How many times am I realistically expected to fail in a game before I take it back to the store and get something else?
How many times am I realistically expected to fail in a game before I take it back to the store and get something else?
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Until you learn how to use the game mechanics properly.
The game is not even that hard, come on man.
The Alpha was way tougher.
Use low stance and quit ur cryin'
Also Kusarigama is not a weapon for noobs.
What If I just get a refund and spend the money on liquor?
Sure, do whatever you want. One less person I have to help on Umi-bozu
I know you're being a memelord but I don't understand the real people like this. There are actually people who don't find immense pleasure in overcoming obstacles and seeing how far they've come along. Honestly, if you're not being tested, what's the fucking point?
At some point people get sick of replaying the same area for the 15th time.
>help one guy out at this boss
>everything goes well, boss is down to just a little bit of health
>guy just drops into the water
Thanks for the waste of time, dude.
Protip: Umi-Bozu is weak against fire
Was there any purpose to get the teapot fragments besides the trophy?
Makes the boss fight against Lady Spider even more easy since she does not have the fragments to protect her legs with.
Would you care to share what part you're having trouble with?
imo the areas and mob enemies are easy, but the bosses are a fucking chore. I'm not patient enough for this shit. The mechanics are fun but the atmosphere in the souls games is what kept me trudging through all the shit, and NioH lacks the atmosphere so far. Still haven't beaten the game though so I'm not going to judge it too hard yet, it's just a chore so far and there's very little that's making me want to keep playing it.
Oh. No wonder she seemed like a joke. I got all of them and wrecked her big time with living weapon
>imo the areas and mob enemies are easy, but the bosses are a fucking chore
Weird, it is the complete opposite for me.
I have died way more to Tengus and Tongue Onis than any boss.
>I have died way more to Tengus and Tongue Onis than any boss.
Same here. I use Sloth only for those fucks
I've breezed through most levels so far in one try, sometimes even able to save all of my elixirs for the boss, but they always manage to wreck my shit 10-15 times before I can get their timing down.
I agree though, the tengus are a bitch but the tongue onis not so much.
It took me way too long to find a good strategy to deal with the Tongues.
Now they are pretty easy if on their own, just Single Kat Low Stance them and if they are about to attack just do the *DASHES BEHIND YOU* skill.
>doing pretty okay for most of the game
>only a couple of bosses give me trouble
>then this motherfucker shows up
As much as I love Shima, the Mothladyman gave me WAY more trouble than he did.
>fucking love the game on first playtrough
>fucking love the game on level 1 playtrough
>have no need or urge to replay it at all, even NG+ feels kind of boring
Man the enemy variety really fucking kill this games longevity
she's a joke even if you don't collect them
I hope the DLC brings in more enemies.
And not just bosses, but regular ones.
>It's hard so it's good
Ba Na Na Na
So here's the impression I get from observing Sup Forums threads since launch:
-Single Katana + Onmoyo Magic
Easy Mode and the go to for casuals and Souls Refugees
-Dual Kat + Kusari and Ninjutsu
Seen as "not legit" and usually made fun of as weeaboos.
-Spear + Anything
The Scapegoat for Onmoyo Katana User's to make them feel less like casuals
Special Snowflakes on Sup Forums who probably post "Strength vs Dex Build" Webm's alongside their posts.
Please keep this thread alive, I want to talk about this game.
Pretty much the whole game is easy and any build you say you used with be insulted by people doing damage control.
Except your buyer's remorse guys. Team Ninja nerfed the game into oblivion and it turned out to be repetitive tedium. I'm going to turn mine in to get something with more replay value.
>m-muh alpha!
I actually only played the beta, and even then it was still more difficult then the final product.
Even if I hadn't played any of the game at all, it still would have been easy.
Fuck, they made Ogress the main boss of the Last Chance trial, and she doesn't show up until well passed the half way point. The game is meant to be a Diablo-tier grind, so they made bosses easier in order to allow for smithing text grinding.
>anything but Spear + Anything being easy mode
top kek, Spear is so out of control with the range and damge.
And all you need to level with it is Body, so you also get buff as fuck.
Spear is so easy it is not funny.
The only major nerf was Weapon Durability.
Onryoki remained completely unchanged from the Alpha which you said was harder than anything in the main game and he's only the second Boss.
>Also Kusarigama is not a weapon for noobs.
I didn't say that. You mixed me up with someone else in the thread.
Also, the mechanics of the alpha were completely different from the beta and final game. Onryoki may not have been changed in damage or agression, but the game was played completely different.
No it fucking wasn't. Like I said: The biggest change was the complete cutting of Weapon Durability and not immediately receiving the Break Status when you fail to Pulse out of 0% Stamina, instead needing to be hit during 0% to be broken.
The rest was just tampering with values, most notably Stamina. It did not play completely different.
Sure it didn't. Except for the fact that freedom of movement was way more open in alpha, retard.
I don't get why people hype the Kusi, spamming the High Stance Heavy Attack seems cheesy but it's such a slow process chipping with it. Mid/Low stance burn Ki and leave you open to attack from the weird Ki pulse delay.
it's one of my favourite weapons in Videogames so I feel beholden to use it.
Spear is cheap as fuck though.
>Autoface during Lockon is somehow restricting movement
Just don't use Lockon then. There are people who didn't even know lock-on existed for an entire playthrough of their first Souls game.
>High Stance Heavy Attack
its the quick attack thats devastating, heavy is only good for quickly taking out something at a safe range
It works a little bit like Kunai. If you don't want to risk taking another hit it's the safer to just poke the last 10% hp off of a nigga.
A single full High Light Chain on the other hand can drain 90% of a big Skeleton Warrior's Stamina while Crimson Flurry hits so many times that you can inflict poison from barely any previous buld up.
Most Phantoms also don't block out of a ranged grapple into low light chain.
Give me one good reason why I should stop using the Kusarigama
Also, just finished all the side missions of the second area, how much harder is it gonna get?
>It's hard so it's bad
It's probably the worst weapon for breaking through blocks.
Do spears have shit ki damage or am I missing something?
>tfw scrolling through /wg/ and you recognize the Tokugawa clan emblem from Nioh
>Also Kusarigama is not a weapon for noobs.
Literally highest dps in game with low stance, Low stance Weakness debuff on onryoki and water buff on the very first Kursigama you get off the shore does 118 base and once water debuff hits does 148 pre swing and it hits 8 to 9 times before you have to dodge away, and that is fucking base stats almost a few in magic for the points for buffs
>get summoned for Big Bozo
>fuck this shit again goddammit lets get this over with
>he opens the door
>black screen
>by the time it loads in the host is already dead
>Co-op Defeat
I reached the Pirates Cove / Water Temple and I hate it so much. It's stressful fighting the Slimes and Pirates on the planks above the ocean. So many watery death pits, I feel so restricted with my movement its making me sick. I hate it just like those air levels in Mario.
I hated the Silver Mine at first too but it got easy real quick.
IS this a joke?
I picked the game up on a whim and in 10 hours I've only died once. You can defeat 4-5 enemies at once