have actually considered using the mod that lets you access him earlier so that I can get a full Legion playthrough. Kind of a shame that they didn't have the geth do the rebuild in hindsight, since ME3 so squandered the Cerberus buildup.
>Rogue Academic
I'm just hoping that it turns out her 'rogue academic' title turns out to be because she has some incredibly idiotic 'rebel' opinion, like believing synthetics bio-engineered the first organics.
Of course, knowing Bioware, there'd probably a near endgame twist implying she was right.
Yeah, it's pretty shitty. That would have been so much better than what we got
It's a shame they literally killed Shepard off and rebuilt him in 2 just so you have an excuse to access the character creator but in 3 they just threw it in there with no explanation
Wow, this is disappointing, I was even planning on buying the fucking game, not anymore.
I hope they add some more cast members.
c..can I just go do missions solo
I don't need their help
ME2 was the absolute best cast if you forget Miranda and Jacob exist
Agreed-I'm not surprised that they went with the special-snowflake 'Pathfinder' powers for the main character for exactly this reason, since it leaves them totally free to allow character rebuilds in potential sequels without straining credulity or forcing more rebuilds.
Vanguard > every other class
I know right XD way better than r/gaming!
You'll eat that Pee Bee and J sandwich and you'll like it, you bigot FUCK
It looks like I'm going to be using Vetra and Drack all day.
I really enjoyed Sentinel since I'm a massive fan of hybrid characters. Vanguard is a close second for me, though.
you mean ME3
ME2 had a lotta shit companions but it had Legion, Mordin, Thane, Zaeed...
I still hate what it did to the series but the companion roster is on point
>peepee the rogue academic
is this a joke?
They will, but only included in paid dlc like with ME2.
Bioware is cancer.
she's intelligent, nihilistic and with a wicked sense of humor
Depends which game. Overall I like infiltrator the best, probably.
Mass Effect 2 had the best cast...
So, do people think that Cora is going to end up being related to the Illusive Man, given the surnames? I feel like it's probable, but am unsure how it would be relevant unless she's either sleeper Cerberus or they just shoehorn in hints without them going anywhere.
>paid dlc
Brb gonna neck myself.
I loved playing ME3 on Insanity running around headshoting people with the N7 shotgun
Because they were left behind.
Women can subverts systems too, you know.
It's their time.
Peebee? Where's Jay?
I saved him too. What do you mean, 2-3 years? Do Salarians have a low lifespan?
me2 had the best cast thought and 3 had the worst, what are you talking about?
Very short, IIRC it's about 40 years on average.
ME2 had the best cast in the series though. There are a shitload of flaws with ME2, but the ensemble cast wasn't one of them.
I like how you include Morinth, even though she's basically just an easter egg replacement for samara if you're a big enough dick.
The only truly bad character among the ME2 crew is Jacob.
Help me Sup Forums, I want to go back to ME1/DA:O era Bioware
it hurts seeing how this and Inquisition have turned out
but dat big choco dick my dude
>complains about thane
Yeah, it's about 40 years and Mordin was already pushing that around the time of ME3
but the priiiiiize
If they don't let Drack fuck us unconscious then I'm not buying this shitty game.
I'm amused about the cheating thing in ME3. I almost wish Jacob hadn't been the least popular character, just so the shitstorm around that would have been more intense.
While the cast is terrible, the worst part is gotta be the manlet MC and the Xenomorphic Female MC
Cheating thing?
>sharing a name with a nigger
Why live?
SO ____
If you romance Jacob he cheats on you with another woman and gets her pregnant
Between ME2 and ME3, Jacob hooks up with some scientist chick...even if you were in a relationship with him during ME2.
>Couldn't use a SINGLE FUCKING CHARACTER from ME2 in ME3
>Bad characters
So this is what shit taste looks like.
Um, that guy actually looks kinda badass so what you just said doesn't make sense.
Korra is technically an Eskimo, not a nigger.
I hope Peebee dies an awful death
That's a joke right?
Garrus and Tali :^)
so good.
Oh, okay. I always ignored jacob, and only did his loyalty mission for the XP.
oh boy, the uppity tolken black character. I can't wait for his passive aggression!
My name is Liam.
I dont know if i should be sad or happy
The only fuckable one this time around seems to be the Krogan
No krogan squadmate was also bullshit desu.
The only thing about this game I'm remotely interested in is whether or not I can fuck the turian.
>implying Vetra isn't fuckable
kill yourself.
i'm not old dudes
Wearing hype glasses to make yourself appear younger is retarted
>Only six squadmates.
Feels so scaled back from the previous ones.
So...how can you become a rogue academic?
insist on there being only two genders and you're born as one
Didn't ME1 also have around that many?
Cora is for you.
Enjoy your Chakwas bootleg lmao.
Womens' studies major
2 was really the only game with a huge squad.
1 and 3 were around the same size.
>short hair
b-but that's a redflag for me
also I'm sure she is super-independent and shit.
Oh, i'm retarded, disregard my posts
>drifter mercenary
>rogue academic
I will go out of my way to romance Drack. I want to be his fuckslut.
I wish Cora looked this good from every angle instead of just this one. Then they'd at least have one good looking character on the roster. And that goes for the guys too.
I don't care about what message the devs want to send, as soon as they try to send it by making the characters unattractive, they've gone too far.
Pretty sure the DickRyder can romance Cora, Vetra, PeeBee and Jaal(?)
Plus there's some non-party member romances and the token gay STEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEE you ok? one
I don't trust a brotha that's got a white man's name. Nigga tryna be what he ain't
How do these character models look so much worse than previous games?
I wonder how wacky and quirky all of the squadmates will be.