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Ahahahaha get fucked switchshits
Switch is a portable console. Your not supposed to play game home
WII U plays in 720p.
unlikes 90% of Sup Forums I actually own the game and the Wii U lags just as much
shitty Nintendo hardware is beyond generations
Are you SERIOUSLY defending this shit?
>wii u can easily play 1080p
>nintendo limits it to 720p to push switch sales
>switch only outputs 900p, and with horrible framerate issues
Why do they insist on taking steps back? I don't understand. They didn't want to make another handheld platform like the 3ds so they just crammed their handheld and console into the same project?
>this is a next gen console
What's your point?
>switch outputs in 900p
>when 1080p was standard back in fucking 2006, literally over 10 years ago
When this thing first was announced I said it was portable in one post and you all niggers jumped on my neck calling it home console.
I want to choke you to death you fucking imbeciles.
not even 1080p and still cant hit 30fps
fucking kek
So can the switch when is not docked and it will get a better performance on that mode than the wiiu
What is stupid is the resolution bump you get when docked and how you cannot disable it since its the reason from the slow downs.
Ocarina of Time was like 20 fps and nobody complained.
This is literally not an issue. Framerate only matters for FPS racing and fighting games.
bing bong bing boing!
*switch orangescreens*
what? no! i cannot believe that this is happening! i thought the nintendo switch had good games and good graphi-
oh shit Crysis and Hunter: The Wild i am sorry.
*plane begins to turn and the switch goes flying out of the plane*
*nintenbro goes flying out of the plane*
zzz.... we wuz.... bloodborne... sony... alway wins... baby... zzz...
>What is stupid is the resolution bump you get when docked
>defending a 720p console in 2017
Is there no end to the cuckoldry of drones?
>Ocarina of Time was like 20 fps and nobody complained.
That was in 1998.
Technology has moved on since then, lad.
But that was in 1998
switch cucks btfo
I really don't understand the resolution bump because it doesn't look like the dock is doing anything besides providing power and display switching. So you're upping clockspeed (I think) while putting the device in a tiny enclosed plastic space with terrible ventilation and no extra cooling.
What the fuck did they think was going to happen?
>G-guys a 20 year old game ran at 20fps so it's ok in 2017
There's a fan inside the Switch. They can ramp that up in docked mode
The drop in GPU clockspeed in portable mode is simply to allow for a 3 hour battery life, otherwise the Switch would be dead after 1 hour of play.
It truly is a gimped home console. Pathetic that people are defending this
But why? They could also do the same thing if you were plugged in because the dock baiscally doesn't do anything else. It's not like being enclosed in a tiny plastic shell helps with noise or circulation.
In the patents it is mentioned fan noise is a concern so they limit it so that fan rpm in handheld mode cannot exceed the rpm in docked mode.
reminder that "nin/toddlers" is filtered as nintenbros
WOW so let me get this straight.
The Switch
>costs MORE than a PS4/Xbone
>has fewer games
>has no game bundled
>has shittier hardware
>has malfunctioning controllers
>has a PLASTIC screen in 2017
>gets scratched just from sliding it in and out of the dock
>performs worse than the Wii U
>has paid online
>uses online FRIEND CODES in 2017
>has no online messaging functionality without a smartphone app
>has no multimedia capabilities
>has very little 3rd party support
>has 1 good game that runs like ass
Just WHO the fuck is buying this garbage?
Having the standards of a poor child is no excuse
That was pretty autistic
Only in small case. A bunch of other words are too like Sonybro, in lower case.
just testing pls ignore
Fuck it changed. It wasn't a while ago
Thanks Nintendo for helping me appreciate my pc even more, man its been a great day
>they cant even get it right
Wow Hiro is a sexist
But you're still going to hear it because you have to be like five meters away from the console for the Joycons to not desync.
All of this could've been solved by putting a big low RPM fan in the dock.
I just want to know if the wii u version is fine
If I can't get memeless unbiased opinions on Sup Forums where the fuck do I look
thanks for your $400!
better luck next time!
It's fine except for some dire framerate drops in some places like towns.
>costs $100 more than ps4
>performs worse than a ps4
explain this.
The fan still runs in handheld mode.
Wii U has framerate problems just like the switch and in some areas worse like villages. Shit is literally in the 'teens in those.
murder a sonigger
Is that all? I had a toaster for a pretty long time so stuff like that doesn't really bother me, thanks anons
it has "zelda" in the title and the 30 year old manchildren who long for their childhood don't care
Wii switch? More like Wii bitch
Learn to play on a PC fukin plebs
You are fucking retarded. 1080p 900p 720p is something developers decided on and then work around to achive. The machines have nothing to do with it. Smash is 1080p on wii u but why do you think the rest of the first party games arent?
