What game are you currently tabbed out of, Sup Forums?

What game are you currently tabbed out of, Sup Forums?



None, I either shitpost or play games (usually shitpost)


You could reduce your post to just shitposting, we all know you don't play games

For Honor because my MMR is huge it takes me like 10 minutes to find a duel

must be because im so amazing

Marvel Puzzle Quest

suikoden 1

RE4 Pro Tier-1 Weapons Run


It's growing on me.

gimme help, my assassin has shit clearspeed, what to do


World of Warships


Warcraft 3


This, soon.

None, I'm not a woman so I can't do two things at the same time.

Just sometimes
Early 3D is beautiful

quake 2 ain't early 3D

not just sometimes, low poly models are charming in their own way.

Got back into WoT after so long I'm having fun. How is WoW.
I don't know anything about ships though

I mean relatively early. It came out 20 years ago.


About to fap

fair enough

Warhammer: Total War

fuck wood elves


SWAT 4. Just finished the bank robbery mission

Black Desert Online. Friend gave me a 7 day trial thing. It's okay.

Slower paced, bigger numbers. Apart from a few truly fragile ships making one mistake doesn't mean instant death unless RNG decides you should get detonated (ammo racked) or take every shot from a BB salvo. If I could still enjoy WoT when the only tanks I knew of when I started were the Sherman, the M1A1 Abrams and the "Panzer Tank" you can probably enjoy WoW without knowing much naval history.

Mass Effect

Hollow Knight

Torment: Tides of Numenera. About to finish the Bloom and enter the end game.

Also i have House in Fata Morgana open since i want to finish it later

Are you liking it so far?


Have all the prime frames except Banshee, just need 2 of her parts.

60fps never

>tfw finding out Druid had a cut WereCrow form

I just knew something was missing from his transformation skill trees.

I'm ashamed to say this, but yeah, I am. It's not a PS:T, and it could have been so much better, but a lot of the complaints are extremely exaggerated. It's an above average adventure game with some really good moments.

The SJW elements that people here on Sup Forums continuously complain about are almost non-existent.

I am, of course, disappointed by how much content has been cut and promises failed to deliver, but I was only a low tier backer, so I'm not quite as invested as others.

I'd reccomend buying it on sale (no more than 25 bucks) or torrenting it. And on a numerical rating scale, I'd give it 7/10. Could drop to 6/10, depending on how the final portion is.

I don't like story focused games so I wasn't planning on buying it anyways.

Ah, alright. Personally I'm all about story. The combat is easily the weakest element though.

Torrent it if you enjoyed PS:T. If you have never played PS:T, torrent it first and then decide.

Front Mission on the SNES, it is pretty good desu.

Mass Effect 3

because I'm listening to the main theme songs from the jojo series

Age of decadence.
I like it but its not a game you play hour after hour.

You literally are playing a faction that exists to serve them.


tabed out your going to miss your 47 min dps Q time agen >


Risk of Rain.
host when