The Wii U can do 1080p but framer ates would be worse than on the Switch if it wasn't running Zelda in 720. The Switch runs it in 720 in handheld mode and it's fine. Bumping it to 900 alone causes issues
Wii U version has slightly different graphical settings (not sure what specifically but side by side comparisons are obviously different)
This does basically nothing, some parts run better on the Wii U while others run better on the Switch. Both have serious fps drops in more intensive areas like the dense forests and villages. The grass seems to take heavy resources on both.
hey man FUCK YOU! zelda is getting 10/10 scores everywhere. THATS A FUCKING PERECT SCORE IF YOURE TOO DENSE TO KNOW THAT!
this is true. Autists will think that them getting hit by an attack is because the framerates suck and not because they suck. so the game will be ruined for them because of their own stupidity.
>>wii u can easily play 1080p
no it cant what the hell you ae smoking.
Nintendo has so constantly throughout its history hindered its own computing power that I figure there must be some logical reason for them explicitly going out of their way to do this
Do they think graphics not being a showpiece means they're more obligated to make interesting games?
Are they trying to tell us something?
I'm not going to defend the frame drops, but dropping down to 20 here and there is no excuse for anyone to shout from the hilltops that the game is "unplayable trash".
>performs worse than Wii U
What we got? We got legend of zelda where you walk around with a lil bitch, with a lil bitchass sword a lil shield and he just goes HEH HAH HEH shiit who wants to play dat shiet?.
docked switch has a memory leak.
I want to play this game but do not own a switch or wii u
should I buy a switch and get this game because nintendo will no longer support the wii u?
PC is shit, enjoy your indie trash faggot
So? How does that answer my question? Zelda isn't even an exclusive kek
If you don't own either then go Switch because Wii U is officially dead. Although if you want to play wii u exclusives then you're SOL because switch isn't BC.
Nintendo should have just stopped making home consoles and focus only on handhelds. Switch proves that their handhelds are better than their are better than their consoles even though that was the case back in the GameCube GBA era.
>muh 60 fps meme
Enjoy your overpriced dvd player idiot. Get a real gaming experience in 300 fps instead of 20 pixels per second
Switch can be used as handheld and console you tard.
>Zelda isn't even an exclusive kek
so is zelda playable on a ps4 or xbone then?
you cant be talking about the wii u though. because you know, thats also a nintendo system so im pretty sure that still makes zelda an exclusive game to nintendo systems.
looks like ya'll just got switch'd.
Lmao what a failure this """""console""""" has turned out to be in all aspects
I know that but they should have just ditched the console mode, their consoles been shit since the GameCube, their last good console was the N64.
you're a fucking idiot. The switch uses cartidges NOT DVDS. don't you have unoptimized console ports and 2d indie trash to play on your 3000$ pc?
You can play it in 4k for free with CEMU soon.
Sit tight and don't give Jewtendo your hard-earned cash until they release functioning, decently powered hardware for [the current year]
In 2024?
It's playable on 3 platforms.
Why would I spend money to play the worst version on a console with malfunctioning controllers?
Reminder this is what PCfats think are fun games
look at this shit game.
At least wait until there are more games. Also the build quality is shit.
>Switch version has framerate drops in segments where Wii U version does not
>Wii U version has framerate drops in segments where Switch version does not
Whatever sonyigger, I'm sure you baught this game lol.
>Switch hardware is underpowered
>It's a handheld though!
>Switch battery life is low
>It's a home console first!
Atleast the indie trash and console ports are free and better than any game u will have on that overpriced piece of shit.
Why are you deflecting to PCucks?
Just deal with the fact that Nintendo are fucking Switch owners in the ass.
because you guys get fucked in the ass by everybody.
Complete lack of optimization probably as the result of them suddenly delaying the game and dividing development with the switch version.
Any game made for the Switch will be toned down and have worse frames.
>mfw Nintendokeks still think the Switch is better than the Wii U
Atleast it runs in 300 fps and not 20 pixels per second. Still looks better than any switch game will ever be
>having autism
But, 20fps is unplayable trash. There are a lot of reasons OoT hasn't aged well, and the framerate is one of them.
The Legend of Zelda on the NES ran at 60fps. As did Link to the Past, Link's Awakening and Minish Cap. It's only the 3D Zelda games that have shit framerates. Says a lot about Nintendo that they're ready to sacrifice performance over graphics when it comes to console Zelda games.
>Switch is a portable console. Your not supposed to play game home
Is this real? LOL
>300$ Switch vs 3000$ pc to play unoptimized console ports
>calling the switch overpriced
>has a PLASTIC screen in 2017
A review said it leaves fingerprints easy but you know what the reviewer said?
>"Dont worry cos you wont use the touch screen much"
The Switch is like Schrödingers game system. It's a handheld and a home console, but we can't be sure which.
Not getting this piece of shit till a huge price drop or a revision to gorilla glass. This is so fucking cheap ass bullshit.
Nobody is forcing you to buy 3000$ pcs
Nobody is forcing you to play games on ultra settings with uber AA settings and gpu forced graphics
You can play games released in 2017 with a 300-450$ pc and you will be able to for the next ~10 years on medium settings without issues.
Consoles all run games on the lowest possible settings with no AA so why would you not be able to do the same on PC
>you guys
Who are you talking about, you moron?
Now you know that's not true, laddie.
current year